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Summary We present a simple model of habitat selection in which individuals differ in their ability to discriminate between resource sites' profitabilities. The model investigates the effects of violating the ideal assumption of the well-known ideal free distribution (IFD). We show that (1) variability in perceptual limits within a population can significantly change the distribution of foraging animals even though the mean perceptual limit is the same, (2) the direction of this change depends on the proportion of the population that choose randomly between resource sites and (3) better perceivers are more likely to be found at individually more profitable sites, which, because of undermatching with respect to the IFD, are also the absolutely more profitable sites. We note that variability in perceptual limits almost always led to an undermatching of organisms to resources, thereby extending previous workers' results implying that the incorporation of any form of perceptual limits leads to undermatching with respect to the IFD.  相似文献   
Evidence for genetic anticipation has recently become an important subject of research in clinical psychiatric genetics. Renewed interest in anticipation was evoked by molecular genetic findings of a novel type of mutation termed "unstable DNA." The unstable DNA model can be construed as the "best fit" for schizophrenia twin and family epidemiological data. We have performed a large-scale Southern blot hybridization, asymmetrical PCR-based, and repeat expansion-detection screening for (CAG)n/(CTG)n and (CCG)n/(CGG)n expansions in eastern Canadian schizophrenia multiplex families demonstrating genetic anticipation. There were no differences in (CAG)n/(CTG)n and (CCG)n/(CGG)n pattern distribution either between affected and unaffected individuals or across generations. Our findings do not support the hypothesis that large (CAG)n/(CTG)n or (CCG)n/(CGG)n expansions are the major etiologic factor in schizophrenia. A separate set of experiments directed to the analysis of small (30-130 trinucleotides), Huntington disease-type expansions in individual genes is required in order to fully exclude the presence of (CAG)n/(CTG)n- or (CCG)n/(CGG)n-type unstable mutation.  相似文献   
A locus for Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) has recently been mapped to a 30-cM region of chromosome 14q in five pedigrees of Japanese descent. MJD is a clinically pleomorphic neurodegenerative disease that was originally described in subjects of Azorean descent. In light of the nonallelic heterogeneity in other inherited spinocere-bellar ataxias, we were interested to determine if the MJD phenotype in Japanese and Azorean pedigrees arose from mutations at the same locus. We provide evidence that MJD in five pedigrees of Azorean descent is also linked to chromosome 14q in an 18-cM region between the markers D14S67 and AACT (multipoint lod score +7.00 near D14S81). We also report molecular evidence for homozy-gosity at the MJD locus in an MJD-affected subject with severe, early-onset symptoms. These observations confirm the initial report of linkage of MJD to chromosome 14; suggest that MJD in Japanese and Azorean subjects may represent allelic or identical mutations at the same locus; and provide one possible explanation (MJD gene dosage) for the observed phenotypic heterogeneity in this disease.  相似文献   
Pressure Stabilization of Proteins from Extreme Thermophiles   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We describe the stabilization by pressure of enzymes, including a hydrogenase from Methanococcus jannaschii, an extremely thermophilic deep-sea methanogen. This is the first published report of proteins from thermophiles being stabilized by pressure. Inactivation studies of partially purified hydrogenases from an extreme thermophile (Methanococcus igneus), a moderate thermophile (Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus), and a mesophile (Methanococcus maripaludis), all from shallow marine sites, show that pressure stabilization is not unique to enzymes isolated from high-pressure environments. These studies suggest that pressure stabilization of an enzyme may be related to its thermophilicity. Further experiments comparing the effects of increased pressure on the stability of α-glucosidases from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae support this possibility. We have also examined pressure effects on several highly homologous glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases from mesophilic and thermophilic sources and a rubredoxin from P. furiosus. The results suggest that hydrophobic interactions, which have been implicated in the stabilization of many thermophilic proteins, contribute to the pressure stabilization of enzymes from thermophiles.  相似文献   
In short-term field trials at combinations of ambient temperature (°C) and insolation (W·m−2), larval Colorado potato beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Say] [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae]) were observed after their release on the adaxial surface of leaflets on potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. Solanaceae). The larvae either began feeding or moved under the leaflet; mean interval from release to expression of these behaviors (2.9±0.05 min [n =358]) was independent of air temperature and insolation. Proportion of larvae moving under the leaflet increased logistically with both air temperature and insolation. A 1 W·m−2 change in insolation (P) evoked the same effect on this proportion as a 0.0838 °C change in air temperature (T a ), so the two quantities were combined as T*=T a +P·0.0838 °C/(W·m−2), which has units of °C. The proportion of larvae moving under the leaflet increased logistically with T*. In 1-day field trials we monitored air temperature, insolation and proportion of larvae under the leaflet, and compared the latter to predictions from the logistic regression derived from the short-term trials. Consistently more larvae occurred under leaflets than predicted from the logistic regression; this bias diminished as T* increased until at T*≥40 °C, observed and predicted proportions were equal. This pattern of deviation from the predictions of the logistic regression is consistent with a thermoregulatory strategy in which larvae move away from hostile conditions, rather than seek optimal conditions.  相似文献   
I. Tessman  M. A. Kennedy 《Genetics》1994,136(2):439-448
The function of DNA polymerase II of Escherichia coli is an old question. Any phenotypic character that Pol II may confer upon the cell has escaped detection since the polymerase was discovered 24 yr ago. Although it has been shown that Pol II enables DNA synthesis to proceed past abasic sites in vitro, no role is known for it in the bypass of those lesions in vivo. From a study of phage S13 single-stranded DNA, we now report SOS conditions under which Pol II is needed for DNA synthesis to proceed past abasic sites with 100% efficiency in vivo. Overproduction of the GroES(+)L(+) heat shock proteins, which are members of a ubiquitous family of molecular chaperones, eliminated this requirement for Pol II, which may explain why the role of Pol II in SOS repair had eluded discovery. Mutagenesis accompanied SOS bypass of abasic sites when the original occupant had been cytosine but not when it had been thymine; the quantitative difference is shown to imply that adenine was inserted opposite the abasic sites at least 99.7% of the time, which is an especially strict application of the A-rule. Most, but not all, spontaneous mutations from Rif(s) to Rif(r), whether in a recA(+) or a recA(Prt(c)) cell, require Pol II; while this suggests that cryptic abasic lesions are a likely source of spontaneous mutations, it also shows that such lesions cannot be the exclusive source.  相似文献   
A plentiful supply of fixed nitrogen as ammonium (or other compounds such as nitrate or amino acids) inhibits nitrogen fixation in free-living bacteria by preventing nitrogenase synthesis and/or activity. Ammonium and nitrate have variable effects on the ability ofRhizobiaceae (Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium andAzorhizobium) species to nodulate legume hosts and on nitrogen fixation capacity in bacteroid cells contained in nodules or in plant-free bacterial cultures. In addition to effects on nitrogen fixation, excess ammonium can inhibit activity or expression of other pathways for utilization of nitrogenous compounds such as nitrate (through nitrate and nitrite reductase), or glutamine synthetase (GS) for assimilation of ammonium. This paper describes the roles of two key genesglnB andglnD, whose gene products sense levels of fixed nitrogen and initiate a cascade of reactions in response to nitrogen status. While work onEscherichia coli and other enteric bacteria provides the model system,glnB and, to a lesser extent,glnD have been studied in several nitrogen fixing bacteria. Such reports will be reviewed here. Recent results on the identity and function of theglnB andglnD gene products inAzotobacter vinelandii (a free-living soil diazotroph) and inRhizobium leguminosarum biovarviciae, hereinafter designatedR.l. viciae will be presented. New data suggests thatAzotobacter vinelandii probably contains aglnB-like gene and this organism may have twoglnD-like genes (one of which was recently identified and namednfrX). In addition, evidence for uridylylation of theglnB gene product (the PII protein) ofR. l. viciae in response to fixed nitrogen deficiency is presented. Also, aglnB mutant ofR. l. viciae has been isolated; its characteristics with respect to expression of nitrogen regulated genes is described.  相似文献   
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