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The effect of plant ploidy level on the rate of cytomixis in microsporogenesis has been analyzed with the help of a unique model, the collection of tobacco plants of different ploidies (2n?=?2x?=?24, 4x?=?48, 6x?=?72, and 8x?=?96). As has been shown, the rate of cytomixis proportionally increases in 6x and 8x cytotypes, being rather similar in 2x and 4x plants. The rate of cytomixis is highly variable, differing even in the genetically identical plants grown under the same conditions. The cytological pattern of cytomixis in the microsporogenesis of control 4x plants has been compared with the corresponding patterns of 2x, 6x, and 8x plants. Involvement of cytomixis in production of unreduced gametes and stabilization of the newly formed hybrid and polyploidy genomes is discussed.  相似文献   
The experimental results are presented on production of plants-regenerants of the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) via callus formation or direct organogenesis from the leaf tissues. The method of aseptic treatment was developed for the seeds with strong bacterial and fungal invasion. The regenerant plants were obtained in the presence of various concentrations of synthetic hormones, such as cytokinin (6-benzaminopurine) and auxin (naphthylacetic acid), and inhibitor of auxin transport in plants (2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid). This combination of growth regulators made it possible to avoid callus formation. The genotype of initial plants affected the capacity for callus formation and regeneration. The temperature influenced rhizogenesis in regenerants.  相似文献   
Polymorphism of RAPD markers was analyzed in the wild soybean populations from the Far East region of Russia. The level of RAPD marker polymorphism was significantly higher in the wild than in the cultivated soybean. The results obtained suggest active development of genetically different groups of wild soybean. Geographically isolated subpopulations showed maximum distance from the main population of wild soybean.  相似文献   
Intercellular chromatin migration (cytomixis) in the pollen mother cells of two tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) lines was analyzed by electron microscopy during the first meiotic prophase. The maximal manifestation of cytomixis was observed in the pachytene. As a rule, several cells connected with one another by cytomictic channels wherein the nuclei migrated were observable at this stage. In the majority of cases, nuclei passed from cell to cell concurrently through several closely located cytomictic channels. Chromatin migrated between cells within the nuclear envelope, and its disintegration was unobservable. The nucleus, after passing through cytomictic channels into another cell, can be divided into individual micronuclei or, in the case of a direct contact with another nucleus, can form a nuclear bridge. It has been demonstrated that the chromatin structure after intracellular migration visually matches the chromatin structure before it passed through the cytomictic channel. No signs of pyknosis were observable in the chromatin of the micronuclei formed after cytomixis, and the synaptonemal complex was distinctly seen. The dynamics of changes in the nucleoli during cytomixis was for the first time monitored on an ultrastructural level. Possible mechanisms determining cytomixis are discussed and the significance of this process in plant development is considered.  相似文献   
Differences in the mosaic plants occurence frequency between the Nu5 and Nu6 lines of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants remained irrespective of the nptII marker gene allelic state. nptII gene transition from the hemizygous state (T3) to the homozygous one (T4) was accompanied by an increase in the frequency of mosaics in both lines. Transition from the homozygous state (T4) into the hemizygous one (F1) resulted in a further increase in the frequency of mosaic plants in the Nu5 line, whereas this parameter remained at a high level in the Nu6 line. pMAS promoter hypermethylation in plants of both lines, as well as differences in the 5??-part truncated nptII gene copy cytosin methylation level between the Nu5 and Nu6 lines, pointed to nptII gene mosaic expression epigenetic regulation.  相似文献   
The efficiencies of the induction of cytomixis in microsporogenesis by thermal stress are compared in tobacco (N. tabacum L.) and barley (H. distichum L.) It has been shown that different thermal treatment schedules (budding tobacco plants at 50°C and air-dried barley grains at 48°C) produce similar results in the species: the frequency of cytomixis increases, and its maximum shifts to later stages of meiosis. However, the species show differences in response. The cytomixis frequency increase in tobacco is more pronounced, and its maximum shifts from the zygotene–pachytene stages of meiotic prophase I to prometaphase–metaphase I. Later in the meiosis, aberrations in chromosome structure and meiotic apparatus formation typical of cytomixis are noted, as well as cytomixis activation in tapetum cells. Thermal stress disturbs the integration of callose-bearing vesicles into the callose wall. Cold treatment at 7°C does not affect cytomixis frequency in tobacco microsporogenesis. Incubation of barley seeds at 48°C activates cytomixis in comparison to the control, shifts its maximum from the premeiotic interphase to zygotene, and changes the habit of cytomictic interactions from pairwise contacts to the formation of multicellular clusters. Thermal treatment induces cytomictic interactions within the tapetum and between microsporocytes and the tapetum. However, later meiotic phases show no adverse consequences of active cytomixis in barley. It is conjectured that heat stress affects callose metabolism and integration into the forming callose wall, thereby causing incomplete closure of cytomictic channels and favoring intercellular chromosome migration at advanced meiotic stages.  相似文献   
Insertion of vector sequences of different lengths in the genome of transgenic tobacco and carrot plants occurring at a frequency of 35.2% was shown. No significant differences in insertion frequencies between the two species were observed. Integrated fragments of the vector DNA were stably inherited in the following generation resulted from self-pollination of original transformants.  相似文献   
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