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mRNA decapping is promoted by an RNA-binding channel in Dcp2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cap hydrolysis by Dcp2 is a critical step in several eukaryotic mRNA decay pathways. Processing requires access to cap-proximal nucleotides and the coordinated assembly of a decapping mRNP, but the mechanism of substrate recognition and regulation by protein interactions have remained elusive. Using NMR spectroscopy and kinetic analyses, we show that yeast Dcp2 resolves interactions with the cap and RNA body using a bipartite surface that forms a channel intersecting the catalytic and regulatory Dcp1-binding domains. The interaction with cap is weak but specific and requires binding of the RNA body to a dynamic interface. The catalytic step is stimulated by Dcp1 and its interaction domain, likely through a substrate-induced conformational change. Thus, activation of the decapping mRNP is restricted by access to 5'-proximal nucleotides, a feature that could act as a checkpoint in mRNA metabolism.  相似文献   
The toxicity of synthetic pyrethroids was found to be negatively correlated with temperature, whereas contrasting correlation was observed with the toxicity of organophosphorous compounds chlorpyriphos and quinalphos, which was most toxic at higher temperature. A similar phenomenon was observed in endosulfan at higher temperature and humidity combination. The insecticide molecules indoxacarb and spinosad were effective among the insecticides tested. Indoxacarb was effective at lower temperature, and spinosad was effective at all the temperature and relative humidity combinations with minor difference in LD50 values. During both the years, however, the levels of resistance were higher in second year compared with previous year.  相似文献   
Autoantibody response against the small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) complex is a characteristic feature of systemic lupus erythematosus. The current investigation was undertaken to determine whether activation of SmD-reactive T cells by synthetic peptides harboring T cell epitopes can initiate a B cell epitope spreading cascade within the snRNP complex. T cell epitopes on SmD were mapped in A/J mice and were localized to three regions on SmD, within aa 26-55, 52-69, and 86-115. Immunization with synthetic peptides SmD(31-45), SmD(52-66), and SmD(91-110) induced T and B cell responses to the peptides, with SmD(31-45) inducing the strongest response. However, only SmD(52-66) immunization induced T cells capable of reacting with SmD. Analysis of sera by immunoprecipitation assays showed that intermolecular B cell epitope spreading to U1RNA-associated A ribonucleoprotein and SmB was consistently observed only in the SmD(52-66)-immunized mice. Surprisingly, in these mice, Ab responses to SmD were at low levels and transient. In addition, the sera did not react with other regions on SmD, indicating a lack of intramolecular B cell epitope spreading within SmD. Our study demonstrates that T cell responses to dominant epitope on a protein within a multiantigenic complex are capable of inducing B cell responses to other proteins within the complex. This effect can happen without generating a good Ab response to the protein from which the T epitope was derived. Thus caution must be taken in the identification of Ags responsible for initiating autoimmune responses based solely on serological analysis of patients and animals with systemic autoimmune disorders.  相似文献   
The integron platform codes for an integrase (IntI) from the tyrosine family of recombinases that mediates recombination between a proximal double-strand recombination site, attI and a single-strand target recombination site, attC. The attI site is only recognized by its cognate integrase, while the various tested attCs sites are recombined by several different IntI integrases. We have developed a genetic system to enrich and select mutants of IntI1 that provide a higher yield of recombination in order to identify key protein structural elements important for attC × attI1 recombination. We isolated mutants with higher activity on wild type and mutant attC sites. Interestingly, three out of four characterized IntI1 mutants selected on different substrates are mutants of the conserved aspartic acid in position 161. The IntI1 model we made based on the VchIntIA 3D structure suggests that substitution at this position, which plays a central role in multimer assembly, can increase or decrease the stability of the complex and accordingly influence the rate of attI × attC recombination versus attC × attC. These results suggest that there is a balance between the specificity of the protein and the protein/protein interactions in the recombination synapse.  相似文献   
Nuclease Stn α from Streptomyces thermonitrificans hydrolyses DNA and RNA at the rate of approximately 10:l. The optimum pH and temperature for RNA hydrolysis were 7.0 and 45°C. The RNase activity of nuclease Stn α had neither an obligate requirement of metal ions nor was it activated in the presence of metal ions. The enzyme was inhibited by Zn2+, Mg2+, Co2+, and Ca2+; inorganic phosphate; pyrophosphate; NaCl; KCl; and metal chelators. It was stable at high concentrations of urea but susceptible to low concentrations of Sodium dodecyl sulfate and guanidine hydrochloride. The rates by which nuclease Stn α hydrolysed polyribonucleotides occurs in the order of poly A >> RNA >> poly U > poly G > poly C. The enzyme cleaved RNA to 3′ mononucleotides with preferential liberation of 3′AMP, indicating it to be an adenylic acid preferential endonuclease.  相似文献   
Metalloids represent a wide range of elements with intermediate physiochemical properties between metals and non-metals. Many of the metalloids, like boron, selenium, and silicon are known to be essential or quasi-essential for plant growth. In contrast, metalloids viz. arsenic and germanium are toxic to plant growth. The toxicity of metalloids largely depends on their concentration within the living cells. Some elements, at low concentration, may be beneficial for plant growth and development; however, when present at high concentration, they often exert negative effects. In this regard, understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the uptake of metalloids by roots, their subsequent transport to different tissues and inter/intra-cellular redistribution has great importance. The mechanisms of metalloids' uptake have been well studied in plants. Also, various transporters, as well as membrane channels involved in these processes, have been identified. In this review, we have discussed in detail the aspects concerning the positive/negative effects of different metalloids on plants. We have also provided a thorough account of the uptake, transport, and accumulation, along with the molecular mechanisms underlying the response of plants to these metalloids. Additionally, we have brought up the previous theories and debates about the role and effects of metalloids in plants with insightful discussions based on the current knowledge.  相似文献   
Cell physiology is a critical factor determining the efficiency of reactions performed by microbial biocatalysts. In order to develop an efficient biotransformation procedure for the hydroxylation of (S)-limonene to (S)-perillyl alcohol by recombinant Pseudomonas putida cells harboring the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase CYP153A6, physiological parameters were optimized. The previously reported synthesis of (S)-perillyl alcohol by P. putida GPo12 was based on complex and sensitive octane feeding strategies (van Beilen et al. in Appl Environ Microbiol 71:1737-1744, 2005), indicating the pivotal role of cell physiology. In contrast to previous findings, the screening of different carbon sources showed that glycerol and citrate are suitable alternatives to octane allowing high specific limonene hydroxylation activities. The use of P. putida KT2440 as an alternative host strain and citrate as the carbon source improved practical handling and allowed a 7.5-fold increase of the specific activity (to 22.6 U g (CDW) (-1) ). In two-liquid-phase biotransformations, 4.3 g of (S)-perillyl alcohol L (tot) (-1) were produced in 24 h, representing a sixfold improvement in productivity compared to previously reported results. It is concluded that, for selective cytochrome P450-based hydrocarbon oxyfunctionalizations by means of living microbial cells, the relationship between cell physiology and the target biotransformation is crucial, and that understanding the relationship should guide biocatalyst and bioprocess design.  相似文献   
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