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Müller cells are the principal glial cells of the retina. Their end-feet form the limits of the retina at the outer and inner limiting membranes (ILM), and in conjunction with astrocytes, pericytes and endothelial cells they establish the blood-retinal barrier (BRB). BRB limits material transport between the bloodstream and the retina while the ILM acts as a basement membrane that defines histologically the border between the retina and the vitreous cavity. Labeling Müller cells is particularly relevant to study the physical state of the retinal barriers, as these cells are an integral part of the BRB and ILM. Both BRB and ILM are frequently altered in retinal disease and are responsible for disease symptoms.There are several well-established methods to study the integrity of the BRB, such as the Evans blue assay or fluorescein angiography. However these methods do not provide information on the extent of BRB permeability to larger molecules, in nanometer range. Furthermore, they do not provide information on the state of other retinal barriers such as the ILM. To study BRB permeability alongside retinal ILM, we used an AAV based method that provides information on permeability of BRB to larger molecules while indicating the state of the ILM and extracellular matrix proteins in disease states. Two AAV variants are useful for such study: AAV5 and ShH10. AAV5 has a natural tropism for photoreceptors but it cannot get across to the outer retina when administered into the vitreous when the ILM is intact (i.e., in wild-type retinas). ShH10 has a strong tropism towards glial cells and will selectively label Müller glia in both healthy and diseased retinas. ShH10 provides more efficient gene delivery in retinas where ILM is compromised. These viral tools coupled with immunohistochemistry and blood-DNA analysis shed light onto the state of retinal barriers in disease.  相似文献   
We examine macronutrient limitation in New Zealand (NZ) lakes where, contrary to the phosphorus (P) only control paradigm, nitrogen (N) control is widely adopted to alleviate eutrophication. A review of published results of nutrient enrichment experiments showed that N more frequently limited lake productivity than P; however, stoichiometric analysis of a sample of 121 NZ lakes indicates that the majority (52.9%) of lakes have a mean ratio of total nitrogen (TN) to total phosphorus (TP) (by mass) indicative of potential P-limitation (>15:1), whereas only 14.0% of lakes have mean TN:TP indicative of potential N-limitation (<7:1). Comparison of TN, TP, and chlorophyll a data between 121 NZ lakes and 689 lakes in 15 European Union (EU) countries suggests that at the national scale, N has a greater role in determining lake productivity in NZ than in the EU. TN:TP is significantly lower in NZ lakes across all trophic states, a difference that is driven primarily by significantly lower in-lake TN concentrations at low trophic states and significantly higher TP concentrations at higher trophic states. The form of the TN:TP relationship differs between NZ and the EU countries, suggesting that lake nutrient sources and/or loss mechanisms differ between the two regions. Dual control of N and P should be the status quo for lacustrine eutrophication control in New Zealand and more effort is needed to reduce P inputs.  相似文献   
Post-translational modifications of histone H3 tails have crucial roles in regulation of cellular processes. There is cross-regulation between the modifications of K4, K9, and K14 residues. The modifications on these residues drastically promote or inhibit each other. In this work, we studied the structural changes of the histone H3 tail originating from the three most important modifications; tri-methylation of K4 and K9, and acetylation of K14. We performed extensive molecular dynamics simulations of four types of H3 tails: (i) the unmodified H3 tail having no chemical modification on the residues, (ii) the tri-methylated lysine 4 and lysine 9 H3 tail (K4me3K9me3), (iii) the tri-methylated lysine 4 and acetylated lysine 14 H3 tail (K4me3K14ace), and (iv) tri-methylated lysine 9 and acetylated lysine 14 H3 tail (K9me3K14ace). Here, we report the effects of K4, K9, and K14 modifications on the backbone torsion angles and relate these changes to the recognition and binding of histone modifying enzymes. According to the Ramachandran plot analysis; (i) the dihedral angles of K4 residue are significantly affected by the addition of three methyl groups on this residue regardless of the second modification, (ii) the dihedral angle values of K9 residue are similarly altered majorly by the tri-methylation of K4 residue, (iii) different combinations of modifications (tri-methylation of K4 and K9, and acetylation of K14) have different influences on phi and psi values of K14 residue. Finally, we discuss the consequences of these results on the binding modes and specificity of the histone modifying enzymes such as DIM-5, GCN5, and JMJD2A.  相似文献   
In this investigation, clastogenic effects of Thymus kotschyanus var. glabrescens Boiss. extract (TE) and anticlastogenic effects of this extract against Mitomycin C (MMC) induced chromosome damage have been evaluated in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro. Two series of experiments were conducted. In the first, only 10−5, 10−4, 10−3 and 10−2 μl ml−1 concentrations of TE were used for 48 h to detect potential clastogenicity. In the second, MMC (0.38 μg ml−1) plus 10−5, 10−4, 10−3 and 10−2 μl ml−1 concentrations of TE were used for 48 h to determine anticlastogenic effects. TE did not increase sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) (except 10−2 μl ml concentration) and chromosome aberrations (CAs) significantly compared with negative and solvent controls. However, it decreased the frequency of MMC induced chromosome aberrations. Decreasing was significant at 10−4, 10−3 and 10−2 μl ml−1 concentrations. On the other hand, TE significantly increased MMC-induced SCEs for all treatment groups compared with positive control.  相似文献   
Two new cycloartane-type glycosides oleifoliosides A (1) and B (2) were isolated from the lower stem parts of Astragalus oleifolius. Their structures were identified as 3-O-[beta-xylopyranosyl-(1 --> 2)-alpha-arabinopyranosyl]-6-O-beta-xylopyranosyl-3beta,6alpha,16beta,24(S),25-pentahydroxycycloartane and 3-O-[beta-xylopyranosyl-(1 --> 2)-alpha-arabinopyranosyl]-6-O-beta-glucopyranosyl-3beta,6alpha,16beta,24(S),25-pentahydroxycycloartane, respectively, by means of spectroscopic methods (IR, 1D and 2D NMR, ESI-MS). Three known cycloartane glycosides cyclocanthoside E (3), astragaloside II (4) and astragaloside IV (5) were also isolated and characterized. All five compounds were evaluated for in vitro trypanocidal, leishmanicidal and antiplasmodial activities as well as their cytotoxic potential on primary mammalian (L6) cells. Except for the compound 5, all compounds showed notable growth inhibitory activity against Leishmania donovani with IC50 values ranging from 13.2 to 21.3 microg/ml. Only weak activity against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense was observed with the known compounds astragaloside II (4, IC50 66.6 microg/ml) and cyclocanthoside E (3, IC50 85.2 microg/ml), while all compounds were inactive against Trypanosoma cruzi and Plasmodium falciparum. None of the compounds were toxic to mammalian cells (IC50's > 90 microg/ml). This is the first report of leishmanicidal and trypanocidal activity of cycloartane-type triterpene glycosides.  相似文献   
The phosphoesterase (PE) domain of the bacterial DNA repair enzyme LigD possesses distinctive manganese-dependent 3′-phosphomonoesterase and 3′-phosphodiesterase activities. PE exemplifies a new family of DNA end-healing enzymes found in all phylogenetic domains. Here, we determined the structure of the PE domain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa LigD (PaePE) using solution NMR methodology. PaePE has a disordered N-terminus and a well-folded core that differs in instructive ways from the crystal structure of a PaePE•Mn2+• sulfate complex, especially at the active site that is found to be conformationally dynamic. Chemical shift perturbations in the presence of primer-template duplexes with 3′-deoxynucleotide, 3′-deoxynucleotide 3′-phosphate, or 3′ ribonucleotide termini reveal the surface used by PaePE to bind substrate DNA and suggest a more efficient engagement in the presence of a 3′-ribonucleotide. Spectral perturbations measured in the presence of weakly catalytic (Cd2+) and inhibitory (Zn2+) metals provide evidence for significant conformational changes at and near the active site, compared to the relatively modest changes elicited by Mn2+.  相似文献   

Key message

Testcross is the worst mating design to use as a training set to predict maize single-crosses that would be obtained through full diallel or North Carolina design II.


Even though many papers have been published about genomic prediction (GP) in maize, the best mating design to build the training population has not been defined yet. Such design must maximize the accuracy given constraints on costs and on the logistics of the crosses to be made. Hence, the aims of this work were: (1) empirically evaluate the effect of the mating designs, used as training set, on genomic selection to predict maize single-crosses obtained through full diallel and North Carolina design II, (2) and identify the possibility of reducing the number of crosses and parents to compose these training sets. Our results suggest that testcross is the worst mating design to use as a training set to predict maize single-crosses that would be obtained through full diallel or North Carolina design II. Moreover, North Carolina design II is the best training set to predict hybrids taken from full diallel. However, hybrids from full diallel and North Carolina design II can be well predicted using optimized training sets, which also allow reducing the total number of crosses to be made. Nevertheless, the number of parents and the crosses per parent in the training sets should be maximized.

Immobilization of enzymes from different sources on various supports in designed systems increases enzymes’ stability by protecting the active site of it from undesired effect of reaction environment. Also, immobilization decreases the cost of separation and facilities the reuse of the enzymes. Therefore, the design of new immobilization enzyme preparations has been an inevitable area of modern biotechnology. Herein, Rhizomucor miehei lipase (RML) was immobilized on montmorillonite K-10 (MMT-RML) by adsorption and in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA-RML) by entrapment to obtain a more stable and active lipase preparation. The free and immobilized lipase preparations were characterized for p-nitrophenyl palmitate hydrolysis. The apparent Michaelis–Menten (Kmapp) constant was almost the same for the free RML and PVA-RML, whereas the corresponding value was 17.7-fold lower for MMT-RML. PVA-RML and MMT-RML have shown a 1.1 and 23.8 folds higher catalytic efficiency, respectively, than that of the free RML. The half-lives of PVA-RML and MMT-RML were found to be 7.4 and 3.4 times longer than the free RML at 35?°C, respectively. PVA-RML and MMT-RML maintained 65% and 87% of their initial activities after four reuses. These results showed that the catalytic performance of RML has improved significantly by immobilization.  相似文献   
Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) is the key enzyme for acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis and constitutes a reliable marker for the integrity of cholinergic neurons. Cortical ChAT activity is decreased in the brain of patients suffering from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The standard method used to measure the activity of ChAT enzyme relies on a very sensitive radiometric assay, but can only be performed on post‐mortem tissue samples. Here, we demonstrate the possibility to monitor ACh synthesis in rat brain homogenates in real time using NMR spectroscopy. First, the experimental conditions of the radiometric assay were carefully adjusted to produce maximum ACh levels. This was important for translating the assay to NMR, which has a low intrinsic sensitivity. We then used 15N‐choline and a pulse sequence designed to filter proton polarization by nitrogen coupling before 1H‐NMR detection. ACh signal was resolved from choline signal and therefore it was possible to monitor ChAT‐mediated ACh synthesis selectively over time. We propose that the present approach using a labeled precursor to monitor the enzymatic synthesis of ACh in rat brain homogenates through real‐time NMR represents a useful tool to detect neurotransmitter synthesis. This method may be adapted to assess the state of the cholinergic system in the brain in vivo in a non‐invasive manner using NMR spectroscopic techniques.  相似文献   
Neural processing of auditory looming in the human brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acoustic intensity change, along with interaural, spectral, and reverberation information, is an important cue for the perception of auditory motion. Approaching sound sources produce increases in intensity, and receding sound sources produce corresponding decreases. Human listeners typically overestimate increasing compared to equivalent decreasing sound intensity and underestimate the time to contact of approaching sound sources. These characteristics could provide a selective advantage by increasing the margin of safety for response to looming objects. Here, we used dynamic intensity and functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the neural underpinnings of the perceptual priority for rising intensity. We found that, consistent with activation by horizontal and vertical auditory apparent motion paradigms, rising and falling intensity activated the right temporal plane more than constant intensity. Rising compared to falling intensity activated a distributed neural network subserving space recognition, auditory motion perception, and attention and comprising the superior temporal sulci and the middle temporal gyri, the right temporoparietal junction, the right motor and premotor cortices, the left cerebellar cortex, and a circumscribed region in the midbrain. This anisotropic processing of acoustic intensity change may reflect the salience of rising intensity produced by looming sources in natural environments.  相似文献   
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