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The Mayak Production Association released large amounts of 90Sr into the Techa River (Southern Urals, Russia) with peak amounts in 1950–1951. Techa Riverside residents ingested an average of about 3,000 kBq of 90Sr. The 90Sr-body burden of approximately 15,000 individuals has been measured in the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine in 1974–1997 with use of a special whole-body counter (WBC). Strontium-90 had mainly deposited in the cortical part of the skeleton by 25 years following intake, and 90Sr elimination occurs as a result of cortical bone resorption. The effect of 90Sr-radiation exposure on the rate of cortical bone resorption was studied. Data on 2,022 WBC measurements were selected for 207 adult persons, who were measured three or more times before they were 50–55 years old. The individual-resorption rates were calculated with the rate of strontium recirculation evaluated as 0.0018 year−1. Individual absorbed doses in red bone marrow (RBM) and bone surface (BS) were also calculated. Statistically significant negative relationships of cortical bone resorption rate were discovered related to 90Sr-body burden and dose absorbed in the RBM or the BS. The response appears to have a threshold of about 1.5-Gy RBM dose. The radiation-induced decrease in bone resorption rate may not be significant in terms of health. However, a decrease in bone remodeling rate can be among several causes of an increased level of degenerative dystrophic bone pathology in exposed persons.  相似文献   
This article focuses on the study of 90Sr in the tooth tissues of Techa riverside residents 60 years after intake. The Techa River was contaminated by radioactive wastes in the 1950s. Contamination of the river system, including water, bottom sediment, floodplain soil, and grass, depended on the distance from the source of releases. Therefore, the average 90Sr intake was different in different settlements located downstream the river. An additional factor influencing 90Sr accumulation in the teeth is the rate of tissue mineralization at the time of intake which depended on the donor’s age at the time of releases. Measurements of 90Sr concentration in various dental tissues (enamel, crown, and root dentin) of 166 teeth were performed about 60 years after the main intake using the method of thermoluminescence passive beta detection. The paper presents the current levels of tooth tissue contamination, and the tooth-to-tooth variability of 90Sr concentration in tooth tissues was assessed for the tissues which were matured at the time of massive liquid radioactive waste releases into the Techa River. A model describing the expected levels of 90Sr in matured dental tissues depending on age and intake has been elaborated for the population under study. The results obtained will be used for calculation of internal dose in enamel and for interpretation of tooth doses measured by means of the electron paramagnetic resonance method, among the population of the Techa River region.  相似文献   
In the 1950s many thousands of people living in rural villages on the Techa River received protracted internal and external exposures to ionizing radiation from the release of radioactive material from the Mayak plutonium production complex. The Extended Techa River Cohort includes 29,873 people born before 1950 who lived near the river sometime between 1950 and 1960. Vital status and cause of death are known for most cohort members. Individualized dose estimates have been computed using the Techa River Dosimetry System 2000. The analyses provide strong evidence of long-term carcinogenic effects of protracted low-dose-rate exposures; however, the risk estimates must be interpreted with caution because of uncertainties in the dose estimates. We provide preliminary radiation risk estimates for cancer mortality based on 1,842 solid cancer deaths (excluding bone cancer) and 61 deaths from leukemia. The excess relative risk per gray for solid cancer is 0.92 (95% CI 0.2; 1.7), while those for leukemia, including and excluding chronic lymphocytic leukemia, are 4.2 (CI 95% 1.2; 13) and 6.5 (CI 95% 1.8; 24), respectively. It is estimated that about 2.5% of the solid cancer deaths and 63% of the leukemia deaths are associated with the radiation exposure.  相似文献   
The comparison of the spectra of the membrane proteins of 12 typing strains of coagulase negative staphylococci has revealed differences which probably reflect the distinctive features of membrane proteins, intrinsic to individual bacterial species.  相似文献   
The method of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) applied to peripheral blood T lymphocytes is used for retrospective dose estimation, and the results obtained from the analysis of stable chromosomal aberrations are usually interpreted as a dose accumulated in the red bone marrow (RBM). However, after local internal exposure of the RBM, doses derived from FISH were found to be lower than those derived from direct measurements of radionuclides accumulated in the bodies of exposed persons. These results were obtained for people residing near the Techa River contaminated by 89,90Sr (beta-emitters) in 1949–1956 (Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia). A new analysis has been performed of the combined results of FISH studies (n = 178) undertaken during 1994–2012 for persons living on the Techa Riverside. Analysis confirms the lower slope of the translocation yield per Gy (8.0 ± 0.7 × 10?3) for Techa residents in comparison with FISH data for donors with external exposures (11.6 ± 1.6 × 10?3, Tawn et al., Radiat Res 184(3):296–303, 2015). It was suggested that some portion of T cells remained unexposed, because they represented the descendants of T cell progenitors, which had migrated to the thymus before the start of 89,90Sr intakes. To clarify this problem, the dynamics of T-cell Genera (TG), combining all descendants of specific T-cell progenitor reaching the thymus, was considered. Rates of TGs produced by RBM over different age periods of human life were estimated with the use of the mathematic model of T-cell homeostasis (Bains, Mathematical modeling of T-cell homeostasis. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University College London. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/20159/1/20159.pdf, 2010). The rate of TG loss during the lifetime was assumed to be very small in comparison with production rate. The recirculation of mature T lymphocytes in contaminated RBM was taken into account. According to our model estimates, at the time of blood sampling, the fraction of exposed T lymphocytes (whose progenitors were irradiated) ranged from 20 to 80% depending on the donors’ age at the start of exposure to 89,90Sr. Dose to T lymphocytes, estimated from FISH studies, should be about 0.6–0.9 of RBM dose for residents of the upper Techa region and about 0.4–0.8 in the middle Techa region. Our results could explain the lower value of translocation yield per Gy obtained for Techa residents. The approaches for further model improvement and validation are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
In the first years of its operation, the Mayak Production Association, a facility part of the Soviet nuclear weapons program in the Southern Urals, Russia, discharged large amounts of radioactively contaminated effluent into the nearby Techa River, thus exposing the people living at this river to external and internal radiations. The Techa River Cohort is a cohort intensely studied in epidemiology to investigate the correlation between low-dose radiation and health effects on humans. For the individuals in the cohort, the Techa River Dosimetry System describes the accumulated dose in human organs and tissues. In particular, organ doses from external exposure are derived from estimates of dose rate in air on the Techa River banks which were estimated from measurements and Monte Carlo modelling. Individual doses are calculated in accordance with historical records of individuals’ residence histories, observational data of typical lifestyles for different age groups, and age-dependent conversion factors from air kerma to organ dose. The work here describes an experimentally independent assessment of the key input parameter of the dosimetry system, the integral air kerma, for the former village of Metlino, upper Techa River region. The aim of this work was thus to validate the Techa River Dosimetry System for the location of Metlino in an independent approach. Dose reconstruction based on dose measurements in bricks from a church tower and Monte Carlo calculations was used to model the historic air kerma accumulated in the time from 1949 to 1956 at the shoreline of the Techa River in Metlino. Main issues are caused by a change in the landscape after the evacuation of the village in 1956. Based on measurements and published information and data, two separate models for the historic pre-evacuation geometry and for the current geometry of Metlino were created. Using both models, a value for the air kerma was reconstructed, which agrees with that obtained in the Techa River Dosimetry System within a factor of two.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of an effort to evaluate anthropogenic doses in bricks from old buildings located on the banks of the Techa River. The river area was contaminated in 1949–1956 as a result of radioactive waste releases by the Mayak plutonium facility (Southern Urals, Russia). Absorbed doses were determined by luminescence measurements of quartz extracted from the near-surface layers of bricks sampled in 1991–1997 from three remained buildings (a mill, a granary and a church). These buildings are located in the former residence area of Metlino, which was the settlement located closest to the release site (residents of Metlino were relocated from the contaminated river in 1956). The measured anthropogenic dose in the three buildings was found to be comparable: minimum values were equal to 0.5–0.9 Gy and maximum values amounted to about 3–4 Gy. Unfortunately, the geometry of gamma-exposure of the brick samples changed significantly in 1956 as a result of creation of an artificial reservoir downstream of the Metlinsky pond. Since luminescence data provide absorbed dose in the investigated samples accumulated over the whole period of irradiation, for interpretation of the data obtained it is important to know the exposure geometry for the period of maximal exposure, which was in the early 1950s. In 2005, archival data describing configuration of contaminated water streams and shorelines (which were the main sources of gamma-irradiation) were published. Comparison of these data with the results of the luminescence study presented here showed that the bricks with the highest thermoluminescence (TL)-based doses faced contaminated shores and were located close to them. In contrast, the bricks with lower values of measured dose were opposite to contaminated shores and/or being shielded. This demonstrates that the luminescence method allowed reconstruction of the anthropogenic dose distribution in the former settlement center. The obtained results suggest new options for further luminescence studies in Metlino aimed at the reconstruction of the external exposures of the affected population.  相似文献   
People living on the banks of the Techa river were exposed to 90Sr in the early 1950s. Data obtained by radiochemical measurements of extracted permanent teeth, 90Sr autopsy measurements in bone and tooth samples, in vivo measurements of surface beta activity of the anterior teeth and whole-body counter (WBC) measurements of 90Sr in the skeleton have been analyzed. Surface beta activity measurements indicate a biological half-life of 90Sr of about 35 years in enamel. The WBC measurements have been performed since 1974 and a model for the age-dependent strontium retention in human bone has been used to extrapolate to previous time periods when the other measurement results were obtained. For the first decade after the intake, the ratio of the 90Sr concentrations in teeth and bones were found to decrease with age at the time of major intake, from about 10 for 1-year-old children to about 0.3 for adults. There was a considerable variability of individual data within each age group. For adults, the correlation between 90Sr in skeleton and teeth was not high at 0.47 according to radiochemical data for posterior teeth (molars and premolars) and 0.43 according to measurements of surface beta activity for anterior teeth. For children and adolescents there was no correlation between individual measurements in the skeleton and teeth. The absorbed dose in enamel due to 90Sr in dentine has been calculated by Monte Carlo simulations of the electron transport. The results are in agreement with EPR measurements of the absorbed dose in the enamel of persons exposed, mainly due to 90Sr ingestion. Received: 19 July 1999 / Accepted: 5 May 2000  相似文献   
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