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The identification of biomarkers is one of the leading research areas in proteomics. When biomarkers have to be searched for in spot volume datasets produced by 2D gel-electrophoresis, problems may arise related to the large number of spots present in each map and the small number of samples available in each class (control/pathological). In such cases multivariate methods are usually exploited together with variable selection procedures, to provide a set of possible biomarkers: they are however usually aimed to the selection of the smallest set of variables (spots) providing the best performances in prediction. This approach seems not to be suitable for the identification of potential biomarkers since in this case all the possible candidate biomarkers have to be identified to provide a general picture of the "pathological state": in this case exhaustivity has to be preferred to provide a complete understanding of the mechanisms underlying the pathology. We propose here a ranking and classification method, "Ranking-PCA", based on Principal Component Analysis and variable selection in forward search: the method selects one variable at a time as the one providing the best separation of the two classes investigated in the space given by the relevant PCs. The method was applied to an artificial dataset and a real case-study: Ranking-PCA exhaustively identified the potential biomarkers and provided reliable and robust results.  相似文献   
Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) seeds are toxic for insects and the toxicity is due in part to an entomotoxic peptide enzymatically released from ureases in the midgut of susceptible insects. To characterize expression of urease isoforms in jack bean seed, particularly the more abundant urease isoform (JBU), quantitative proteomics was performed. Quiescent through 5-day germinating seeds were analyzed at 1-day intervals using a total proteomics approach (TPA) and also after co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) with anti-JBU monoclonal antibodies. Jack bean proteins for TPA and co-IP were pre-fractionated by SDS-PAGE, segmented for in-gel trypsin digestion, and analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to nanospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Acquired MS(2) data were searched against a comprehensive plant database and the MEROPS peptidase database, in the absence of a jack bean EST database. Proteins detected in TPA were quantified by label-free spectral counting. A total of 234 and 106 non-redundant proteins were detected in TPA and co-IP, respectively. Mobilization of JBU was observed beginning 3-days after imbibition indicating that the entomotoxic peptide was not formed before this stage. A predicted urease isoform, JBURE-IIb, was detected in the co-IP study. Additionally, 46 plastid proteins, including RuBisCO and plastid ATPase were pulled down with JBU antibodies. These data shed new light on the behavior of urease isoforms during the early stages of plant development.  相似文献   
Expression of intracellular HSP70 is associated with cytoprotective effects against a wide range of stressful stimuli, such as inflammation, oxidative stress, hypoxia, endotoxins, infections, and fever. This cytoprotective effect is mainly attributed to their ability to stabilize protein structures through chaperone-like reversible interactions. HSP70 was recently detected in the extracellular medium, and its presence in serum is commonly associated with pathological situations, where it exerts modulatory effects on cells of the immune system. Previously, we have described the relationship between serum HSP70 levels, oxidant status, and clinical outcome of septic patients; the group of patients with higher prooxidant status and higher serum HSP70 had also higher mortality. To investigate the possible association between oxidized HSP70 and cytoprotection or cell death, we incubated RAW 264.7 macrophages with oxidized HSP70 and evaluated nitrite production, cell proliferation, cell viability, TNF-α release, and phagocytic activity. We also evaluated structural modifications caused by oxidation in purified HSP70. Oxidation of HSP70 altered its protein structure; besides, the modulatory effect of oxidized HSP70 on RAW264.7 cells was different from that of native HSP70. Macrophages treated with oxidized HSP70 presented lower proliferation and viability, lower phagocytic activity, and lower TNF-α release. These results indicate that oxidation of extracellular HSP70 modified its signaling properties, causing alterations on its modulatory effects on macrophage function and viability.  相似文献   
The antitumorigenic potential of two palladium(II) complexes, [Pd(ca(2)-o-phen)Cl(2)] - C1 and [Pd(dmba)(dppp)Cl] - C2, was evaluated, using MDA-MB-435 cells, a human breast adenocarcinoma cell-line that does not express the estrogen receptor α (ER-). Growth inhibition and induced alterations in cell-morphology were analyzed. The sulforhodamine B test showed that, compared to control cells, both C1 and C2 significantly inhibited (p < 0.5) cell growth. The maximum effect with both was achieved with 1 μM complexes, after 24 h of treatment. No further cell-growth inhibition was achieved by increasing concentration or incubation time. Cell morphology was analyzed after staining with hematoxylin-eosin (HE). The morphological changes noted in the treated cells were cell rounding-up, shrinkage, nuclear condensation and reduction of cell length (p < 0.05), thereby indicating that both C1 and C2 are cytotoxic to breast adenocarcinoma cells. All together, there was every indication that, by decreasing cell growth and inducing morphological changes, the tested complexes are cytotoxic, hence their potentiality as promising candidates for antineoplastic drug development.  相似文献   
Jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis) ureases are entomotoxic upon the release of internal peptides by insect’s digestive enzymes. Here we studied the digestive peptidases of Oncopeltus fasciatus (milkweed bug) and its susceptibility to jackbean urease (JBU). O. fasciatus nymphs fed urease showed a mortality rate higher than 80% after two weeks. Homogenates of midguts dissected from fourth instars were used to perform proteolytic activity assays. The homogenates hydrolyzed JBU in vitro, yielding a fragment similar in size to known entomotoxic peptides. The major proteolytic activity at pH 4.0 upon protein substrates was blocked by specific inhibitors of aspartic and cysteine peptidases, but not significantly affected by inhibitors of metallopeptidases or serine peptidases. The optimal activity upon N-Cbz-Phe-Arg-MCA was at pH 5.0, with complete blockage by E-64 in all pH tested. Optimal activity upon Abz-AIAFFSRQ-EDDnp (a substrate for aspartic peptidases) was detected at pH 5.0, with partial inhibition by Pepstatin A in the pH range 2-8. Fluorogenic substrates corresponding to the N- and C-terminal regions flanking a known entomotoxic peptide within urease sequence were also tested. While the midgut homogenate did not hydrolyze the N-terminal peptide, it cleaved the C-terminal peptide maximally at pH 4.0-5.0, and this activity was inhibited by E-64 (10 ??M). The midgut homogenate was submitted to ion-exchange chromatography followed by gel filtration. A 22 kDa active fraction was obtained, resolved in SDS-PAGE (12%), the corresponding band was in-gel digested by trypsin, the peptides were analyzed by mass spectrometry, retrieving a cathepsin L protein. The purified cathepsin L was shown to have at least two possible cleavage sites within the urease sequence, and might be able to release a known insecticidal peptide in a single or cascade event. The results suggest that susceptibility of O. fasciatus nymphs to jackbean urease is, like in other insect models, due mostly to limited proteolysis of ingested protein and subsequent release of entomotoxic peptide(s) by cathepsin-like digestive enzymes.  相似文献   
Thirty clones derived from twenty isolates of heterotrophic nanoflagellates originating from a variety of marine and freshwater environments were examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of small subunit ribosomal RNA genes amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (riboprinting). The data were compared with light and electron microscopical identification of the isolates. On morphological criteria, sixteen of the thirty clones belonged to the genus Paraphysomonas De Saedeleer, seven to the genus Spumella Cienkowski, four to the genus Pteridomonas Penard and three to the genus Cafeteria Fenchel and Patterson. Among these taxa, eleven ribotypes were detected by analysis with the restriction enzymes Hinf I, Hae III, Sau3A I, and Msp I. Differentiation of nanoflagellate taxa by the riboprinting method supported taxonomic classification based on morphology at the generic and species level. The utility of the method for discriminating the 'naked' flagellates and for confirming the identity of polymorphic forms among species of Paraphysomonas is demonstrated.  相似文献   
Nanoplanktonic protists are comprised of a diverse assemblage of species which are responsible for a variety of trophic processes in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Current methods for identifying small protists by electron microscopy do not readily permit both identification and enumeration of nanoplanktonic protists in field samples. Thus, one major goal in the application of molecular approaches in protistan ecology has been the detection and quantification of individual species in natural water samples. Sequences of small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes have proven to be useful towards achieving this goal. Comparison of sequences from clone libraries of protistan SSU rRNA genes amplified from natural assemblages of protists by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to examine protistan diversity. Furthermore, oligonucleotide probes complementary to short sequence regions unique to species of small protists can be designed by comparative analysis of rRNA gene sequences. These probes may be used to either detect the RNA of particular species of protists in total nucleic acid extracts immobilized on membranes, or the presence of target species in water samples via in situ hybridization of whole cells. Oligonucleotide probes may also serve as primers for the selective amplification of target sequences from total population DNA by PCR. Thus, molecular sequence information is becoming increasingly useful for identifying and enumerating protists, and for studying their spatial and temporal distribution in nature. Knowledge of protistan species composition, abundance and variability in an environment can ultimately be used to relate community structure to various aspects of community function and biogeochemical activity.  相似文献   


Balloon injury (BI) of the rat carotid artery (CCA) is widely used to study intimal hyperplasia (IH) and decrease in lumen diameter (LD), but CCA's small diameter impedes the evaluation of endovascular therapies. Therefore, we validated BI in the aorta (AA) and iliac artery (CIA) to compare it with CCA.


Rats underwent BI or a sham procedure (control). Light microscopic evaluation was performed either directly or at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 16 weeks follow-up. The area of IH and the change in LD (LD at 16 weeks minus LD post BI) were compared.


In the BI-groups the area of IH increased to 0.14 ± 0.08 mm2 (CCA), 0.14 ± 0.03 mm2 (CIA) and 0.12 ± 0.04 mm2 (AA) at 16 weeks (NS). The LD decreased with 0.49 ± 0.07 mm (CCA), compared to 0.22 ± 0.07 mm (CIA) and 0.07 ± 0.10 mm (AA) at 16 weeks (p < 0.05). The constrictive vascular remodelling (CVR = wall circumference loss combined with a decrease in LD) was -0.17 ± 0.05 mm in CIA but absent in CCA and AA. No IH, no decrease in LD and no CVR was seen in the control groups.


BI resulted in: (1.) a decrease in LD in CCA due to IH, (2.) a decrease in LD in CIA due to IH and CVR, (3.) no change in LD in AA, (4.) Comparable IH development in all arteries, (5.) CCA has no vasa vasorum compared to CIA and AA, (6.) The CIA model combines good access for 2 F endovascular catheters with a decrease in LD due to IH and CVR after BI.  相似文献   
Activation of highly specific biochemical processes by simple chemical agents is demonstrated for morphogenesis (anlage and development of female gametophyte in cereal) and mitosis (in cell cultures and animal and plant tissues). The effects of these agents are tissue-specific. Structure--activity relationship is analyzed in this group of compounds. Thus, the phenomenon reveals the exact pathways of the influence of allelopathic and anthropogenic chemical agents on evolution of plant biocenoses.  相似文献   
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