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Disruption of the aflatoxin biosynthesis cluster gene aflY (hypA) gave Aspergillus parasiticus transformants that accumulated versicolorin A. This gene is predicted to encode the Baeyer-Villiger oxidase necessary for formation of the xanthone ring of the aflatoxin precursor demethylsterigmatocystin.  相似文献   
Human DNA polymerase iota (hPoliota), a member of the Y family of DNA polymerases, differs in remarkable ways from other DNA polymerases, incorporating correct nucleotides opposite template purines with a much higher efficiency and fidelity than opposite template pyrimidines. We present here the crystal structure of hPoliota bound to template G and incoming dCTP, which reveals a G.C + Hoogsteen base pair in a DNA polymerase active site. We show that the hPoliota active site has evolved to favor Hoogsteen base pairing, wherein the template sugar is fixed in a cavity that reduces the C1'-C1' distance across the nascent base pair from approximately 10.5 A in other DNA polymerases to 8.6 A in hPoliota. The rotation of G from anti to syn is then largely in response to this curtailed C1'-C1' distance. A G.C+ Hoogsteen base pair suggests a specific mechanism for hPoliota's ability to bypass N(2)-adducted guanines that obstruct replication.  相似文献   
Formation of filaments by the Ure2 protein constitutes the molecular mechanism of the [URE3] prion in yeast. According to the "amyloid backbone" model, the N-terminal asparagine-rich domains of Ure2p polymerize to form an amyloid core fibril that is surrounded by C-terminal domains in their native conformation. Protease resistance and Congo Red binding as well as beta-sheet content detected by spectroscopy-all markers for amyloid-have supported this model, as has the close resemblance between 40 A N-domain fibrils and the fibrillar core of intact Ure2p filaments visualized by cryo-electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy. Here, we present electron diffraction and X-ray diffraction data from filaments of Ure2p, of N-domains alone, of fragments thereof, and of an N-domain-containing fusion protein that demonstrate in each case the 4.7A reflection that is typical for cross-beta structure and highly indicative of amyloid. This reflection was observed for specimens prepared by air-drying with and without sucrose embedding. To confirm that the corresponding structure is not an artifact of air-drying, the reflection was also demonstrated for specimens preserved in vitreous ice. Local area electron diffraction and X-ray diffraction from partially aligned specimens showed that the 4.7A reflection is meridional and therefore the underlying structure is cross-beta.  相似文献   
DevR-DevS (Rv3133c-Rv3132c) and DevR-Rv2027c have been established through their autophosphorylation and phospho-transfer properties to constitute bonafide regulatory 2-component systems of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. DevR has also been shown by others to play a key regulatory role in the expression of M. tuberculosis genes comprising the dormancy regulon. The authors describe high-throughput phosphorylation assays in a microplate format using DevS and Rv2027c histidine kinases and DevR response regulator proteins from M. tuberculosis. The assays were designed to measure [gamma-(32)P]ATP-dependent autophosphorylation of DevS/Rv2027c and also the phosphotransfer reaction to DevR. First, the optimal reaction conditions were established using the conventional method of radiolabeling the 2-component proteins by [gamma-(32)P]ATP and followed by gel electrophoresis-based analysis. Next, the assays were converted to a high-throughput format in which the radiolabeled protein retained on a filter using mixed cellulose ester-based 96-well filter plates was analyzed for radioactivity retention by scintillation counting. The utility of these assays to screen for inhibitors is illustrated using 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, ethidium bromide, and EDTA. The high quality and flexibility of these assays will enable their use in high-throughput screening for new antitubercular compounds directed against 2-component systems that comprise a novel target in dormant mycobacteria.  相似文献   
Expansion to a total of 11-17 sequential alanine residues from the normal number of 10 in the polyadenine-binding protein nuclear-1 (PABPN1) results in formation of intranuclear, fibrillar inclusions in skeletal muscle and hypothalamic neurons in adult-onset, dominantly inherited oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD). To understand the role that homopolymeric length may play in the protein misfolding that leads to the inclusions, we analyzed the self-assembly of synthetic poly-(L-alanine) peptides having 3-20 residues. We found that the conformational transition and structure of polyalanine (polyAla) assemblies in solution are not only length-dependent but also are determined by concentration, temperature, and incubation time. No beta-sheet complex was detected for those peptides characterized by n < 8, where n is number of alanine residues. A second group of peptides with 7 < n < 15 showed varying levels of complex formation, while for those peptides having n > 15, the interconversion process from the monomeric to the beta-sheet complex was complete under any of the tested experimental conditions. Unlike the typical tinctorial properties of amyloid fibrils, polyalanine fibrils did not show fluorescence with thioflavin T or apple-green birefringence with Congo red; however, like amyloid, X-ray diffraction showed that the peptide chains in these fibrils were oriented normal to the fibril axis (i.e., in the cross-beta arrangement). Neighboring beta-sheets are quarter-staggered in the hydrogen-bonding direction such that the alanine side-chains were closely packed in the intersheet space. Strong van der Waals contacts between side-chains in this arrangement likely account for the high stability of the macromolecular fibrillar complex in solution over a wide range of temperature (5-85 degrees C), and pH (2-10.5), and its resistance to denaturant (< 8 M urea) and to proteases (protease K, trypsin). We postulate that a similar stabilization of an expanded polyalanine stretch could form a core beta-sheet structure that mediates the intermolecular association of mutant proteins into fibrillar inclusions in human pathologies.  相似文献   
Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is the most common developmental field defect in patterning of the human prosencephalon and associated craniofacial structures. The genetics is complex, with 12 loci defined on 11 chromosomes. We defined a locus for HPE (HPE8) on human chromosome 14q13 between markers D14S49 and AFM205XG5, by mapping deletion intervals of affected subjects with proximal chromosome 14q interstitial cytogenetic deletions. A 35-BAC contig was built by chromosome walking. By annotation of the 2.82-Mb minimal critical region, we identified 28 possible genes. Seven genes were expressed in human fetal brain: NPAS3, SNX6, C14ORF11, C14ORF10, PAX9, NKX2.1, and C14ORF19, the last an apparent gene fragment. Molecular embryology, animal modeling, and human mutation studies were reported elsewhere for PAX9 and NKX2.1. We focused on three genes, SNX6, NPAS3, and C14ORF11, as potential candidates for HPE. Genomic structure, human expression patterns, protein cellular localization, and embryonic expression patterns of orthologous murine genes were determined, showing that the three genes have properties similar to those of known HPE genes.  相似文献   
We investigated the coregulator (coactivator and corepressor) interactions with the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) that lead to activation and inhibition of the receptor in the presence of agonist and/or antagonist. Our results indicate that MR ligand binding domain (LBD) interacts strongly with only a few specific coactivator peptides in the presence of the agonist aldosterone and that these interactions are blocked by the antagonist eplerenone. We also discovered that cortisol, the preferred physiological ligand for the glucocorticoid receptor in humans, is a partial MR agonist/antagonist, providing a possible molecular explanation of the tissue-selective effects of glucocorticoids on MR. However, when we examined the coactivator and corepressor peptide interactions in the presence of cortisol, we found that MR bound with cortisol or aldosterone interacted with the same set of peptides. Thus, the partial agonism shown by cortisol is unlikely to be the result of differential interaction with known coactivators and corepressors. On the other hand, we have identified coactivator binding groove mutations that are critical for cortisol activation but not for aldosterone activation, suggesting that the two steroids induce different MR LBD conformations. In addition, we also show that cortisol becomes full agonist when S810L mutation is introduced in the LBD of MR. Interestingly, MR antagonists, such as eplerenone and progesterone, become partial agonist/antagonist of S810L but are still able to recruit LXXLL peptides to the mutant receptor. Together, these findings suggest a model to explain the MR activation by various ligands.  相似文献   
Using quantitative light microscopy and a modified immunoelectron microscopic technique, we have characterized the entry pathway of the cholera toxin binding subunit (CTB) in primary embryonic fibroblasts. CTB trafficking to the Golgi complex was identical in caveolin-1null (Cav1-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and wild-type (WT) MEFs. CTB entry in the Cav1-/- MEFs was predominantly clathrin and dynamin independent but relatively cholesterol dependent. Immunoelectron microscopy was used to quantify budded and surface-connected caveolae and to identify noncaveolar endocytic vehicles. In WT MEFs, a small fraction of the total Cav1-positive structures were shown to bud from the plasma membrane (2% per minute), and budding increased upon okadaic acid or lactosyl ceramide treatment. However, the major carriers involved in initial entry of CTB were identified as uncoated tubular or ring-shaped structures. These carriers contained GPI-anchored proteins and fluid phase markers and represented the major vehicles mediating CTB uptake in both WT and caveolae-null cells.  相似文献   
Proteins containing the DHHC motif have been shown to function as palmitoyl transferases. The palmitoylation of proteins has been shown to play an important role in the trafficking of proteins to the proper subcellular location. Herein, we describe a protein containing both ankyrin domains and a DHHC domain that is present in the Golgi of late schizonts of P. falciparum. The timing of expression as well as the location of this protein suggests that it may play an important role in the sorting of proteins to the apical organelles during the development of the asexual stage of the parasite.  相似文献   
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