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Genetic variances, heritabilities, and genetic correlations of floral traits were measured in the monocarpic perennial Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae). A paternal half-sib design was employed to generate seeds in each of four years, and seeds were planted back in the field near the parental site. The progeny were followed for up to eight years to estimate quantitative genetic parameters subject to natural levels of environmental variation over the entire life cycle. Narrow-sense heritabilities of 0.2–0.8 were detected for the morphometric traits of corolla length, corolla width, stigma position, and anther position. The proportion of time spent by the protandrous flowers in the pistillate phase (“proportion pistillate”) also exhibited detectable heritability of near 0.3. In contrast, heritability estimates for nectar reward traits were low and not significantly different from zero, due to high environmental variance between and within flowering years. The estimates of genetic parameters were combined with phenotypic selection gradients to predict evolutionary responses to selection mediated by the hummingbird pollinators. One trait, corolla width, showed the potential for a rapid response to ongoing selection through male function, as it experienced both direct selection, by influencing pollen export, and relatively high heritability. Predicted responses were lower for proportion pistillate and corolla length, even though these traits also experienced direct selection. Stigma position was expected to respond positively to indirect selection of proportion pistillate but negatively to selection of corolla length, with the net effect sensitive to variation in the selection estimates. Anther position also was not directly selected but could respond to indirect selection of genetically correlated traits.  相似文献   
The helminth fauna of Litoria genimaculata, a rainforest frog from northern Queensland, was quantified from 53 adult male frogs collected at monthly intervals between April 1990 and March 1991. The helminth fauna of this species was depauperate (6 species: Mesocoelium sp., Parapolystoma bulliense, Austraplectana sp., Onchocercidae gen. sp., Cosmocerca sp. and an unidentified nematode larva). The most commonly encountered species was P. bulliense, but the intestinal infracommanity was dominated by the digenean Mesocoelium sp. Fifty-five per cent of frogs were infected with only 1 helminth species and only 1 frog had more than 2 species, resulting in low diversity values. These results support previous studies which indicate that amphibians have depauperate helminth communities.  相似文献   
A succession of Sirius Group glacigene sediments which crop out along the western margins of the Beardmore valley between Cherry Icefall and Hewson Glacier, below The Cloudmaker, is designated as the stratotype of the Cloudmaker Formation. This new formation overlies a multiply glaciated pavement (Dominion Erosion Surface) cut into the Precambrian Goldie Formation, and is disconformably overlain by the Meyer Desert Formation (Sirius Group). The Cloudmaker Formation comprises bedded and massive diamictons, bedded sands and silts, and laminated clays. Assemblages of foraminifera occur throughout the Cloudmaker Formation and indicate that these basal Sirius Group sediments were deposited in brackish glacial marine environments. The general absence of diatoms suggest these marine waters were ice-covered. Similar marine assemblages are also present in basal Sirius Group sediments at Oliver Bluffs, Dominion Range. Recycled marine diatom assemblages in the Sirius Group at the latter locality indicate that the host sediments have an age of < 3.8 Ma (Pliocene). The Cloudmaker Formation is placed in the Pliocene, although a latest Miocene age for the basal sediments cannot be ruled out.Stratigraphie, sedimentologic, and paleontologic evidence suggests that Beardmore valley was occupied by a fjord and tidewater glacier system that extended at least 165 km through the Transantarctic Mountains from the southwestern Ross Sea. The stratigraphy of The Cloudmaker Formation consists of a succession of members separated by disconformities. It is hypothesised that these strata were deposited by a dynamic valley glacier system that underwent a history of glacier advance and grounding alternating with glacier retreat and flotation over a marine water column. A combination of fjord basin sediment filling and sea-level oscillations may also have influenced the pattern of glacier ice advance and retreat within Beardmore Paleofjord. The marine Cloudmaker Formation is overlain by the terrestrial diamicton dominated Meyer Desert Formation. At Oliver Bluffs, the Meyer Desert Formation diamictons are interbedded with fluvial, and lacustrine sediments; successions that contain in situ vascular plant fossils (principally the Southern Beech Nothofagus), mosses, and beetle remains. A Magellanic-type flora and fauna occupied the coastal margins of the Beardmore Paleofjord. The vertical transition from the basal marine Cloudmaker Formation to terrestrial Meyer Desert Formation provides a sea-level datum that can be used to assess the extent of post-Sirius Group tectonic uplift. Uplift rates at the Cloudmaker section, 90 km inland from the Transantarctic Mountain front or rift shoulder margin in the Queen Alexandra Mountain block are determined to be ~ 429 or ~ 350 m/Myr. This assumes a total uplift of 1331 m for the uppermost marine sediments of the Cloudmaker Formation, and maximum diatom-based ages for the Sirius Group of < 3.1 Ma or < 3.8 Ma. Gross similarities in stratigraphy and interpreted paleoenvironments are apparent between The Cloudmaker succession (Beardmore Paleofjord) and the upper Miocene-Pliocene successions at the mouth of Taylor Paleofjord, 800 km to the north. Contrasting present day elevational settings for these two widely separated marine successions indicates the post-Sirius rate of tectonic uplift for the Transantarctic Mountains has been significantly greater in the Queen Alexandra block.  相似文献   
 Samples collected from Lake Fryxell, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica in January 1992 and 1994 were analysed for the abundance of bacterioplankton and the diversity and abundance of protistan plankton. At the times of sampling, 14 ciliate species and 10 species of autotrophic flagellate were recorded. The samples contained two species of rotifer (Philodina spp.), which formed the first record of planktonic metazoans in the Dry Valley lakes of this region of Antarctica. Bacterial concentrations ranged between 1.0 and 3.8×108 l-1 in the upper oxic waters increasing to 20×108 l-1 in the anoxic waters. Heterotrophic flagellates decreased in abundance down the oxygenated water column, disappearing completely at 9 m, and ranged between 0.28 and 7.39×105 l-1 in abundance. Autotrophic flagellates were much more abundant exhibiting a number of distinct peaks down the water column (1.89–25.3×108 l-1). The ciliated protozoa were very abundant (up to 7720 l-1) in relation to flagellate and bacterial numbers, typical of oligotrophic lakes world-wide. The distribution of the protistan plankton showed marked zonation, probably in response to the differing salinity and temperature gradients in the water column. Possible trophic interactions are discussed and comparisons with other continental Antarctic lakes made. Received: 29 November 1995/Accepted: 18 February 1996  相似文献   
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in Lake Fryxell, 10 streams flowing into the lake, and the moat surrounding the lake was studied to determine the influence of sources and biogeochemical processes on its distribution and chemical nature. Lake Fryxell is an amictic, permanently ice-covered lake in the McMurdo Dry Valleys which contains benthic and planktonic microbial populations, but receives essentially no input of organic material from the ahumic soils of the watershed. Biological activity in the water column does not appear to influence the DOC depth profile, which is similar to the profiles for conservative inorganic constituents. DOC values for the streams varied with biomass in the stream channel, and ranged from 0.2 to 9.7 mg C/L. Fulvic acids in the streams were a lower percentage of the total DOC than in the lake. These samples contain recent carbon and appear to be simpler mixtures of compounds than the lake samples, indicating that they have undergone less humification. The fulvic acids from just above the sediments of the lake have a high sulfur content and are highly aliphatic. The main transformations occurring as these fractions diffuse upward in the water column are 1) loss of sulfur groups through the oxycline and 2) decrease in aliphatic carbon and increase in the heterogeneity of aliphatic moieties. The fraction of modem14C content of the lake fulvic acids range from a minimum of 0.68 (approximately 3000 years old) at 15m depth to 0.997 (recent material) just under the ice. The major processes controlling the DOC in the lake appear to be: 1) The transport of organic matter by the inflow streams resulting in the addition of recent organic material to the moat and upper waters of the lake; 2) The diffusion of organic matter composed of relict organic material and organic carbon resulting from the degradation of algae and bacteria from the bottom waters or sediments of the lake into overlying glacial melt water, 3) The addition of recent organic matter to the bottom waters of the lake from the moat.  相似文献   
We show prolonged contraction of permeabilized muscle fibers of the frog during which structural order, as judged from low-angle x-ray diffraction, was preserved by means of partial cross-linking of the fibers using the zero-length cross-linker 1-ethyl-3-[3-dimethylamino)propyl]carbodiimide. Ten to twenty percent of the myosin cross-bridges were cross-linked, allowing the remaining 80-90% to cycle and generate force. These fibers displayed a well-preserved sarcomeric order and mechanical characteristics similar to those of intact muscle fibers. The intensity of the brightest meridional reflection at 14.5 nm, resulting from the projection of cross-bridges evenly spaced along the myofilament length, decreased by 60% as a relaxed fiber was deprived of ATP and entered the rigor state. Upon activation of a rigorized fiber by the addition of ATP, the intensity of this reflection returned to 97% of the relaxed value, suggesting that the overall orientation of cross-bridges in the active muscle was more perpendicular to the filament axis than in rigor. Following a small-amplitude length step applied to the active fibers, the reflection intensity decreased for both releases and stretches. In rigor, however, a small stretch increased the amplitude of the reflection by 35%. These findings show the close link between cross-bridge orientation and tension changes.  相似文献   
The mobility of a cell surface protein on cells osmotically swollen by treatment with several different cell permeabilizing agents retains specific restraints despite detachment of the plasma membrane from the cortical cytoskeleton. Fluorescence photobleaching recovery experiments indicate that the lateral diffusion constants of immunoglobulin E (IgE)-receptor complexes on the surface of rat basophilic leukemia cells increase 2–5 × following permeabilization with streptolysin O or digitonin, with little change in their mobile fractions. Swelling by hypo-osmotic treatment in water enhances lateral diffusion of IgE-receptor complexes and raises the mobile fractions to near 100%. In contrast, swelling by treatment with filipin arrests lateral diffusion, although rotational mobility remains unhindered. Lateral mobility of a fluorescent lipid analogue remains unchanged under these conditions. Crosslinking by anti-IgE antibodies redistributes the IgE-receptor complexes into large patches on untreated cells and on cells swollen by permeabilization with streptolysin O or digitonin, but rot on cells swollen by treatment with filipin. The results indicate a diversity of effects of the various permeabilizing agents on the mobility of membrane proteins. In particular, treatment with filipin appears to reorganize the plasma membrane into a network of fluid domains on a scale smaller than the bleaching spot size used (~1.5 μm). © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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