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正尚勇自然保护区位于云南省西双版纳勐腊县南部,地理位置21°13'30'–21°24'48'N,101°22'48'–101°37'30'E,为1980年西双版纳自然保护区调整后新增保护区域。总面积31,184 ha,其中核心区面积18,199 ha,缓冲区面积6,736 ha,实验区面积6,249 ha(杨宇明和唐芳林,2008)。过去几十年的人为干扰使得西双版纳热带雨林破碎化程度加剧,哺乳动物多样性呈现逐渐降低的趋势(PuZhang,2001;Li et al,2009)。近年来在  相似文献   
Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonic acid (AA) play an important role in alcohol-induced liver injury. AA promotes toxicity in rat hepatocytes with high levels of cytochrome P4502E1 (CYP2E1) and in HepG2 E47 cells, which express CYP2E1. The possible role of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) members in this process was evaluated. SB203580, a p38 MAPK inhibitor, and PD98059, an ERK inhibitor, but not wortmannin a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, prevented AA toxicity in pyrazole hepatocytes and E47 cells. SB203580 prevented the enhancement of AA toxicity by salicylate. SB203580 neither lowered the levels of CYP2E1 nor affected CYP2E1-dependent oxidative stress. The decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential produced by AA was prevented by SB203580. Treating CYP2E1-induced cells with AA activated p38 MAPK but not ERK or AKT. This activation was blocked by antioxidants. AA increased the translocation of NF-kappaB to the nucleus. Salicylate blocked this translocation, which may contribute to the enhancement of AA toxicity by salicylate. SB203580 restored AA-induced NF-kappaB translocation, which may contribute to protection against toxicity. In conclusion, AA toxicity was related to lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress, and to the activation of p38 MAPK, as a consequence of CYP2E1-dependent production of reactive oxygen species. Activation of p38 MAPK by AA coupled to AA-induced oxidative stress may synergize to cause cell toxicity by affecting mitochondrial membrane potential and by modulation of NF-kappaB activation.  相似文献   
The characteristics of dry matter production before and after heading and the relationships between photosynthesis of flag leaves and dry matter accumulation in panicles were investigated on super high-yielding rice cv. Xieyou 9308 (the yield of up to 12 t/ha) with rice cv. Xieyou 63 as a control. The results showed that (i) the capacity of dry matter production before and after heading in Xieyou 9308, i.e. biomass and daily dry matter production, was remarkably higher than that in Xieyou 63, especially after heading; (ii) CO2 assimilation capacity in flag leaves in Xieyou 9308, namely Leaf Source Capacity (LSC), was also significantly higher than that in Xieyou 63, and the supply of photosynthate in leaves and the demand of grain filling were completely synchronous in Xieyou 9308, but photosynthetic function in flag leaves in Xieyou 63 declined sharply 20 days after heading and it was not enough to meet the demand of grain filling. These results confirmed that high efficient photosynthetic function in leaves after heading and its complete synchronization with grain filling are the key approaches to super high yield of rice.  相似文献   
应用类核沉降法,分析了三个着色性干皮病家系中35名成员外周血淋巴细胞在紫外线(2.5μJ/mm~2)照射和MNNG(2μg/mI)损伤后DNA修复能力。结果表明,6名XP患者和9名杂合子DNA损伤后20小时尚不能完成修复,他们11小时DNA修复率均值分别为UV,0.61±0.13,0.59±0.15和MNNG,0.44±0.15,0.46±0.16,与家系中10名非血缘亲属正常人DNA修复率均值为UV,0.96±0.07,MNNG,0.71±0.07相比,差异非常显著(Ρ<0.01),而XP患者和杂合子DNA修复率则无显著性差异(Γ>0.05)。提示,类核沉降技术可能为XP家系中杂合子成员检出提供一种有希望的方法。  相似文献   
Wang  Jingwen  Zhang  Yuanyuan  Fang  Zhijia  Sun  Lijun  Wang  Yaling  Liu  Ying  Xu  Defeng  Nie  Fanghong  Gooneratne  Ravi 《Biological trace element research》2019,190(1):95-100

Toxic heavy metal cadmium wildly pollutes the environment and threats the human health. Effective treatment of cadmium-induced toxicity and organ damage is an important issue. Cadmium causes organ damage through inducing oxidative stress. Our previous study also found oleic acid (OA) synthesis-related gene can confer resistance to cadmium and alleviate cadmium-induced stress in yeast. However, its alleviation mechanism on cadmium stress especially in animals is still unclear. In this study, the alleviative effects of OA on cadmium and cadmium-induced oxidative stress in rats were investigated. Oral administration of 10, 20, and 30 mg/kg/day OA can significantly increase the survival rate of rats intraperitoneally injected with 30 mg/kg/day cadmium continuously for 7 days. Similar to ascorbic acid (AA), OA can significantly reduce the cadmium-induced lipid peroxidation in multiple organs of rats. The investigation of OA on superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity showed that OA increased the SOD activity of cadmium-treated rat organs. More important, OA reduced the level of superoxide radical O2− of cadmium-treated rat organs. And OA exhibited a strong DPPH radicals scavenging activity at dose of 10, 20 and 30 mg/mL, which may contributed to alleviating cadmium-induced oxidative stress. This study revealed that OA could significantly alleviate cadmium stress via reducing cadmium-induced lipid peroxidation and SOD activity inhibition through its radicals scavenging activity.

用 5mmol/L PARP抑制剂苯甲酰胺处理经c-Ha-T24-ras活化癌基因转染得到的转化细胞系, 处理4周后发现转化细胞系的某些细胞生物学特性发生了改变,呈现出正常细胞的某些特性。伴随这一现象,检测到细胞中整合的外源T24-ras基因发生了丢失。 Abstract:A transformant line obtained by transfection of NTH3T3 cells with c-Ha-T24-ras gene was treated with 5mmol/L benzamide,an inhibitor of PARP enzyme for 4 weeks.Some changes in cellular properties of the transformant line were observed.Concomitant with these changes was the deletion of the exogenous c-Ha-T24-ras which had been integrated into genomic DNA of recipient cells.  相似文献   
4种白蜡的耐盐性响应特征与综合评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以1年半生绒毛白蜡、美国红梣、美国白梣和中国白蜡实生苗为材料,进行为期28 d 的水培试验,通过测定4 种NaCl 浓度(0、40、80、120 mmol/L)处理下其形态、生长量、膜透性、抗氧化酶系统、叶绿素含量以及光合参数等指标的变化特征,并通过相关分析、主成分分析和隶属函数法对4种白蜡进行了综合耐盐性分析与评价,以明确盐胁迫条件下4种白蜡植物的生理响应特征及其耐盐性差异,为盐碱地绿化树种筛选提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)盐胁迫条件下,4种植物形态特征受到不同程度影响,相对株高生长量都受到抑制;叶片膜透性和丙二醛含量 随盐浓度的增加而增加,而叶绿素含量随盐浓度的增加而减少。(2)不同盐浓度处理下,4个白蜡植物叶片过氧化物酶活性呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,其峰值出现在40或80 mmol·L-1NaCl,超氧化物歧化酶活性变化规律不完全相同; 随着NaCl浓度的增加,4种白蜡树种叶片的平均净光合速率都呈现下降的趋势,但绒毛白蜡升降趋势较平缓,胞间CO2浓度、气孔导度和蒸腾速率变化没有明显的规律性。(3)耐盐性综合评价结果显示,4种白蜡树种的耐盐性大小为绒毛白蜡> 美国白梣> 美国红梣>中国白蜡,这与盐害形态症状表现的结果排序相一致。研究发现,4种白蜡树种在盐胁迫下的生长、生理响应明显不同,耐盐性存在明显差异;绒毛白蜡和美国白梣在盐胁迫下的抗氧化酶活性更强,光合能力和生长受到的影响更小,具有更优异的耐盐能力,可优先作为中国沿海地区盐碱地造林绿化树种或抗逆育种的主要试验材料。  相似文献   
DG-DGGE分析产氢发酵系统微生物群落动态及种群多样性   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
应用双梯度-变性梯度凝胶电泳(DG-DGGE)对生物制氢反应器微生物种群的动态变化及多样性进行监测。间隔7d从反应器取厌氧活性污泥,以细菌16SrDNA通用引物进行V2~V3区域PCR扩增,长约450bp的PCR产物经DGGE分离后,获得污泥微生物群落的16SrDNA指纹图谱。污泥接种到反应器后微生物群落中既有原始种群的消亡和增长,也有次级种群的强化和演变。反应器在运行初期群落演替迅速,15d时微生物群落结构变化最大。群落结构的相似性随着演替时间的增加而逐渐升高,种群动态变化后形成稳定的群落结构。29d时微生物多样性基本保持不变,微生物优势种属达到19个OTU。在细菌竞争和协同作用制约下,种群多样性降低后趋于稳定,形成顶级群落。有些种群在群落结构中一直存在,是群落建成的原始种群,原始种群与次级种群在代谢过程中具有协同作用,表现出群落的综合生态特征。  相似文献   
基于生态系统服务理论的中国绿色经济转型预测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑德凤  臧正  孙才志  李红英 《生态学报》2014,34(23):7137-7147
着眼于中国绿色经济转型之路的科学预测与分析,借鉴传统环境负荷模型以及资源与经济脱钩理论、区位熵理论等,提出基于生态系统服务理论的有关绿色经济指标评价模型。应用该模型计算出2001—2010年全球及中国有关绿色经济指标,依照未来中国经济与社会发展规划目标,预计"十二五"末期中国经济发展中的资源消耗及环境损失成本、人均绿色GDP将分别达到3.11×1012美元、0.37×104美元,生态负荷强度、资源脱钩指数及绿色GDP的区位熵指数分别为0.38、0.66、75;2020年中国绿色GDP的区位熵指数将超越全球平均水平、2024年人均GDP将突破1万美元关口步入中等发达国家行列。计算结果表明中国生态系统压力逐年降低、资源利用效率、环境绩效与经济效益同步提高,逐渐在全球经济绿色转型过程中发挥重要作用;未来,中国仍需秉承"共同但有区别的责任"原则,处理好与其他国家的权责纷争;同时积极推进节能减排、经济结构调整工作,进一步协调好城乡之间、区域之间经济社会发展与自然资源及生态环境的关系。  相似文献   
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