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Cofactor F(420) is a unique electron carrier in a number of microorganisms including Archaea and Mycobacteria. It has been shown that F(420) has a direct and important role in archaeal energy metabolism whereas the role of F(420) in mycobacterial metabolism has only begun to be uncovered in the last few years. It has been suggested that cofactor F(420) has a role in the pathogenesis of M. tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. In the absence of a commercial source for F(420), M. smegmatis has previously been used to provide this cofactor for studies of the F(420)-dependent proteins from mycobacterial species. Three proteins have been shown to be involved in the F(420) biosynthesis in Mycobacteria and three other proteins have been demonstrated to be involved in F(420) metabolism. Here we report the over-expression of all of these proteins in M. smegmatis and testing of their importance for F(420) production. The results indicate that co-expression of the F(420) biosynthetic proteins can give rise to a much higher F(420) production level. This was achieved by designing and preparing a new T7 promoter-based co-expression shuttle vector. A combination of co-expression of the F(420) biosynthetic proteins and fine-tuning of the culture media has enabled us to achieve F(420) production levels of up to 10 times higher compared with the wild type M. smegmatis strain. The high levels of the F(420) produced in this study provide a suitable source of this cofactor for studies of F(420)-dependent proteins from other microorganisms and for possible biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
We investigated the interaction of elevated CO2 and/or (Ozone) O3 on the occurrence and severity of aspen leaf rust (Melampsora medusae Thuem. f. sp. tremuloidae) on trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.). Furthermore, we examined the role of changes in leaf surface properties induced by elevated CO2 and/or O3 in this host–pathogen interaction. Three‐ to five‐fold increases in levels of rust infection index were found in 2 consecutive years following growing‐season‐long exposures with either O3 alone or CO2 + O3 depending on aspen clone. Examination of leaf surface properties (wax appearance, wax amount, wax chemical composition, leaf surface and wettability) suggested significant effects by O3 and CO2 + O3. We conclude that elevated O3 is altering aspen leaf surfaces in such a way that it is likely predisposing the plants to increased infection by aspen leaf rust.  相似文献   
Hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor-1 (HAI-1) was initially identified as cognate inhibitor of matriptase, a membrane-bound serine protease. Paradoxically, HAI-1 is also required for matriptase activation, a process that requires sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P)-mediated translocation of the protease to cell-cell junctions in human mammary epithelial cells. In the present study, we further explored how HAI-1 regulates this protease. First, we observed that after S1P treatment HAI-1 was cotranslocated with matriptase to cell-cell junctions and that the cellular ratio of HAI-1 to matriptase was maintained during this process. However, when this ratio was changed by cell treatment with HAI-1 small interfering RNA or anti-HAI-1 MAb M19, spontaneous activation of matriptase occurred in the absence of S1P-induced translocation; S1P-induced matriptase activation was also enhanced. These results support a role for HAI-1 in protection of cell from uncontrolled matriptase activation. We next expressed matriptase, either alone or with HAI-1 in breast cancer cells that do not endogenously express either protein. A defect in matriptase trafficking to the cell surface occurred if wild-type matriptase was expressed in the absence of HAI-1; this defect appeared to result from matriptase toxicity to cells. Coexpression with matriptase of wild-type HAI-1, but not HAI-1 mutants altered in its Kunitz domain 1, corrected the trafficking defect. In contrast, catalytically defective matriptase mutants were normal in their trafficking in the absence of HAI-1. These results are also consistent with a role for HAI-1 to prevent inappropriate matriptase proteolytic activity during its protein synthesis and trafficking. Taken together, these results support multiple roles for HAI-1 to regulate matriptase, including its proper expression, intracellular trafficking, activation, and inhibition. protease-activated receptor-2; hepatocyte growth factor; urokinase; sphingosine 1-phosphate; Kunitz domain  相似文献   
Subunit h is a component of the peripheral stalk region of ATP synthase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is weakly homologous to subunit F6 in the bovine enzyme, and F6 can replace the function of subunit h in a yeast strain from which the gene for subunit h has been deleted. The removal of subunit h (or F6) uncouples ATP synthesis from the proton motive force. A biotinylation signal has been introduced following the C terminus of subunit h. It becomes biotinylated in vivo, and allows avidin to be bound quantitatively to the purified enzyme complex in vitro. By electron microscopy of the ATP synthase-avidin complex in negative stain and by subsequent image analysis, the C terminus of subunit h has been located in a region of the peripheral stalk that is close to the Fo membrane domain of ATP synthase. Models of the peripheral stalk are proposed that are consistent with this location and with reconstitution experiments conducted with isolated peripheral stalk subunits.  相似文献   
The membrane-bound serine proteinase matriptase, which is often released from the plasma membrane of epithelial and carcinoma cells, has been implicated to play important roles in both physiological and pathological conditions. However, the regulatory mechanism of its activity is poorly understood. In the present study, we examined expression and activation state of soluble matriptase in 24 human cancer cell lines. Soluble matriptase was detected in the conditioned media from all of 5 colon and 4 breast carcinoma cell lines and 8 of 10 stomach carcinoma cell lines tested. Only two of five lung cancer cell lines released the matriptase protein into the culture media. Out of the five matriptase-negative cell lines, two cell lines expressed the matriptase mRNA. Among 24 cancer cell lines tested, 13 cell lines secreted trypsin in an active or latent form and all of them released matriptase. Most of the 24 cell lines released a latent, single-chain matriptase of 75 kDa as a major form, as well as low levels of complex forms of an activated two-chain enzyme with its specific inhibitor HAI-1. Thus, these soluble matriptases appeared to have little proteolytic activity. Treatment of stomach and colon cancer cell lines with epidermal growth factor stimulated the release of matripatase/HAI-1 complexes. In cancer cell lines secreting active trypsin, however, matriptase was released mostly as an inhibitor-free, two-chain active form. Trypsin seemed to activate the membrane-bound, latent matriptase on the cell surface. These results suggest that matriptase and trypsin cooperatively function for extracellular proteolysis.  相似文献   
Plasma apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a 34-kDa polymorphic protein which has atheroprotective actions by clearing remnant lipoproteins and sequestering excess cellular cholesterol. Low or dysfunctional apoE is a risk factor for hyperlipidaemia and atherosclerosis, and for restenosis after angioplasty. Here, in short-term studies designed to establish proof-of-principle, we investigate whether encapsulated recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells can secrete wild-type apoE3 protein in vitro and then determine whether peritoneal implantation of the microcapsules into apoE-deficient (apoE(-/-)) mice reduces their hypercholesterolaemia. Recombinant CHO-E3 cells were encapsulated into either alginate poly-l-lysine or alginate polyethyleneimine/polybrene microspheres. After verifying stability and apoE3 secretion, the beads were then implanted into the peritoneal cavity of apoE(-/-) mice; levels of plasma apoE3, cholesterol and lipoproteins were monitored for up to 14 days post-implantation. Encapsulated CHO-E3 cells continued to secrete apoE3 protein throughout a 60-day study period in vitro, though levels declined after 14 days. This cell-derived apoE3 was biologically active. When conditioned medium from encapsulated CHO-E3 cells was incubated with cultured cells pre-labelled with [(3)H]-cholesterol, efflux of cholesterol was two to four times greater than with normal medium (at 8 h, for example, 7.4+/-0.3% vs. 2.4+/-0.2% of cellular cholesterol; P<0.001). Moreover, when secreted apoE3 was injected intraperitoneally into apoE(-/-) mice, apoE3 was detected in plasma and the hyperlipidaemia improved. Similarly, when alginate polyethyleneimine/polybrene capsules were implanted into the peritoneum of apoE(-/-) mice, apoE3 was secreted into plasma and at 7 days total cholesterol was reduced, while atheroprotective high-density lipoprotein (HDL) increased. In a second study, apoE was detectable in plasma of five mice treated with alginate poly-l-lysine beads, 4 and 7 days post-implantation, though not at day 14. Furthermore, their hypercholesterolaemia was reduced, while HDL was clearly elevated in all mice at days 4 and 7 (from 18.4+/-6.2% of total lipoproteins to 31.1+/-6.8% at 7 days; P<0.001); however, these had rebounded by day 14, possibly due to the emergence of anti-apoE antibodies. We conclude that microencapsulated apoE-secreting cells have the potential to ameliorate the hyperlipidaemia of apoE deficiency, but that the technology must be improved to become a feasible therapeutic to treat atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
Gbetagamma-activated inwardly rectifying K(+) (GIRK) channels have distinct gating properties when activated by receptors coupled specifically to Galpha(o) versus Galpha(i) subunit isoforms, with Galpha(o)-coupled currents having approximately 3-fold faster agonist-evoked activation kinetics. To identify the molecular determinants in Galpha subunits mediating these kinetic differences, chimeras were constructed using pertussis toxin (PTX)-insensitive Galpha(oA) and Galpha(i2) mutant subunits (Galpha(oA(C351G)) and Galpha(i2(C352G))) and examined in PTX-treated Xenopus oocytes expressing muscarinic m2 receptors and Kir3.1/3.2a channels. These experiments revealed that the alpha-helical N-terminal region (amino acids 1-161) and the switch regions of Galpha(i2) (amino acids 162-262) both partially contribute to slowing the GIRK activation time course when compared with the Galpha(oA(C351G))-coupled response. When present together, they fully reproduce Galpha(i2(C352G))-coupled GIRK kinetics. The Galpha(i2) C-terminal region (amino acids 263-355) had no significant effect on GIRK kinetics. Complementary responses were observed with chimeras substituting the Galpha(o) switch regions into the Galpha(i2(C352G)) subunit, which partially accelerated the GIRK activation rate. The Galpha(oA)/Galpha(i2) chimera results led us to examine an interaction between the alpha-helical domain and the Ras-like domain previously implicated in mediating a 4-fold slower in vitro basal GDP release rate in Galpha(i1) compared with Galpha(o). Mutations disrupting the interdomain contact in Galpha(i2(C352G)) at either the alphaD-alphaE loop (R145A) or the switch III loop (L233Q/A236H/E240T/M241T), significantly accelerated the GIRK activation kinetics consistent with the Galpha(i2) interdomain interface regulating receptor-catalyzed GDP release rates in vivo. We propose that differences in Galpha(i) versus Galpha(o)-coupled GIRK activation kinetics are due to intrinsic differences in receptor-catalyzed GDP release that rate-limit Gbetagamma production and is attributed to heterogeneity in Galpha(i) and Galpha(o) interdomain contacts.  相似文献   
Recombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) are increasingly being used for therapeutic use and correct glycosylation of these MAbs is essential for their correct function. Glycosylation profiles are host cell‐ and antibody class‐dependent and can change over culture time and environmental conditions. Therefore, rapid monitoring of glycan addition/status is of great importance for process validity. We describe two workflows of generally applicability for glycan profiling of purified and gel‐purified MAbs produced in NS0 and CHO cells, in which small‐scale antibody purification and buffer exchange is combined with PNGase F glycan cleavage and graphite HyperCarb desalting. MALDI‐ToF mass spectrometry is used for sensitive detection of glycan forms, with the ability to confirm glycan structures by selective ion fragmentation. Both workflows are rapid, technically simple and amenable to automation, and use in multi‐well formats. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 902–908. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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