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The aggregation of the membrane-bound calcium ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum has been studied by resonance energy transfer. The temperature dependence of resonance energy transfer from a fluorescent membrane lipid donor to an acceptor covalently linked to the Ca2+ ATPase was observed for the native sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles and for purified protein reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. The efficiency of energy transfer in these systems increases as the size of protein aggregates decrease. This is due to the increased exposure of the protein in the lipid domain that results in the shortening of distances between donors and acceptors. The degree of aggregation was observed to decrease with increasing temperature. Aggregates rea h a limiting size at low temperature (5 degrees C) but not a high temperatures (45 degrees C). For the reconstituted system, the aggregate size showed a continuous, smooth decrease with increasing temperature. Sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles showed a decrease in aggregation except for a region from 20 to 30 degrees C in which no change occurred. Arrhenius plots of the calcium transport activities for both systems do not reflect these differences, but instead show similar discontinuities and activation energies. A theoretical model is used to analyze the resonance energy transfer results for the reconstituted vesicles. The average radius of the ATPase aggregate is obtained from this analysis. The limiting, low temperature value of the aggregate radius is consistent with the formation of a tetramer. This structure breaks down to smaller, functional units at higher temperatures.  相似文献   
Construction of Killer Wine Yeast Strain   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A double-stranded RNA plasmid which confers the superkiller phenotype was transferred into a wine yeast (Montrachet strain 522) and its leucine-requiring derivative (strain 694) by cytoduction, using the protoplast fusion technique. The killer wine yeast constructed completely suppressed the growth of killer-sensitive strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in yeast extract-peptone-glucose medium at pH 4.5, whereas the killer effect was somewhat decreased at pH 3.5. The wine yeast harboring the killer factor also inhibited the growth of killer-sensitive cells satisfactorily when it was grown in grape juice.  相似文献   
Circular dichroism spectroscopy has been used to investigate the binding of valinomycin to bacteriorhodopsin in purple membrane suspensions. Addition of valinomycin to purple membrane suspensions obtained from Halobacterium halobium causes the circular dichroism spectrum to shift from an aggregate spectrum to one resembling a monomer spectrum, indicating a loss of chromophore-chromophore interactions. By observing the spectral change upon titration of valinomycin, an apparent dissociation constant of 30–40 M for valinomycin binding was determined. Kinetics of dark adaptation for valinomycin-treated purple membrane are comparable to those for monomeric bacteriorhodopsin. Centrifugation studies demonstrate that valinomycin-treated purple membrane sediments the same as untreated purple membrane suspensions. These results are consistent with a model in which valinomycin binds specifically to bacteriorhodopsin without disrupting the purple membrane fragments.Abbreviations BR bacteriorhodopsin - CD circular dichroism - Tricine N-[tris-(hydroxymethyl) methyl] glycine  相似文献   
Living Vessel Elements in the Late Metaxylem of Sheathed Maize Roots   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The two types of nodal roots of field-grown maize, sheathedand bare, were found to have such different water conductivitiesthat an investigation of the anatomy of their large metaxylemvessels was made. While the vessels of the bare roots were openfor scores of centimetres, those of the sheathed roots werefound to be not vessels but developing vessel elements, withcross walls at 1 mm intervals, and protoplasts. The cross wallsbetween the elements had several unique histochemical properties.Previous investigators have often failed to find the cross wallsbecause they are very easily dislodged during the usual methodsof tissue preparation. They are best identified by microdissectionof fresh xylem. The living elements persist in the late metaxylemup to 20 – 30 cm from the tip. As the roots become longerthan this both the cross walls and the soil sheaths disappearand there is a transition to a bare root with open vessels inthe proximal region. The soil sheath persists a little longerthan the cross walls. The two types are thus stages in a developmentalsequence through which all nodal roots pass. A fundamental differencebetween the two types is in their water status, since the estimatedconductive capacity of a bare root is about 100 times greaterthan that of a sheathed root. These observations point to theneed for a reassessment of the published work on transport ofions into the xylem of grass roots through a reinvestigationof the ‘maturity’ of their xylem vessels. Grass roots, dimorphic roots, ion secretion to xylem, soil sheaths, xylem vessels, xylem differentiation, water conduction, Zea mays L  相似文献   
Isolation of recombinant bacteriophage containing male-specific mouse DNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mammalian Y chromosome is an isolated piece of genetic material that directs sexual determination and gametogenesis. Very little is understood about the mechanism whereby the Y chromosome carries out these functions. Also, there is a severe lack of genetic markers on this chromosome. In order to understand the structure and function of the Y chromosome at the level of its DNA sequences and to provide genetic markers, we are isolating clones of DNA whose sequences are found primarily in DNA from male mice. To this end, we have developed a procedure for the identification of such clones. Application of this screening procedure to a lambda library derived from mouse sperm DNA has yielded 12 distinct clones, part of whose sequences are present predominantly in male DNA. Besides this DNA, they also contain other sequences that are shared with female DNA. These clones are either derived from the Y chromosome or they represent autosomal sequences specifically amplified during male development.  相似文献   
Spectroscopic evidence suggests the presence of a highly strained ether ring (Fig. 1) (possibly an epoxide) in the C12-subunit of the previously determined partial structure 2a (Fig. 2) of the major neocarzinostatin chromophore (NCS-Chrom A) which completes assignment of all the oxygens in the molecule. The main product from mercaptan treatment suggests opening of the ether ring involving the addition of one molecule of mercaptan as well as reduction of the C12-substructure, whereas a parallel two-step reduction occurs on NaBH4 treatment. Both reactions occur with rearrangement of the C12-substructure and the implication for the mechanism of action of NCS-Chrom A in DNA strand scission activity is discussed. The evidence suggests a downward revision of the molecular formula for NCS-Chrom A as well as minor components B and C by two protons.  相似文献   
DURING each step of peptide chain elongation the ribosome shifts up one triplet along the messenger RNA with concomitant movement of the peptidyl-transfer RNA from the donor to the acceptor site. This process, commonly known as translocation, is triggered by a supernatant protein, factor G, which in association with the ribosome cleaves GTP into GDP and inorganic phosphate1,2 and it has been argued that the energy liberated in this reaction is used “to carry the complex one triplet forward”3.  相似文献   
Five hybrids were obtained from 12 seeds formed in 26 emasculated florets of A. riparium pollinated by A. repens. The hybrid plants were morphologically intermediate between the parents for vegetative and spike characteristics, although they resembled A. repens more closely than A. riparium. The 28-chromosome A. riparium parent behaved cytologically as an allotetraploid and formed an average of 13.98 II and 0.04 I in 94 cells at metaphase I. An average of 20.27 II and 0.36 IV were observed at metaphase I in 55 cells of A. repens, which was designated as a segmental autoallohexaploid. The hybrids contained 35 chromosomes and averaged 6.75 I, 12.49 II, 1.05 III, 0.01 IV, and 0.01 V in 162 cells interpreted at metaphase I. Bivalent chromosome pairing in the hybrids was attributed to autosyndetic pairing of 2 A. repens genomes and allosyndetic pairing between 1 A. riparium genome and 1 A. repens genome. Multivalent chromosome associations were attributed to structural hybridity. A. repens and A. riparium apparently share a genome in common, and this genome is the one responsible for rhizomes in both species. A. riparium was given a genome formula of R2R2SS; whereas the A. repens genome formula was written as R1R1X1X1X2X2, and the hybrid genome formula was designated as R1R2X1X2S. The “S” genome of A. riparium was derived from A. spicatum, and the “R” genome is the genome shared by A. repens and A. riparium. The origin and distribution of the so-called “X” genomes of A. repens remain unknown. The hybrids produced from 3 to 10% stainable pollen; however, no seed was set on the hybrids during 2 years in the field.  相似文献   
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