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We have identified an Arabidopsis thaliana CDC48 gene which, unlike the putative mammalian homologue vasolin-containing protein (VCP), functionally complements Saccharomyces cerevisiae cdc48 mutants. CDC48 is an essential gene in S. cerevisiae and genetic studies suggest a role in spindle pole body separation. Biochemical studies link VCP function to membrane trafficking and signal transduction. We have described the AtCDC48 expression pattern in a multicellular eukaryote; the zones of cell division, expansion and differentiation are physically separated in higher plants, thus allowing the analysis of in situ expression patterns with respect to the state of cell proliferation. AtCDC48 is highly expressed in the proliferating cells of the vegetative shoot, root, floral inflorescence and flowers, and in rapidly growing cells. AtCDC48 mRNA and the encoded protein are up-regulated in the developing microspores and ovules. AtCDC48 expression is down-regulated in most differentiated cell types. AtCDC48p was primarily localized to the nucleus and, during cytokinesis, to the phragmoplast, a site where membrane vesicles are targeted in the deposition of new cell wall materials. This study shows that the essential cell division function of CDC48 has been conserved by, at least, some multicellular eukaryotes and suggests that in higher plants, CDC48 functions in cell division and growth processes.  相似文献   
The EGF receptor (EGF-R), a 170 KD transmembrane glycoprotein, is found at a high level in the BT20 human mammary carcinoma cell line (1 +/- 0.4 x 10(6) sites per cell). In this study, we examined the expression of the EGF-R gene in BT20 cell line by in situ hybridization at the light and electron microscopic level using a human cDNA, corresponding to EGF-R transmembrane and protein kinase domains, labeled with [3H]-, [35S]-, or [32P]-d-ATP. Two treatments were tested to embed cells in Lowicryl resin: the first used fixation and dehydration by progressive lowering of temperature, the second quick freezing and cryosubstitution. The best ultrastructural preservation was obtained with the second procedure without modification of the hybridization signal. EGF-R mRNA was observed principally at the cytoplasmic level, on organelles involved in the protein synthesis process. Labeling was also located on the microvilli which extend into the intercellular space, suggesting that some mRNA would be located in sites where EGF-R is utilized. Some mRNA was observed in the nucleus. This study demonstrates that post-embedding in situ hybridization, after quick freezing and cryosubstitution, is a powerful EM in situ hybridization procedure to study the expression of the EGF-R gene.  相似文献   


DNA methylation plays crucial roles in epigenetic gene regulation in normal development and disease pathogenesis. Efficient and accurate quantification of DNA methylation at single base resolution can greatly advance the knowledge of disease mechanisms and be used to identify potential biomarkers. We developed an improved pipeline based on reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) for cost-effective genome-wide quantification of DNA methylation at single base resolution. A selection of two restriction enzymes (TaqαI and MspI) enables a more unbiased coverage of genomic regions of different CpG densities. We further developed a highly automated software package to analyze bisulfite sequencing results from the Solexa GAIIx system.


With two sequencing lanes, we were able to quantify ~1.8 million individual CpG sites at a minimum sequencing depth of 10. Overall, about 76.7% of CpG islands, 54.9% of CpG island shores and 52.2% of core promoters in the human genome were covered with at least 3 CpG sites per region.


With this new pipeline, it is now possible to perform whole-genome DNA methylation analysis at single base resolution for a large number of samples for understanding how DNA methylation and its changes are involved in development, differentiation, and disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Nearly 7000 Arabidopsis thaliana -expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from 10 cDNA libraries have been sequenced, of which almost 5000 non-redundant tags have been submitted to the EMBL data bank. The quality of the cDNA libraries used is analysed. Similarity searches in international protein data banks have allowed the detection of significant similarities to a wide range of proteins from many organisms. Alignment with ESTs from the rice systematic sequencing project has allowed the detection of amino acid motifs which are conserved between the two organisms, thus identifying tags to genes encoding highly conserved proteins. These genes are candidates for a common framework in genome mapping projects in different plants.  相似文献   


In silico candidate gene prioritisation (CGP) aids the discovery of gene functions by ranking genes according to an objective relevance score. While several CGP methods have been described for identifying human disease genes, corresponding methods for prokaryotic gene function discovery are lacking. Here we present two prokaryotic CGP methods, based on phylogenetic profiles, to assist with this task.  相似文献   
Cellular senescence suppresses cancer by preventing the proliferation of cells that experience potentially oncogenic stimuli. Senescent cells often express p16(INK4a), a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, tumor suppressor, and biomarker of aging, which renders the senescence growth arrest irreversible. Senescent cells also acquire a complex phenotype that includes the secretion of many cytokines, growth factors, and proteases, termed a senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). The SASP is proposed to underlie age-related pathologies, including, ironically, late life cancer. Here, we show that ectopic expression of p16(INK4a) and another cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p21(CIP1/WAF1), induces senescence without a SASP, even though they induced other features of senescence, including a stable growth arrest. Additionally, human fibroblasts induced to senesce by ionizing radiation or oncogenic RAS developed a SASP regardless of whether they expressed p16(INK4a). Cells induced to senesce by ectopic p16(INK4a) expression lacked paracrine activity on epithelial cells, consistent with the absence of a functional SASP. Nonetheless, expression of p16(INK4a) by cells undergoing replicative senescence limited the accumulation of DNA damage and premature cytokine secretion, suggesting an indirect role for p16(INK4a) in suppressing the SASP. These findings suggest that p16(INK4a)-positive cells may not always harbor a SASP in vivo and, furthermore, that the SASP is not a consequence of p16(INK4a) activation or senescence per se, but rather is a damage response that is separable from the growth arrest.  相似文献   
During cytokinesis a new crosswall is rapidly laid down. This process involves the formation at the cell equator of a tubulo‐vesicular membrane network (TVN). This TVN evolves into a tubular network (TN) and a planar fenestrated sheet, which extends at its periphery before fusing to the mother cell wall. The role of cell wall polymers in cell plate assembly is poorly understood. We used specific stains and GFP‐labelled cellulose synthases (CESAs) to show that cellulose, as well as three distinct CESAs, accumulated in the cell plate already at the TVN stage. This early presence suggests that cellulose is extruded into the tubular membrane structures of the TVN. Co‐localisation studies using GFP–CESAs suggest the delivery of cellulose synthase complexes (CSCs) to the cell plate via phragmoplast‐associated vesicles. In the more mature TN part of the cell plate, we observed delivery of GFP–CESA from doughnut‐shaped organelles, presumably Golgi bodies. During the conversion of the TN into a planar fenestrated sheet, the GFP–CESA density diminished, whereas GFP–CESA levels remained high in the TVN zone at the periphery of the expanding cell plate. We observed retrieval of GFP–CESA in clathrin‐containing structures from the central zone of the cell plate and from the plasma membrane of the mother cell, which may contribute to the recycling of CESAs to the peripheral growth zone of the cell plate. These observations, together with mutant phenotypes of cellulose‐deficient mutants and pharmacological experiments, suggest a key role for cellulose synthesis already at early stages of cell plate assembly.  相似文献   
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