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Droughts are linked to tree die-offs in the biodiverse humid tropics. We assessed drought response of a Dipterocarp Forest and found a marginal decrease in tree survival, indicating drought resistance. Understory and emergent species were sensitive to drought. Urgent focus is needed to understand drought impacts and plant physiological responses in South Asian forests.  相似文献   
Summary 13C-based three-dimensional 1H–1H correlation experiments have been used to determine essentially complete 13C and 1H resonance assignments for the amino acid side chains of uniformly 13C/15N labelled L. casei dihydrofolate reductase in a complex with the drug methotrexate. Excellent agreement is observed between these assignments and an earlier set of partial assignments made on the basis of correlating nuclear Overhauser effect and crystal structure data, indicating that the tertiary structure of the enzyme is similar in solution and in the crystal state.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
Tandem mass spectrometry employing high-energy, collisionally activated dissociation (CAD) is shown to be a useful method for sequencing through the cystine bridge of intermolecularly disulfide-bonded peptides. A characteristic triplet of intense fragment ions is observed corresponding to cleavage through and to either side of the disulfide bridge. These fragments define the masses of the linked peptides. Fragments due to peptide chain cleavage are also observed at lower abundance in the product-ion spectra and can be sufficient to sequence both of the disulfide-linked peptides without any prior knowledge of the peptide or protein sequence. Even in cases where the peptide sequence-related product-ion yields are poor, the intensities of the disulfide cleavage ions are usually sufficient to determine the molecular weights of the component cystine-bridged peptides. In this paper we demonstrate that the high-energy CAD tandem MS approach may be used to characterize disulfide-bonded peptides directly in complex enzymatic or chemical digests of native proteins. This obviates the need for individual purification of intermolecularly disulfide-linked peptides prior to analysis. The techniques are illustrated here for synthetic, inter- and intramolecularly disulfide-linked peptides and for human transforming growth factor-alpha (des-Val-Val-TGF-alpha), a compact protein containing 48 residues and three disulfides.  相似文献   
Spatial and size distribution of micro-organisms and their ETSactivity has been investigated in Ligurian Sea surface watersalong the Nice-Calvi transect across frontal areas from 18 to37 km offshore (TOMOFRONT 1 and 2 cruises, April 1988 and April-May1989 respectively). Aplastidic and plastidic nanoflagellatesand aplastidic picoflagellates were present in numbers closeto 0.25 x 104 cells ml–1, whereas plastidic picoflagellatesaccounted for about half this number. Correlations have beenevidenced between plastidic and aplastidic micro-organisms withinthe same size group, suggesting that they belong to a well-definedecosystem. The highest correlation between total ETS activityand abundance of the considered size groups was observed fornanoflagellates (r = 0.94, n = 22, and r = 0.90, n = 22 foraplastidic and plastidic cells respectively). The importanceof the role of nanoflagellates in surface waters, with respectto the overall ETS activity, was supported by results from sizefractionation which assigned to the 3–10 µm sizerange a 73.3% contribution to overall ETS activity. Resultsemphasize analysing global ETS activity of natural samples inorder to derive relationships between the different populationspresent in the sampled water. It is suggested that couplingflow cytometry to the ETS approach should be very helpful inthat respect.  相似文献   
Sessile and vagile organisms differ from one another in some fundamental ways, including methods of resource acquisition and competition. Ant colonies are typically studied as sessile entities, even though a large fraction of ant species frequently relocate their nests in the course of their life history. Little is known about the causes and consequences of nest relocation, but it is likely that the costs and benefits of relocation are driven by nest quality, neighborhood competition, or resource availability. In this paper, we document several cycles of nest relocation in a population of the Central American ant Aphaenogaster araneoides . In our first experiment, we tracked the pattern of relocation, testing whether environmental characteristics and colony demography were associated with relocation behavior. In our second experiment, we manipulated resource availability by adding or subtracting leaf litter, which is known to predict colony growth. We found that colonies relocated their nests once per week on average and colonies often reoccupied nests from which they had once emigrated. Larger colonies relocated more frequently than smaller colonies, and quickly growing colonies utilized a greater number of nests within their home range compared to slowly growing colonies. Relocation events were most likely to occur in periods when vapor pressure deficits were greatest. Nearest neighbor distance and other measures of environmental conditions were not associated with relocation behavior and there was no significant effect of litter removal or supplementation. We found evidence that multiple natural enemies attacked A. araneoides colonies. Based on the demographic correlates of relocation and our rejection of other plausible hypotheses, we propose that nest relocation is driven by the escape from natural enemies.  相似文献   
In an attempt to minimize observer bias, numerical taxonomy methods were used to describe and classify humpback whale sounds. The spectrograms (N = 1255) were digitized into a 16 × 21 binary matrix. The rows were 16 frequencies selected on a logarithmic scale (0.12–8 kHz). The columns were 21 time samples taken every 0.1 s. Each point of the matrix was coded 1 if it lay over part of the sound. Other binary variables were added to code for relative intensity within a sound, frequency modulation and amplitude modulation. The sounds were then compared using the Jaccard similarity coefficient for binary data, and classified with average linkage cluster analysis. This technique produced 115 clusters, which were compared with my aural and visual impressions of the sounds. I agreed with most major categories identified by cluster analysis, but many small clusters had to be fused to other categories. This was partially due to the technique used, and to the complexity of the repertoire under study. Improvements are proposed to further reduce observer bias in classification of sounds, and thus make studies of animal communication performed by different researchers or on different species more easily comparable.  相似文献   
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