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海南坡鹿对生境的选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1987~1994年,在海南省大田自然保护区及其外围地带对坡鹿的生境选择性进行了调查,发现坡鹿对自然生境有较强的选择性。对不同的生境的选择频率为:落叶季雨林生境47.93%;灌木草地生境39.14%;有刺灌丛生境10.72%;人工林生境2.21%。还对各种生境进行了评价;并提出了保护生境的对策  相似文献   
Y Xia  B J Nikolau    P S Schnable 《The Plant cell》1996,8(8):1291-1304
Cuticular waxes are complex mixtures of very long chain fatty acids and their derivatives that cover plant surfaces. Mutants of the ECERIFERUM2 (cer2) gene of Arabidopsis condition bright green stems and siliques, indicative of the relatively low abundance of the cuticular wax crystals that comprise the wax bloom on wild-type plants. We cloned the CER2 gene via chromosome walking. Three lines of evidence establish that the cloned sequence represents the CER2 gene: (1) this sequence is capable of complementing the cer2 mutant phenotype in transgenic plants; (2) the corresponding DNA sequence isolated from plants homozygous for the cer2-2 mutant allele contains a sequence polymorphism that generates a premature stop codon; and (3) the deduced CER2 protein sequence exhibits sequence similarity to that of a maize gene (glossy2) that also is involved in cuticular wax accumulation. The CER2 gene encodes a novel protein with a predicted mass of 47 kD. We studied the expression pattern of the CER2 gene by in situ hybridization and analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis plants carrying a CER2-beta-glucuronidase gene fusion that includes 1.0 kb immediately upstream of CER2 and 0.2 kb of CER2 coding sequences. These studies demonstrate that the CER2 gene is expressed in an organ- and tissue-specific manner; CER2 is expressed at high levels only in the epidermis of young siliques and stems. This finding is consistent with the visible phenotype associated with mutants of the CER2 gene. Hence, the 1.2-kb fragment of the CER2 gene used to construct the CER2-beta-glucuronidase gene fusion includes all of the genetic information required for the epidermis-specific accumulation of CER2 mRNA.  相似文献   
Lanne于1987年提出了生物催化剂工程(Biocatalyst engimeering)和介质工程(Medium enineering)的概念[1].有机相生物催化中溶剂的选择也是介质工程的内容之一。纯酶在有机相中的催化作用已有大量报道[2],但对完整细胞研究甚少。本文以甲基单胞菌(Methylomonos)Z201完整细胞为生物催化剂,丙烯环氧化为指标反应,研究有机溶剂对活性的影响并对催化活性-溶剂疏水性进行了相关性分析。研究了水-十六烷两相体系中十六烷含量和搅拦速度对丙烯环氧化速度的影响和细胞的操作稳定性。  相似文献   
The stability properties of oxidized wild-type (wt) and site-directed mutants in surface residues of vegetative (Vfd) and heterocyst (Hfd) ferredoxins from Anabaena 7120 have been characterized by guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn-HCl) denaturation. For Vfd it was found that mutants E95K, E94Q, F65Y, F65W, and T48A are quite similar to wt in stability. E94K is somewhat less stable, whereas E94D, F65A, F65I, R42A, and R42H are substantially less stable than wt. R42H is a substitution found in all Hfds, and NMR comparison of the Anabaena 7120 Vfd and Hfd showed the latter to be much less stable on the basis of hydrogen exchange rates (Chae YK, Abildgaard F, Mooberry ES, Markley JL, 1994, Biochemistry 33:3287-3295); we also find this to be true with respect to Gdn-HCl denaturation. Strikingly, the Hfd mutant H42R is more stable than the wt Hfd by precisely the amount of stability lost in Vfd upon mutating R42 to H (2.0 kcal/mol). On the basis of comparison of the X-ray crystal structures of wt Anabaena Vfd and Hfd, the decreased stabilities of F65A and F65I can be ascribed to increased solvent exposure of interior hydrophobic groups. In the case of Vfd mutants E94K and E94D, the decreased stabilities may result from disruption of a hydrogen bond between the E94 and S47 side chains. The instability of the R42 mutants is also most probably due to decreased hydrogen bonding capabilities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The responses of three different soil microbial communities to the experimental application of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) were evaluated with a variety of molecular genetic techniques. Two of the three soil communities had histories of prior direct exposure to 2, 4-D, and one had no prior direct application of any herbicide. Dominant 2, 4-D degrading strains isolated from these soils the previous year were screened for hybridization with three catabolic genes (tfdA, tfdAII, and tfdB) cloned from the well-studied 2, 4-D degradative plasmid, pJP4, revealing varying degrees of similarity with the three genes. Hybridization of total community DNA from the three soils with the tfd gene probes also indicated that pJP4-like tfd genes were not harboured by a significant percentage of the community. Community level response was evaluated by the comparison of different treatments by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints and by community DNA cross-hybridization. No differences between treatments within the same soil were detected in any of the RAPD fingerprints generated with 17 primers. Community DNA cross-hybridization also indicated that the application of 2, 4-D at the applied rates did not quantitatively affect the structure of the soil microbial communities present in the three soils during the time-frame studied.  相似文献   
夏石头 《植物学报》1983,54(3):288-292
NLR蛋白是存在于植物和动物中的一个免疫受体大家族, 具有核苷酸结合域并富含亮氨酸重复序列。植物NLR通过识别病原菌特异效应子开启免疫信号转导。第1个植物NLR抗性蛋白于25年前克隆, 但其激活机制仍不清楚, 至今仍未获得一个完整的NLR蛋白结构。最近, 柴继杰、周俭民和王宏伟实验室合作解析了第一个植物完整NLR ZAR1激活前后的结构, 研究成果以两篇论文形式发表在“科学”杂志上, 填补了NLR介导的免疫信号转导研究领域的空白。该文简要总结了相关研究进展, 讨论了NLR免疫信号转导研究领域尚需解决的问题。  相似文献   
唐凤鸾  赵健  赵志国  夏科  仇硕 《植物学报》1983,54(3):378-384
以走马胎(Ardisia gigantifolia)幼嫩茎段为外植体, 通过腋芽增殖的方式进行组织培养和快速繁殖研究。结果表明, 培养基MS+1.0 mg·L -1 6-BA+0.2 mg·L -1NAA和MS+0.5 mg·L -1 ZT均可用于腋芽的诱导和前期继代培养, 诱导率分别为89.3%和85.7%; 芽增殖最佳培养基为MS+0.5 mg·L -16-BA+0.1 mg·L -1ZT+0.1 mg·L -1NAA, 增殖系数为4.3倍; 根诱导最佳培养基为1/2MS+1.5 mg·L -1 IAA+1.0 mg·L -1 NAA, 生根率达92.3%, 且根系发达, 植株健壮; 生根苗在混合基质园土:泥炭:珍珠岩=3:1:1 (v/v/v )中移栽成活率为82%。该研究建立了走马胎种苗的组织培养快速繁殖技术体系, 且可应用于规模化生产。  相似文献   
黑胸大蠊(Periplaneta fuliginosa)病毒的分离及某些特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从黑胸大蠊(Periplaneta fuliginosa)自然罹病的虫尸中分离得到一株非包涵体病毒。将病毒悬液均匀拌入无菌饲料并供食154~169日龄黑胸大蠊健康若虫时,能使其感染、发病,死亡率可达98%以上。在电子显微镜下观察时,病毒为球形二十面体颗粒,直径约23nm。病毒悬液具有典型核蛋白紫外吸收光谱。病毒用DNase和RNase处理并经吖啶橙染色、二苯胺和苔黑酚试验及甲醛反应证明:该病毒含有单链DNA。以上特性与细小病毒科的特征有点类似。  相似文献   
在绵羊睾丸间质细胞体外无血清长期培养的条件下,研究了催乳素对睾丸间质细胞睾酮分泌的调节作用。实验结果表明,催乳素可增强细胞对人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)刺激的反应。催乳素的这种作用呈双相调节。睾酮分泌量显著高于hCG和催乳素单独作用时的总和。在hCG存在下,不同的底物转化为睾酮的量不同。其中雄烯二酮和孕酮转化为睾酮的方式存在着双相性。脱氢表雄酮转为睾酮的量少,不存在双相性,而与其剂量成正比。催乳素在hCG存在下可调节底物转化为睾酮。低剂量的催乳素(1ng/ml)可使一定剂量的孕酮(10~30ng/ml)转化为睾酮的量明显增加,而高剂量的催乳素(>10ng/ml)却明显地抑制孕酮转化为睾酮。催乳素可明显地抑制雄烯二酮转化为睾酮,与剂量无关。可见催乳素对于孕酮和雄烯二酮这两个关键底物转化为睾酮的调节是不同的。催乳素增强hCG刺激睾酮分泌的作用可能部分是通过其促进孕酮转化为睾酮来实现的。  相似文献   
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