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We studied the association between the honeydew-producing membracid Guayaquila xiphias and its tending ants in the cerrado savanna of Brazil, during 1992 and 1993. Results showed that ants attack potential enemies of G. xiphias, and that increased ant density near the treehoppers affects the spatial distribution of parasitoid wasps on the host plant, keeping them away from brood-guarding G. xiphias females. Controlled ant-exclusion experiments revealed that ant presence (seven species) reduces the abundance of G. xiphias’ natural enemies (salticid spiders, syrphid flies, and parasitoid wasps) on the host plant. The data further showed that ant-tending not only increased homopteran survival, but also conferred a direct reproductive benefit to G. xiphias females, which may abandon the first brood to ants and lay an additional clutch next to the original brood. Two years of experimental manipulations, however, showed that the degree of protection conferred by tending ants varies yearly, and that at initially high abundance of natural enemies the ant species differ in their effects on treehopper survival. Ant effects on treehopper fecundity also varied with time, and with shifts in the abundance of natural enemies. This is the first study to simultaneously demonstrate conditionality in ant-derived benefits related to both protection and fecundity in an ant-tended Membracidae, and the first to show the combined action of these effects in the same system. Received: 19 October 1999 / Accepted: 14 February 2000  相似文献   
Herbivores are attracted to young shoots and leaves because of their tender tissues. However, in extrafloral nectaried plants, young leaves also attract patrolling ants, which may chase or prey on herbivores. We examined this scenario in extrafloral nectaried shrubs of Banisteriopsis malifolia resprouting after fire, which promoted both the aseasonal production of leaves and the activity of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs). Results were compared between resprouting (burned) and unburned control plants. The aggressive ant species Camponotus crassus and the herbivorous thrips Pseudophilothrips obscuricornis were respectively rapidly attracted to resprouting plants because of the active EFNs and their less sclerophyllous leaves. The abundance of these insects was almost negligible in the control (unburned) shrubs. Ants failed to protect B. malifolia, as no thrips were preyed upon or injured by ants in resprouting plants. Consequently, on average, 37 % of leaves from resprouting shrubs had necrosis marks. Upon contact with ants, thrips released small liquid droplets from their abdomen, which rapidly displaced ants from the surroundings. This study shows that P. obscuricornis disrupted the facultative mutualism between C. crassus and B. malifolia, since ants received extrafloral nectar from plants, but were unable to deter herbivore thrips.  相似文献   
Current evidence suggests that in Hetaerina damselflies males exhibit lek mating system. In this study, in order to answer if the same occurs in Hetaerina rosea Selys, we manipulated vegetation substrates used as territories and quantified the number of visiting females, males defending territories and fight intensity. We also examined whether body size and wing pigmentation are selectable traits in male-male competition, and if age affects male territorial behavior. Our results showed that males with larger pigmented areas won more contests, independently of body size. Old males changed from territoriality to sneaking strategy. Contrary to other Hetaerina species, males of H. rosea do not display lek behavior, but defend resources according to the resource defense polygyny strategy.  相似文献   
Antônio C. M. Queiroz  Tatianne G. Marques  Carla R. Ribas  Tatiana G. Cornelissen  Anselmo Nogueira  Fernando A. Schmidt  Rodrigo M. Feitosa  Tathiana G. Sobrinho  Yves Quinet  Fabrício B. Baccaro  Mônica A. Ulysséa  André B. Vargas  Maria Santina C. Morini  Jorge L. P. Souza  Lucas N. Paolucci  Wesley Dáttilo  Kleber Del-Claro  Denise Lange  Jean C. Santos  Rogério R. Silva  Renata B. F. Campos  Emília Z. Albuquerque  Thiago Izzo  Ananza M. Rabello  Ricardo R. C. Solar  Stela A. Soares  Karine S. Carvalho  Aline B. Moraes  Helena M. Torezan-Silingardi  Larissa Nahas  Iracenir Andrade dos Santos  Cinthia B. Costa-Milanez  Flávia Esteves  Tiago Frizzo  Ana Y. Harada  Wesley DaRocha  Eduardo Diehl-Fleig 《Biotropica》2023,55(1):29-39
Tropical studies traditionally describe insect diversity variation throughout the year. The temporally structured responses of insect assemblages to climate seasonality vary across ecosystems due to gradients of resource availability and limiting ecological factors. These idiosyncratic responses might be particularly true across the vast geographical range of the Brazilian territory, including various environments that harbor one of the most diverse ant faunas worldwide. This study addressed the relationship between ant diversity and climatic seasonality, performing a quantitative review of the published data on ant diversity collected in Brazil. We investigated the seasonality effect on ant abundance and richness described in the literature in 47 papers published between 2000 and 2018. These studies were developed mainly in the Atlantic Forest biome and collected ants with pitfall traps on the soil/litter stratum. We initially carried out a vote-counting procedure by comparing the number of significant results describing seasonal differences in the ant assemblage. We found that most papers described a similar pattern of ant abundance, richness, and species composition between seasons. However, when we performed a meta-analysis, we observed a clear pattern of higher ant abundance and richness in the wet/summer season compared with the dry/winter season. Our meta-analysis reveals that the ant diversity decreases in the dry season, strongly in the Cerrado biome. Additionally, we point out differences in the sampling effort across biomes, indicating the need for further investments in studies focused on temporal diversity patterns, including seasonal effects, on the insect assemblage in biomes less investigated so far. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   
The social pseudoscorpion Paratemnoides nidificator is a common species in the Brazilian tropical savannah (Cerrado), where colonies are found under the bark of trees. In this environment, colonies hunt for large insects, subduing them by cooperative effort. Small insects are offered as food to nymphs, but large prey tends to be shared by colony members. We investigated the cooperative capture of large prey (Scarabaeidae beetles) by colonies of P. nidificator. During this process, some adults are involved in the immobilization and killing of prey. However, other adults stay as profiteers and do not offer help to subdue the prey. After prey immobilization, pseudoscorpions perform a hierarchical food share in which the attackers begin sucking the prey. These individuals favor the nymphs, offering them the prey and protection during feeding. Profiteer individuals are the last to feed on the carcass. In P. nidificator, obligatory parental care probably favors the evolution of behavioral strategies that prioritize the feeding of juveniles. This mechanism can provide better-quality food for the attackers but offers food to all colony members.  相似文献   
Journal of Ethology - Pseudomyrmex concolor is an Amazonian ant that works as an induced biotic defence of its host plant. Nevertheless, there is no information about the division of labour in P....  相似文献   
1. Harvester ants are major seed predators in arid environments. However, given that many harvester ants are partly omnivorous and therefore potentially attracted to the elaiosomes of myrmecochorous seeds, it is unclear if these ants act as predators or dispersers when removing myrmecochorous seeds. 2. We describe the outcomes of interactions between the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex naegelii, and myrmecochorous plant, Microstachys serrulata, in a Brazilian savanna. We: (i) evaluated the role of elaiosome in seed removal by P. naegelii; (ii) investigated the fate and viability of removed seeds; (iii) tested if soils associated with P. naegelii nests are nutrient-enriched; (iv) compared seedling survival; and (v) the density of seedling and adult M. serrulata nearby to P. naegelii nests compared with those away from these nests (i.e. controls). 3. Rates of removal of M. serrulata seeds were two-fold higher with elaiosomes than without. The ant attractant oleic acid was the dominant fatty acid in elaiosomes, but it was absent from seeds. Removed seeds are taken into nests, and Tetrazolium tests indicated that 95% of seeds remain viable. Soils associated with P. naegelii nests were not nutrient-enriched, and seedling survival was similar nearby to P. naegelii nests compared with control areas. However, densities of both seedling and adult M. serrulata were higher nearby to P. naegelii nests than in control areas. 4. Our findings show that P. naegelii switches its role from seed predator for most plant species to be the dominant seed disperser for M. serrulata, playing a key role in the distribution of adult plants.  相似文献   
Despite the great biodiversity in the Arachnida, some taxa are still now poorly known, mainly in terms of biology, ecology, and behavior. Pseudoscorpions are small arachnids (2–8 mm) that live in cryptic environments, being in general solitary predators of other invertebrates. The most studied Pseudoscorpion species are those from temperate areas, which revealed that Pseudoscorpiones present some level of sociality based on maternal care. Most developed sociality is seen in tropical species. Here, we reviewed this issue, presented examples of social behavior, and suggested the steps involved in the evolution of permanent sociality in the Neotropical Atemnidae genus, Paratemnoides. We discussed that the extended parental care, division of labor, cooperative breeding and feeding, and the tolerance among members dividing the same share could be considered enough to characterize a true social life, same in invertebrates.  相似文献   
Behavioural patterns of birds commonly vary according to flock size and daily activity pattern. Southern lapwing behaviours and their relation with flock size were studied, as well as the relationship between the frequency of behaviours and the period of the day. Results showed that the proportion of time spent in foraging and vigilance was higher during the morning, when small groups were more common, and decreased from midday on, when group size increased. Maintenance and inactivity (sleeping) behaviours presented the opposite pattern. Correlation between flock size and period of the day, and their similar effects on bird behaviour may be evidence that groups of different sizes could have different functions throughout the day. Our results show that southern lapwings seem to form smaller flocks for feeding in the beginning of the day and larger flocks later for different activities (e.g., maintenance and sleeping). In this sense, it is possible that group size variation throughout the day is related to different demands for specific behaviours (functions) of groups, according to the daily activity patterns of the birds.  相似文献   
In Odonata, many species present sexual size dimorphism (SSD), which can be associated with male territoriality in Zygoptera. We hypothesized that in the territorial damselfly Argia reclusa, male–male competition can favor large males, and consequently, drive selection pressures to generate male-biased SSD. The study was performed at a small stream in southeastern Brazil. Males were marked, and we measured body size and assessed the quality of territories. We tested if larger territorial males (a) defended the best territories (those with more male intrusions and visiting females), (b) won more fights, and (c) mated more. Couples were collected and measured to show the occurrence of sexual size dimorphism. Results indicated that males are larger than females, and that territorial males were larger than non-territorial males. Larger territorial males won more fights and defended the best territories. There was no difference between the mating success of large territorial and small non-territorial males. Although our findings suggest that male territoriality may play a significant role on the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in A. reclusa, we suggest that other factors should also be considered to explain the evolution of SSD in damselflies, since non-territorial males are also capable of acquiring mates.  相似文献   
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