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Micropuncture samples were taken from the rete testis, caput epididymidis and cauda epididymidis of anaesthetized adult rats and assayed for total protein, sodium and potassium concentrations. Intraluminal sperm concentrations were determined and used to calculate the amount of fluid resorbed from the efferent duct and epididymal lumen. It was demonstrated that large amounts of protein (30.2 mg/ml cauda volume) and sodium (241.8 mequiv./l) and smaller amounts of potassium (19.4 mequiv./l) are resorbed from the rat epididymal lumen between the caput and corpus epididymidis. This occurs despite increases in intraluminal concentrations of protein (from 22 to 28 mg/ml) and potassium (from 16 to 50 mequiv./l). Resorption is an important aspect of epididymal control of the intraluminal environment.  相似文献   
Phospholipid-sensitive Ca2+ -dependent protein kinase (PL-Ca-PK) and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (A-PK) both preferentially phosphorylated serine residues of bovine myelin basic protein (MBP). Tryptic peptide maps of MBP phosphorylated by PL-Ca-PK or A-PK, however, revealed different phosphopeptides, suggesting a difference in the intramolecular substrate specificity for the two enzymes. Serine-115 of MBP, in the sequence (-Arg-Phe-Ser(115)-Trp-), was found to be a preferred and probably major phosphorylation site for PL-Ca-PK. Because serine-115 of bovine MBP corresponds to serine-113 of rabbit MBP, an in vivo phosphorylation site reported by Martenson et al. (1983), and PL-Ca-PK is present at a very high level in brain and myelin, it is suggested that the enzyme may be responsible for the in vivo phosphorylation of this and other sites in MBP.  相似文献   
The gamma-aminobutyrate/benzodiazepine-receptor complex has been purified from a Triton X-100 extract of crude synaptic membranes from pig cerebral cortex and cerebellum by a combination of affinity and ion-exchange chromatography. [3H]Flunitrazepam binding activity was purified 2200-fold from cortex with an overall yield of 2%. The dissociation constants for the binding of [3H]muscimol and [3H]flunitrazepam to the receptor complex were 14 +/- 3 nM and 14 +/- 2 nM respectively. The ratio of [3H]muscimol to [3H]flunitrazepam binding sites was in the range 2.2-2.8. There appeared to be no selective inactivation of either binding site during the purification procedure. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis revealed two major polypeptides of Mr 49 000 and 55 000 from both cortex and cerebellum. When the receptor from cortex was photoaffinity labelled with [3H]flunitrazepam, radioactivity was incorporated predominantly into the Mr-49 000 polypeptide, although some radioactivity was detectable in the Mr-55 000 band. The cerebellar receptor was photoaffinity labelled on the 49 000-Mr polypeptide but not on the polypeptide of Mr 55 000. In addition, some radioactivity was detected in a minor polypeptide of Mr 43 000. When purified in the presence of 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]propanesulphonate the same major polypeptide components (Mr 49 000 and 55 000) were isolated, but the receptor now retained its ability to be modulated by secobarbital and by the anaesthetic propanidid.  相似文献   
Stimulation of rabbit polymorphonuclear leucocytes with A23187 causes phospholipase C mediated breakdown of polyphosphoinositides, as evidenced by accumulation of [3H]inositol-labelled inositol bisphosphate and inositol trisphosphate. At the same time the polyphosphoinositides and the products of their breakdown, diacylglycerol and phosphatidic acid, label rapidly with radioactive arachidonic acid. Enhancement of polyphosphoinositide labelling is not as great as enhancement of diacylglycerol or phosphatidic acid labelling, suggesting additional early activation of a second independent synthetic pathway to the last named lipids. Experiments using double (3H/14C) labelling, to distinguish pools with different rates of turnover, suggest the major pool of arachidonic acid used for synthesis of lipoxygenase metabolites turns over more slowly than arachidonic acid in diacylglycerol, but at about the same rate as arachidonic acid esterified in phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylinositol. Further, when cells are prelabelled with [14C]arachidonic acid, then stimulated for 5 min, it is only from phosphatidylcholine, and to a lesser extent phosphatidylinositol, that radiolabel is lost. Release of arachidonic acid is probably via phospholipase A2, since it is blocked by the phospholipase A2 inhibitor manoalide. The absence of accumulated lysophosphatides can be explained by reacylation and, in the case of lysophosphatidylinositol, deacylation. The importance of phospholipase A2 in phosphatidylinositol breakdown contrasts with the major role of phospholipase C in polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis. Measurements of absolute free fatty acid levels, as well as studies showing a correlation between production of radiolabelled hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids and release of radiolabel from the phospholipid pool, both suggest that hydrolysis of arachidonic acid esterified into phospholipids is the limiting factor regulating formation of lipoxygenase metabolites. By contrast with A23187, fMet-Leu-Phe (a widely used polymorphonuclear leucocyte activator) is a poor stimulant for arachidonic acid release unless a 'second signal' (e.g. cytochalasin B, or a product of A23187-stimulated cells) is also present. In the presence of cytochalasin B, fMet-Leu-Phe, like A23187, stimulates release of radiolabelled arachidonic acid principally from phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   
The electroplax of the electric eel Electrophorus electricus is the most abundant source of the calcium-binding protein calmodulin. The electroplax has 250 times the amount of calmodulin and its mRNA than eel skeletal muscle. Our data suggest that there is no major difference in gene copies, the degree of methylation, or genome rearrangement of the calmodulin gene in DNAs from eel electroplax and muscle. Differences in the calmodulin-binding proteins in electroplax and muscle suggest a differential role for the functional expression of calmodulin in cellular regulation.  相似文献   
Texture discrimination by Gabor functions   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
A 2D Gabor filter can be realized as a sinusoidal plane wave of some frequency and orientation within a two dimensional Gaussian envelope. Its spatial extent, frequency and orientation preferences as well as bandwidths are easily controlled by the parameters used in generating the filters. However, there is an uncertainty relation associated with linear filters which limits the resolution simultaneously attainable in space and frequency. Daugman (1985) has determined that 2D Gabor filters are members of a class of functions achieving optimal joint resolution in the 2D space and 2D frequency domains. They have also been found to be a good model for two dimensional receptive fields of simple cells in the striate cortex (Jones 1985; Jones et al. 1985).The characteristic of optimal joint resolution in both space and frequency suggests that these filters are appropriate operators for tasks requiring simultaneous measurement in these domains. Texture discrimination is such a task. Computer application of a set of Gabor filters to a variety of textures found to be preattentively discriminable produces results in which differently textured regions are distinguished by firstorder differences in the values measured by the filters. This ability to reduce the statistical complexity distinguishing differently textured region as well as the sensitivity of these filters to certain types of local features suggest that Gabor functions can act as detectors of certain texton types. The performance of the computer models suggests that cortical neurons with Gabor like receptive fields may be involved in preattentive texture discrimination.  相似文献   
Osbertia, a stoloniferous group confined to the montane regions of Mexico and adjacent Guatemala, was first proposed as a genus byGreene (1895), but most workers have retained the taxon as part ofHaplopappus. It is clearly closer toNoticastrum, Erigeron orHeterotheca than it is toHaplopappus sensu stricto. The present treatment recognizes two species, a widespread highly variableOsbertia stolonifera and a newly describedO. chihuahuana from northwestern Mexico. Distribution maps, distinguishing features, full synonymy and illustrations are presented.  相似文献   
Relief of an auxotrophic requirement for uridine in Aspergillus nidulans strain G191 has been achieved by transformation with a segment of Neurospora crassa DNA containing the corresponding gene coding for orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase. The mitotic stability of such transformants suggests that the DNA has integrated into the genome. Southern hybridisation analysis of DNA isolated from transformants revealed the presence of pBR322 sequences which have integrated into the host genome along with the N. crassa DNA.  相似文献   
Role of pit membranes in macromolecule-induced wilt of plants   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Macromolecules present in low concentrations in xylem fluid of Medicago sativa L. var DuPuits will increase the resistance to xylem liquid flow. This increase in resistance was found to be reversible by backflushing the xylem. Autoradiography showed that very large molecules do not pass through pit membrane pores. A comparison of pit membrane pore sizes to molecule sizes suggests that increased resistance to xylem flow is a result of plugging pit membrane pores. It was also found that pit membranes located in two parts of the plant differ in the apparent diameter of their pores and, thus, in their susceptibility to plugging by macromolecules. Macromolecules in xylem fluid may result from hostparasite interactions and may play a significant role in the outcome of the interaction.  相似文献   
Total starch, amylose content and amylose-included lipid phosphorus and lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) were measured in normal Glacier (G) and Hi Amylose Glacier (HA) barley varieties during germination. From days three to six, alkaline and acidic lysophospholipase (LPL) activities in the starchy endosperm were measured and the distribution of these activities between a soluble and particulate form determined. During germination the amylose content of the starches increases as the total starch levels decline. The starch-bound LPC and lipid phosphorus disappear at the same rate between days three and six in both barley varieties, indicating no discrimination among the different lipid-included amylose population for degradation. However, both lipid phosphorus and LPC disappear more rapidly in the G than in the HA variety. This is presumably due to the slightly larger content of LPC per mg amylose of the G than of the HA variety, equivalent to 134 and 150 anhydroglucose residues per lipid molecule in G and HA, respectively. There is no increase in starch-bound lipid phosphorus or LPC expressed as nmol of phosphorus or LPC per mg amylose as amylose content declines, indicating no selective resistance of lipid-included amylose to degradation. The alkaline and acidic LPC activities in each variety increase 2–4-fold between days four and five. In both varieties ca 30% of the acidic LPL and ca 50–60% of the alkaline LPL is particulate from days three to six. No correlation can be made between the content of amylose or amylose-included lipid and particulate LPL activity. However, the possibility that particulate LPL activity is associated with specific populations of residual amylose-included lipid molecules cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
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