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Melanoma differentiation-associated gene-5 (mda-5) was the first molecule identified in nature whose encoded protein embodied the unique structural combination of an N-terminal caspase recruitment domain and a C-terminal DExD/H RNA helicase domain. As suggested by its structure, cumulative evidences documented that ectopic expression of mda-5 leads to growth inhibition and/or apoptosis in various cell lines. However, the signaling pathways involved in mda-5-mediated killing have not been elucidated. In this study, we utilized either genetically modified cloned rat embryo fibroblast cells overexpressing different functionally and structurally distinct oncogenes or human pancreatic and colorectal carcinoma cells containing mutant active ras to resolve the role of the Ras/Raf signaling pathway in mda-5-mediated growth inhibition/apoptosis induction. Rodent and human tumor cells containing constitutively activated Raf/Raf/MEK/ERK pathways were resistant to mda-5-induced killing and this protection was antagonized by intervening in this signal transduction cascade either by directly inhibiting ras activity using an antisense strategy or by targeting ras-downstream factors, such as MEK1/2, with the pharmacological inhibitor PD98059. The present findings provide a further example of potential cross-talk between growth-inhibitory and growth-promoting pathways in which the ultimate balance of these factors defines cellular homeostasis, leading to survival or induction of programmed cell death.  相似文献   
New compounds are needed to treat parasitic nematode infections in humans, livestock and plants. Small molecule anthelmintics are the primary means of nematode parasite control in animals; however, widespread resistance to the currently available drug classes means control will be impossible without the introduction of new compounds. Adverse environmental effects associated with nematocides used to control plant parasitic species are also motivating the search for safer, more effective compounds. Discovery of new anthelmintic drugs in particular has been a serious challenge due to the difficulty of obtaining and culturing target parasites for high-throughput screens and the lack of functional genomic techniques to validate potential drug targets in these pathogens. We present here a novel strategy for target validation that employs the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to demonstrate the value of new ligand-gated ion channels as targets for anthelmintic discovery. Many successful anthelmintics, including ivermectin, levamisole and monepantel, are agonists of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels, suggesting that the unexploited pentameric ion channels encoded in parasite genomes may be suitable drug targets. We validated five members of the nematode-specific family of acetylcholine-gated chloride channels as targets of agonists with anthelmintic properties by ectopically expressing an ivermectin-gated chloride channel, AVR-15, in tissues that endogenously express the acetylcholine-gated chloride channels and using the effects of ivermectin to predict the effects of an acetylcholine-gated chloride channel agonist. In principle, our strategy can be applied to validate any ion channel as a putative anti-parasitic drug target.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to assess the heart function, by the in vivo catheterization technique, of healthy male and female Sprague-Dawley rats fed different conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers, (cis-9, trans-11 (c9,t11) and trans-10, cis-12 (t10,c12)) individually and in combination (50:50 mix as triglyceride or fatty acids) from 4 to 20 weeks of age. Whereas the triglyceride form of the CLA isomer mix lowered the heart rate, the rate of contraction (+dP/dt) and rate of relaxation (-dP/dt), systolic and diastolic pressures, mean arterial pressure, and the left ventricular systolic pressure were higher in male rats as compared with all the other dietary groups. In contrast, there were no significant effects in the cardiac function of the female rats in response to the CLA isomer mix in triglyceride form. Whereas the heart rate, +dP/dt, and left ventricular systolic pressure were lower in male rats fed the t10,c12 CLA isomer alone, the heart rate of the female rats was higher, but the systolic pressure, +dP/dt, and mean arterial pressure were lower compared with the control group. Also, the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure was specifically higher in the female rats in response to free fatty acids-containing CLA mix. Furthermore, an additive effect of the free fatty acids-containing CLA mix was seen in the +dP/dt and -dP/dt of female rats compared with the control group. These results indicate that CLA isomers exert differential effects on heart function and suggest the need for a complete evaluation of the benefits, interactions, and potential side effects of each isomer.  相似文献   
Inter-individual variability in weight gain and loss under energy surfeit and deficit conditions, respectively, are well recognized but poorly understood phenomena. We documented weight loss variability in an intensively supervised clinical weight loss program and assessed skeletal muscle gene expression and phenotypic characteristics related to variable response to a 900 kcal regimen. Matched pairs of healthy, diet-compliant, obese diet-sensitive (ODS) and diet-resistant (ODR) subjects were defined as those in the highest and lowest quintiles for weight loss rate. Physical activity energy expenditure was minimal and comparable. Following program completion and weight stabilization, skeletal muscle biopsies were obtained. Gene expression analysis of rectus femoris and vastus lateralis indicated upregulation of genes and gene sets involved in oxidative phosphorylation and glucose and fatty acid metabolism in ODS compared with ODR. In vastus lateralis, there was a higher proportion of oxidative (type I) fibers in ODS compared with ODR women and lean controls, fiber hypertrophy in ODS compared with ODR women and lean controls, and lower succinate dehydrogenase in oxidative and oxidative-glycolytic fibers in all obese compared with lean subjects. Intramuscular lipid content was generally higher in obese versus lean, and specifically higher in ODS vs. lean women. Altogether, our findings demonstrate differences in muscle gene expression and fiber composition related to clinical weight loss success.  相似文献   
Raf-1 serine/threonine protein kinase plays an important role in cell survival, proliferation, and migration; however, the specific targets of Raf-1 in diverse cellular processes are not clearly defined. Myosin phosphatase activity is critical to the regulation of cytoskeletal reorganization, cytokinesis, and cell motility. Here, we describe the association of Raf-1 with myosin phosphatase and phosphorylation of the regulatory myosin-binding subunit (MBS) of myosin phosphatase by Raf-1. Treatment of cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate has been shown to stimulate Raf-1 protein kinase. To determine the effect of enzymatic activation of Raf-1 on MBS phosphorylation, COS-1 cells were transiently transfected with FLAG-tagged full-length Raf-1. A significantly higher phosphorylation of purified glutathione S-transferase-tagged truncated MBS protein (amino acids 654-880) occurred in the presence of FLAG-Raf-1 immunoprecipitated from phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-treated cells compared with untreated cells ( approximately 3.0-fold). Using a sequential kinase-phosphatase assay and phosphorylated myosin light chain as substrate in the phosphatase reaction, we showed that Raf-1-associated protein phosphatase-specific activity was inhibited (relative phosphatase activity without and with adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate): 100 and approximately 30%, respectively). Previously, ionizing radiation has been shown to activate Raf-1 (Kasid, U., Suy, S., Dent, P., Ray, S., Whiteside, T. L., and Sturgill, T. W. (1996) Nature 382, 813-816). Exposure of cells to ionizing radiation resulted in the increased association of Raf-1 with MBS (3-6-fold versus unirradiated control) and inhibition of Raf-1-associated protein phosphatase-specific activity (relative phosphatase activity without and with ionizing radiation: 100 and approximately 54%, respectively). Our studies identify MBS as a new substrate of Raf-1 and implicate a role for Raf-1 in the regulation of pathways involving myosin phosphatase activity.  相似文献   
Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton and periphyton growth in upland lakes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
SUMMARY 1. Thirty small upland lakes in Cumbria, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were visited three times between April and August 2000. On each occasion water chemistry was measured and phytoplankton bioassays were performed in the laboratory to assess growth‐rate and yield limitation by phosphorus and nitrogen. In addition, yield limitation of periphyton growth was investigated twice, in situ, using nutrient‐diffusing substrata. 2. Over the whole season the percentage frequency of P, N and co‐limitation was 24, 13 and 63%, respectively, for phytoplankton rate limitation and 20, 22 and 58%, respectively, for phytoplankton yield limitation. 3. A clear response of periphyton yield to nutrient additions was found in 75% of all cases and of these, co‐limitation was most common (54%). Average percentage frequency for P and N limitation was 26 and 20%, respectively. 4. Phytoplankton and periphyton showed seasonal changes in nutrient limitation within sites. In particular, co‐limitation became progressively more common as the season progressed. 5. The response of phytoplankton growth rate to ammonium and nitrate addition was identical, but ammonium was a slightly better source of nitrogen than nitrate for phytoplankton yield on 7% and for periphyton yield on 10% of the occasions. However, the magnitude of the effect was small. 6. The concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and the molar ratio of DIN to total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), appeared to be the main environmental factors controlling the extent of nitrogen or phosphorus limitation at a given site. Nitrogen limitation was more likely than phosphorus limitation where the DIN was <6.5 mmol m?3 and the ratio of DIN : TDP was <53. Co‐limitation was the most likely outcome at a DIN concentration <13 mmol m?3 and at a DIN : TDP molar ratio <250. Above these values phosphorus limitation was most likely. 7. The relatively high frequency of nitrogen limitation and co‐limitation at higher N : P ratios than previously reported, may result from the inability of nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacteria to thrive in these upland lakes where pH and the concentration of phosphorus tended to be low and where flushing rates tended to be high.  相似文献   
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