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Bernhard Stadler 《Oecologia》1992,91(2):273-280
Summary Exploiters of short-lived plants have evolved strategies in response to physiological changes that occur during the development of their hosts. The ability to adapt to host quality changes is necessary particularly if the mobility of an animal is poor or risk-constrained. In the plant-aphid system Centaurea jaceae-Uroleucon jaceae, the responses of the aphid to the seasonal changes in its host plant grown in poor and good quality soil were investigated. Coarse- and fine-tuned physiological reactions were observed in discrete aphid generations which were reared on plants grown either in a growth chamber or in a greenhouse. The number of ovarioles and developmental time depended on extrinsic factors (length of photoperiod) not directly related to plant quality. The reproductive investment of the aphids was also independent of their total dry weight. However, within the gonadal system high correlations were found at the embryonic level (e.g. the number of sclerotized embryos or the length of the oldest embryos per ovariole were highly correlated with gonadal dry weight). Aphids which were living on the 4-leaf stage of high-quality host plants showed a significantly higher investment in their gonads than aphids feeding on senescenting hosts. Factor analysis corroborated that aphids reared on poor-quality hosts revealed no grouping of variables measured, whereas those which were reared on high-quality plants showed clustering in respect of somatic (tibia length, dry weight of soma) and gonadal (number of sclerotized and unsclerotized embryos, length of the oldest embryos, ovariole number, gonad dry weight) factors. Three different levels of adaptive response to plant quality are distinguished: individual response to host quality, maternal influences on offspring and response to changes not specific to habitat (photoperiod). These different levels of regulation are thought to enable the aphids to adapt to a host of a given nutritional quality and anticipate deteriorating habitat quality simultaneously. It is concluded that physiological constraints in aphids are only revealed when aphids are exposed to severe nutritional stress for several generations.  相似文献   
Strictly anaerobic bacteria were enriched and isolated from freshwater sediment sources in the presence and absence of sulfate with sorbic acid as sole source of carbon and energy. Strain WoSo1, a Gram-negative vibrioid sulfate-reducing bacterium which was assigned to the species Desulfoarculus (formerly Desulfovibrio) baarsii oxidized sorbic acid completely to CO2 with concomitant stoichiometric reduction of sulfate to sulfide. This strain also oxidized a wide variety of fatty acids and other organic compounds. A Gram-negative rod-shaped fermenting bacterium, strain AmSo1, fermented sorbic acid stoichiometrically to about equal amounts of acetate and butyrate. At concentrations higher than 10 mM, sorbic acid fermentation led to the production of pentanone-2 and isopentanone-2 (3-methyl-2-butanone) as byproducts. Strain AmSo1 fermented also crotonate and 3-hydroxybutyrate to acetate and butyrate, and hexoses to acetate, ethanol, hydrogen, and formate. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA was 41.8±1.0 mol%. Sorbic acid at concentrations higher than 5 mM inhibited growth of this strain while strain WoSo1 tolerated sorbic acid up to 10 mM concentration.  相似文献   
Three strains of strictly anaerobic Gram-negative, non-sporeforming, motile bacteria were enriched and isolated from freshwater sediments with 1,3-propanediol as sole energy and carbon source. Strain OttPdl was a sulfate-reducing bacterium which grew also with lactate, ethanol, propanol, butanol, 1,4-butanediol, formate or hydrogen plus CO2, the latter only in the presence of acetate. In the absence of sulfate, most of these substrates were fermented to the respective fatty acids in syntrophic cooperation with Methanospirillum hungatei. Sulfur, thiosulfate, or sulfite were reduced, nitrate not. The other two isolates degraded propanediol only in coculture with Methanospirillum hungatei. Strain OttGlycl grew in pure culture with acetoin and with glycerol in the presence of acetate. Strain WoAcl grew in pure culture only with acetoin. Both strains did not grow with other substrates, and did not reduce nitrate, sulfate, sulfur, thiosulfate or sulfite. The isolates were affiliated with the genera Desulfovibrio and Pelobacter. The pathways of propanediol degradation and the ecological importance of this process are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Growing rats (4 weeks old) were kept for 3 weeks at 11° C and 24° C respectively. The cold-adapted animals showed a significantly higher oxygen consumption (64%). Volume density of subsarcolemmal and interfibrillar mitochondria as well as volume density of fat droplets were estimated in M. soleus and the diaphragm of both groups. In cold-adapted animals, the total volume of mitochondria was significantly increased by 24% in diaphragm and 37% in M. soleus. The volume of subsarcolemmal mitochondria was almost doubled in each muscle, but the volume of interfibrillar mitochondria did not change significantly. The surface of the inner mitochondrial membranes per unit volume of mitochondrion in M. soleus was significantly increased both in interfibrillar and subsarcolemmal mitochondria, whereas the surface of the outer mitochondrial membranes per unit volume of mitochondrion was increased only in the subsarcolemmal mitochondria. The volume of fat droplets in the diaphragm and M. soleus of cold adapted animals increased significantly by 62% and 150% respectively.  相似文献   
Wetwood samples from standing trees of eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides), black poplar (Populus nigra), and American elm (Ulmus americana) contained high numbers of aerobic and anaerobic pectin-degrading bacteria (104 to 106 cells per g of wood). High activity of polygalacturonate lyase (≤0.5 U/ml) was also detected in the fetid liquid that spurted from wetwood zones in the lower trunk when the trees were bored. A prevalent pectin-degrading obligately anaerobic bacterium isolated from these wetwoods was identified as Clostridium butyricum. Pectin decomposition by C. butyricum strain 4P1 was associated with an inducible polygalacturonate lyase and pectin methylesterase, the same types of pectinolytic activity expressed in the wetwood of these trees. The pH optimum of the extracellular polygalacturonate lyase was alkaline (near pH 8.5). In vitro tests with sapwood samples from a conifer (Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii) showed that tori in membranes of bordered pits are degraded by pure cultures of strain 4P1, polygalacturonate lyase enzyme preparations of strain 4P1, and mixed methanogenic cultures from the tree samples of wetwood. These results provide evidence that pectin in xylem tissue is actively degraded by C. butyricum strain 4P1 via polygalacturonate lyase activity. The importance of pectin degradation by bacteria, including Clostridium species, appears paramount in the formation and maintenance of the wetwood syndrome in certain living trees.  相似文献   
A comparison is made between the flavone patterns accumulating in epidermal tissues and in the mesophyll of oat primary leaves grown in a phytotron and under field conditions. In developing leaves cultivated under standard conditions, varying patterns of two vitexin-derived O-rhamnosides and of one isovitexin O-arabinoside are produced in the basal region as the result of basal meristem activity. These patterns are tissue specific and differ quantitatively in the epidermis and the mesophyll. During the course of subsequent growth and differentiation, this pattern is constant as the compounds are moved upwards due to basipetal leaf growth. In comparison, the flavone patterns generated in the basal section of leaves grown in the field do not vary significantly. There is the additional accumulation of isoorientin O-arabinoside. Again flavone patterns are tissue specific, but in contrast to standard growth they are modified characteristically in those leaf tissues which are already morphologically differentiated. It is possible that the isovitexin moiety of the O-arabinoside is oxidized to the corresponding isoorientin derivative in the mesophyll. Moreover, field-grown leaves show a two-fold increase in flavone content in each leaf epidermis and a six-fold increase in the mesophyll when compared to the corresponding tissues of phytotron-grown leaves.  相似文献   
Glutamine synthetase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is regulated by repression/derepression of enzyme synthesis and by adenylylation/deadenylylation control. High levels of deadenylylated biosynthetically active glutamine synthetase were observed in cultures growing with limiting amounts of nitrogen while synthesis of the enzyme was repressed and that present was adenylylated in cultures with excess nitrogen.NADP-and NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase could be separated by column chromatography and showed molecular weights of 110,000 and 220,000, respectively. Synthesis of the NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase is repressed under nitrogen limitation and by growth on glutamate. In contrast, NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase is derepressed by glutamate. Glutamate synthase is repressed by glutamate but not by excess nitrogen.  相似文献   
An enzyme that hydrolyzes the fluorogenic chymotrypsin substrate glutaryl-Gly-Gly-Phe-β-naphthylamide has been partially purified from extracts of bovine anterior pituitaries. Like chymotrypsin, this enzyme hydrolyzes the neuropeptide Luliberin (LH-RF, <Glu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH2) at the carboxyl-side of Trp and Tyr, but it differs from the pancreatic protease by its high molecular weight, insensitivity towards OH-reactive agents and other enzymechemical parameters. It seems, however, to be identical to the “cation-sensitive neutral endopeptidase”. In the course of this study evidence has also been obtained that LH-RF is not degraded by the cystinyl-arylamidase.  相似文献   
Transport of metabolites is demonstrated between compartments of the adult mouse lens by freeze-substitution autoradiography. In vivo patterns of lysine incorporation are compared with in vitro patterns of lysine, glucose, uridine, and deoxyglucose incorporation. Intracellular and extracellular distributions of tritiated metabolites are determined by comparison of transported substrates with the nontransported molecules of similar molecular size: mannitol and sucrose. The permeability of the lens intercellular spaces is probed with Procion Yellow at the level of fluorescence microscopy, and with horseradish peroxidase at the electron microscope level. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy reveals gap junctions between epithelial cells, between lens fibers, and between epithelial cells and lens fibers. Zonulae occludentes (tight junctions) are not routinely observed between epithelial cells in the mouse. This latter result is subject to species variation, however, since zonulae occludentes are abundant between chicken epithelial cells. The permeability results suggest that the lens cells are capable of metabolic cooperation, mediated by an extensive gap junction network.  相似文献   
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