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Micro-organisms are vital for the functioning of all food webs and are the major drivers of the global biogeochemical cycles. The microbial community compositions and physicochemical conditions of the different water masses in the North Sea, a biologically productive sea on the northwestern European continental shelf, were studied during two summer cruises, in order to provide detailed baseline data for this region and examine its microbial biogeography. For each cruise the stations were clustered according to their physicochemical characteristics and their microbial community composition. The largest cluster, which covered most of the central and northern North Sea, consisted of stations that were characterized by a thermally stratified water column and had low chlorophyll a autofluorescence and generally low microbial abundances. The second main cluster contained stations that were dominated by picoeukaryotes and showed the influence of influxes of North Atlantic water via the English Channel and south of the Shetland Islands. The third main cluster was formed by stations that were dominated by cyanobacteria and nanoeukaryotes in the reduced salinity Norwegian Coastal and Skagerrak waters, while the fourth cluster represented the German Bight, a region with strong riverine input, high nutrient concentrations, and consequently high heterotrophic bacterial and viral abundances. Despite the complex and dynamic hydrographic nature of the North Sea, the consistent distinctions in microbiology between these different hydrographic regions during both cruises illustrate the strong links between the microbial community and its environment, as well as the possibility to use microorganisms for long-term monitoring of environmental change.  相似文献   
Elevated and chronic nitrogen (N) deposition to N-limited terrestrial ecosystems can lead to ‘N saturation’, with resultant ecosystem damage and leaching of nitrate (NO3 ?) to surface waters. Present-day N deposition, however, is often a poor predictor of NO3 ? leaching, and the pathway of the ecosystem transition from N-limited to N-saturated remains incompletely understood. The dynamics of N cycling are intimately linked to the associated carbon (C) and sulphur (S) cycles. We hypothesize that N saturation is associated with shifts in the microbial community, manifest by a decrease in the fungi-to-bacteria ratio and a transition from N to C limitation. Three mechanisms could lead to lower amount of bioavailable dissolved organic C (DOC) for the microbial community and to C limitation of N-rich systems: (1) Increased abundance of N for plant uptake, causing lower C allocation to plant roots; (2) chemical suppression of DOC solubility by soil acidification; and (3) enhanced mineralisation of DOC due to increased abundance of electron acceptors in the form of ${{\text{SO}}_{ 4}}^{ 2-}$ SO 4 2 ? and NO3 ? in anoxic soil micro-sites. Here we consider each of these mechanisms, the extent to which their hypothesised impacts are consistent with observations from intensively-monitored sites, and the potential to improve biogeochemical models by incorporating mechanistic links to the C and S cycles.  相似文献   
The rate of rotation of the rotor in the yeast vacuolar proton-ATPase (V-ATPase), relative to the stator or steady parts of the enzyme, is estimated in native vacuolar membrane vesicles from Saccharomyces cerevisiae under standardised conditions. Membrane vesicles are formed spontaneously after exposing purified yeast vacuoles to osmotic shock. The fraction of total ATPase activity originating from the V-ATPase is determined by using the potent and specific inhibitor of the enzyme, concanamycin A. Inorganic phosphate liberated from ATP in the vacuolar membrane vesicle system, during ten min of ATPase activity at 20 °C, is assayed spectrophotometrically for different concanamycin A concentrations. A fit of the quadratic binding equation, assuming a single concanamycin A binding site on a monomeric V-ATPase (our data are incompatible with models assuming multiple binding sites), to the inhibitor titration curve determines the concentration of the enzyme. Combining this with the known ATP/rotation stoichiometry of the V-ATPase and the assayed concentration of inorganic phosphate liberated by the V-ATPase, leads to an average rate of ~10 Hz for full 360° rotation (and a range of 6–32 Hz, considering the ± standard deviation of the enzyme concentration), which, from the time-dependence of the activity, extrapolates to ~14 Hz (8–48 Hz) at the beginning of the reaction. These are lower-limit estimates. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the rotation rate in a V-ATPase that is not subjected to genetic or chemical modification and is not fixed to a solid support; instead it is functioning in its native membrane environment.  相似文献   
Current research of imperfect mimicry brings ambiguous results. Experiments simulating more natural conditions rather than laboratory experiments show lower willingness of avian predators to attack less perfect mimics. We decided to simulate a natural situation by testing responses of wild‐caught adult avian predators (Great tit – Parus major) to variously perfect mimics of the red firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus), which were in previous studies shown to elicit avoidance in Great tits. Presented mimics were perfect in all traits (firebug with its own colour pattern), imperfect in colour pattern (firebug with modified colour pattern), perfect in colour pattern, but imperfect in other visual traits (cockroach with firebug colour pattern), and imperfect in colour pattern as well as in other visual traits (cockroach with modified colour patterns). Modification of the pattern focused on the rounded spots on firebug's hemielytra, which is a conspicuous trait within the pattern. The pattern modification had no influence on the number of birds attacking the prey; nevertheless, birds spent more time observing the cockroaches that displayed the perfect firebug colour pattern than in the case of any other prey. Moreover, firebugs that displayed the perfect firebug colour pattern were observed for the shortest time (equal to that of the model – unmodified firebug). Cockroaches were attacked more often than firebugs, which suggest that birds were able to use additional visual cues (shape of legs and antennae) in prey recognition. Given these result, we conclude that differences in morphological traits characteristic for used prey taxa (true bugs, cockroaches) seem to be more important in the prey's protection than its colour pattern.  相似文献   
Soft songs have been detected in many songbirds, but in most species, research on soft songs has lagged behind studies of broadcast songs. In this study, we describe the acoustic features of a soft song in the brownish‐flanked bush warbler Cettia fortipes. Compared with the broadcast song, the warbler's soft song was characterized by a lower minimum frequency and longer duration, and it had a higher proportion of rapid frequency modulation notes. Using playback experiments, some in combination with mounted specimens, we found different responses to soft and broadcast songs, and we found that soft song can predict aggressive escalation (attack). We conclude that the soft song is an aggressive signal in this species.  相似文献   
Capsule The breeding success of Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos minor is now lower in England than previously reported and also lower than found in studies elsewhere in Europe.

Aims To quantify the breeding success and identify the causes of nest failure. To test the hypotheses that breeding success is related to aspects of food limitation and parental care, and inclement weather during the nesting period, or to interactions with Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

Methods Nests were monitored in three regions of England, recording survival and causes of failure. We measured aspects of food limitation and parental care, rainfall and Great Spotted Woodpecker interactions at nests, to explore whether there was any evidence that these factors were related to breeding success. We compared results to other studies from the UK and continental Europe.

Results Nest survival was 52%. The average number of chicks produced from successful nests was 2.8. Chick-stage daily nest survival was positively related to provisioning rates, indicating that food supply may be limiting. The most common cause of nest failure was presumed starvation of chicks after the disappearance of an adult. Some females ceased visiting nests, leaving provisioning solely to the male. This behaviour has been reported elsewhere in Europe, but in the present study males were unable to compensate fully by increasing their provisioning rates, leading to poor nest survival. Provisioning rates and chick-stage daily nest survival were negatively associated with rainfall. Nest predation by Great Spotted Woodpeckers occurred but was a less frequent cause of failure. Aggressive interactions were recorded between the two woodpecker species but these were unrelated to breeding parameters.

Conclusions Low breeding success is most probably related to food shortages in the breeding period. Simple population modelling using parameters from the present study and from published work shows that if the low productivity that we have observed is replicated throughout Britain, it would be sufficient to account for the observed population decline. However, the possibility that survival rates are also low cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
Capsule Populations of most forest bird species increased between 1982 and 2003, probably due to increased forest cover and changes in forest age-class composition.

Aims To determine population changes of forest birds in the Czech Republic and to determine their possible causes.

Methods Population data were collected via the Breeding Bird Monitoring Programme, which is based on skilled volunteers counting birds at point transects using a standardized technique. Population trends and indices for the period 1982–2003 were calculated for 47 species using log-linear models. Published data on development of forest cover and forest age composition in the Czech Republic were used to indicate environmental change over the same period.

Results Populations of most forest species increased between 1982 and 2003. There was also an increase in forest cover and an increase in the proportion of older forest age-classes. The increase in forest specialist birds was positively correlated with the average increase in forest coverage.

Conclusions The populations of Czech forest birds have increased in the last two decades. This contrasts with widely reported declines of farmland bird populations throughout Europe. The correlation between populations of specialized forest species and extent of forest habitat suggests that changes in land-use are an important factor. However, increasing cover of mature forests could have a similar effect on the populations of specialist species.  相似文献   
Capsule: The nesting habitat of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo and Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina extensively overlap, indicating that they exploit similar resources.

Aim: We aimed to determine the overlap in the nest platforms, nest trees and nest stands used by these raptors, find any evidence for the avoidance of the larger Lesser Spotted Eagle by the smaller Common Buzzard, and provide conservation implications for habitat protection of the former species in habitats that overlap extensively.

Methods: Nest sites were mapped during 2012–2014 in the Bir?ai Forest Spatial Protection Area, northern Lithuania. Fifty-three nest sites occupied by Common Buzzards and 26 by Lesser Spotted Eagles were compared.

Results: The nest platforms of both raptors were similarly placed in the tree canopies. Most Lesser Spotted Eagle nests were built in spruce, while the Common Buzzard usually nested in birch. The nest stands of the eagles were on wetter soil and located closer to the forest edge than those of the buzzards, otherwise, the nest stands did not differ significantly. There was no evidence for spatial avoidance of the larger raptor by the Common Buzzard.

Conclusions: The different components of the nesting habitats extensively overlapped, and the distribution of the interspecific pairs lacked spatial avoidance. We suggest that the nest sites of both raptors were a largely shared resource, especially if located close to the forest edges. We propose, as a rule of thumb, applying protection by way of buffer zones around buzzard nest sites if they are located close to eagle nest sites and the forest edge.  相似文献   
In order to determine an unknown fish population from the Vrana Lake, mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and non-coding nuclear region Cyfun P were investigated. Stabile population of Bulldog rudd, Scardinius dergle Heckel & Kner, the endemic Croatian freshwater fish in the Krka River, was genetically characterized with the same markers in order to compare it with the material from the Vrana Lake. Genetic markers were sequenced and aligned with the similar ones obtained from the GenBank in order to determine taxonomic and phylogenetic position of these two species. A significant discrepancy between nuclear genetic markers of our specimens and the sequence from the GenBank was found. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that the specimens from the Vrana Lake belong to the species S. hesperidicus. Morphometric characteristics, the maximum length and body mass showed new maximum values for both S. dergle and S. hesperidicus.  相似文献   
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