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During February 1979 to December 1983, 831 infertile couples were treated by in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer. The problems they faced included deciding on the number of oocytes to be collected at laparoscopy, the numbers to be donated or fertilised, the numbers of embryos to be transferred and frozen, and whether abnormal embryos should be used for research or discarded. The 831 patients received a total of 1530 treatment cycles. Of the 763 patients for whom complete data were available, 136 (17.8%) became pregnant. The rate of pregnancy, however, increased dramatically from 7.4% when only one embryo was transferred to 21.1% and 28.1% when two and three embryos were transferred, respectively. The chance of multiple pregnancy also increased with the number of embryos transferred, but the risk (2% for twins) was far outweighed by the relatively poor result after transferring a single embryo. Out of 40 embryos freeze-thawed, 23 survived thawing and were transferred; of these, 4 (17%) resulted in pregnancy. Thirty four transfers of donor oocyte embryos also resulted in four pregnancies (12%), but two of these ended in abortion. Neither microscopy nor any other available test can determine the potential of an oocyte to result in pregnancy, so that discarding oocytes that may look abnormal simply reduces the chances of conception--both for the patient and for any prospective recipient of donor oocyte embryos. In any case, abnormal embryos tend to die when growth is allowed to continue in vitro. Probably all oocytes harvested from a patient should be inseminated and the utilisation of the embryos decided once the number developed is known.  相似文献   
Summary The innervation of the toad (Bufo marinus) lung was studied with transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence techniques, both before and after 12 or 20 days close vagosympathetic denervation. Four cytologically distinct types of neuronal processes were recognised, in relation to the visceral muscles of the lung. These were described as cholinergic, adrenergic, nonadrenergic/non-cholinergic (NANC) and sensory on the basis of the characteristics of their vesicular content and cytochemical reactions. An apparent efferent innervation of visceral smooth muscle was achieved by NANC (50%), cholinergic (25%) and adrenergic (25%) fibres. A few sensory fibres were also present. After denervation only NANC fibres persisted, showing that the cell bodies of these fibres were intrapulmonary. The vascular smooth muscle was supplied by cholinergic, adrenergic and sensory fibres. In the walls of the proximal branches of the pulmonary artery were fibres containing large dense-cored vesicles. These profiles, which were associated with the vasa vasorum, were similar to neurosecretory fibres. After denervation all neural profiles associated with the vasculature had degenerated. The observations suggest that vagal vasodepressor effects in the toad lung are mediated indirectly through relaxation of visceral muscle strands which in their contracted state compress vascular channels.The authors would like to thank Dr. J.R. McLean for technical advice on fluorescence microscopy. This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Committee  相似文献   
Summary Neuroepithelial bodies (NEB) were identified in the lung of Bufo marinus. The characteristics of the cells and their innervation were studied with electron and fluorescence microscopy before and after close vagosympathetic denervation. The bodies consist of low columnar cells which rest on the epithelial basal lamina. The majority of the cells do not reach the lumen of the lung (basal cells); the few which do (apical cells) are bordered by microvilli and possess a single cilium. The neuroepithelial cell cytoplasm contains a variety of organelles the most characteristic of which are dense cored vesicles. Microspectrofluorometry and electron microscopic cytochemistry indicate significant quantities of 5-hydroxytryptamine in these cells. The neuroepithelial bodies could be divided into three groups on the basis of their innervation: 1) About 60% of the NEBs are innervated solely by nerve fibres containing agranular vesicles which form reciprocal synapses; 2) about 20% are innervated solely by adrenergic nerve fibres which form distinct synaptic contacts; and 3) the remaining 20% are innervated by both types of nerve fibres. It is proposed that the NEBs are receptors monitoring intrapulmonary PCO 2 and so leading to modulation of activity in afferent nerve fibres (type containing agranular vesicles). The presence of NEBs solely with an adrenergic (efferent) innervation poses a problem with this interpretation.  相似文献   
The purification of (+)-cis-1(S),2(R)-dihydroxy-3-methylcyclohexa-3,5-diene dehydrogenase from cells of Pseudomonas putida grown with toluene as the sole source of carbon and energy is reported. The molecular weight of the enzyme is 104,000 at pH 9.7. The enzyme is composed of four apparently identical subunits with molecular weights of 27,000. The enzyme is specific for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and oxidizes a number of cis-dihydrodiols. Both enantiomers of a racemic mixture of cis-1,2-dihydroxyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene dihydrodiol are oxidized by the enzyme. No enzymatic activity is observed with trans-1,2-dihydroxyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene dihydrodiol.  相似文献   
T B Rogers  R A Gold  R E Feeney 《Biochemistry》1977,16(10):2299-2305
The chemical reactivity of histidines in ovotransferrin and human serum transferrin was studied utilizing two different reactions. Upon dye-sensitized photooxidation of ovotransferrin and ethoxyformylation of human serum transferrin and ovotransferrin, losses in histidine and iron-binding activity were observed. All of the histidines in both apoproteins could be ethoxyformylated by the use of 170 to 400 molar excesses of reagent resulting in complete loss in activity. The histidines of human serum transferrin showed a greater reactivity toward the reagent than did those of ovotransferrin. The binding of each iron protected two histidines from ethoxyformylation, and in both cases the proteins remained completely active. First-order losses in histidine and iron-binding activity were observed when ovotransferrin was irradiated in the presence of methylene blue. Comparison of the first-order rates indicates the loss of two histidines per binding site accounts for the inactivation of the protein. However, iron binding did not protect ovotransferrin from photoinactivation as expected. Evidence from both modification technqiues indicates: (1) Histidines are essential for iron-binding activity. (2) There are two essential histidines in each binding site. The advantages of using two modification reactions, ethoxyformylation and photooxidation, in the study of the functional role of histidines in proteins are demonstrated in this work.  相似文献   
Davey K. G., Sommerville R. I. and Rogers W. P. 1982. The effect of ethoxyzolamide, an analogue of insect juvenile hormone, nor-adrenaline and iodine on changes in the optical path difference in the excretory cells and oesophagus during exsheathment in Haemonchus contortus. International Journal for Parasitology12: 509–513. Ethoxyzolamide, an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase, markedly inhibits exsheathment of Haemonchus when the larvae are subsequently exposed to an exsheathing stimulus of CO2 at 38.5°C. Ethoxyzolamide at 2 × 10?5M does not prevent the increase in optical path difference in the oesophageal region which normally accompanies exsheathment, but markedly inhibits the increase in optical path difference in the excretory cells. An analogue of juvenile hormone (JHA; the methyl ester of 3,7,11 trimethyl-7,11-dichloro-2-dodecenic acid) does not affect the optical path difference in either the oesophagus or the excretory cells of ensheathed worms. When worms are artificially desheathed by exposure to NaOCl, a procedure which mimics the effect of CO2 upon the oesophagus, but which does not affect the excretory cells, subsequent exposure to JHA at room temperature increases the optical path difference in the excretory cells. This increase is enhanced by subsequent incubation of the worms at 38.5°C at 30–60 min and further enhanced when CO2 is present during the incubation at 38.5°C. The stimulation of the excretory cells by JHA is inhibited by ethoxyzolamide at 2 × 10?5M. Noradrenaline at 10?3M has no effect on ensheathed larvae, but causes an increase in optical path difference in the excretory cells of larvae desheathed with NaOCl. This increase is inhibited by ethoxyzolamide. A brief exposure to I2 blocks the response of the excretory cells of both CO2 and JHA, but does not significantly reduce the effect of nor-adrenaline. On the basis of these and previous results, it is proposed that both CO2 and JHA stimulate a hypothetical CO2 receptor which leads to the release of nor-adrenaline. The noradrenaline in turn stimulates, either directly or indirectly, the excretory cells.  相似文献   
We have monitored two successive pregnancies in a family which we found to be at risk for argininosuccinic aciduria. We measured argininosuccinic acid (ASA) concentrations in amniotic fluid and utilized an indirect assay of ASA lyase activity in cultured amniotic fluid cells. The assay procedure is based on the uptake of 14C from [14C]citrulline and of [3H]leucine into protein. ASA was easily measured in amniotic fluid from the first fetus at risk, whereas none was detectable in control fluids. Amniotic fluid cells cultured from this fetus had only 5.5% of control ASA lyase activity. The pregnancy was terminated, and hepatic ASA lyase activity in the fetus was shown to be about 1.3% of control values. In addition, eight fetal tissues were analyzed for ASA, and all had significant accumulation. ASA was not detected in amniotic fluid from the second fetus at risk, and ASA lyase activity in cultured cells was 80% of control activity. Enzymatic analysis of erythrocyte lysate confirmed the diagnosis of an unaffected child (ASA lyase = 46% of control) and indicated heterozygosity. Thus, we provide further evidence that argininosuccinic aciduria can be diagnosed successfully in utero by indirect assay of ASA lyase activity in cultured amniotic fluid cells. In addition, high amniotic fluid ASA concentrations provide strong adjunctive evidence for such a prenatal determination, and may prove to be sufficient for diagnosis.  相似文献   
The temperature dependency of the partitioning of p-alkylphenols and p-halophenols has been determined between dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine liposomes and 0.15 M NaCl. Partition coefficients increased as a function of temperature below the endothermic phase transition temperature (Tc) of the phospholipid but decreased above this temperature. The transfer process was found to be entropy-dominated below and enthalpy-dominated above the Tc, although large negative entropy changes were observed. Regular changes in the thermodynamic functions, partition coefficients and functional group free energies occurred as a function of the alkyl chain length or size of the halogen substituent below but not above the Tc. This has tentatively been attributed to increased phenol-phospholipid interaction at the higher temperatures. The partitioning of p-fluorophenol behaved in a manner expected of fluorinated compounds, yielding relatively low partition coefficients, but it produced an additional effect of markedly lowering the Tc of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine. Good correlations of the partition coefficients in liposomes with those in bulk organic solvents and with molecular size of the solute have been obtained.  相似文献   
Guinea pig sperm respiration was determined in minimal capacitation medium (MCM) with different energy sources. The ZO2 observed for spermatozoa suspended in media containing pyruvate and lactate was 35.7 +/- 5.9, pyruvate alone, 27.9 +/- 3.8 and D-glucose alone 3.4 +/- 1.1. When D-glucose was added to spermatozoa rapidly respiring in media containing pyruvate as the only exogenous energy source, an immediate suppression in respiration was observed. Further reduction was caused by continued addition of D-glucose. Fructose and mannose also produced a suppression in respiratory rate. However, lactose, fucose, sucrose, L-glucose, and galactose did not alter the respiratory rate. The suppression of respiration by metabolizable sugars is paralleled by a suppression of acrosome reaction in guinea pig spermatozoa. The possibility that suppression of respiration is the mechanism for retardation of capacitation and the subsequent acrosome reaction by D-glucose and other metabolizable sugars is suggested.  相似文献   
Rogers CA 《Plant physiology》1979,63(2):388-391
Epidermal strips of Vicia faba were floated on 10 millimolar KCl at various temperatures and for several time periods. The diameter of the stomatal aperture was determined microscopically and K+ content was estimated and expressed as the per cent of the guard cell stained. Stomatal opening was associated with increased K+ in guard cells, but the quantitative association was modified both by time and temperature. At low temperatures (0-20 C) there was a prolonged Spannungsphase while at higher temperatures (30-45 C) motorphase was exhibited. During the motorphase there was a rapid opening of the stomates which was highly correlated with K+ influx. At treatment periods of 360 minutes and temperatures higher than 25 C there appeared to be a maintenance phase during which K+ concentration of the guard cells decreased without an equivalent decrease in aperture.  相似文献   
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