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Rheumatic diseases in women of childbearing years may necessitate drug treatment during a pregnancy, to control maternal disease activity and to ensure a successful pregnancy outcome. This survey is based on a consensus workshop of international experts discussing effects of anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive and biological drugs during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, effects of these drugs on male and female fertility and possible long-term effects on infants exposed to drugs antenatally are discussed where data were available. Recommendations for drug treatment during pregnancy and lactation are given.  相似文献   
Goose populations molting in the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area of the National Petroleum Reserve—Alaska have changed in size and distribution over the past 30 years. Black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) are relatively stable in numbers but are shifting from large, inland lakes to salt marshes. Concurrently, populations of greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons frontalis) have increased seven fold. Populations of Canada geese (Branta canadensis and/or B. hutchinsii) are stable with little indication of distributional shifts. The lesser snow goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) population is proportionally small, but increasing rapidly. Coastline erosion of the Beaufort Sea has altered tundra habitats by allowing saltwater intrusion, which has resulted in shifts in composition of forage plant species. We propose two alternative hypotheses for the observed shift in black brant distribution. Ecological change may have altered optimal foraging habitats for molting birds, or alternatively, interspecific competition between black brant and greater white-fronted geese may be excluding black brant from preferred habitats. Regardless of the causative mechanism, the observed shifts in species distributions are an important consideration for future resource planning.  相似文献   


Minor alleles of the human dopamine receptor polymorphisms, DRD2/TaqI A and DRD4/48 bp, are related to decreased functioning and/or numbers of their respective receptors and have been shown to be correlated with body mass, height and food craving. In addition, the 7R minor allele of the DRD4 gene is at a higher frequency in nomadic compared to sedentary populations. Here we examine polymorphisms in the DRD2 and DRD4 genes with respect to body mass index (BMI) and height among men in two populations of Ariaal pastoralists, one recently settled (n = 87) and the other still nomadic (n = 65). The Ariaal live in northern Kenya, are chronically undernourished and are divided socially among age-sets.  相似文献   


It has been argued that science and society are in the midst of a far-reaching renegotiation of the social contract between science and society, with society becoming a far more active partner in the creation of knowledge. On the one hand, new forms of knowledge production are emerging, and on the other, both science and society are experiencing a rapid acceleration in new forms of knowledge utilization. Concomitantly since the Second World War, the science underpinning the knowledge utilization field has had exponential growth. Few in-depth examinations of this field exist, and no comprehensive analyses have used bibliometric methods.


Using bibliometric analysis, specifically first author co-citation analysis, our group undertook a domain analysis of the knowledge utilization field, tracing its historical development between 1945 and 2004. Our purposes were to map the historical development of knowledge utilization as a field, and to identify the changing intellectual structure of its scientific domains. We analyzed more than 5,000 articles using citation data drawn from the Web of Science®. Search terms were combinations of knowledge, research, evidence, guidelines, ideas, science, innovation, technology, information theory and use, utilization, and uptake.


We provide an overview of the intellectual structure and how it changed over six decades. The field does not become large enough to represent with a co-citation map until the mid-1960s. Our findings demonstrate vigorous growth from the mid-1960s through 2004, as well as the emergence of specialized domains reflecting distinct collectives of intellectual activity and thought. Until the mid-1980s, the major domains were focused on innovation diffusion, technology transfer, and knowledge utilization. Beginning slowly in the mid-1980s and then growing rapidly, a fourth scientific domain, evidence-based medicine, emerged. The field is dominated in all decades by one individual, Everett Rogers, and by one paradigm, innovation diffusion.


We conclude that the received view that social science disciplines are in a state where no accepted set of principles or theories guide research (i.e., that they are pre-paradigmatic) could not be supported for this field. Second, we document the emergence of a new domain within the knowledge utilization field, evidence-based medicine. Third, we conclude that Everett Rogers was the dominant figure in the field and, until the emergence of evidence-based medicine, his representation of the general diffusion model was the dominant paradigm in the field.  相似文献   
Inappropriate sinus tachycardia is an unusual arrhythmia that is difficult to treat. To date, catheter ablation has concentrated on modifying the sinus node to attain rate control. We describe a patient where sinoatrial block was created by radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of inappropriate sinus tachycardia.  相似文献   
中华穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla)属于全球极度濒危物种,也是我国一级保护动物。对中华穿山甲的非法捕杀曾导致其种群数量锐减。但是,近年来相关研究报道较少,穿山甲分布状况不明,极大地制约了对该物种的有效保护。搜集了近年来国内中华穿山甲的救护记录和救护新闻,甄别出67个记录分布点,利用最大熵模型软件(MaxEnt)进行因子筛选,结果表明最冷季度降水量、人口密度、年降水量、坡度、坡向、海拔等6个环境变量是与中华穿山甲分布显著相关的影响因子。基于6个主导环境变量构建的MaxEnt模型AUC平均值为0.961±0.014,预测结果达到极好标准。刀切法(Jackknife)表明,其中最冷季度降水量、年降水量、人口密度和海拔是影响中华穿山甲分布的主要因素。中华穿山甲适宜生境(出现概率大于0.498)具有以下特点:最冷季度降水量141.22-439.46 mm,年降水量1471.67-2386.56 mm,人口密度≥390人/km2,海拔<316.98 m。该模型预测中华穿山甲在我国的潜在分布适宜区主要位于我国长江以南地区,总面积约为74.27×104 km2,占国土面积的7.73%,主要集中在江西、广东、湖南和广西省,面积分别占该区域的97.58%,89.65%,76.90%和73.08%;其次是浙江、福建、台湾和安徽省。湖北、江苏、四川、云南、贵州等省份也有中华穿山甲的零星分布。湖北东南部、江苏南部、浙江西南部和福建西北部等与江西接壤的区域也是中华穿山甲的重要潜在分布适宜区。明确中华穿山甲的潜在分布适宜区,可为该物种的种群保护和栖息地管理提供科技支撑。  相似文献   
AtHAK5是拟南芥高亲和性钾转运体,其基因表达受低钾条件强烈诱导,编码蛋白在低钾条件下可以整合到质膜.生物信息学分析发现其氨基酸序列含有多处潜在的磷酸化位点.本研究假设这些位点对于AtHAK5的功能至关重要,为探讨AtHAK5的功能位点,分别将AtHAK5 cDNA和带有13种不同点突变位点的AtHAK5转化到athak5突变体中,获得14种稳定表达的转基因植株.利用athak5突变体根对Cs敏感的表型,最终确定T549A和T666A为非核心磷酸化位点.如下11个位点为AtHAK5功能必需位点:F85L,T86A,T311A,T359A,P551S,D552N,S603A,S604A,K668E,S698A和V713L.  相似文献   
In contrast with the prevailing view, we report the inability of non-human primate platelets or arterial tissue to complete the biosynthesis of [14C]cholesterol from [14C]mevalonic acid in vitro or in vivo, or from performed [14C]lanosterol in vivo. The latter observation suggests that these tissues lack one or more components of the methyl sterol demethylase system.  相似文献   
电子供体连二亚硫酸钠,甲基紫精及电子受体亚甲蓝均能强烈的抑制棕色固氮菌表达固氮活性,并引起该菌的抗氨阻遏能力减弱,适当提高氧压,能提高菌体的固氮活性近15%,但过高的氧分压反而抑制菌体的固氮活性,此外,提高氢分压能降低棕色固氮菌菌体内的还原电位,从而达到提高菌体抗氨阻遏能力的效果。  相似文献   
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