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Certain aryl 4-guanidinobenzoates (AGs; inhibitors of proteinases, including the sperm enzyme acrosin) have been shown to be more potent vaginal contraceptives in rabbits and less toxic than nonoxynol-9, the active ingredient of most marketed vaginal contraceptive formulations. To determine if these AGs can contact sperm and inhibit acrosin when mixed with the entire human ejaculate for a short period of time (roughly imitating clinical conditions), the inhibitors were added to semen at various concentrations for 2 min, after which the seminal plasma and unbound inhibitor were removed from the sperm by Ficoll centrifugation. Subsequently, the total arginine amidolytic activity of the spermatozoa was determined spectrophotometrically after a combined treatment that resulted in extraction, proacrosin activation, and reaction with substrate. Dose-response curves were prepared. All AGs studied were effective inhibitors of the amidolytic activity under these conditions, with ED50 values (the dose levels at which half of the acrosin associated with 10(6) sperm is inhibited) ranging from 10(-5) to 10(-7) M. To determine the effect on the proteolytic activity of individual spermatozoa, the experiment was repeated with 4'-acetamidophenyl 4-guanidinobenzoate (AGB), and the protease released from the sperm was measured by the gelatin-plate assay. The inhibition results were similar to those obtained by extraction of the spermatozoa and measurement of amidolytic activity. Thus, when mixed with the human ejaculate, AGs interact rapidly with spermatozoa to inhibit both their arginine amidolytic and proteolytic activity (probably due primarily or only to inhibition of acrosin) and remain bound even after removal of the seminal plasma. These data encourage further study of the compounds for contraceptive purposes.  相似文献   
Summary A Bayesian method to estimate genotype probabilities at a single locus using information on the individual and all its relatives and their mates has been developed. The method uses data over several generations, can deal with large numbers of individuals in large livestock families and allows for missing information. It can be extended to multiple alleles and can be used for autosomal or sex-linked loci. The allele frequencies and the form of expression (dominance, penetrance) must be specified. An algorithm using the method and involving an iterative procedure has been developed to calculate the genotype probabilities for practical use in livestock breeding. The method and algorithm were used to determine the accuracy of estimating genotype probabilities of sires for a female sex-limited trait, such as genetic variants of milk proteins. Data were similated and genotype probabilities estimated for 100 sires (20 replicates) with 3, 6 and 12 female offspring per sire, for different population frequencies, for additive and dominance gene action and for variable genotypic expression. Such simulation is useful in the design of testing systems for the use of information on specific genetic loci in selection.Prepared during a leave at Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock, Guelph, Canada  相似文献   
A library of monoclonal antibodies specific for myosin heavy chain (HC) was used to study myosin expression in regenerating fibers. The response to cold injury of slow skeletal ALD muscle previously induced to eliminate SM1 myosin by weight overload was compared to that of its contralateral control. Native gel electrophoresis combined with immunoblotting demonstrated that slow SM1 myosin HC eliminated from hypertrophic muscle reappeared both at the site of active regeneration and unexpectedly, also distal to the site of injury. The regeneration response of hypertrophied muscles was similar to that of the controls. In addition to SM1 myosin HC, ventricular-like and embryonic/fast isoforms were also expressed in both muscles during the early stages of regeneration and disappeared as the muscle fibers matured. These observations demonstrate that regenerating slow muscle fibers reexpress myosins' characteristic of developing muscle irrespective of the myosin phenotype prior to injury. The reappearance of repressed myosin HC in the hypertrophied ALD muscle is consistent with the presence of newly differentiated myonuclei.  相似文献   
We have investigated the domain of the bindin polypeptide that selectively associates with gel-phase phospholipid vesicles. We found that small trypsin fragments of bindin retain the ability to selectively associate with gel-phase vesicles. The primary amino acid sequence of bindin suggests that these peptides are derived from the central portion of the polypeptide between residues 77 and 126, which is the most hydrophobic region of bindin. We have also employed 3-(trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-[125I]iodophenyl)diazirine (TID) and novel, radioiodinated, photoactivatable derivatives of the polar head group of phosphatidylethanolamine (ASD-PE and ASA-PE) to identify membrane-associated polypeptide segments after the transfer of radiolabel from the probe to the bindin polypeptide. After photolysis, bindin was selectively labeled only from probes incorporated in gel-phase vesicles. The labeling of bindin was much more efficient from the head group probes ASA-PE and ASD-PE (8 and 2% of the total label, respectively) in comparison to the hydrophobic probe TID (less than 0.02% of the total label), suggesting that bindin is localized within the polar part of the bilayer. Protease mapping experiments with V8 protease, trypsin, and endoprotease Lys-C suggest that some of the probe label is distributed along the amino-terminal portion of bindin between residues 1 and 76 and the rest of the label is restricted to the segments between residues 77 and 126 which also selectively bind to gel-phase vesicles. The carboxyl-terminal portion of bindin between residues 127 and 236 is not labeled.  相似文献   
The oligosaccharides extracted from the roots of Arnica montana L., Artemisia absinthium L. and Artemisia dracunculus L. have been analysed by thin-layer and gel-permeation chromatography to assess their applicability as ‘guide’ substances for pharmacological activity. Differences observed in the oligosaccharide component composition of such extracts might be more related to the vegetative stage of the plants at time of harvest than to the species themselves. In addition to a series of non-reducing oligofructosides, a series of reducing inulin-type oligosaccharides was found at the initial stages of growth, whereas in later stages of growth only non-reducing oligofructosides were present. These differences have been related to different stages of biosynthetic activity within the plants.  相似文献   
Field data from 48 plots monitored during diverse weather conditions in two separate years were subjected to multiple regression analysis to determine which factors were related to spider-mite aerial dispersal. With the number of aerially dispersing mites as the dependent variable, partial regression coefficients (b) for mite population density and percent corn-leaf area infested with mites were positive, while those for percentNeozygites-infected mites and hours per week 90% r.h. were negative. When an aerial dispersal index (number of aerially dispersing mites/mites per plant) was used as the dependent variable, the partial regression coefficient for percent leaf area infested was positive, while coefficients for hours per week 90% r.h. and percentNeozygites-infected mites were negative. Mite aerial dispersal was greatest in predator-suppressed field plots under dry weather conditions. Mite aerial dispersal was substantially reduced in plots where moist weather conditions induced epizootics ofNeozygites floridana before corn plants became entirely infested with mites.  相似文献   
Yolk proteins purified from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, from the frog Xenopus laevis, and from chicken eggs all have the unexpected property of binding strongly and preferentially to a left-handed Z-DNA probe, brominated poly(dG-dC). We estimate that the nematode proteins bind to Z-DNA with an association constant of at least 10(4) (M-1) and that this association constant is at least 40-50-fold higher than the association constant to B-DNA. Thus, yolk proteins have a higher Z-DNA specificity than most of the Z-DNA binding proteins previously isolated from other sources. Although yolk protein binding to Z-DNA is poorly competed by a wide variety of nucleic acids, the interaction is strongly competed by the phospholipids cardiolipin and phosphatidic acid (500-1000-fold better than by the same mass of B-DNA). We suggest that Z-DNA interacts with the yolk protein phospholipid binding site. In general, our results emphasize the danger of using physical properties to infer biological function. In particular, our results should raise serious questions about the biological relevance of previously isolated Z-DNA binding proteins.  相似文献   
To examine further the possible prostanoid involvement in the influence of the epithelium on guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle responsiveness, we have analyzed the effects of LTD4, methacholine and histamine on the level of airway smooth muscle tone and on the amounts of PGE and PGI2 (determined by radioimmunoassay) in the presence and absence of the epithelium. Removal of the epithelium increased the sensitivity of guinea-pig trachea to the contractile effects of LTD4, methacholine and histamine. LTD4 (3–100 nM), methacoline (0.1–10 μM) or histamine (0.3–30 μM) did not increase prostanoid release above control values in either the presence or absence of the epithelium. The unstimulated release of PGE2 and PGF but not PGI2, was decreased in tissues lacking epithelium. Indomethacin (1 μM) reduced the baseline tone to a smaller extent in the absence of epithelium. In the presence but not the absence of the epithelium, indomethacin increased the sensitivity of preparations to the contractile effect of methacholine. The results support the postulate of an epithelium-derived inhibitory factor modulating guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle responsiveness. The identity of this factor is not known but is not PGI2 and is unlikely to be PGF or PGE2. However, the possibility remains that the basal release of PGE2 and/or PGF derived from the epithelium may markedly affect the responsiveness of guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle. Furthermore, the epithelium is a significant source of PGE2 and PGF which may be involved in the maintenance of baseline tone.  相似文献   
Summary Baculovirus-derived recombinant simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor antigen (SV40 T-Ag), a monoclonal antibody specific for SV40 T-Ag (Ab-1 preparation), and a monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody (anti-Id), designated 58D, were used to analyze the humoral immune response of Balb/c mice either immunized with recombinant SV40 T-Ag or challenged with SV40-transformed cells. Inhibition assays indicated that antibodies from mice immunized with SV40 T-Ag and from those bearing SV40 tumor inhibited the SV40 T-Ag/Ab-1 reaction. These data suggested that the antibody response in immunized or tumorchallenged mice recognized similar epitope(s) on SV40 T-Ag to that detected by the monoclonal Ab-1. These anti-(SV40 T-Ag) response antibodies also inhibited the Ab-1/anti-Id reaction and recognized the anti-Id in direct binding assays. Together, these data indicate that murine anti-(SV40 T-Ag) responses shared an idiotope with a monoclonal anti-(SV40 T-Ag) Ab-1 preparation. This idiotope, which is recognized by the monoclonal anti-Id preparation, 58D, appears to be involved in the humoral immune response to SV40 T-Ag in both SV40-T-Ag-immunized and tumor-bearing mice. The monoclonal anti-Id preparation may represent a focal point for manipulating the humoral immune response to tumors induced by SV40-transformed cells.  相似文献   
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