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? Premise of the Study: Plant communities may be influenced by toxic secondary metabolites or enhanced plant growth from plant-symbiont interactions. The C:N hypothesis predicts that carbon or nitrogen constrains plant secondary metabolite production, but it does not consider compounds produced by plant symbionts. Locoweeds are legumes that can have fungal endophyte alkaloid (swainsonine [SWA]) production, which causes livestock poisoning. We studied four locoweed taxa to test whether average SWA concentrations influenced SWA positive dose responses to N fertilizer. ? Methods: We measured locoweed leaf SWA, pigment concentrations and photosynthetic activity, and plant biomass dose responses to N supplementation for 3 mo in two greenhouse experiments. ? Key Results: Leaf photosynthesis, leaf pigment concentrations, and plant biomass had positive, unsaturated dose responses across tested N doses. Although N enhanced primary growth, two moderate-SWA taxa (Astragalus mollissimus var. bigelovii and Oxytropis sericea) had negative SWA dose responses to increasing N, the high-SWA taxon (A. moll. var. mollissimus) had no SWA change, and the very low-SWA taxon (A. moll. var. matthewsii) had a transient positive dose response. ? Conclusions: Supplemented N led to positive dose responses for plant biomass and leaf photosynthesis and pigments, but SWA dose responses differed across locoweed taxa and time. At N levels that enhanced plant growth and reduced antioxidant protective systems, fungal endophyte alkaloid production was not strongly influenced. Production of SWA may be more strongly influenced by factors other than C:N supply (e.g., seasonality, plant age) in the locoweed-endophyte-Rhizobium complex.  相似文献   
The expansion of a CAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) sequence has been linked to several neurological disorders, for example, Huntington's disease (HD). In HD, healthy individuals have 5-35 CAG repeats. Those with 36-39 repeats have the premutation allele, which is known to be prone to expansion. In the disease state, greater than 40 repeats are present. Interestingly, the formation of non-B DNA conformations by the TNR sequence is proposed to contribute to the expansion. Here we provide the first structural and thermodynamic analysis of a premutation length TNR sequence. Using chemical probes of nucleobase accessibility, we found that similar to (CAG)(10), the premutation length sequence (CAG)(36) forms a stem-loop hairpin and contains a hot spot for DNA damage. Additionally, calorimetric analysis of a series of (CAG)(n) sequences, that includes repeat tracts in both the healthy and premutation ranges, reveal that thermodynamic stability increases linearly with the number of repeats. Based on these data, we propose that while non-B conformations can be formed by TNR tracts found in both the healthy and premutation allele, only sequences containing at least 36 repeats have sufficient thermodynamic stability to contribute to expansion.  相似文献   
A variety of neurodegenerative disorders are associated with the expansion of trinucleotide repeat (TNR) sequences. These repetitive sequences are prone to adopting non-canonical structures, such as intrastrand stem-loop hairpins. Indeed, the formation and persistence of these hairpins during DNA replication and/or repair have been proposed as factors that facilitate TNR expansion. Given this proposed contribution of TNR hairpins to the expansion mechanism, disruption of such structures via strand invasion offers a potential means to negate the disease-initiating expansion. In this work, we investigated the strand invading abilities of a (CTG)3 unstructured nucleic acid on a (CAG)10 TNR hairpin. Using fluorescence, optical, and electrophoretic methods, instantaneous disruption of the (CAG)10 hairpin by (CTG)3 was observed at low temperatures. Additionally, we have identified three distinct duplex-like species that form between (CAG)10 and (CTG)3; these include 1, 2, or 3 (CTG)3 sequences hybridized to (CAG)10. The results presented here showcase (CTG)3 as an invader of a TNR hairpin and suggest that unstructured nucleic acids could serve as a scaffold to design agents to prevent TNR expansion.  相似文献   
Chronic hyperglycemia in diabetic patients often leads to chronic side effects associated with protein glycation and the formation of reactive carbonyl species, such as methylglyoxal (MGO) and glyoxal (GO). We have shown that both MGO and GO carbonylated bovine serum albumin (BSA) in vitro to the same degree and stability. The carbonylated BSA formed initially could be a reversible Schiff base as the UV absorbance formed after the addition of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine was decreased when sodium borohydride was added. MGO and GO also carbonylated hepatocyte protein rapidly with similar dose and time dependence. In contrast to BSA carbonylation, the amount of carbonylated proteins in hepatocytes decreased over time, much more rapidly for hepatocytes treated with MGO than with GO. This could be attributed to the rapid hepatocyte metabolism of MGO with glyoxalase I, the predominant detoxification enzyme for MGO. Protein carbonylation and the associated toxicity caused by GO and MGO were studied in the following hepatocyte models: (1) control hepatocytes, (2) glutathione (GSH)-depleted hepatocytes, (3) mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2)-inhibited hepatocytes, (4) hepatocyte inflammation model, and (5) catalase-inhibited hepatocyte model. Carbonylation and cytotoxicity caused by MGO or GO was markedly increased in GSH-depleted hepatocytes as compared to control hepatocytes. Hepatocytes exposed to non-toxic concentrations of H(2)O(2) or hepatocytes treated with catalase inhibitors also showed a marked increase in GO-caused cytotoxicity and protein carbonylation, whereas there were only minor increases with MGO. The GO effect was attributed to potential radical formation and the inhibition effect of H(2)O(2) on aldehyde dehydrogenase, a major GO metabolising enzyme. GO-caused cytotoxicity and protein carbonylation were also increased with ALDH2-inhibited hepatocytes whereas such an increase was only observed with MGO in GSH-depleted hepatocytes.  相似文献   
We report large induction (>65fold increases) of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from a single leaf of the invasive weed mossy sorrel, Rumex confertus Willd. (Polygonaceae), by herbivory of the dock leaf beetle, Gastrophysa polygoni L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The R. confertus VOC blend induced by G. polygoni herbivory included two green leaf volatiles ((Z)-3-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate) and three terpenes (linalool, ß-caryophyllene, (E)-ß-farnesene). Uninjured leaves produced small constitutive amounts of the GLVs and barely detectable amounts of the terpenes. A Y-tube olfactometer bioassay revealed that both sexes of adult G. polygoni were attracted to (Z)-3-hexenal and (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate at a concentration of 300 ng h−1. No significant G. polygoni attraction or repellence was detected for any VOC at other concentrations (60 and 1500 ng h−1). Yet, G. polygoni males and females were significantly repelled by (or avoided) at the highest test concentration (7500 ng h−1) of both GLVs and (E)-ß-farnesene. Mated male and female G. polygoni might be attracted to injured R. confertus leaves, but might avoid R. confertus when VOC concentrations (especially the terpene (E)-ß-farnesene) suggest high overall plant injury from conspecifics, G. viridula, or high infestations of other herbivores that release (E)-ß-farnesene (e.g., aphids). Tests in the future will need to examine G. polygoni responses to VOCs emitted directly from uninjured (constitutive) and injured (induced) R. confertus, and examine whether R. confertus VOC induction concentrations increase with greater tissue removal on a single leaf and/or the number of leaves with feeding injury.  相似文献   
Saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) in the Northern Territory of Australia were protected in 1971, after a severe population decline resulting from 26 yr of intense commercial hunting. By that time wild saltwater crocodiles were rarely sighted anywhere and they were commercially extinct in areas where they had once been abundant. Standardized monitoring by spotlight surveys started in 1975 and provided relative density indices over time (1975–2009) as a unique record of the post-protection recovery of a wild crocodilian population. We examined the survey data for populations at 12 major tidal rivers, individually and as a single subpopulation. The pattern of recovery in the subpopulation in both abundance and biomass was approximated by logistic curves, predicting 5.26 non-hatchling crocodiles weighing 387.64 kg sighted per kilometer of river in 2010. We predicted potential carrying capacity as 5.58 non-hatchling crocodiles (5.73% higher than 2010) weighing 519.0 kg (25.31% higher than 2010). Individual rivers showed largely different abundance and biomass among rivers. The statistical model that best described the recovery in individual rivers was not always logistic. However, where it was logistic, expected carrying capacity of different rivers showed considerable variation in abundance and biomass. The variation indicates different habitat quality among the rivers. Recovery occurred despite various consumptive uses, particularly a widespread egg-harvest program, which has been an integral part of the incentive-driven conservation program for saltwater crocodiles in the Northern Territory since 1983. We suggest that the saltwater crocodile population of the Northern Territory is achieving full recovery from uncontrolled hunting in 1945–1971. Although saltwater crocodiles are considered an important natural resource, their increase in number, size, and distribution is posing management issues for public safety. Continuation of human–crocodile conflict management through public education and strategic removal of problem crocodiles will be essential. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Centromere protein A (CENP-A) is a histone H3 variant that defines centromeric chromatin and is essential for centromere function. In most eukaryotes, CENP-A-containing chromatin is epigenetically maintained, and centromere identity is inherited from one cell cycle to the next. In the germ line of the holocentric nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, this inheritance cycle is disrupted. CENP-A is removed at the mitosis-to-meiosis transition and is reestablished on chromatin during diplotene of meiosis I. Here, we show that the N-terminal tail of CENP-A is required for the de novo establishment of centromeres, but then its presence becomes dispensable for centromere maintenance during development. Worms homozygous for a CENP-A tail deletion maintain functional centromeres during development but give rise to inviable offspring because they fail to reestablish centromeres in the maternal germ line. We identify the N-terminal tail of CENP-A as a critical domain for the interaction with the conserved kinetochore protein KNL-2 and argue that this interaction plays an important role in setting centromere identity in the germ line. We conclude that centromere establishment and maintenance are functionally distinct in C. elegans.

This study of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans shows that centromere identity is set in the maternal germ line and passed on to the progeny via an epigenetic mechanism that requires the N-terminal tail of the centromeric histone H3 variant CENP-A.  相似文献   


There is a lack of information in ethnic minority groups with regard to presentation and treatment of early node-positive breast cancer. We carried out a retrospective study of patients referred to two tertiary cancer centers in South Western Sydney, both of which serve a high proportion of this ethnic minority population.

Patients and methods

Women who had pathologically node-positive non-metastatic breast cancer (T1-3, N1-3, M0) diagnosed between 2003 and 2006 were studied, with variables of interest being tumor size, number of positive nodes, histological grade, hormone receptor status, age at diagnosis, country of birth and treatment. We compared the Asian and Western subgroups with regard to tumor characteristics, treatment and clinical outcomes.


A total of 652 eligible patients were identified, with a median follow-up of 6.1 years. Women with Asian backgrounds (n = 125, 20%) were significantly younger at presentation (48 years versus 55 years, p-value <0.0001) and more likely to undergo mastectomy (53% versus 39%, p-value 0.0009) and chemotherapy (86% versus 72%, p-value 0.0063) than their non-Asian counterparts. Tumor stage, grade and receptor status were not statistically different between these two groups. There were also no differences in disease-free survival and overall survival, with medians of 12.7 and 14.8 years respectively.


Women of Asian background are younger at diagnosis, which may reflect population epidemiology and likely results in higher uptake of chemotherapy. Higher mastectomy rates may be influenced by cultural factors. Future research is warranted to investigate potential differences in tumor biology, psychosocial, economic and cultural factors.  相似文献   
BackgroundAntenatal detection and management of small for gestational age (SGA) is a strategy to reduce stillbirth. Large observational studies provide conflicting results on the effect of the Growth Assessment Protocol (GAP) in relation to detection of SGA and reduction of stillbirth; to the best of our knowledge, there are no reported randomised control trials. Our aim was to determine if GAP improves antenatal detection of SGA compared to standard care.Methods and findingsThis was a pragmatic, superiority, 2-arm, parallel group, open, cluster randomised control trial. Maternity units in England were eligible to participate in the study, except if they had already implemented GAP. All women who gave birth in participating clusters (maternity units) during the year prior to randomisation and during the trial (November 2016 to February 2019) were included. Multiple pregnancies, fetal abnormalities or births before 24+1 weeks were excluded. Clusters were randomised to immediate implementation of GAP, an antenatal care package aimed at improving detection of SGA as a means to reduce the rate of stillbirth, or to standard care. Randomisation by random permutation was stratified by time of study inclusion and cluster size. Data were obtained from hospital electronic records for 12 months prerandomisation, the washout period (interval between randomisation and data collection of outcomes), and the outcome period (last 6 months of the study). The primary outcome was ultrasound detection of SGA (estimated fetal weight <10th centile using customised centiles (intervention) or Hadlock centiles (standard care)) confirmed at birth (birthweight <10th centile by both customised and population centiles). Secondary outcomes were maternal and neonatal outcomes, including induction of labour, gestational age at delivery, mode of birth, neonatal morbidity, and stillbirth/perinatal mortality. A 2-stage cluster–summary statistical approach calculated the absolute difference (intervention minus standard care arm) adjusted using the prerandomisation estimate, maternal age, ethnicity, parity, and randomisation strata. Intervention arm clusters that made no attempt to implement GAP were excluded in modified intention to treat (mITT) analysis; full ITT was also reported. Process evaluation assessed implementation fidelity, reach, dose, acceptability, and feasibility. Seven clusters were randomised to GAP and 6 to standard care. Following exclusions, there were 11,096 births exposed to the intervention (5 clusters) and 13,810 exposed to standard care (6 clusters) during the outcome period (mITT analysis). Age, height, and weight were broadly similar between arms, but there were fewer women: of white ethnicity (56.2% versus 62.7%), and in the least deprived quintile of the Index of Multiple Deprivation (7.5% versus 16.5%) in the intervention arm during the outcome period. Antenatal detection of SGA was 25.9% in the intervention and 27.7% in the standard care arm (adjusted difference 2.2%, 95% confidence interval (CI) −6.4% to 10.7%; p = 0.62). Findings were consistent in full ITT analysis. Fidelity and dose of GAP implementation were variable, while a high proportion (88.7%) of women were reached. Use of routinely collected data is both a strength (cost-efficient) and a limitation (occurrence of missing data); the modest number of clusters limits our ability to study small effect sizes.ConclusionsIn this study, we observed no effect of GAP on antenatal detection of SGA compared to standard care. Given variable implementation observed, future studies should incorporate standardised implementation outcomes such as those reported here to determine generalisability of our findings.Trial registrationThis trial is registered with the ISRCTN registry, ISRCTN67698474.

Matias C Vieira and colleagues evaluate the Growth Assessment Protocol (GAP) for antenatal detection of small for gestational age in the DESiGN cluster randomised trial.  相似文献   
Vancomycin, a commonly used antibiotic, can be nephrotoxic. Known risk factors such as age, creatinine clearance, vancomycin dose / dosing interval, and concurrent nephrotoxic medications fail to accurately predict nephrotoxicity. To identify potential genomic risk factors, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of serum creatinine levels while on vancomycin in 489 European American individuals and validated findings in three independent cohorts totaling 439 European American individuals. In primary analyses, the chromosome 6q22.31 locus was associated with increased serum creatinine levels while on vancomycin therapy (most significant variant rs2789047, risk allele A, β = -0.06, p = 1.1 x 10-7). SNPs in this region had consistent directions of effect in the validation cohorts, with a meta-p of 1.1 x 10-7. Variation in this region on chromosome 6, which includes the genes TBC1D32/C6orf170 and GJA1 (encoding connexin43), may modulate risk of vancomycin-induced kidney injury.  相似文献   
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