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The primary structural information of proteins employed as biotherapeutics is essential if one wishes to understand their structure–function relationship, as well as in the rational design of new therapeutics and for quality control. Given both the large size (around 150 kDa) and the structural complexity of intact immunoglobulin G (IgG), which includes a variable number of disulfide bridges, its extensive fragmentation and subsequent sequence determination by means of tandem mass spectrometry (MS) are challenging. Here, we applied electron transfer dissociation (ETD), implemented on a hybrid Orbitrap Fourier transform mass spectrometer (FTMS), to analyze a commercial recombinant IgG in a liquid chromatography (LC)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) top-down experiment. The lack of sensitivity typically observed during the top-down MS of large proteins was addressed by averaging time-domain transients recorded in different LC-MS/MS experiments before performing Fourier transform signal processing. The results demonstrate that an improved signal-to-noise ratio, along with the higher resolution and mass accuracy provided by Orbitrap FTMS (relative to previous applications of top-down ETD-based proteomics on IgG), is essential for comprehensive analysis. Specifically, ETD on Orbitrap FTMS produced about 33% sequence coverage of an intact IgG, signifying an almost 2-fold increase in IgG sequence coverage relative to prior ETD-based analysis of intact monoclonal antibodies of a similar subclass. These results suggest the potential application of the developed methodology to other classes of large proteins and biomolecules.Top-down mass spectrometry (MS)1 (13) has continued to demonstrate its particular advantages over traditionally employed bottom-up MS strategies (4). Specifically, top-down MS allows the characterization of specific protein isoforms originating from the alternative splicing of mRNA that code single nucleotide polymorphisms and/or post-translational modifications (PTMs) of protein species (5). Intact protein molecular weight (MW) determination and subsequent gas-phase fragmentation of selected multiply charged protein ions (referred to as tandem MS or MS/MS) theoretically might result in complete protein sequence coverage and precise assignment of the type and position of PTMs, amino acid substitutions, and C- or N-terminal truncations (6), whereas the bottom-up MS approach allows only the identification of a certain protein family when few or redundant peptides are found for a particular protein isoform. At a practical level, however, top-down MS-based proteomics struggles not only with the single- or multi-dimensional separation of undigested proteins, which demonstrates lower reproducibility and repeatability than for peptides, but also with technical limitations present in even state-of-the-art mass spectrometers. The outcome of a top-down MS experiment depends indeed on the balance between the applied resolution of the mass spectrometer and its sensitivity. The former is required for unambiguous assignment of ion isotopic clusters in both survey and MS/MS scans, whereas the latter is ultimately dependent on the scan speed of the mass analyzer, which determines the number of scans that can be accumulated for a given analyte ion on the liquid chromatography (LC) timescale to enhance the resulting signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Until recently, the instrument of choice for top-down MS has been the Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometer, primarily because of its superior resolving power and the availability of electron capture dissociation for the efficient MS/MS of large biomolecules (7, 8). However, this solution has been shown to have some limitations in the analysis of large proteins (9). The main issue, as described by Compton et al. (10), is that the SNR in Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS) is inversely proportional to the width of the isotopic and charge state distributions (11), which both increase as a function of MW. Particularly, the SNR dramatically decreases with MW under standard on-line LC-MS/MS operating conditions if isotopic resolution is required. It is noteworthy that such SNR reduction can affect not only intact mass measurements, but also the subsequent MS/MS performance.The most widely employed solution for improving top-down analysis is thus a substantial reduction of the protein mixture complexity, for example, through off-line sample prefractionation (12). Furthermore, when the MW exceeds 100 kDa, proteins are often analyzed via direct infusion after off-line purification of the single isoform or species of interest (13). Overall, these strategies aim to improve the quality of mass spectra, specifically their SNR, by increasing the number of scans dedicated to each selected isoform or species. However, off-line intact protein analysis has limitations, including sample degradation and modification (e.g., oxidation during long off-line measurements and sample storage). The time required for multistep LC-based protein purification can also be substantial.Electron capture dissociation (ECD) (14, 15) and electron transfer dissociation (ETD) (16) are ion activation techniques that allow polypeptide fragmentation with reduced PTM losses (17, 18). Nevertheless, ECD and ETD generally provide larger sequence coverage for intact proteins than slow-heating activation methods such as collision induced dissociation (CID) and infrared multiple photon dissociation (19, 20). Furthermore, ECD and ETD are known to cleave disulfide bonds, a fundamental feature for the analysis of proteins in their native state (i.e., without cysteine reduction and alkylation) (2123).The structural analysis of high MW intact proteins with MS has garnered much recent attention in the literature (24, 25), mainly because of the improved capabilities offered by rapidly developing sample preparation, protein separation, and mass spectrometric methods and techniques. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) proteins are antibodies with an MW of about 150 kDa that are composed of two identical sets of light and glycosylated heavy chains with both intra- and intermolecular disulfide bridges (Fig. 1) (26). IgGs represent an attractive target for structural analysis method development, given their high importance as biotherapeutics (27). A unit-mass resolution mass spectrum demonstrating an isotopic distribution of an isolated charge state of a 148 kDa IgG1 has been recently achieved with FT-ICR MS equipped with 9.4 T superconducting magnet and a statically harmonized ICR cell (24). However, further analytical improvements are needed to achieve routine and reproducible MS operation at the required level of resolution and sensitivity.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Schematic representation of IgG1. Two identical light (blue) and two identical heavy (fucsia) chains form the intact IgG. The light chain is composed of a variable domain (VL) and a constant domain (CL), whereas the heavy chain comprises one variable domain (VH) and three constant domains (CH1–3). Each domain contains an intramolecular disulfide bridge (in red); intermolecular disulfide bridges link the heavy chains to each other (two bonds) and each heavy chain to one light chain (one bond). Each heavy chain includes an N-glycosylation site (located at Asn297; here, a G0F/G0F glycosylation is shown).Fragmentation of intact antibodies in the gas phase following the top-down MS approach has been previously attempted without precursor ion charge state isolation by means of nozzle-skimmer CID on a linear trap quadrupole (LTQ)-Orbitrap™ (28, 29) and with precursor ion isolation via ETD on a high resolution quadrupole time-of-flight (qTOF) mass spectrometer (25). Relative to the results previously obtained with slow-heating MS/MS methods, the ETD qTOF MS/MS demonstrated substantially higher sequence coverage, reaching 15% for human and 21% for murine IgGs. Important for future top-down proteomics development for complex protein mixtures, the ETD qTOF MS/MS results were obtained on the LC timescale. To increase the sequence coverage and confidence in product ion assignment, a substantial increase in SNR was achieved by averaging MS/MS data from up to 10 identical LC-MS/MS experiments. The high complexity of the product ion population reduced the effective resolution to about 30,000, presumably limiting the assignment of overlapping high charge state product ions in the 1000–2000 m/z range. Even higher peak complexity was observed in the region of charge reduced species and complementary heavy product ions, above 3000 m/z. Finally, numerous disulfide bonds drastically reduced MS/MS efficiency in the disulfide bond-protected regions.Here we demonstrate that ETD-enabled hybrid linear ion trap Orbitrap FTMS allows us to further improve the top-down ETD-based LC-MS/MS of monoclonal antibodies, introduced earlier for TOF-based MS. To fully take advantage of the high resolving power of Orbitrap MS/MS for increasing both the number of assigned product ions and the confidence of the assignments, maintaining an LC-MS/MS setup useful in a general proteomics workflow for protein desalting and separation, we averaged time-domain transients (derived from separated LC-MS/MS runs) before Fourier transform signal processing.  相似文献   
Cooperative functional properties and allosteric regulation in cytochromes P450 play an important role in xenobiotic metabolism and define one of the main mechanisms of drug-drug interactions. Recent experimental results suggest that ability to bind simultaneously two or more small organic molecules can be the essential feature of cytochrome P450 fold, and often results in rich and complex pattern of allosteric behavior. Manifestations of non-Michaelis kinetics include homotropic and heterotropic activation and inhibition effects depending on the stoichiometric ratios of substrate and effector, changes in the regio- and stereospecificity of catalytic transformations, and often give rise to the clinically important drug-drug interactions. In addition, functional response of P450 systems is modulated by the presence of specific and non-specific effector molecules, metal ions, membrane incorporation, formation of homo- and hetero-oligomers, and interactions with the protein redox partners. In this article we briefly overview the main factors contributing to the allosteric effects in cytochromes P450 with the main focus on the sources of cooperative behavior in xenobiotic metabolizing monomeric heme enzymes with their conformational flexibility and extremely broad substrate specificity. The novel mechanism of functional cooperativity in P450 enzymes does not require substantial binding cooperativity, rather it implies the presence of one or more binding sites with higher affinity than the single catalytically active site in the vicinity of the heme iron.  相似文献   
Study of individual hepatitis C (HCV) proteins could help to find a molecular structure and conformation, localization of antigenic and immunogenic determinants, to reveal of protective epitopes. It is necessary for practical medicine - development of diagnostic test-systems, vaccines and therapeutics. Linear and conformation dependent epitopes of HCV proteins was localized in this work and immunogenic properties of phage displayed peptides screened on monoclonal antibodies to HCV proteins have been investigated. Eleven epitopes of four HCV proteins have been studied. Three epitopes was found as linear, two epitopes were dependent on secondary structure of proteins and one epitope was dependent on tertiary structure of NS3 protein. Aminoacid sequences of other determinants have been determined and the distinct localization of these determinants will be continued after discovering of tertiary structure of HCV proteins. It was shown, that phage mimotope 3f4 is immunogenic and could induce specific hu- moral immune response to NS5A HCV protein. The data obtained could be useful for improving of HCV diagnostic test-systems, studying of amino acid substitutions and its influence on antigenic properties of the HCV proteins. The results could help to study an immune response in patients infected with different genotypes of HCV. Phage displayed peptides mimicking the antigenic epitopes of HCV proteins could be applied to development of HCV vaccine.  相似文献   
Generation of plasma in a pulsed non-self-sustained glow discharge with a hollow cathode with an area of ≥2 m2 at gas pressures of 0.4–1 Pa was studied experimentally. At an auxiliary arc-discharge current of 100 A and a main discharge voltage of 240 V, a pulse-periodic glow discharge with a current amplitude of 370 A, pulse duration of 340 μs, and repetition rate of 1 kHz was obtained. The possibility of creating a uniform gas-discharge plasma with a density of up to 1012 cm?3 and an electron temperature of 1 eV in a volume of >0.2 m3 was demonstrated. Such plasma can be efficiently used to treat material surfaces and generate pulsed ion beams with a current density of up to 15 mA/cm2.  相似文献   
Little is known about age‐dependent changes in structure and function of astrocytes and of the impact of these on the cognitive decline in the senescent brain. The prevalent view on the age‐dependent increase in reactive astrogliosis and astrocytic hypertrophy requires scrutiny and detailed analysis. Using two‐photon microscopy in conjunction with 3D reconstruction, Sholl and volume fraction analysis, we demonstrate a significant reduction in the number and the length of astrocytic processes, in astrocytic territorial domains and in astrocyte‐to‐astrocyte coupling in the aged brain. Probing physiology of astrocytes with patch clamp, and Ca2+ imaging revealed deficits in K+ and glutamate clearance and spatiotemporal reorganisation of Ca2+ events in old astrocytes. These changes paralleled impaired synaptic long‐term potentiation (LTP) in hippocampal CA1 in old mice. Our findings may explain the astroglial mechanisms of age‐dependent decline in learning and memory.  相似文献   
Inflammatory infiltration of tumor stroma is an integral reflection of reactions that develop in response to any damage to tumor cells including immune responses to antigens or necrosis caused by vascular disorders. In this review, we use the term “immune-inflammatory response” (IIR) that allows us to give an integral assessment of the cellular composition of the tumor microenvironment. Two main types of IIRs are discussed: type 1 and 2 T-helper reactions (Th1 and Th2), as well as their inducers: immunosuppressive responses and reactions mediated by Th22 and Th17 lymphocytes and capable of modifying the main types of IIRs. Cellular and molecular manifestations of each IIR type are analyzed and their general characteristics and roles in tissue regeneration and tumor growth are presented. Since inflammatory responses in a tumor can also be initiated by innate immunity mechanisms, special attention is given to inflammation based on them. We emphasize that processes accompanying tissue regeneration are prototypes of processes underlying cancer progression, and these processes have the same cellular and molecular substrates. We focus on evidence that tumor progression is mainly contributed by processes specific for the second phase of “wound healing” that are based on the Th2-type IIR. We emphasize that the effect of various types of immune and stroma cells on tumor progression is determined by the ability of the cells and their cytokines to promote or prevent the development of Th1- or Th2-type of IIR. Finally, we supposed that the nonspecific influence on the tumor caused by the cytokine context of the Th1- or Th2-type microenvironment should play a decisive role for suppression or stimulation of tumor growth and metastasis.  相似文献   
Understanding the detailed metabolic mechanisms of membrane-associated cytochromes P450 is often hampered by heterogeneity, ill-defined oligomeric state of the enzyme, and variation in the stoichiometry of the functional P450.reductase complexes in various reconstituted systems. Here, we describe the detailed characterization of a functionally homogeneous 1:1 complex of cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) and cytochrome P450 reductase solubilized via self-assembly in a nanoscale phospholipid bilayer. CYP3A4 in this complex showed a nearly complete conversion from the low- to high-spin state when saturated with testosterone (TS) and no noticeable modulation due to the presence of cytochrome P450 reductase. Global analysis of equilibrium substrate binding and steady-state NADPH consumption kinetics provided precise resolution of the fractional contributions to turnover of CYP3A4 intermediates with one, two, or three TS molecules bound. The first binding event accelerates NADPH consumption but does not result in significant product formation due to essentially complete uncoupling. Binding of the second substrate molecule is critically important for catalysis, as the product formation rate reaches a maximum value with two TS molecules bound, whereas the third binding event significantly improves the coupling efficiency of redox equivalent usage with no further increase in product formation rate. The resolution of the fractional contributions of binding intermediates of CYP3A4 into experimentally observed overall spin shift and the rates of steady-state NADPH oxidation and product formation provide new detailed insight into the mechanisms of cooperativity and allosteric regulation in this human cytochrome P450.  相似文献   
Analysis of the properties for individual hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins makes it possible to establish their molecular structure and conformation, to localize antigenic and immunogenic determinants, to identify protective epitopes, and to solve applied problems (e.g., design of diagnostic tests, vaccines, and drugs). Linear and conformational epitopes of HCV proteins were localized using the phage display technique, and the peptides exposed on the phages selected with monoclonal antibodies against HCV proteins were tested for immunogenicity. Of the 11 epitopes revealed, three were strongly linear; two depended on the secondary; and one on the tertiary structure of the corresponding protein (conformational epitopes). Amino acid sequences involved in the other epitopes were established. The results can be used to improve the diagnosis of hepatitis C, to study the effect of amino acid substitutions on the antigenic properties of HCV proteins, and to analyze the immune response in patients infected with genotypically different HCV. It was shown with the example of the NS5A epitope that phage particles with epitope-mimicking peptides (mimotopes) induce production of antibodies against the corresponding HCV proteins.  相似文献   
The effect of structural factors on the stability of duplexes formed by DNA minor groove binders conjugated with oligonucleotide mono- or diphosphoramidates of the general formula Oligo-MGBm (where Oligo is an oligonucleotide; m = 1 or 2; MGB is -L(Py)2R, -L(Py)4R, -L(Im)4R, or -L(Py)4NH(CH2)3CO(Py)4R; Py is a 4-aminopyrrole-2-carboxylic acid residue; L is a -aminobutyric acid or an -aminocaproic acid residue, R = OEt, NH(CH2)6NEt2, or NH(CH2)6N+Me3) was studied by the method of thermal denaturation. The mode of binder interaction with the minor groove depends on the conjugate structure; it may be of the parallel head to head type for bisphosphoramidates and of the antiparallel head to tail type for monophosphoramidates of a hairpin structure. The effects of the duplexes with parallel orientation (bisphosphoramidates, MGB is L(Py)4R, m = 2) and those of the hairpin structure with the antiparallel orientation (monophosphoramidates, MGB is L(Py)4(CH2)3CO(Py)4R, m = 1) on T m values were close. The influence of the linker (L) and substituent (R) structures upon T m was more pronounced for monophosphoramidate (MGB is L(Py)nR, m = 1) than for bisphosphoramidate (MGB is L(Py)nR, m = 2). No more than two oligopyrrolecarboxamide residues (either in parallel or antiparallel orientations) can be incorporated into the duplex minor groove. Moreover, it was shown by the example of monophosphoramidates (Oligo-L(Py)4R and Oligo-L(Py)4NH(CH2)3CO(Py)4R) that the addition of a second ligand capable of incorporation into the minor groove increased T m of the corresponding duplex in comparison with the duplex formed by the starting monophosphoramidate. At the same time, the introduction of a ligand incapable of incorporating decreased the T m value. The mode of interaction of the conjugated binder with the oligonucleotide duplex is determined by its structure. For example, dipyrrolecarboxamide containing an ethoxy group at the binder C-end stabilizes the duplex due to stacking interaction with the terminal A · T pair, whereas tetrapyrrolecarboxamides stabilize the duplex by incorporation into the minor groove.__________Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2005, pp. 159–166.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Ryabinin, Butorin, Elen, Denisov, Pyshnyi, Sinyakov.  相似文献   
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