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Using plants as biofactories for industrial enzymes is a developing technology. The application of this technology to plant biomass conversion for biofuels and biobased products has potential for significantly lowering the cost of these products because of lower enzyme production costs. However, the concentration of the enzymes in plant tissue must be high to realize this goal. We describe the enhancement of the accumulation of cellulases in transgenic maize seed as a part of the process to lower the cost of these dominant enzymes for the bioconversion process. We have used breeding to move these genes into elite and high oil germplasm to enhance protein accumulation in grain. We have also explored processing of the grain to isolate the germ, which preferentially contains the enzymes, to further enhance recovery of enzyme on a dry weight basis of raw materials. The enzymes are active on microcrystalline cellulose to release glucose and cellobiose.  相似文献   
Subcellular trafficking of neuronal receptors is known to play a key role in synaptic development, homeostasis, and plasticity. We have developed a ligand‐targeted and photo‐cleavable probe for delivering a synthetic fluorophore to AMPA receptors natively expressed in neurons. After a receptor is bound to the ligand portion of the probe molecule, a proteinaceous nucleophile reacts with an electrophile on the probe, covalently bonding the two species. The ligand may then be removed by photolysis, returning the receptor to its non‐liganded state while leaving intact the new covalent bond between the receptor and the fluorophore. This strategy was used to label polyamine‐sensitive receptors, including calcium‐permeable AMPA receptors, in live hippocampal neurons from rats. Here, we describe experiments where we examined specificity, competition, and concentration on labeling efficacy as well as quantified receptor trafficking. Pharmacological competition during the labeling step with either a competitive or non‐competitive glutamate receptor antagonist prevented the majority of labeling observed without a blocker. In other experiments, labeled receptors were observed to alter their locations and we were able to track and quantify their movements.


Plant cell wall degradation into fermentable sugars by cellulases is one of the greatest barriers to biofuel production. Expansin protein loosens the plant cell wall by opening up the complex of cellulose microfibrils and polysaccharide matrix components thereby increasing its accessibility to cellulases. We over-expressed cucumber expansin in maize kernels to produce enough protein to assess its potential to serve as an industrial enzyme for applications particularly in biomass conversion. We used the globulin-1 embryo-preferred promoter to express the cucumber expansin gene in maize seed. Expansin protein was targeted to one of three sub-cellular locations: the cell wall, the vacuole, or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To assess the level of expansin accumulation in seeds of transgenic kernels, a high throughput expansin assay was developed. The highest expressing plants were chosen and enriched crude expansin extract from those plants was tested for synergistic effects with cellulase on several lignocellulosic substrates. Activity of recombinant cucumber expansin from transgenic kernels was confirmed on these pretreated substrates. The best transgenic lines (ER-targeted) can now be used for breeding to increase expansin expression for use in the biomass conversion industry. Results of these experiments show the success of expansin over-expression and accumulation in transgenic maize seed without negative impact on growth and development and confirm its synergistic effect with cellulase on deconstruction of complex cell wall substrates.  相似文献   
Activation of phospholipase D (PLD) produces phosphatidic acid (PA), a lipid messenger implicated in cell growth and proliferation, but direct evidence for PLD and PA promotion of growth at the organism level is lacking. Here we characterize a new PLD gene, PLDε , and show that it plays a role in promoting Arabidopsis growth. PLDε is mainly associated with the plasma membrane, and is the most permissive of all PLDs tested with respect to its activity requirements. Knockout (KO) of PLDε decreases root growth and biomass accumulation, whereas over-expression (OE) of PLDε enhances root growth and biomass accumulation. The level of PA was higher in OE plants, but lower in KO plants than in wild-type plants, and suppression of PLD-mediated PA formation by alcohol alleviated the growth-promoting effect of PLDε. OE and KO of PLDε had opposite effects on lateral root elongation in response to nitrogen. Increased expression of PLDε also promoted root hair elongation and primary root growth under severe nitrogen deprivation. The results suggest that PLDε and PA promote organism growth and play a role in nitrogen signaling. The lipid-signaling process may play a role in connecting membrane sensing of nutrient status to increased plant growth and biomass production.  相似文献   
Photochromic ligands, molecules that can be induced to change their physical properties through applied light, are currently the topic of much chemical biology research. This specialized class of small organic structures are, surprisingly to many, fairly common in nature. At the core of a number of natural biological processes lies a small molecule that changes shape or some other measurable property in response to light absorption. For instance, conformational changes invoked by reversible photoisomerization of a retinoid small molecule found in the photoreceptors of the human eye leads to vision. In plants, photoisomerization of a cinnamate moiety leads to altered gene expression. The photosensitive molecule can be viewed simply as a nanosensor of light, much like a photosensitive electrical component might be added to a circuit to sense day versus night to turn an electrical circuit on or off. Synthetic organic chemists and chemical biologists have been, for at least the last 15 years, trying to either mimic or exploit the native photochromism found in nature. Here, we describe the design process to develop a photochromic molecule to be used in neurobiology.  相似文献   
Profiling of leaf extracts from mutants of Arabidopsis with defects in lipid desaturation demonstrates the utility of collision-induced dissociation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CID-TOF MS) for screening biological samples for fatty acid compositional alterations. CID-TOF MS uses the collision cell of a quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer to simultaneously fragment all of the ions produced by an ionization source. Electrospray ionization CID-TOF MS in the negative mode can be used to analyze fatty acyl anions derived from complex lipids as well as free fatty acids. Although acyl anion yield is shown to be a function of the lipid class and the position on the glycerol backbone, acyl compositional profiles can be determined, and the TOF detector provides resolution of nominally isobaric acyl species in the profiles. Good precision is obtained when data are acquired for approximately 1 min per sample.  相似文献   
The study of key control points in ripening is essential to improve grape wine quality. Molecular basis of ripening is still far from being understood from the Pierce's disease (PD)‐tolerant grapes predominantly grown in the southeastern United States. To identify proteins expressed during Blanc du Bois grape berry green and ripening stages, proteome analysis from five different stages revealed 1091, 1131, 1078, 1042, and 1066 proteins. Differential expression analysis revealed 551 common proteins across different stages of maturity that are involved in various biochemical and metabolic pathways. The proteins identified were associated with phenylpropanoids, isoquinoline alkaloids, fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, and furanones. Our data provide the first step to understand the complex biochemical changes during ripening of PD‐tolerant American hybrid grapes that are popular for their aroma and flavor profile in the southeastern United States. Proteomics data are deposited to the ProteomeXchange PXD004157.  相似文献   
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