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Human activities have strongly impacted natural communities through the introduction of non-native species in historical times. A frequently cited marine example is Littorina littorea , a common intertidal gastropod that was first reported in North America in 1840. The seemingly sudden appearance and rapid geographical spread of this species southward from Nova Scotia has led many researchers to consider L. littorea a human-mediated species introduction. This is despite allozyme and subfossil evidence that the `European periwinkle' was in North America long before 1840. Our mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data confirm that L. littorea has been in continuous residence in North America for at least 8000 years. It appears most likely that ecological interactions, rather than oceanographic or climatic forces, maintained the limited geographical distribution of L. littorea prior to the 19th century.  相似文献   
Mouse strains expressing the site-specific Cre recombinase facilitate conditional ablation or activation of genomic sequences when one or several exons of a gene of interest are flanked by loxP sites. Recently, several strains targeting Cre expression to adipocytes have been developed using promoter sequences from the aP2 (Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, FABP4) gene for adipose tissue-specific gene expression studies. aP2/FABP4 is predominantly expressed in adipose tissue, and while this promoter provides adipocyte-restricted expression postnatally, its expression throughout embryonic development had not been previously characterized. In this report, we demonstrate that the aP2-Cre transgene is expressed and consistently localized within the embryo from mid-gestation stage 9.5 dpc. By 15.5 dpc, β-gal activity was detected primarily in the brown adipose tissue, trigeminal ganglia, dorsal root ganglia, cartilage primordia and vertebrae. Immunofluorescence staining for Cre recombinase and FABP4 protein showed a corresponding staining pattern similar to that of β-gal, confirming that Cre recombinase was produced in the transgenic line at late stages of development, and overlapped with endogenous aP2/FABP4 production. Further, fat-specific oil red O staining of tissue sections validated the presence of lipids in the stained tissues indicating that adipocytes and/or adipocyte-like cells were indeed present in these tissues. This is the first report to our knowledge to describe and confirm aP2/FABP4 promoter expression in this transgenic line during development in the mouse embryo and indicates that aP2/FABP4 expression occurs not only in mature adipocytes, but has a wider embryonic expression pattern than previously appreciated.Lucy Liaw and Deena Small contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
H5N1 influenza viruses pose a pandemic threat but have not acquired the ability to support sustained transmission between mammals in nature. The restrictions to transmissibility of avian influenza viruses in mammals are multigenic, and overcoming them requires adaptations in hemagglutinin (HA) and PB2 genes. Here we propose that a further restriction to mammalian transmission of the majority of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses may be the short stalk length of the neuraminidase (NA) protein. This genetic feature is selected for when influenza viruses adapt to chickens. In our study, a recombinant virus with seven gene segments from a human isolate of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic combined with the NA gene from a typical chicken-adapted H5N1 virus with a short stalk did not support transmission by respiratory droplet between ferrets. This virus was also compromised in multicycle replication in cultures of human airway epithelial cells at 32°C. These defects correlated with a reduction in the ability of virus with a short-stalk NA to penetrate mucus and deaggregate virions. The deficiency in transmission and in cleavage of tethered substrates was overcome by increasing the stalk length of the NA protein. These observations suggest that H5N1 viruses that acquire a long-stalk NA through reassortment might be more likely to support transmission between humans. Phylogenetic analysis showed that reassortment with long-stalk NA occurred sporadically and as recently as 2011. However, all identified H5N1 viruses with a long-stalk NA lacked other mammalian adapting features and were thus several genetic steps away from becoming transmissible between humans.  相似文献   
Over 5000 transgenic families of Arabidopsis thaliana produced following seed transformation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens were screened for embryonic lethals, defectives, and pattern mutants. One hundred and seventy-eight mutants with a wide range of developmental abnormalities were identified. Forty-one mutants appear from genetic studies to be tagged (36% of the 115 mutants examined in detail). Mapping with visible markers demonstrated that mutant genes were randomly distributed throughout the genome. Seven mutant families appeared to contain chromosomal translocations because the mutant genes exhibited linkage to visible markers on two different chromosomes. Chromosomal rearrangements may therefore be widespread following seed transformation. DNA gel blot hybridizations with 34 tagged mutants and three T-DNA probes revealed a wide range of insertion patterns. Models of T-DNA structure at each mutant locus were constructed to facilitate gene isolation. The value of such models was demonstrated by using plasmid rescue to clone flanking plant DNA from four tagged mutants. Further analysis of genes isolated from these insertional mutants should help to elucidate the relationship between gene function and plant embryogenesis.  相似文献   
Over 5000 transgenic families of Arabidopsis thaliana produced following seed transformation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens were screened for embryonic lethals, defectives, and pattern mutants. One hundred and seventy-eight mutants with a wide range of developmental abnormalities were identified. Forty-one mutants appear from genetic studies to be tagged (36% of the 115 mutants examined in detail). Mapping with visible markers demonstrated that mutant genes were randomly distributed throughout the genome. Seven mutant families appeared to contain chromosomal translocations because the mutant genes exhibited linkage to visible markers on two different chromosomes. Chromosomal rearrangements may therefore be widespread following seed transformation. DNA gel blot hybridizations with 34 tagged mutants and three T-DNA probes revealed a wide range of insertion patterns. Models of T-DNA structure at each mutant locus were constructed to facilitate gene isolation. The value of such models was demonstrated by using plasmid rescue to clone flanking plant DNA from four tagged mutants. Further analysis of genes isolated from these insertional mutants should help to elucidate the relationship between gene function and plant embryogenesis.  相似文献   
Bottle gourd /Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standley] is an edible, medicinal, and otherwise utilitarian domesticated cucurbit with an ancient pantropical distribution. This African native reached Asia and the Americas 9000 years ago, probably as a wild species whose fruits had floated across the seas. Independent domestications from wild populations are believed to have occurred in both the Old and New Worlds. However, few wild populations of L. siceraria have been found during recorded history and none has been verified or studied in detail. In 1992, Mary Wilkins-Ellert discovered an unusual free-living plant of Lagenaria in a remote region of southeastern Zimbabwe. Her morphological observations during several plantings of the collected seed, as well as results from two genetic analyses (random amplified polymorphic DNA and chloroplast sequencing), indicate that the Zimbabwe collection is part of a genetically distinct and wild lineage ofL. siceraria.  相似文献   
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a common model organism for biological discovery. It has become popularized primarily because it is biochemically and genetically amenable for many fundamental studies on eukaryotic cells. These features, as well as the development of a number of procedures and reagents for isolating protein complexes, and for following macromolecules in vivo, have also fueled studies on nucleo-cytoplasmic transport in yeast. One limitation of using yeast to study transport has been the absence of a reconstituted in vitro system that yields quantitative data. However, advances in microscopy and data analysis have recently enabled quantitative nuclear import studies, which, when coupled with the significant advantages of yeast, promise to yield new fundamental insights into the mechanisms of nucleo-cytoplasmic transport.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of a range of pharmaceutical drugs with ion channel-blocking activity on the heart of gestation day 13 rat embryos in vitro. The general hypothesis was that the blockade of the I(Kr)/hERG channel, that is highly important for the normal functioning of the embryonic rat heart, would cause bradycardia and arrhythmia. Concomitant blockade of other channels was expected to modify the effects of hERG blockade. Fourteen drugs with varying degrees of specificity and affinity toward potassium, sodium, and calcium channels were tested over a range of concentrations. The rat embryos were maintained for 2 hr in culture, 1 hr to acclimatize, and 1 hr to test the effect of the drug. All the drugs caused a concentration-dependent bradycardia except nifedipine, which primarily caused a negative inotropic effect eventually stopping the heart. A number of drugs induced arrhythmias and these appeared to be related to either sodium channel blockade, which resulted in a double atrial beat for each ventricular beat, or I(Kr)/hERG blockade, which caused irregular atrial and ventricular beats. However, it is difficult to make a precise prediction of the effect of a drug on the embryonic heart just by looking at the polypharmacological action on ion channels. The results indicate that the use of the tested drugs during pregnancy could potentially damage the embryo by causing periods of hypoxia. In general, the effects on the embryonic heart were only seen at concentrations greater than those likely to occur with normal therapeutic dosing.  相似文献   
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