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Heliconius and Laparus butterflies exhibit a unique pollen-collecting behaviour that enhances lifespan and fecundity. The specific nutritional contribution of pollen, however, had not been previously demonstrated. We used stable isotope variation to trace the carbon flow into eggs from corn pollen provided experimentally to ovipositing female Heliconius charitonia, and to evaluate the use of isotopically contrasting nectar sugars in egg amino acids. The delta(13)C of individual amino acids from pollen, larval host plant and the eggs from experimental butterflies was measured with gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS), to evaluate amino acid transfer. The delta(13)C of egg essential amino acids indicated a transfer of essential amino acids from pollen to butterfly eggs. However, the delta(13)C of non-essential amino acids reflected the isotopic composition of the artificial nectar, indicating that H. charitonia synthesizes non-essential amino acids from dietary sugars. This, to our knowledge, is the first direct demonstration of amino acid transfer from pollen to butterfly eggs, and suggests that essential amino acids in particular are a key resource for extending lifespan and fecundity in Heliconius butterflies.  相似文献   
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 protease is essential for polyprotein maturation and viral propagation, and it has been proposed as a suitable target for antiviral drug discovery. An N-terminal hexapeptide cleavage product of a dodecapeptide substrate identified as a weak competitive inhibitor of the NS3 protease activity was optimized to a potent and highly specific inhibitor of the enzyme. The effect of this potent NS3 protease inhibitor was evaluated on replication of subgenomic HCV RNA and compared with interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha), which is currently used in the treatment of HCV-infected patients. Treatment of replicon-containing cells with the NS3 protease inhibitor or IFN-alpha showed a dose-dependent decrease in subgenomic HCV RNA that reached undetectable levels following a 14-day treatment. Kinetic studies in the presence of either NS3 protease inhibitor or IFN-alpha also revealed similar profiles in HCV RNA decay with half-lives of 11 and 14 h, respectively. The finding that an antiviral specifically targeting the NS3 protease activity inhibits HCV RNA replication further validates the NS3 enzyme as a prime target for drug discovery and supports the development of NS3 protease inhibitors as a novel therapeutic approach for HCV infection.  相似文献   
Hydrogen peroxide can interact with the active site of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) to generate a powerful oxidant. This oxidant can either damage amino acid residues at the active site, inactivating the enzyme (the self-oxidative pathway), or oxidize substrates exogenous to the active site, preventing inactivation (the external oxidative pathway). It is well established that the presence of bicarbonate anion dramatically enhances the rate of oxidation of exogenous substrates. Here, we show that bicarbonate also substantially enhances the rate of self-inactivation of human wild type SOD1. Together, these observations suggest that the strong oxidant formed by hydrogen peroxide and SOD1 in the presence of bicarbonate arises from a pathway mechanistically distinct from that producing the oxidant in its absence. Self-inactivation rates are further enhanced in a mutant SOD1 protein (L38V) linked to the fatal neurodegenerative disorder, familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The 1.4 A resolution crystal structure of pathogenic SOD1 mutant D125H reveals the mode of oxyanion binding in the active site channel and implies that phosphate anion attenuates the bicarbonate effect by competing for binding to this site. The orientation of the enzyme-associated oxyanion suggests that both the self-oxidative and external oxidative pathways can proceed through an enzyme-associated peroxycarbonate intermediate.  相似文献   
We have mapped CD4+ T-cell epitopes located in three domains of the recombinant protective antigen of Bacillus anthracis. Mouse T-cell hybridomas specific for these epitopes were generated to study the mechanisms of proteolytic processing of recombinant protective antigen for antigen presentation by bone marrow-derived macrophages. Overall, epitopes differed considerably in their processing requirements. In particular, the kinetics of presentation, ranging from 15 (fast) to 120 min (slow), suggested sequential liberation of epitopes during proteolytic processing of the intact PA molecule. Pretreatment of macrophages with ammonium chloride or inhibitors of the major enzyme families showed that T-cell responses to an epitope presented with fast kinetics were unaffected by raising endosomal pH or inhibiting cysteine or aspartic proteinases, suggesting presentation independent of lysosomal processing. In contrast, responses to epitopes presented with slower kinetics were dependent on low pH and the activity of cysteine or aspartic proteinases indicating a requirement for lysosomal processing. In addition, responses to all epitopes, whether their presentation was dependent on low pH or not, were prevented by treatment of macrophages with broad spectrum serine proteinase inhibitors. Thus, our data are consistent with a model of sequential antigen processing within the endosomal system, beginning with a pre-processing step mediated by serine or metalloproteinases prior to further processing by lysosomal enzymes. Rapidly presented epitopes seemed to require only limited proteolysis at earlier stages of endocytosis, whereas the majority of epitopes required more extensive processing by neutral proteinases followed by lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   
The outer dynein arm-docking complex (ODA-DC) targets the outer dynein arm to its correct binding site on the flagellar axoneme. The Chlamydomonas ODA-DC contains three proteins; loss of any one prevents normal assembly of the outer arm, leading to a slow, jerky swimming phenotype. We showed previously that the smallest ODA-DC subunit, DC3, has four EF-hands (Casey, D. M., Inaba, K., Pazour, G. J., Takada, S., Wakabayashi, K., Wilkerson, C. G., Kamiya, R., and Witman, G. B. (2003) Mol. Biol. Cell 14, 3650-3663). Two of the EF-hands fit the consensus pattern for calcium binding, and one of these contains two cysteine residues within its binding loop. To determine whether the predicted EF-hands are functional, we purified bacterially expressed wild-type DC3 and analyzed its calcium-binding potential in the presence and absence of dithiothreitol and Mg2+. The protein bound one calcium ion with an affinity (Kd) of approximately 1 x 10-5 m. Calcium binding was observed only in the presence of dithiothreitol and thus is redox-sensitive. DC3 also bound Mg2+ at physiological concentrations but with a much lower affinity. Changing the essential glutamate to glutamine in both EF-hands eliminated the calcium binding activity of the bacterially expressed protein. To investigate the role of the EF-hands in vivo, we transformed the modified DC3 gene into a Chlamydomonas insertional mutant lacking DC3. The transformed strain swam normally, assembled a normal number of outer arms, and had a normal photoshock response, indicating that the Glu to Gln mutations did not affect ODA-DC assembly, outer arm assembly, or Ca2+-mediated outer arm activity. Thus, DC3 is a true calcium-binding protein, but the function of this activity remains unknown.  相似文献   
Dishevelled activates Ca2+ flux,PKC, and CamKII in vertebrate embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wnt ligands and Frizzled (Fz) receptors have been shown to activate multiple intracellular signaling pathways. Activation of the Wnt-beta-catenin pathway has been described in greatest detail, but it has been reported that Wnts and Fzs also activate vertebrate planar cell polarity (PCP) and Wnt-Ca2+ pathways. Although the intracellular protein Dishevelled (Dsh) plays a dual role in both the Wnt-beta-catenin and the PCP pathways, its potential involvement in the Wnt-Ca2+ pathway has not been investigated. Here we show that a Dsh deletion construct, XDshDeltaDIX, which is sufficient for activation of the PCP pathway, is also sufficient for activation of three effectors of the Wnt-Ca2+ pathway: Ca2+ flux, PKC, and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CamKII). Furthermore, we find that interfering with endogenous Dsh function reduces the activation of PKC by Xfz7 and interferes with normal heart development. These data suggest that the Wnt-Ca2+ pathway utilizes Dsh, thereby implicating Dsh as a component of all reported Fz signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Studies of the weedy annual Raphanus sativus have demonstrated that nonrandom mating, a prerequisite for sexual selection, can occur in greenhouse plants. To determine whether this nonrandom mating pattern can occur under a wide range of conditions, including conditions that might occur in the field, we considered variation in both maternal condition and pollen load size. Maternal condition was varied by altering the watering regime. Pollen load size was varied from approximately 26 to 343 pollen grains per stigma. At the smallest pollen load size, patterns of seed paternity were altered in two of the three pollen donor pairs; seed paternity became more equal among donors. For one of three pollen donor pairs, seed paternity was more divergent among donors on stressed maternal plants. Finally, for one pollen donor pair, rank order of pollen donor performance changed from the medium to the small pollen loads on stressed vs. control maternal plants. Thus, some field conditions may alter patterns of nonrandom mating in wild radish.  相似文献   
The soluble calmodulin-sensitive isoform of adenylyl cyclase isolated from equine sperm is unique because it requires Mn(2+) rather than Mg(2+) for activity. To gain insight into the molecular action of metals on sperm adenylyl cyclase, the kinetics of Mn(2+) and ATP effect was examined. A biphasic response to increases in ATP concentration was observed when metal was held constant. When [Mn(2+)] exceeded [ATP], however, greatly enhanced enzyme activity was observed. The kinetic profiles were consistent with allosteric activation of adenylyl cyclase by Mn(2+). Linear transformation of the data yielded an apparent K(m) for Mn-ATP of 5.8 mM and calculated V(max) of 12 nM cyclic AMP formed/min/mg. Data analysis using calculated equilibrium concentrations of free and complexed reactants provided similar estimates of these kinetic parameters.  相似文献   
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