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Hypoxia in cancers results in the upregulation of hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) and a microRNA, hsa-miR-210 (miR-210) which is associated with a poor prognosis.

Methods and Findings

In human cancer cell lines and tumours, we found that miR-210 targets the mitochondrial iron sulfur scaffold protein ISCU, required for assembly of iron-sulfur clusters, cofactors for key enzymes involved in the Krebs cycle, electron transport, and iron metabolism. Down regulation of ISCU was the major cause of induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in hypoxia. ISCU suppression reduced mitochondrial complex 1 activity and aconitase activity, caused a shift to glycolysis in normoxia and enhanced cell survival. Cancers with low ISCU had a worse prognosis.


Induction of these major hallmarks of cancer show that a single microRNA, miR-210, mediates a new mechanism of adaptation to hypoxia, by regulating mitochondrial function via iron-sulfur cluster metabolism and free radical generation.  相似文献   
We hypothesize that circadian dysfunction could underlie, at least partially, the liability for bipolar 1 disorder (BD1). Our hypothesis motivated tests for the association between the polymorphisms of genes that mediate circadian function and liability for BD1. The US Caucasian patients with BD1 (DSM-IV criteria) and available parents were recruited from Pittsburgh and surrounding areas (n = 138 cases, 196 parents) and also selected from the NIMH Genetics Collaborative Initiative (n = 96 cases, 192 parents). We assayed 44 informative single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from eight circadian genes in the BD1 samples. A population-based sample, specifically cord blood samples from local live births, served as community-based controls (n = 180). It was used as a contrast for genotype and haplotype distributions with those of patients. US patients with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder (SZ/SZA, n = 331) and available parents from Pittsburgh (n = 344) were assayed for a smaller set of SNPs based on the results from the BD1 samples. Modest associations with SNPs at ARNTL (BmaL1) and TIMELESS genes were observed in the BD1 samples. The associations were detected using family-based and case-control analyses, albeit with different SNPs. Associations with TIMELESS and PERIOD3 were also detected in the Pittsburgh SZ/SZA group. Thus far, evidence for association between specific SNPs at the circadian gene loci and BD1 is tentative. Additional studies using larger samples are required to evaluate the associations reported here.  相似文献   
Circadian gating of light signaling limits the timing of maximum responsiveness to light to specific times of day. The fhy3 (for far-red elongated hypocotyl3) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana is involved in independently gating signaling from a group of photoreceptors to an individual response. fhy3 shows an enhanced response to red light during seedling deetiolation. Analysis of two independent fhy3 alleles links enhanced inhibition of hypocotyl elongation in response to red light with an arrhythmic pattern of hypocotyl elongation. Both alleles also show disrupted rhythmicity of central-clock and clock-output gene expression in constant red light. fhy3 exhibits aberrant phase advances under red light pulses during the subjective day. Release-from-light experiments demonstrate clock disruption in fhy3 during the early part of the subjective day in constant red light, suggesting that FHY3 is important in gating red light signaling for clock resetting. The FHY3 gating function appears crucial in the early part of the day for the maintenance of rhythmicity under these conditions. However, unlike previously described Arabidopsis gating mutants that gate all light signaling, gating of direct red light-induced gene expression in fhy3 is unaffected. FHY3 appears to be a novel gating factor, specifically in gating red light signaling to the clock during daytime.  相似文献   
Amyloid fibrils are aggregated and precipitated forms of protein in which the protein exists in highly ordered, long, unbranching threadlike formations that are stable and resistant to degradation by proteases. Fibril formation is an ordered process that typically involves the unfolding of a protein to partially folded states that subsequently interact and aggregate through a nucleation-dependent mechanism. Here we report on studies investigating the molecular basis of the inherent propensity of the milk protein, kappa-casein, to form amyloid fibrils. Using reduced and carboxymethylated kappa-casein (RCMkappa-CN), we show that fibril formation is accompanied by a characteristic increase in thioflavin T fluorescence intensity, solution turbidity, and beta-sheet content of the protein. However, the lag phase of RCMkappa-CN fibril formation is independent of protein concentration, and the rate of fibril formation does not increase upon the addition of seeds (preformed fibrils). Therefore, its mechanism of fibril formation differs from the archetypal nucleation-dependent aggregation mechanism. By digestion with trypsin or proteinase K and identification by mass spectrometry, we have determined that the region from Tyr(25) to Lys(86) is incorporated into the core of the fibrils. We suggest that this region, which is predicted to be aggregation-prone, accounts for the amyloidogenic nature of kappa-casein. Based on these data, we propose that fibril formation by RCMkappa-CN occurs through a novel mechanism whereby the rate-limiting step is the dissociation of an amyloidogenic precursor from an oligomeric state rather than the formation of stable nuclei, as has been described for most other fibril-forming systems.  相似文献   
This study provides pharmacological evidence for the presence of GABAergic neurons innervating the longitudinal muscle of the body wall (LMBW) of holothurians. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A and B receptor subtypes were both present in this system and regulated spontaneous contractions as well as responses to acetylcholine (ACh) that stimulated contraction of the LMBW. GABA dose-dependently relaxed the resting tone of the LMBW. GABA (10(-5) M) inhibited ACh-induced (10(-4) M) contractions by 20%. The GABA B agonist, baclofen, relaxed the LMBW, an effect potentiated by GABA. Pretreatment with baclofen (10(-4) M) inhibited ACh (10(-4) M) contractions of the LMBW by 50%. Phaclofen, a GABA receptor B antagonist, caused a dose-dependent increase in resting tension. Phaclofen-induced (10(-5) M) contractions were reversed by the addition of GABA or baclofen (10(-4) M) and potentiated by the addition of another GABA B receptor antagonist, 2-hydroxy-saclofen (10(-5) M). Pretreatment with phaclofen (10(-5) M) caused a marked potentiation of ACh-induced (10(-4) M) contractions by 101%. 2-Hydroxy-saclofen (10(-5) M) had a toxic effect on the LMBW, rendering it completely unresponsive either to ACh or to a second exposure to GABA, and so exhibiting cross-desensitization. Muscimol, a GABA A receptor agonist, had no effect on the resting tension of the LMBW. Curiously, pretreatment of the muscle with muscimol (10(-5) M) potentiated ACh-evoked (10(-4) M) contractions by nearly 20%. Bicuculline (10(-5) M), a GABA A receptor antagonist, generated large, sustained contractions and partially blocked GABA-induced (10(-4) M) relaxation. Like 2-hydroxy-saclofen, bicuculline (10(-5) M) had a profound cross-desensitizing effect on the LMBW to subsequent exposures to GABA and ACh. ACh was unable to potentiate the sustained contractions induced by bicuculline.  相似文献   
We investigated putative mechanisms by which human surfactant protein A (SP-A) effects killing of Klebsiella pneumoniae by human alveolar macrophages (AMs) isolated from bronchoalveolar lavagates of patients with transplanted lungs. Coincubation of AMs with human SP-A (25 microg/ml) and Klebsiella resulted in a 68% decrease in total colony forming units by 120 min compared with AMs infected with Klebsiella in the absence of SP-A, and this SP-A-mediated effect was abolished by preincubation with N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine. Incubation of transplant AMs with SP-A increased intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) by 70% and nitrite and nitrate (NO(x)) production by 45% (from 0.24 +/- 0.02 to 1.3 +/- 0.21 nmol small middle dot 10(6) AMs(-1).h(-1)). Preincubation with 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid-acetoxymethyl ester inhibited the increase in [Ca(2+)](i) and abrogated the SP-A-mediated Klebsiella phagocytosis and killing. In contrast, incubation of AMs from normal volunteers with SP-A decreased both [Ca(2+)](i) and NO(x) production and did not result in killing of Klebsiella. Significant killing of Klebsiella was also seen in a cell-free system by sustained production of peroxynitrite (>1 microM/min) at pH 5 but not at pH 7.4. These findings indicate that SP-A mediates pathogen killing by AMs from transplant lungs by stimulating phagocytosis and production of reactive oxygen-nitrogen intermediates.  相似文献   
Transgenesis changes body and head shape in Pacific salmon   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Insertion of a pOnMTGH1 gene construct into coho salmon altered centroid size significantly (P<0·05). The dorsal caudal peduncle and abdominal regions were also distinctly enhanced in transgenic fish when compared to controls. Shape change patterns of both whole body and syncranium were prominent.  相似文献   
Using an expression cloning approach, we identified and cloned a novel intracellular protein produced by osteoclasts that indirectly induces osteoclast formation and bone resorption, termed OSF. Conditioned media from 293 cells transiently transfected with the 0.9 kb OSF cDNA clone stimulated osteoclast-like cell formation in both human and murine marrow cultures in the presence or absence 10(-9) M 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. In addition, conditioned media from 293 cells transfected with the OSF cDNA clone enhanced the stimulatory effects of 1,25-(OH)2D3 on bone resorption in the fetal rat long bone assay. In situ hybridization studies using antisense oligomers showed expression of OSF mRNA in highly purified osteoclast-like cells from human giant cell tumors of the bone. Northern blot analysis demonstrated ubiquitous expression of a 1.3 kb mRNA that encodes OSF in multiple human tissues. Sequence analysis showed the OSF cDNA encoded a 28 kD peptide that contains a c-Src homology 3 domain (SH3) and ankyrin repeats, suggesting that it was not a secreted protein, but that it was potentially involved in cell signaling. Consistent with these data, immunoblot analysis using rabbit antisera against recombinant OSF demonstrated OSF expression in cell lysates but not in the culture media. Furthermore, recombinant OSF had a high affinity for c-Src, an important regulator of osteoclast activity. Taken together, these data suggest that OSF is a novel intracellular protein that indirectly enhances osteoclast formation and osteoclastic bone resorption through the cellular signal transduction cascade, possibly through its interactions with c-Src or other Src-related proteins.  相似文献   
Flower production is the major determinant of pollen yield and an important component in pollinator attraction. Consequently differences among plants in flower production are expected to have a substantial impact on their relative success at fathering seed. We examined this prediction using one natural and three structured populations of wild radish. We found that a plant's relative success at fathering seed on another plant in the population (male fertility) increased with flower production. Nonetheless, the increase in fertility exhibited a diminishing marginal gain, with the relationship varying among populations. The relationship between the estimates of total number of seeds sired and flower production varied substantially among the populations examined, ranging from a weakly linear to strongly negative quadratic. Not surprisingly, the spatial structure of the population with respect to seed yield had a powerful effect on the total number of seeds sired because male fertility decreased exponentially with intermate distance. This exponential relationship occurred in all populations examined. Other covariates important to male fertility were flower color, time, the specific identity of the male parent, and male by female interaction. The identity of the male parent consistently accounted for a large portion of the variation in male fertility, indicating that other unmeasured features of the plant influenced its success.  相似文献   
P F Devlin  S R Patel    G C Whitelam 《The Plant cell》1998,10(9):1479-1487
From a screen of M2 seedlings derived from gamma-mutagenesis of seeds doubly null for phytochromes phyA and phyB, we isolated a mutant lacking phyE. The PHYE gene of the selected mutant, phyE-1, was found to contain a 1-bp deletion at a position equivalent to codon 726, which is predicted to result in a premature stop at codon 739. Immunoblot analysis showed that the phyE protein was undetectable in the phyE-1 mutant. In the phyA- and phyB-deficient background, phyE deficiency led to early flowering, elongation of internodes between adjacent rosette leaves, and reduced petiole elongation. This is a phenocopy of the response of phyA phyB seedlings to end-of-day far-red light treatments. Furthermore, a phyE deficiency attenuated the responses of phyA phyB seedlings to end-of-day far-red light treatments. Monogenic phyE mutants were indistinguishable from wild-type seedlings. However, phyB phyE double mutants flowered earlier and had longer petioles than did phyB mutants. The elongation and flowering responses conferred by phyE deficiency are typical of shade avoidance responses to the low red/far-red ratio. We conclude that in conjunction with phyB and to a lesser extent with phyD, phyE functions in the regulation of the shade avoidance syndrome.  相似文献   
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