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 Current research has still not clarified the biological role of soluble interleukin(IL)-2 receptor (sIL-2R) and the significance of its increase in the serum of colon cancer patients compared to healthy subjects. To address these questions at the immunological level in a group of patients and healthy subjects, we determined the sIL-2R level in the serum and its release from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) as a function of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) α, IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, interferon (IFN) γ, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 levels in the serum and PBMC production; and PBMC proliferative responses to IL-2, IL-4 and anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (CD3), variously combined. The level of sIL-2R in patients’ serum was higher than in healthy subjects and correlated with the stage of advancement. Moreover, while in healthy subjects the serum level of sIL-2R was not significantly correlated with other parameters, in patients it was positively related to IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 serum levels, PBMC IL-4 production and to the PBMC proliferative response to CD3 and CD3+IL-2; it was negatively correlated to IL-2 serum level and IL-1β PBMC release. A negative connection between IFNγ serum level and the PBMC production of sIL-2R was also found. This suggests that the increase of sIL-2R in the serum of patients, compared to healthy subjects, is involved in the inappropriate expansion of the T helper (TH2) suppressive immune response, which we previously reported. The multivariate statistical method supported the above suggestions and we also found that, in healthy subjects, the up- and down-regulation of sIL-2R in the serum within the physiological ranges seems to have a regulating role in the relationships between TNFα, IFNγ and IL-4, IL-6, contributing to the operation of the cytokine network between TH1 and TH2 cells. However, in patients compared to healthy subjects the increased sIL-2R serum level seems to direct the immune response towards a suppressive type, which may be due to an alteration in the above-mentioned physiological regulating role. Received: 12 April 1997 / Accepted: 4 September 1997  相似文献   
We studied the activated oxygen metabolism of peroxisomes in naturally and dark-induced senescent leaves of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Peroxisomes were purified from three different types of senescent leaves and the activities of different peroxisomal and glyoxysomal enzymes were measured. The activities of the O2-- and H2O2-producing enzymes were enhanced by natural senescence. Senescence also produced an increase in the generation of active oxygen species (O2- and H2O2) in leaf peroxisomes and in the activities of two glyoxylate-cycle marker enzymes. A new fraction of peroxisomes was detected at an advanced stage of dark-induced senescence. Electron microscopy revealed that this new peroxisomal fraction varied in size and electron density. During senescence, the constitutive Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of peroxisomes increased and two new CuZn-SODs were induced, one of which cross-reacted with an antibody against glyoxysomal CuZn- SOD. This fact and the presence of glyoxylate-cycle enzymes support the idea that foliar senescence is associated with the transition of peroxisomes into glyoxysomes. Our results indicate that natural senescence causes the same changes in peroxisome-activated oxygen metabolism as dark-induced senescence, and reinforce the hypothesis of an effective role of peroxisomes and their activated oxygen metabolism in this stage of the life cycle.  相似文献   
New single-chain (type 1) ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) were isolated from the seeds of Basella rubra L. (two proteins) and from the leaves of Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. (one protein). These RIPs inhibit protein synthesis both in a cell-free system, with an IC50 (concentration causing 50% inhibition) in the 10−10 M range, and by various cell lines, with IC50s in the 10−8–10−6 M range. All three RIPs released adenine not only from rat liver ribosomes but also from Escherichia coli rRNA, polyadenylic acid, herring sperm DNA, and artichoke mottled crinkle virus (AMCV) genomic RNA, thus being polynucleotide:adenosine glycosidases. The proteins from Basella rubra had toxicity to mice similar to that of most type 1 RIPs (Barbieri et al., 1993, Biochim Biophys Acta 1154: 237–282) with an LD50 (concentration that is 50% lethal) ≤ 8 mg · kg−1 body weight, whilst the RIP from Bougainvillea spectabilis had an LD50 >32 mg · kg−1. The N-terminal sequence of the two RIPs from Basella rubra had 80–93% identity, whereas it differed from the sequence of the RIP from Bougainvillea spectabilis. When tested with antibodies against various RIPs, the RIPs from Basella gave some cross-reactivity with sera against dianthin 32, and weak cross-reactivity with momordin I and momorcochin-S, whilst the RIP from Bougainvillea did not cross-react with any antiserum tested. An RIP from Basella rubra and one from Bougainvillea spectabilis were tested for antiviral activity, and both inhibited infection of Nicotiana benthamiana by AMCV. Received: 5 March 1997 / Accepted: 27 May 1997  相似文献   
Summary Centrin and calmodulin are members of the EF-hand calcium-binding superfamily of proteins. In this study we compared localisation and immunoblotting of centrin with calmodulin in several monocot (onion and wheat) and dicot (mung bean andArabidopsis) plants. We confirmed that an anti-calmodulin antibody recognised a 17 kDa protein in all species tested and localises to the cytoplasm, mitotic matrix and with microtubules of the preprophase band and phragmoplast. In contrast, immunoblotting using anti-centrin antibodies shows that plant centrins vary from 17 to 20 kDa. Immunofluorescence microscopy with anti-centrin antibodies revealed only weak centrin immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm, nucleus, nuclear envelope, phragmoplast and mitotic matrix in meristematic cells. There was a slightly more intense perinuclear labelling in large differentiating onion cells and between separating anaphase chromosomes. While centrin is known to localise to the mitotic spindle poles in animal and algal cells, there was no appreciable immunoreactivity at the spindle poles in higher plants. In contrast, there was an intense immunofluorescence signal with anti-centrin antibodies in the developing cell plate. Further characterisation of the cell plate labelling by immunogold electron microscopy shows centrin immunoreactivity was closely associated with vesicles in the cell plate. Our observations suggest that centrin may play a role in cell plate formation.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - MTs microtubules - MTOCs microtubule organising centres - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PBST phosphate buffered saline with Tween-20  相似文献   
Pooled human milk was subjected to Holder pasteurization and storage at −20°C up to 90 days and examined for its content of fat and

-lactate and for lipid composition. This treatment reduced fats by 6% and

-lactate by at least 7%. In addition, pasteurization and storage induced triglyceride hydrolysis. The absolute amount of free fatty acids (FFAs) which was 0.5% after collection, doubled after pasteurization and rose even more after storage. Different FFA compositions were found by several authors using the same analytical method even for milk samples subjected to the same treatment. More detailed information on procedures must be given to explain the different results.  相似文献   
There has been a proliferation of studies, in a variety of taxa, that have detected sex-linked or cytoplasmic genes that enhance their own transmission via sex-ratio distortion. One of the most important parameters influencing the dynamics of these elements is the magnitude of their transmission advantage. In many systems, the mechanism of sex-ratio distortion is to abort X- or Y-bearing gametes. With this mechanism, the transmission advantage associated with sex-ratio distortion is diminished when the production of male gametes limits offspring production or when competition among the gametes of different males is intense. In this study, we analyzed the outcome of pollen competition between males that produced different sex ratios in the dioecious plant, Silene alba, and estimated how the sex-ratio bias influenced the transmission properties of the sex chromosomes. We varied the intensity of pollen competition by controlling the quantity of pollen used in crosses and used a combination of single-male pollinations and pollen mixtures to evaluate the effects of multiple paternity. Paternity in pollen mixtures was estimated using allozymes. Sex-ratio bias was directly influenced by the quantity of pollen, but the magnitude of this effect was small. The relative performance of pollen from different males varied substantially, especially when there was multiple paternity. Specifically, males with biased sex ratios sired far fewer offspring of either sex in pollen mixtures. In crosses involving single males, however, these “sex-ratio” males produced the same number of offspring as other males, so the female bias caused a significant transmission advantage for X-linked genes. X-linked genes could enhance their transmission via sex-ratio distortion in Silene populations, but the magnitude of this transmission advantage will depend on the ecological circumstances that influence the opportunity for multiple paternity.  相似文献   
Gaschromatography was used to establish the presence of quantifiable residues of 14 persistent chlorinated hydrocarbon pollutants in whole blood, clotted blood, heart, kidney, liver and muscle samples obtained from individual African whitebacked (Pseudogyps africanus), Cape griffon (Gyps coprotheres) and Lappetfaced (Torgos tracheliotos) vultures from different localities in South Africa. The levels of pesticides measured in whole blood samples of live specimens were compared between nestlings from two natural breeding colonies, adults from a wildlife area and birds held in captivity. Statistically significant (P<0.05) differences between populations were detected in geometric means calculated for γ-BHC (lindane), α(cis)-chlordane and α-endosulfan. Five of the organochlorine contaminants displayed significant variations between concentrations detected in the clotted blood, organs and muscles excised from vulture carcasses. This includes residues of γ-BHC, α-chlordane, dieldrin, β-endosulfan and heptachlor epoxide. Values of the respective biocides measured in vulture samples were generally low in comparison to results documented for a number of avian species. Although no threat is posed by any of the organochloride pesticides, continual monitoring of especially breeding colonies is recommended. Furthermore, the suitability of African whitebacked vulture nestlings as basic bioindicators is highly advocated.  相似文献   
The neuronal selectivity observed in the avian song system for the Bird's Own Song progressively emerged as an extraordinary fruitful model to investigate the neural code underlying the recognition of complex stimuli and the occurrence of learned behaviors. In adult zebra finch, neurons from the HVC (used as a proper name) show very selective auditory responses, firing more to presentation of the Bird's Own Song (BOS) than to reverse BOS or other conspecific songs. However, as adult zebra finches always produce the same stereotyped song, the presence of such highly selective neurons in birds with larger repertoire still remains an open question. Data presented here show that neurons selective for the BOS can be found in adult canary, a seasonal breeding bird which display a large repertoire. More precisely, we found that a large proportion of neurons (29/36) exhibits higher responses to presentation of the forward than to the reverse BOS, and that 22% of the cells were identified as selective on the basis of the d' value. For a cell that was extensively studied, we evaluated to what extent temporal stimulus-related structure predicts the acoustic stimulus using linear or non-linear artificial neural networks (ANN). These analyses indicated that the temporal structure contained in spike trains characterizes more accurately the stimulus than the firing rate. The limitations of applying ANN analyses to electrophysiological data are discussed and potential solutions to increase the confidence in these analysis are proposed.  相似文献   
Metabolic pathways may be optimized with S-system models that prescribe profiles of control variables leading to optimal output while keeping metabolites and enzyme activities within predefined ranges. Monte Carlo simulations show how much the yield and the corresponding metabolite concentrations would be affected by inaccuracies in the experimental implementation of the prescribed profiles. For a recent model of citric acid production in Aspergillus niger, the yield is roughly normally distributed, whereas the distributions of metabolite concentrations differ greatly in shape and statistical characteristics. Even moderate inaccuracies may lead to constraint violations, which appear to be correlated with high logarithmic gains.  相似文献   
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