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Abstract. A syntaxonomic study of the major plant communities in neotropical North American deserts (Sonoran, Mojave and Baja California Deserts) is presented. The field method of the Braun-Blanquet approach was combined with a numerical syntaxonomical analysis (cluster analysis and principal coordinate ordination). 21 associations are described for the first time: Ambrosio chenopodifoliae-Larreetum tridentatae, Acamptopappo sphaerocephali-Larreetum tridentatae, Hymenocleo monogyrae-Baccharidetum glutinosae, Bergerocacto emoryi-Agavetum shawii, Burseretum hindsianomicrophyllae, Cercidio microphylli-Carnegieetum giganteae, Bursero microphyllae-Cyrtocarpetum edulis, Hymenocleo salsolae-Daleetum spinosae, Echinocereo engelmannii-Agavetum deserti, Euphorbio californicae-Fouquierietum diguetii, Fouquierio splendentis-Larreetum tridentatae, Agavo cerulatae-Idrietum columnaris, Mascagnio macropterae-Lysilometum candidae, Maytenetum phyllanthoidis, Opuntio basilaris-Larreetum tridentatae, Prosopidetum torreyanae, Roso minutifoliae-Aesculetum parryi, Opuntio taponae-Agavetum subcerulatae, Tidestromio oblongifoliae-Atriplicetum hymenelytrae, Eurotio lanatae-Larreetum tridentatae and Yucco validae-Fouquierietum diguetii. Some associations include subassociations. Ecological, biogeographical and floristic bioclimatic data are given for each association.  相似文献   
The area between Ensenada and EI Rosario (Baja California, Mexico) has long been considered as a transitional zone in which two great ecoclimatic regions (Mediterranean and Tropical-Desert) overlap. The floristic and biotypical diversity of this area was evaluated by analyzing its shrubland formations from a phytosociological point of view. This phytosociological study, carried out according to the Braun-Blanquet method and supported by cluster analysis, describes sixteen shrubland associations from Northwestern Baja California.Floristic diversity of the transitional zone was evaluated using two indices, endemic value (EV) and endemic community value (ECV), which are related to the degree of endemism in the flora and plant associations. The phytosociological analysis showed that the high number of shrubland associations found in this area reflected its transitional character. The closer the associations are to the transitional zone, the higher their biotypical and floristic diversity.Abbreviations ADE Adenostoma fasciculatum - AES Fraxinus trifoliata-Aesculus parryi - BER Bergerocactus emoryi-Agave shawii - DES Echinocereus engelmannii-Agave deserti - ENC Viguiera deltoidea-Encelia asperifolia - EUR Eurotia lanata-Yucca schidigera - FOU Agave cerulata-Fouquieria columnaris - FRA Atriplex julacea-Frankenia palmeri - HYM Baccharis glutinosa-Hymenoclea monogyra - KEC Clematis lasiantha-Keckiella antirrhinoides - LAR Ambrosia chenopodifolia-Larrea tridentata - LYC Ephedra californica-Lycium brevipes - MAH Malosma laurina-Heteromeles arbutifolia - MUN Salvia munzii-Artemisia californica - ROS Rosa minutifolia-Aesculus parryi - SAL Salvia apiana-Viguiera laciniata  相似文献   
In the present study, we analyzed the results of two years of response to the male effect in seasonally anestrous goats to investigate whether the activation of female reproductive activity by the male effect is related to the body weight of the females. Seventy-nine adult female Mexican mixed breed goats were used. The anestrous females were exposed during 15 days to sexually active males, and were classified into three categories according to their mean body weight +/-SD (42 +/- 9 kg) (Light: < or = 33 kg, n = 19; Medium: 34-50 kg, n = 46; Heavy: > or = 51 kg, n = 14). More than 98% of the goats from the Medium and Heavy groups showed at least one estrus behavior within the first 15 days following the introduction of the bucks, versus only 63% of the females from the Light group (P < 0.01). The interval between the introduction of the males and the onset of estrus behavior was longer in the females of the Light and Medium groups (4.2 +/- 0.8 and 3.3 +/- 0.3 days) than in the females of the Heavy group (2.0 +/- 0.2 days; P < 0.03). Also, body weight was negatively correlated with latency to first estrus (Spearman r = -0.57; P < 0.001). These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that the ability of anestrous goats to respond to the male effect is positively influenced by their body weight.  相似文献   


A common feature of microarray experiments is the occurence of missing gene expression data. These missing values occur for a variety of reasons, in particular, because of the filtering of poor quality spots and the removal of undefined values when a logarithmic transformation is applied to negative background-corrected intensities. The efficiency and power of an analysis performed can be substantially reduced by having an incomplete matrix of gene intensities. Additionally, most statistical methods require a complete intensity matrix. Furthermore, biases may be introduced into analyses through missing information on some genes. Thus methods for appropriately replacing (imputing) missing data and/or weighting poor quality spots are required.  相似文献   
This study was performed to determine whether rapid alternation between long and short days abolished seasonal variations in the activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-testis axis observed normally in Alpine and Saanen male goats during the year. Three groups of 6 males were used: group 1 remained in open sheds under the natural annual change in daylength from 16 h of light (long day) to 8 h of light (short day). Group 2 was exposed to 1 month of long days alternated with 1 month of short days; and group 3 to 2 months of long days alternated with 2 months of short days. In group 1, blood samples were taken in December, February and June; in groups 2 and 3, samples were obtained once during short and long days for the melatonin assay. For luteinizing hormone and testosterone determinations monthly samples from group 1 were obtained from September to August while, in groups 2 and 3, blood samples were taken on 4 occasions during long and short days. Weekly blood samples were taken from all groups during the whole of the experiment to measure prolactin and testosterone concentrations. Melatonin profiles indicated that secretion by the pineal gland of male goats from the treated groups adapted to rapid changes in daylength: duration of nocturnal secretion was close to that of the dark period. Treated goats were also able to transduce this signal adequately and always responded to long days by increasing their prolactin concentration (mean +/- s.e.m.; group 2: 62.4 +/- 6.8 ng/ml; group 3: 102.3 +/- 15.7 ng/ml) and to short days with a decrease in prolactin concentrations (35.0 +/- 3.6 and 46.1 +/- 9.5 ng/ml, respectively). In the treated groups, luteinizing hormone pulse frequency varied with day length. In group 2, it was higher in long days (1.1 +/- 0.3 pulses in 8 hours) than in short days (0.7 +/- 0.3) while, in group 3, this frequency was higher in short days (1.9 +/- 0.3) than in long days (0.5 +/- 0.2). Testosterone secretion also varied with daylength; in group 2, the testosterone concentrations were maximum during long days (5.8 +/- 1.4 ng/ml) while in group 3 the maximum testosterone concentrations occurred during short days (6.4 +/- 1.2 ng/ml). These results lead to the conclusion that rapid alternation of long and short days either attenuated (group 3) or prevented (group 2) seasonal changes in the activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Gillard  BK; Clement  RG; Marcus  DM 《Glycobiology》1998,8(9):885-890
There are several pathways for the incorporation of sugars into glycosphingolipids (GSL). Sugars can be added to ceramide that contains sphinganine (dihydrosphingosine) synthesized de novo (pathway 1), to ceramide synthesized from sphingoid bases produced by hydrolysis of sphingolipids (pathway 2), and into GSL recycling from the endosomal pathway through the Golgi (pathway 3). We reported previously the surprising observation that SW13 cells, a human adrenal carcinoma cell line, synthesize most of their GSL in pathway 2. We now present data on the synthesis of GSL in four additional cell lines. Approximately 90% of sugar incorporation took place in pathway 2, and 10% or less in pathway 1, in human foreskin fibroblasts and NB41A3 neuroblastoma cells. In contrast, approximately 50-90% of sugar incorporation took place in pathway 1 in C2C12 myoblasts. The C2C12 cells divide more rapidly and synthesize 10-14 times as much GSL as the other three cell lines. In C6 glioma cells, approximately 30% of sugar incorporation occurred in pathway 1 and 60% in pathway 2. There was no relation between the utilization of pathways for GSL and sphingomyelin synthesis in foreskin fibroblasts and C2C12 cells. In both cells pathways 1 and 2 each accounted for 50% of incorporation of choline into sphingomyelin. In five of the six cell lines that we have studied, most GSL synthesis takes place in pathway 2. We suggest that when the need for synthesis is relatively low, as in slowly dividing cells, GSL are synthesized predominantly from sphingoid bases salvaged from the hydrolytic pathway. When cells are dividing more rapidly, the need for increased synthesis is met by upregulating the de novo pathway.   相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to determine if nutritional supplementation improved ovulation and pregnancy rates in female goats managed under grazing conditions and submitted to the male effect. In Experiment 1, one group of does did not receive nutritional supplementation, while the other group was supplemented daily for 7 days starting at the time when the males were introduced to the females. The ovulation rate at the second male-induced ovulation was greater (P < 0.05) in supplemented (2.0 ± 0.1) than in non-supplemented (1.6 ± 0.1) does. For Experiment 2, female goats were supplemented for 0, 7, 14 or 28 days, starting 9 days following buck introduction. The proportion of does that were pregnant in the group supplemented for 28 days was greater (P < 0.05) than in the non-supplemented group, but did not differ from 14-day and the 7-day supplemented groups. The proportion of pregnant does was greater (P < 0.05) in the group supplemented for 14 days compared to the group supplemented for 7 days and the non-supplemented group. These latter two groups did not differ (P > 0.05). In conclusion, feed supplementation for 7 days, starting at the time when males were introduced increased ovulation rate and feed supplementation for 14 or 28 days starting 9 days after males were introduced improved pregnancy rates in goats managed under grazing conditions and exposed to males.  相似文献   
Systematic Monte Carlo simulations of simple lattice models show that the final stage of protein folding is an ordered process where native contacts get locked (i.e., the residues come into contact and remain in contact for the duration of the folding process) in a well‐defined order. The detailed study of the folding dynamics of protein‐like sequences designed as to exhibit different contact energy distributions, as well as different degrees of sequence optimization (i.e., participation of non‐native interactions in the folding process), reveals significant differences in the corresponding locking scenarios—the collection of native contacts and their average locking times, which are largely ascribable to the dynamics of non‐native contacts. Furthermore, strong evidence for a positive role played by non‐native contacts at an early folding stage was also found. Interestingly, for topologically simple target structures, a positive interplay between native and non‐native contacts is observed also toward the end of the folding process, suggesting that non‐native contacts may indeed affect the overall folding process. For target models exhibiting clear two‐state kinetics, the relation between the nucleation mechanism of folding and the locking scenario is investigated. Our results suggest that the stabilization of the folding transition state can be achieved through the establishment of a very small network of native contacts that are the first to lock during the folding process.  相似文献   
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