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Human cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 extensively contributes to metabolize 50% of the marketed drugs. Recently, a CYP3A4 structure with two molecules of ketoconazole (2KT) was identified. However, channels for egresses of these inhibitors are unexplored. Thus, we applied molecular dynamics simulations followed by channel analyses. Two simulations of empty and 2KT-bound CYP3A4 results revealed the multiple ligand-induced conformational changes in channel forming regions, which appear to be important for the regulation of channels. In addition, we observed that the channel-3 entrance is closed due to the large structural deviation of the key residues from Phe-cluster. F215 and F220 are known as entrance blockers of channel-2 in metyrapone-bound CYP3A4. Currently, F220 blocks the channel-3 along with F213 and F241. Therefore, it suggested that channel-1 and 2 could potentially serve as egress routes for 2KT. It is also supported by the results from MOLAxis analyses, in which the frequency of channel occurrence and bottleneck radius during simulation favor channel-1 and 2. Several bottleneck residues of these channels may have critical roles in 2KT egresses, especially S119. Our modeling study for multiple ligand-channeling of CYP3A4 could be very helpful to gain new insights into channel selectivity of CYP3A4.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: There is a need for an efficient and accurate computational method to identify the effects of single- and multiple-residue mutations on the stability and reactivity of proteins. Such a method should ideally be consistent and yet applicable in a widespread manner, i.e. it should be applied to various proteins under the same parameter settings, and have good predictive power for all of them. RESULTS: We develop a Delaunay tessellation-based four-body scoring function to predict the effects of single- and multiple-residue mutations on the stability and reactivity of proteins. We test our scoring function on sets of single-point mutations used by several previous studies. We also assemble a new, diverse set of 237 single- and multiple-residue mutations, from over 24 different publications. The four-body scoring function correctly predicted the changes to the stability of 169 out of 210 mutants (80.5%), and the changes to the reactivity of 17 out of 27 mutants (63%). For the mutants that had the changes in stability/reactivity quantified (using reaction rates, temperatures, etc.), an average Spearman rank correlation coefficient of 0.67 was achieved with the four-body scores. We also develop an efficient method for screening huge numbers of mutants of a protein, called combinatorial mutagenesis. In one study, 64 million mutants of a cold-shock nucleus binding domain protein 1CSQ, with six of its residues being changed to all possible (20) amino acids, were screened within a few hours on a PC, and all five stabilizing mutants reported were correctly identified as stabilizing by combinatorial mutagenesis.  相似文献   
Acute inflammation and its resolution are essential processes for tissue protection and homeostasis. In this context, specialized proresolving mediators derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids are of interest. In this study, we report that resolvin E2 (RvE2) from eicosapentaenoic acid is endogenously produced during self-limited murine peritonitis in both the initiation and resolution phases. RvE2 (1-10 nM) carries potent leukocyte-directed actions that include: 1) regulating chemotaxis of human neutrophils; and 2) enhancing phagocytosis and anti-inflammatory cytokine production. These actions appear to be mediated by leukocyte G-protein-coupled receptors as preparation of labeled RvE2 gave direct evidence for specific binding of radiolabeled RvE2 to neutrophils (K(d) 24.7 ± 10.1 nM) and resolvin E1 activation of recombinant G-protein-coupled receptors was assessed. In addition to the murine inflammatory milieu, RvE2 was also identified in plasma from healthy human subjects. RvE2 rapidly downregulated surface expression of human leukocyte integrins in whole blood and dampened responses to platelet-activating factor. Together, these results indicate that RvE2 can stimulate host-protective actions throughout initiation and resolution in the innate inflammatory responses.  相似文献   
In this paper, we studied the effects of wrapping surfaces on muscle paths and moment arms of the neck muscle, semispinalis capitis. Sensitivities to wrapping surface size and the kinematic linkage to vertebral segments were evaluated. Kinematic linkage, but not radius, significantly affected the accuracy of model muscle paths compared to centroid paths from images. Both radius and linkage affected the moment arm significantly. Wrapping surfaces that provided the best match to centroid paths over a range of postures had consistent moment arms. For some wrapping surfaces with poor matches to the centroid path, a kinematic method (tendon excursion) predicted flexion moment arms in certain postures, whereas geometric method (distance to instant centre) predicted extension. This occurred because the muscle lengthened as it wrapped around the surface. This study highlights the sensitivity of moment arms to wrapping surface parameters and the importance of including multiple postures when evaluating muscle paths and moment arm.  相似文献   
Prostate cancer is a leading cause of death among the aging men. Surgical or radiotherapy is effective when the cancer is confined to the prostate gland but once the cancer spreads beyond the pelvis even chemotherapy and hormonal ablation therapy fails in curing this disease. Our previous studies have shown that diallyl disulfide (DADS) induces cell cycle arrest and also induces apoptosis in PC-3 cells. And now the present study is focused to see whether there is an activation of caspase cascade pathway. Hence, in the present study the apoptotic effect of DADS is studied by Western blot analysis of caspase-3, -9, -10 and Bcl-2, Bad, and Bax protein. The Apoptotic cells were assessed by Hoechst 33342 staining with 25 and 40 microM concentrations of DADS for 24 h. The results have shown that DADS at 25 and 40 microM concentrations has induced the activation of caspases. There is a significant increase in the expression of caspases (3, 9, and 10). The proapoptotic protein Bax has significantly increased at 40 microM of DADS treatment and there is significant increase of Bad protein at both the concentration. Bcl-2 protein has significantly decreased in DADS treated cells. Therefore, the present investigation serves as evidence that DADS may be a therapeutic drug in the treatment of prostate cancer.  相似文献   
We utilized plasmon-waveguide resonance (PWR) spectroscopy to follow the effects of sphingomyelin, cholesterol and zinc ions on the binding and aggregation of the amyloid beta peptide(1-40) in lipid bilayers. With a dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) bilayer, peptide binding was observed, but no aggregation occurred over a period of 15 h. In contrast, similar binding was found with a brain sphingomyelin (SM) bilayer, but in this case an exponential aggregation process was observed during the same time interval. When the SM bilayer included 35% cholesterol, an increase of approximately 2.5-fold occurred in the amount of peptide bound, with a similar increase in the extent of aggregation, the latter resulting in decreases in the bilayer packing density and displacement of lipid. Peptide association with a bilayer formed from equimolar amounts of DOPC, SM and cholesterol was followed using a high-resolution PWR sensor that allowed microdomains to be observed. Biphasic binding to both domains occurred, but predominantly to the SM-rich domain, initially to the surface and at higher peptide concentrations within the interior of the bilayer. Again, aggregation was observed and occurred within both microdomains, resulting in lipid displacement. We attribute the aggregation in the DOPC-enriched domain to be a consequence of lipid mixing within these microdomains, resulting in the presence of small amounts of SM and cholesterol in the DOPC microdomain. When 1 mM zinc was present, an increase of approximately threefold in the amount of peptide association was observed, as well as large changes in mass and bilayer structure as a consequence of peptide aggregation, occurring without loss of bilayer integrity. A structural interpretation of peptide interaction with the bilayer is presented based on the results of simulation analysis of the PWR spectra.  相似文献   
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