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Abstract: The ionic species 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) seems to be the metabolite responsible for the damage to dopaminergic neurons occurring after administration of the parkinsonian drug 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine. In the present study we show that the unilateral stereotaxic microinjection of MPP+ into the substantia nigra pars reticulata in rats produces immediately intense and long-lasting (up to 96 h) contralateral turning behavior in a dose-dependent manner. This behavioral effect was correlated with a dose- and time-dependent decrease (up to 90%) of glutamate decarboxylase activity and with a notable loss of neurons in the injected nigra reticulata. GABA levels in the injected nigra were also decreased, whereas the dopamine concentration in the ipsilateral striatum was not affected at 24 h, when maximal behavioral effects were observed. The circling behavior was prevented by the dopamine carrier blocker nomifensine only during the first 2 h, whereas the dopamine receptor antagonist haloperidol was ineffective. The results indicate that MPP+ is toxic for inhibitory GABAergic neurons in the nigra pars reticulata and, furthermore, suggest that disruption of the function of these GABAergic neurons may be involved in the abnormal motor behavior produced by the injection of MPP+ in the substantia nigra.  相似文献   
An anaerobic enrichment with CO from sediments of hypersaline soda lakes resulted in a methane-forming binary culture, whereby CO was utilized by a bacterium and not the methanogenic partner. The bacterial isolate ANCO1 forms a deep-branching phylogenetic lineage at the level of a new family within the class ‘Natranaerobiia’. It is an extreme haloalkaliphilic and moderate thermophilic acetogen utilizing CO, formate, pyruvate and lactate as electron donors and thiosulfate, nitrate (reduced to ammonia) and fumarate as electron acceptors. The genome of ANCO1 encodes a full Wood–Ljungdahl pathway allowing for CO oxidation and acetogenic conversion of pyruvate. A locus encoding Nap nitrate reductase/NrfA ammonifying nitrite reductase is also present. Thiosulfate respiration is encoded by a Phs/Psr-like operon. The organism obviously relies on Na-based bioenergetics, since the genome encodes for the Na+-Rnf complex, Na+-F1F0 ATPase and Na+-translocating decarboxylase. Glycine betaine serves as a compatible solute. ANCO1 has an unusual membrane polar lipid composition dominated by diethers, more common among archaea, probably a result of adaptation to multiple extremophilic conditions. Overall, ANCO1 represents a unique example of a triple extremophilic CO-oxidizing anaerobe and is classified as a novel genus and species Natranaerofaba carboxydovora in a novel family Natranaerofabacea.  相似文献   
Polyembryony seems to be advantageous to mother plants in detriment of their siblings which face competition since the beginning of seed development. This competition may limit the turnover of embryos into seedlings and their survival ability. We analysed polyembryony frequency and embryo to seedling turnover in three Handroanthus species with sporophytic apomixis. We tested if the embryo number per seed affected seed and embryo morphometry, seedling survival ability and seed individual survival (i.e. survival of at least one seedling per seed). The number of embryos per seed was compared with seedling number at different developmental stages. All 14 populations showed high frequencies of polyembryonic seeds (21–91%). As the number of embryos per seed increased (up to eight embryos/seed), there was a reduction of mean embryo mass, area, seedling length, individual seedling survival ability, and embryo to seedling turnover. There was also an increase in embryo morphological anomalies. However, enhanced seed individual survival was also observed. Thus, the high frequency of polyembryonic seeds and the increase in seed individual survival support the idea that polyembryony represents an alternative reproductive mechanism which can favours these species.  相似文献   
The genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) play an important role in the vertebrate immune response and are among the most polymorphic genes known in vertebrates. In some marine mammals, MHC genes have been shown to be characterized by low levels of polymorphism compared to terrestrial taxa; this reduction in variation is often explained as a result of lower pathogen pressures in marine habitats. To determine if this same reduction in variation applies to the migratory population of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) that occurs in the Gulf of California, we genotyped a 172 bp fragment of exon 2 of the MHC Class II DQB locus for 80 members of this population. Twenty-two putatively functional DQB allotypes were identified, all of which were homologous with DQB sequences from other cetacean species. Up to 5 putative alleles per individual were identified, suggesting that gene duplication has occurred at this locus. Rates of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions (ω) and maximum likelihood analyses of models of nucleotide variation provided potential evidence of ongoing positive selection at this exon. Phylogenetic analyses of DQB alleles from B. musculus and 16 other species of cetaceans revealed trans-specific conservation of MHC variants, suggesting that selection has acted on this locus over prolonged periods of time. Collectively our findings reveal that immunogenic variation in blue whales is comparable to that in terrestrial mammals, thereby providing no evidence that marine taxa are subject to reduced pathogen-induced selective pressures.  相似文献   
The major human complement regulator in blood, complement factor H (FH), has several closely related proteins, called FH-related (FHR) proteins. As all FHRs lack relevant complement regulatory activity, their physiological role is not well understood. FHR protein 3 (FHR-3) has been suggested to compete with FH for binding to Neisseria meningitidis, thereby affecting complement-mediated clearance. Clearly, the in vivo outcome of such competition greatly depends on the FH and FHR-3 concentrations. While FH levels have been established, accurate FHR-3 levels were never unequivocally reported to date. Moreover, CFHR3 gene copy numbers commonly vary, which may impact the FHR-3 concentration. Hence, we generated five anti-FHR-3 mAbs to specifically measure FHR-3 in human healthy donors of which we determined the gene copy number variation at the CFH/CFHR locus. Finally, we examined the acute-phase response characteristics of FHR-3 in a small sepsis cohort. We determined FHR-3 levels to have a mean of 19 nM and that under normal conditions the copy number of CFHR3 correlates to a very large extent with the FHR-3 serum levels. On average, FHR-3 was 132-fold lower compared to the FH concentration in the same serum samples and FHR-3 did not behave as a major acute phase response protein.  相似文献   
We describe a new approach for investigating the control strategies of compartmental disease transmission models. The method rests on the construction of various alternative next-generation matrices, and makes use of the type reproduction number and the target reproduction number. A general metapopulation SIRS (susceptible–infected–recovered–susceptible) model is given to illustrate the application of the method. Such model is useful to study a wide variety of diseases where the population is distributed over geographically separated regions. Considering various control measures such as vaccination, social distancing, and travel restrictions, the procedure allows us to precisely describe in terms of the model parameters, how control methods should be implemented in the SIRS model to ensure disease elimination. In particular, we characterize cases where changing only the travel rates between the regions is sufficient to prevent an outbreak.  相似文献   
Variations in markers of adolescent self-organization predict a range of economic and health-related outcomes in general population studies. Using a population-based birth cohort study we investigated associations between adolescent self-organization and two common factors over adulthood influencing health, smoking and alcohol consumption. The MRC National Survey of Health and Development (the British 1946 birth cohort) was used to test associations between a dimensional measure of adolescent self-organization derived from teacher ratings, and summary longitudinal measures of smoking and alcohol consumption over the ensuing five decades. Multinomial regression models were adjusted for sex, adolescent emotional and conduct problems, occupational social class of origin, childhood cognition, educational attainment and adult occupational social class. With all covariates adjusted, higher adolescent self-organization was associated with fewer smoking pack years, although not with quitting; there was no association with alcohol consumption across adulthood (none or heavy compared with light to moderate). Adolescent self-organization appears to be protective against smoking, but not against heavy alcohol consumption. Interpretation of this differential effect should be embedded in an understanding of the social and sociodemographic context in which these health behaviours occur over time.  相似文献   
According to classic theory, species'' population dynamics and distributions are less influenced by species interactions under harsh climatic conditions compared to under more benign climatic conditions. In alpine and boreal ecosystems in Fennoscandia, the cyclic dynamics of rodents strongly affect many other species, including ground-nesting birds such as ptarmigan. According to the ‘alternative prey hypothesis’ (APH), the densities of ground-nesting birds and rodents are positively associated due to predator–prey dynamics and prey-switching. However, it remains unclear how the strength of these predator-mediated interactions change along a climatic harshness gradient in comparison with the effects of climatic variation. We built a hierarchical Bayesian model to estimate the sensitivity of ptarmigan populations to interannual variation in climate and rodent occurrence across Norway during 2007–2017. Ptarmigan abundance was positively linked with rodent occurrence, consistent with the APH. Moreover, we found that the link between ptarmigan abundance and rodent dynamics was strongest in colder regions. Our study highlights how species interactions play an important role in population dynamics of species at high latitudes and suggests that they can become even more important in the most climatically harsh regions.  相似文献   
The five small CAB-like proteins (ScpA-E) of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 belong to the family of stress-induced light-harvesting-like proteins, but are constitutively expressed in a mutant deficient of Photosystem I (PSI). Using absorption, fluorescence and thermoluminescence measurements this PSI-less strain was compared with a mutant, in which all SCPs were additionally deleted. Depletion of SCPs led to structural rearrangements in Photosystem II (PSII): less photosystems were assembled; and in these, the Q(B) site was modified. Despite the lower amount of PSII, the SCP-deficient cells contained the same amount of phycobilisomes (PBS) as the control. Although the excess PBS were functionally disconnected, their fluorescence was quenched under high irradiance by the activated Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP). Additionally the amount of OCP, but not of the iron-stress induced protein (isiA), was higher in this SCP-depleted mutant compared with the control. As previously described, the lack of SCPs affects the chlorophyll biosynthesis (Vavilin, D., Brune, D. C., Vermaas, W. (2005) Biochim Biophys Acta 1708, 91-101). We demonstrate that chlorophyll synthesis is required for efficient PSII repair and that it is partly impaired in the absence of SCPs. At the same time, the amount of chlorophyll also seems to influence the expression of ScpC and ScpD.  相似文献   
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