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A parallel approach to designing crystallization constructs for the c-FMS kinase domain was implemented, resulting in proteins suitable for structural studies. Sequence alignment and limited proteolysis were used to identify and eliminate unstructured and surface-exposed domains. A small library of chimeras was prepared in which the kinase insert domain of FMS was replaced with the kinase insert domain of previously crystallized receptor-tyrosine kinases. Characterization of the newly generated FMS constructs by enzymology and thermoshift assays demonstrated similar activities and compound binding to the FMS full-length cytoplasmic domain. Two chimeras were evaluated for crystallization in the presence and absence of a variety of ligands resulting in crystal structures, and leading to a successful structure-based drug design project for this important inflammation target.  相似文献   
By changing habitat conditions, ecosystem engineers increase niche diversity and have profound effects on the distribution and abundances of other organisms. Although many ecosystems contain several engineering species, it is still unclear how the coexistence of multiple engineers affects the physical habitat and the structure of the community on a landscape scale. Here, we investigated through a large‐scale field manipulation how three coexisting engineers on intertidal flats (cockles Cerastoderma edule; lugworms Arenicola marina; blue mussels Mytilus edulis) influence the functional composition of the local macrobenthic community and what the consequences are at the landscape level. By using biological trait analysis (BTA), we show that on the local scale biogenic changes in sediment accumulation and organic matter content translated into specific shifts in the distribution of functional traits within the community. At a landscape scale, the co‐occurrence of multiple ecosystem engineers resulted in the spatial separation of different functional groups, i.e. different functional groups dominated unique complementary habitats. Our results emphasize the role of co‐occurring multiple engineers in shaping natural communities, thus contributing to a better knowledge of community assembly rules. This understanding can profitably be used to improve ecosystem‐based management and conservation actions.  相似文献   
In order to study the potential role of cysteinyl residues in catalysis and inhibition of human aldose reductase, mutants containing cysteine to serine substitution at positions 80 (ALR2:C80S), 298 (ALR2:C298S), and 303 (ALR2:C303S) were constructed. Mutation of Cys298 resulted in the most profound changes, as ALR2:C298S displayed 4- to 5-fold elevation in K'm(NADPH), K'm(DL-glyceraldehyde), and kcat(DL-glyceraldehyde) relative to wild type aldose reductase as well as a 10-fold higher Ki for the aldose reductase inhibitor sorbinil. Wild type and mutant reductases were equally sensitive to tolrestat, a structurally different reductase inhibitor. Carboxymethylation of the wild type enzyme or the C80S and C303S mutants led to a modest decrease in kcat as well as an increase in K'm(DL-glyceraldehyde) and Ki(sorbinil). These parameters were not significantly changed when ALR2:C298S was subjected to carboxymethylation. Lithium sulfate caused activation of ALR2:WT, C80S, and C303S but did not significantly affect the activity of ALR2:C298S. The differential sensitivity of wild type and mutant reductases to inhibition by sorbinil and tolrestat, before and after carboxymethylation, indicates that these inhibitors bind at different sites. These results suggest that Cys-298 is present near the active site and constitutes a regulatory group which controls the catalytic activity and inhibitor sensitivity of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Treatment of field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) leaves with the herbicide chlorsulfuron resulted in a decrease in the export of assimilate. Twelve hours after a spot application of 1 microgram, assimilate translocation was 70% of that in control leaves. In excised leaves treated with chlorsulfuron the total amounts of sugars and free amino acids were 150 and 170%, respectively, of the amounts in control leaves, 30 hours after herbicide treatment. The amount of sucrose was 247% of that in control leaves. The increase in the concentration of sucrose in the chlorsulfuron-treated leaves, combined with the absence of an effect of chlorsulfuron on carbon dioxide fixation, suggests that the decrease in assimilate transport is not due to an effect on the synthesis of assimilates, but rather to an effect on their movement out of the leaves. Supplying branched-chain amino acids to the field pennycress seedlings prior to the application of chlorsulfuron prevented the occurrence of the effects described.  相似文献   
Transposons and transposon-like repetitive elements collectively occupy 44% of the human genome sequence. In an effort to measure the levels of genetic variation that are caused by human transposons, we have developed a new method to broadly detect transposon insertion polymorphisms of all kinds in humans. We began by identifying 606,093 insertion and deletion (indel) polymorphisms in the genomes of diverse humans. We then screened these polymorphisms to detect indels that were caused by de novo transposon insertions. Our method was highly efficient and led to the identification of 605 nonredundant transposon insertion polymorphisms in 36 diverse humans. We estimate that this represents 25-35% of approximately 2075 common transposon polymorphisms in human populations. Because we identified all transposon insertion polymorphisms with a single method, we could evaluate the relative levels of variation that were caused by each transposon class. The average human in our study was estimated to harbor 1283 Alu insertion polymorphisms, 180 L1 polymorphisms, 56 SVA polymorphisms, and 17 polymorphisms related to other forms of mobilized DNA. Overall, our study provides significant steps toward (i) measuring the genetic variation that is caused by transposon insertions in humans and (ii) identifying the transposon copies that produce this variation.  相似文献   
Biocompatibility testing of branched and linear polyglycidol   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Polyglycidols are flexible hydrophilic polyethers that are potentially biocompatible polymers based on their similarities to the well-studied poly(ethyleneglycol). Polyglycidols can be prepared as branched or linear polymers by suitable synthetic methods. Biocompatibility testing of these polymers conducted in vitro as well as in vivo are reported here. The in vitro studies included hemocompatibility testing for effects on coagulation (PT and APTT), complement activation, red blood cell aggregation, and whole blood viscosity measurements. In vitro cytotoxicity experiments were also conducted. The results were compared with some of the common biocompatible polymers already in human use. Results from these studies show that polyglycidols are highly biocompatible. Hyperbranched polyglycidols were found to be well tolerated by mice even when injected in high doses.  相似文献   
Complex congenital heart disease (CHD) is often seen in conjunction with heterotaxy, the randomization of left-right visceral organ situs. However, the link between cardiovascular morphogenesis and left-right patterning is not well understood. To elucidate the role of left-right patterning in cardiovascular development, we examined situs anomalies and CHD in mice with a loss of function allele of Dnaic1, a dynein protein required for motile cilia function and left-right patterning. Dnaic1 mutants were found to have nodal cilia required for left-right patterning, but they were immotile. Half the mutants had concordant organ situs comprising situs solitus or mirror symmetric situs inversus. The remaining half had randomized organ situs or heterotaxy. Looping of the heart tube, the first anatomical lateralization, showed abnormal L-loop bias rather than the expected D-loop orientation in heterotaxy and nonheterotaxy mutants. Situs solitus/inversus mutants were viable with mild or no defects consisting of azygos continuation and/or ventricular septal defects, whereas all heterotaxy mutants had complex CHD. In heterotaxy mutants, but not situs solitus/inversus mutants, the morphological left ventricle was thin and often associated with a hypoplastic transverse aortic arch. Thus, in conclusion, Dnaic1 mutants can achieve situs solitus or inversus even with immotile nodal cilia. However, the finding of abnormal L-loop bias in heterotaxy and nonheterotaxy mutants would suggest motile cilia are required for normal heart looping. Based on these findings, we propose motile nodal cilia patterns heart looping but heart and visceral organ lateralization is driven by signaling not requiring nodal cilia motility.  相似文献   
The maturation process of [NiFe] hydrogenases includes a proteolytic cleavage of the large subunit. We constructed a mutant of Nostoc strain PCC 7120 in which hupW, encoding a putative hydrogenase-specific protease, is inactivated. Our results indicate that the protein product of hupW selectively cleaves the uptake hydrogenase in this cyanobacterium.  相似文献   
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