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A method to obtain plants from embryogenic callus of Brassica nigra and protoplasts of hypocotyl expiants is described. Callus was initiated on Murashige and Skoog medium containing kinetin (kn) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D). Lowering of auxin induced embryo formation. Supplementation with gibberellic acid (GA3) enhanced embryogenic response tenfold. Passage through liquid medium devoid of growth regulators was essential for the growth of embryos. Secondary embryos were produced on transfer to solid basal medium. Embryogenic callus retained its morphogenic ability even after 12 subcultures. Both primary and secondary embryos produced fertile plants. Hypocotyl-derived protoplasts were also regenerated to plants following the same protocol. The survival of plants on transfer to soil was about 80%. The seeds from plants derived from callus and protoplasts were viable.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - IAA indole acetic acid - kn kinetin - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   
We report Potential of Mean Force studies to describe the relative thermodynamic stabilities of d(GCCGCAGC) in a mismatched duplex and a hairpin monomer conformation in NaCl solution. The PMF calculations are combined with previous molecular mechanics and normal mode analysis in order to estimate the role of different components of the free energy in determining the relative stability of the duplex and hairpin structures. The high entropy associated with the loop region and the lack of minor groove phosphate-phosphate interactions in the hairpin compete against the gain in enthalpic contribution to the free energy due to base pairing in the mismatched duplex. The combined free energy calculations show that the hairpin is the most stable conformation at low salt and that a hairpin to duplex transition takes place at approximately 0.47 M NaCl. In addition, we studied the hairpin to partially stacked single helical conformation equilibrium at low salt. We found a small variation in transition temperature in salt concentration, delta Tm/delta log10(cs) approximately 2-3 degrees K/decade, in contrast to the duplex to hairpin or duplex to partially stacked single helix transition where the transition temperature exhibited marked dependence on salt concentration. This is in qualitative agreement with experimental data. Based on the Potential of Mean Force free energy calculation, the order of relative stability of the three-conformations studied varies with salt concentration. We observed the following orders of stability: stacked single helix greater than hairpin greater than duplex for cs less than 0.77 M NaCl; single helix greater than duplex greater than hairpin for 0.77 less than Cs less than 2.1 M; and duplex greater than hairpin greater than single strand for cs greater than 2.1 M. From the calculated PMF free energy curves in the NaCl concentration range, 0.012 less than cs less than 5.0 M, we can assign upper and lower bounds for the non-ionic differences in free energy between the duplex, hairpin, and stacked single helical states (at standard conditions: cs = 1.0 M, T = 25 degrees C, and 1 M oligomer concentration). We found that for delta G duplex single helix = G duplex - 2 x G single helix less than -7.38 Kcal/mol, the single helix is the least stable state. For the duplex-to-hairpin free energy difference in the range, -1.87 less than delta G duplex-hairpin less than 0.03 Kcal/mol, there will always be a salt-induced hairpin-to-duplex transition for 0.01 less than cs less than 1.6 M NaCl. If delta G duplex-hairpin less than -1.87, the duplex is always more stable than the hairpin; and for delta G duplex-hairpin greater than Kcal/mol, the hairpin state is always more stable than the duplex, for all salt concentrations.  相似文献   
Rhodotorula glutinis degraded variously14C-labelled synthetic lignins in the presence of 0.1% glucose as co-substrate. Side chain-labelled DHP was degraded the most. While this yeastutilized vanillate and forulate for growth, sinapate/syringate were poorly or not degraded. Gallate, protocatechuate and acetate also supported growth. [carboxy-14C]Syringate was rapidly converted to14CO2 by the yeast only in presence of glucose while [carboxy-14C]vanillate did not require any additional cosubstrate for mineralization. Ring-labelled vanillyl alcohol was also dagraded proving that the yeast could rapidly metabolize guaiacyl structures while syringyl structures required the presence of additional energy sources.
Résumé Rhodotorula glutinis dégrade des lignines synthétiques marquées au14C de manière variée, en présence de 0.1% de glucose comme co-substrat. La DHP marquée sur la chaîne latérale est dégradée le plus. Alors que cette levure utilise le vanillate et le férulate pour sa croissance, le sinapate et le syringate sont peu ou prou dégradables. Le gallate, le protocatéchuate et l'acétate supportent également la croissance. Le syringate marqué au14C dans sa fonctioncarboxyle estrapidement convert en14CO2 par le levure mais exclusivement en présence de glucose, tandis que le vanillate marqué au14C dans sa fonction carboxyle ne requiert aucun co-substrat additionel pour sa minéralisation. L'alcool vanillique marqué dans son cycle, est également dégradé démonstrant ainsi que la levure peut métaboliser rapidement des structures guaiacyliques tandis que les structures syringiques requièrent la présence de sources auxiliaires d'énergie.
Summary Canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum is phosphorylated by adenosine 3,5-monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent and by calcium · calmodulin-dependent protein kinases on a 27 000 proteolipid, called phospholamban. Both types of phosphorylation are associated with an increase in the initial rates of Ca2+ transport by SR vesicles which reflects an increased turnover of elementary steps of the calcium ATPase reaction sequence. The stimulatory effects of the protein kinases on the calcium pump may be reversed by an endogenous protein phosphatase, which can dephosphorylate both the CAMP-dependent and the calcium · calmodulin-dependent sites on phospholamban. Thus, the calcium pump in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum appears to be under reversible regulation mediated by protein kinases and protein phosphatases.  相似文献   
Previous studies have suggested that chloroplast stromal volume reduction may mediate the inhibition of photosynthesis under water stress. In this study, the effects of spinach (Spinacia oleracea, var `Winter Bloomsdale') plant water deficits on chloroplast photosynthetic capacity, solute concentrations in chloroplasts, and chloroplast volume were studied. In situ (gas exchange) and in vitro measurements indicated that chloroplast photosynthetic capacity was maintained during initial leaf water potential (Ψw) and relative water content (RWC) decline. During the latter part of the stress period, photosynthesis dropped precipitously. Chloroplast stromal volume apparently remained constant during the initial period of decline in RWC, but as leaf Ψw reached −1.2 megapascals, stromal volume began to decline. The apparent maintenance of stromal volume over the initial RWC decline during a stress cycle suggested that chloroplasts are capable of osmotic adjustment in response to leaf water deficits. This hypothesis was confirmed by measuring chloroplast solute levels, which increased during stress. The results of these experiments suggest that stromal volume reduction in situ may be associated with loss of photosynthetic capacity and that one mechanism of photosynthetic acclimation to low Ψw may involve stromal volume maintenance.  相似文献   
Ascorbic acid levels were found to be closely related to different stages of growth and maturity of Avitellina centripunctata, Moniezia expansa, and Stilesia globipunctata from goats and sheep and of Raillietina echinobothrida from fowl. The ascorbic acid level in avian parasites was higher than that in mammalian. The level was highest in immature proglottides and lowest in gravid proglottides.  相似文献   
Lymphoid tumors induced by a recombinant murine retrovirus carrying the v-myc oncogene of avian MC29 virus were characterized. The Moloney murine leukemia virus myc oncogene (M-MuLV (myc], carried by an amphotropic MuLV helper, induced tumors in NIH Swiss and NFS/N mice after a relatively long latency (8 to 24 wk). Tumor masses appeared in the thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes. Flow cytometry of the tumor cells indicated that approximately 50% were positive for Thy 1.2. Most of these tumors also expressed one or more other cell surface markers of thymocytes and mature T cells (CD4, CD8). Southern blot hybridization revealed genomic rearrangements for the TCR beta genes. The TCR beta analysis suggested that the M-MuLV(myc)-induced Thy 1.2+ tumors were derived from somewhat less mature cells than tumors induced by M-MuLV, which is a classical non-acute retrovirus lacking an oncogene. The remainder of the M-MuLV(myc)-induced tumors were Thy 1.2-, but they were positive for Ly-5 (B220) and also for MAC-2. The Thy 1.2- tumors were characteristically located in the thymus. However, they were negative for TCR beta gene rearrangements. Some, but not all, of the Thy 1.2- tumors contained rearrangements for Ig genes. Additionally, they typically expressed mRNA specific for B but not for T cells. Thus, these thymic tumors had characteristics of the B cell lineage. Tumor transplantation experiments demonstrated that the Thy 1.2- tumor cells could reestablish in the thymus and spleen of irradiated hosts, and low level expression of the Thy 1 molecule was observed in the thymus but not the spleen on the first passage. After serial passage, one Thy 1- tumor altered its cell surface phenotype to Thy 1low B220-.  相似文献   
C Nath  A Gulati  K N Dhawan  G P Gupta 《Life sciences》1988,42(24):2413-2417
The role of the central histaminergic system in depression was studied by using swimming despair test in mice - a behavioural model of depression. In this test, immobility of mice reflects a state of depression. Intracerebral (ic) injection of histamine (50-200 micrograms) increased significantly the immobility. The H1-receptor blocker mepyramine (2.5-20 mg/kg ip) had no effect while H2-receptor blocker cimetidine (100-200 micrograms ic) caused a significant decrease in immobility. The histamine induced facilitation was blocked completely by cimetidine and antidepressant drugs-imipramine and desipramine, but remained unaffected in mice pretreated with mepyramine or atropine. The H2 agonist impromidine (20-40 micrograms ic) also enhanced significantly, the immobility which was blocked by cimetidine and antidepressant drugs. It has been concluded that central H2-receptors facilitate depression and antidepressant drugs block central H2-receptors.  相似文献   
The oligomer d(GCCGCAGC) can adopt two different conformations: i) a duplex with two mismatched A.C base pairs and ii) a hairpin with two C.G base pairs and a single stranded loop. We report molecular mechanics, normal mode analysis, and thermodynamic stability calculations for both structures. We show that the energy-minimized structure and harmonic-dynamics results are in complete agreement with the observed NOE spectrum and imino proton exchange data. We conclude that the high stability of the hairpin structure over the duplex at low salt concentration is due to the higher vibrational entropy contribution to the system free energy by the single stranded loop and to the lack of minor groove phosphate/phosphate electrostatic repulsions that tend to destabilize the duplex.  相似文献   
Isolates of Phytophthora cactorum resistant to the systemic fungicide metalaxyl were obtained by exposing them to sequentially increased concentrations of metalaxyl. A linear relationship was observed between the concentrations of metalaxyl and percentage inhibition of mycelial growth of P. cactorum. The stability of metalaxyl-resistant isolates 150R and 250R was confirmed after six serial transfers on corn meal agar without fungicide. The in vitro metalaxyl-resistant isolate (Ph10) was less aggressive on apple rootstocks compared with the Ph07 isolated from metalaxyl-treated trees and the Ph03 isolated from untreated trees. Metalaxyl-resistant and sensitive isolates remained sensitive to the chemically unrelated fungicide fosetyl-Al at high concentration (600 μg/ml), to mancozeb, and to a mixture of metalaxyl + mancozeb. Significant differences in resistance to metalaxyl existed among P. cactorum field isolates.  相似文献   
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