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Cohesins are a group of conserved proteins responsible for cohesion between replicated sister chromatids during mitosis and meiosis and which are implicated in double-strand break repair and meiotic recombination. We describe here the identification and characterisation of an Arabidopsis gene - DETERMINATE, INFERTILE1 (DIF1), which is a homolog of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe REC8/RAD21 cohesin genes, and is essential for meiotic chromosome segregation. Five independent alleles of the DIF1 gene were isolated by transposon mutagenesis, and the mutants show complete male and female sterility. Pollen mother cells (PMCs) of dif1 mutants show multiple meiotic defects which are represented by univalent chromosomes and chromosome fragmentation at metaphase I, and acentric fragments and chromatin bridges in meiosis I and II. Consequently, chromosome segregation is strongly affected, resulting in meiotic products of uneven size, shape and of variable ploidy. The similarities in phenotype, and the sequence homology between DIF1 and the REC8/RAD21 cohesins suggests that cohesin function is largely conserved between eukaryotes and highlights the essential role cohesins play in plant meiosis.  相似文献   
Cultured bovine capillary endothelial (BCE) cells produce low levels of collagenolytic activity and significant amounts of the serine protease plasminogen activator (PA). When grown in the presence of nanomolar quantities of the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), BCE cells produced 5-15 times more collagenolytic activity and 2-10 times more PA than untreated cells. The enhanced production of these enzymes was dependent on the dose of TPA used, with maximal response at 10(-7) to 10(-8) M. Phorbol didecanoate (PDD), an analog of TPA which is an active tumor promoter, also increased protease production. 4-O-methyl-TPA and 4α-PDD, two analogs of TPA which are inactive as tumor promoters, had no effect on protease production. Increased PA and collagenase activities were detected within 7.5 and 19 h, respectively, after the addition of TPA. The TPA-stimulated BCE cells synthesized a urokinase-type PA and a typical vertebrate collagenase. BCE cells were compared with bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cells and bovine embryonic skin (BES) fibroblasts with respect to their production of protease in response to TPA. Under normal growth conditions, low levels of collagenolyic activity were detected in the culture fluids from BCE, BAE, and BES cells. BCE cells produced 5-13 times the basal levels of collagenolytic activity in response to TPA, whereas BAE cells and BES fibroblasts showed a minimal response to TPA. Both BCE and BAE cells exhibited relatively high basal levels of PA, the production of which was stimulated approximately threefold by the addition of TPA. The observation that BCE cells and not BAE cells produced high levels of both PA and collagenase activities in response to TPA demonstrates a significant difference between these two types of endothelial cells and suggests that the enhanced detectable activities are a property unique to bovine capillary and microvessel and endothelial cells.  相似文献   
Fitness consequences of helping behavior in the western bluebird   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
We examined the fitness consequences of helping behavior inthe western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) at Hastings Reservationin Carmel Valley, California, USA, and tested hypotheses forhow helpers benefit from engaging in alloparental behavior.Both juvenile and adult western bluebirds occasionally helpat the nest During a 12 year period, all adult helpers and mostjuvenile helpers were male. Helpers usually fed at nests ofboth their parents and rarely helped when only one parent waspresent. The frequency of pairs with adult helpers was only7%, but nearly one-third of adult males helped among those withboth parents on the study area. At least 28% were breeders whosenests failed. The propensity to help appears to depend uponparental survival, male philopatry, and the breeding successof potential helpers. Feeding rates were not increased at nestswith juvenile helpers, apparendy because breeding males reducedtheir feeding rates. In contrast, adult helpers increased theoverall rates of food delivery to the nest in spite of a reductionin the number of feeding trips made by both male and femaleparents. Helpers did not derive any obvious direct fitness benefitsfrom helping, but they had greater indirect fitness than nonhelpersdue to increases in nestling growth rates and fledging successat their parents' nests. Helpers fledged fewer offspring intheir first nests than did nonhelpers, suggesting that theywere birds with reduced reproductive potential. Although wehave not yet measured the effect of extrapair fertilizationson the fitness benefits of helping, we calculated the differencein fitness between helpers and nonhelpers as a function of thepotential helper's paternity when breeding independently andhis father's paternity in the nest at which he might help. Inconjunction with constraints on breeding and indirect fitnessbenefits, we predict that relatedness of males to the youngin their own as well as their parents' nests will influencehelping behavior in western bluebirds.  相似文献   
The inflorescence of Helwingia japonica (Thunb.) Dietr. is initiated adjacent to the leaf axil on the adaxial side of the base of a leaf primordium during its second plastochron. The inflorescence which develops from the resulting primordium comes to be situated on the midrib of the mature fertile leaf, through the action of a basal, intercalary meristem. In fertile leaves this meristem develops beneath, as well as above, the insertion of the inflorescence primordium on the leaf primordium. The same meristem is present in sterile leaves as well. A separate, adaxial vascular bundle departs from the leaf trace in the base of the petiole and leads to the inflorescence, in the mature fertile leaf. This adaxial vascular bundle is absent in sterile leaves. It is argued that the vascular anatomy does not conclusively confirm the hypothesis that the epiphyllous inflorescence is the congenital fusion product of a leaf and an axillary inflorescence. Instead, it is suggested that the interplay of changes in the position of primordium initiation, and intercalary growth, offers an ontogenetic explanation of the situation, which in turn may be related to the phylogeny of the species in question. It appears to be misguided and futile to look for homologies (i.e., 1:1 correspondences) between fertile and sterile leaves, since 1:1 correspondences do not exist in this case.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Since human colon cancers often contain significant quantities of progastrin-processing intermediates, we sought to explore the possibility that the biosynthetic precursor of fully processed amidated gastrin, glycine-extended gastrin, may exert trophic effects on human colonic cancer cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Binding of radiolabeled glycine-extended and amidated gastrins was assessed on five human cancer cell lines: LoVo, HT 29, HCT 116, Colo 320DM, and T 84. Trophic actions of the peptides were assessed by increases in [3H]thymidine incorporation and cell number. Gastrin expression was determined by northern blot and radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: Amidated gastrin did not bind to or stimulate the growth of any of the five cell lines. In contrast, saturable binding of radiolabeled glycine-extended gastrin was seen on LoVo and HT 29 cells that was not inhibited by amidated gastrin (10(-6) M) nor by a gastrin/CCKB receptor antagonist (PD 134308). Glycine-extended gastrin induced a dose-dependent increase in [3H]thymidine uptake in LoVo (143 +/- 8% versus control at 10(-10) M) and HT 29 (151 +/- 11% versus control at 10(-10) M) cells that was not inhibited by PD 134308 or by a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) or ERK kinase (MEK) inhibitor (PD 98509). Glycine-extended gastrin did stimulate jun-kinase activity in LoVo and HT 29 cells. The two cell lines expressed the gastrin gene at low levels and secreted small amounts of amidated gastrin and glycine-extended gastrin into the media. CONCLUSIONS: Glycine-extended gastrin receptors are present on human colon cancer cells that mediate glycine-extended gastrin's trophic effects via a MEK-independent mechanism. This suggests that glycine-extended gastrin and its novel receptors may play a role in colon cancer cell growth.  相似文献   
Dietary restriction (DR) was reported to either have no effect or reduce the lifespan of the majority of the 41‐recombinant inbred (RI) lines studied by Liao et al. (Aging Cell, 2010, 9, 92). In an appropriately power longevity study (n > 30 mice/group), we measured the lifespan of the four RI lines (115‐RI, 97‐RI, 98‐RI, and 107‐RI) that were reported to have the greatest decrease in lifespan when fed 40% DR. DR increased the median lifespan of female RI‐115, 97‐RI, and 107‐RI mice and male 115‐RI mice. DR had little effect (<4%) on the median lifespan of female and male 98‐RI mice and male 97‐RI mice and reduced the lifespan of male 107‐RI mice over 20%. While our study was unable to replicate the effect of DR on the lifespan of the RI mice (except male 107‐RI mice) reported by Liao et al. (Aging Cell, 2010, 9, 92), we found that the genotype of a mouse had a major impact on the effect of DR on lifespan, with the effect of DR ranging from a 50% increase to a 22% decrease in median lifespan. No correlation was observed between the changes in either body composition or glucose tolerance induced by DR and the changes observed in lifespan of the four RI lines of male and female mice. These four RI lines of mice give the research community a unique resource where investigators for the first time can study the anti‐aging mechanism of DR by comparing mice in which DR increases lifespan to mice where DR has either no effect or reduces lifespan.  相似文献   
Since it was first detected in 1999, West Nile virus (WNV) quickly spread, becoming the dominant vector-borne disease in North America. Sometimes fatal to humans, WNV is even more widespread among birds, with hundreds of species known to be susceptible to WNV infection in North America alone. However, despite considerable mortality and local declines observed in American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos), there has been little evidence of a large regional association between WNV susceptibility and population declines of any species. Here we demonstrate a correlation between susceptibility to WNV measured by large-scale testing of dead birds and two indices of overall population change among bird species following the spread of WNV throughout California. This result was due primarily to declines in four species of Corvidae, including all species in this family except common ravens (Corvus corax). Our results support the hypothesis that susceptibility to WNV may have negative population consequences to most corvids on regional levels. They also provide confirmation that dead animal surveillance programs can provide important data indicating populations most likely to suffer detrimental impacts due to WNV.  相似文献   
AIMS: Investigate the interaction of bioluminescent Escherichia coli and Salmonella Montevideo with germinating mung bean sprouts. METHODS AND RESULTS: E. coli or Salm. Montevideo introduced on mung beans became established both internally and externally on sprouts after the initial 24 h germinating period. In both cases the inoculated bacterium formed the predominant microflora on the sprouted beans throughout. From the bioluminescent profile of inoculated sprouting beans, bacterial growth was found to be in close proximity to the roots but not on the hypocotyls. Clumps (biofilms) of cells with low viability were observed within the grooves between epidermal cells on hypocotyls. Treatment with 20,000 ppm sodium hypochlorite removed the majority of bacteria from the surface of hypocotyls although nonviable single cells were occasionally observed. However, viable bacteria were recovered from the apoplastic fluid, and extracts of surface-sterilized sprouts indicating that the internal bacterial populations had been protected. This was confirmed using in situ beta-glucuronidase staining of surface-sterilized sprouts where cleaved enzyme substrate (by the action of internalized E. coli) was visualized within the plant vascular system. CONCLUSIONS: E. coli or Salmonella present on seeds become internalized within the subsequent sprouts and cannot be removed by postharvest biocidal washing. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Mung bean production should be carefully controlled to prevent contamination occurring in order to minimize the health risk associated with raw bean sprouts.  相似文献   
We are using patterns of cuticle specialization in Drosophila larvae as models to investigate the molecular, genetic, and developmental bases of morphological evolution. Members of the virilis species group differ markedly from one another in the distribution of hairs on the dorsal surface of first instar larvae. In particular, characteristic bands of hairs cover about 20% of each trunk segment in some species but about 70% in others. These major types do not correlate with recently proposed phylogenetic relationships, suggesting that similar phenotypes have arisen independently in different lineages. The patterns of expression of several genes that control or reflect intrasegmental patterning are indistinguishable in species with very different cuticle morphologies. We conclude that, in this case, morphology probably has evolved via altered response to a conserved molecular prepattern.  相似文献   
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