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The effects of long term exposure to suboptimal growth temperature on the photosynthetic apparatus of Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were investigated using carbon fixation rate versus irradiance curves and the variable fluorescence induction method. Carbon fixation rates per unite chlorophyll a at saturating (pBm) and subsaturating (αB) irradiances were 55% and 39% lower, respectively, at 12° C than at 20° C. Chlorophyll a quotas and the spectrally averaged in vivo absorption cross section normalized to chlorophyll a (a*) were not significantly different at these two temperatures. Analysis of the fluorescence kinetics revealed 1) no significant variations of the amount of PSII photoactive reaction centers per unit chlorophyll a, 2) a 14% decrease of the PSII quantum yield(+) and 3) a 29% decrease of the energy transfer efficiency between the light harvesting chlorophyll a pigment bed and the PSII reaction centers. The decrease in energy transfer efficiency between the antennae and the PSII reaction centers at 12° C was interpreted as a mechanism to avoid photoinhibition.  相似文献   
Baumgartner, N. and Fondeville, J. C. 1989. Photocontrol of the hypocotyl hook opening of Sinapis alba seedlings. Involvement of phytochrome and a high irradiance response.
A statistical evaluation of the hypocotyl hook opening (hook opening index) was used for measurement of the hook angle in lots of etiolated Sinapis alba L. cv. Albatros seedlings. Studies of the kinetics for hook opening were carried out in continuous fluorescent white, blue and red light (6, 15 and 40 μmol m-2s-1) with 2-day-old dark-grown seedlings. At the beginning of the irradiation period the photoresponse in red light was the opposite to that in blue (low photon fluences). Blue rapidly induced the hook opening (in less than 20 min), while red produced hook tightening (photon fluences up to 70 mmol m-2), which precedes the normal progressive hook opening. For low fluences, the data were consistent with the involvement of phytochrome and a specific blue light photoreceptor. A phytochrome effect was observed in the hook opening, dependent upon a high irradiance response (HIR). This HIR (like that for the inhibition of the hypocotyl elongation) was characterized by a wavelength response curve with maxima in the blue and far-red regions of the spectrum.  相似文献   
It has been speculated that NG-hydroxy-l-arginine (OH-l-Arg), which is an intermediate in NO production from l-arginine, may be converted to NO by superoxide ion. However, there is still no direct evidence for this conversion. In the present study this was investigated using superoxide ion generated either in acellular or cellular systems. It was found that OH-l-Arg and hydroxylamine were converted to nitrite and nitrate apparently via NO by superoxide ion in aqueous solution. Arginine remained unaffected. These changes were observed during reaction of chemical substances as well as in a biological system (zymosan-activated macrophages in culture). Superoxide dismutase prevented this transformation. OH-l-Arg was also spontaneously hydrolysed to hydroxylamine and l-citrulline, however this occurred at pH > 9 only. Activated microsomes (containing different isoforms of cytochrome P450) were unable to replace NO-synthase in its ability to produce OH-l-Arg from l-arginine. These data support the hypothesis that a pathway alternative to the well-known synthesis of NO by NO-synthase via OH-l-Arg exists. This pathway may involve the production of OH-l-Arg by NO-synthase and decomposition of OH-l-Arg to NO by the action of superoxide ion. Alternatively, hydrolysis of OH-l-Arg to hydroxylamine may occur followed by its oxidation to NO, again by superoxide ion.  相似文献   
A 36-kDa 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) N-malonyltransferase, which converts the ethylene precursor ACC into the conjugated derivative malonyl-ACC (MACC), has been isolated from etiolated mung bean ( Vigna radiata ) hypocotyls, and partially purified in a four-step procedure. The enzyme is stimulated about 7-fold by 100 m M K+ salts or 0.5 m M Co2+ salts, and is inhibited competitively by D-phenylalanine (Ki= 1.3 m M ) and non competitively by CoASH (0.3 m M ). Beside malonyl-CoA, it is capable to use succinyl-CoA as an acyl donor. The 36-kDa enzyme described here exhibits a lower optimum temperature (40°C) and a 7- or 3-fold lower apparent Km for ACC (68 μ M ) and malonyl-CoA (74 μ M ), respectively, when compared with its 55 kDa isoform already isolated from the same plant material. This data support the idea that several isoforms of ACC N-malonyltransferase exist in plants. These isoforms may play a differential role in regulating the availability of ACC, and consequently the rate of ethylene production, as well as detoxifying cells from D-amino acids.  相似文献   
Elicitins are 10 kDa holoproteins secreted by Phytophthora fungi, that elicit an incompatible hypersensitive reaction, leading to resistance against fungal and bacterial plant pathogens. Comparison of primary sequences of -elicitins and -elicitins indicated several potential necrotic activity-determining residues. All of the highly necrotic -elicitins have a hydrophilic residue (usually lysine) at position 13, whereas in the less necrotic -elicitins this residue is replaced by a valine. Here, we report the synthesis and expression of a gene encoding a highly necrotic elicitin, -cryptogein, and we show that the substitution of Lys-13 of this recombinant protein by a valine leads to a drastic alteration to the necrotic activity of the recombinant protein.  相似文献   
This paper aims at providing a better knowledge of factors determining body size (especially the importance of heredity) in Helix aspersa Müller.
A preliminary investigation of snails from Maghreb allowed us to show the importance of heredity in the variability of body size and to produce an efficient design for a subsequent reliable estimation of heritabilities. All traits measured (diameter, height and weight) were highly correlated and weight appeared to be the most convenient measure of size.
The second experiment provided 4150 snails born from known individuals among 500 wild snails. Pedigrees were recorded. Weight and diameter revealed high heritabilities (>0.4), which is relevant for commercial selection since variability of both traits was important. The design also revealed a significant non-genetic maternal effect and also that offspring from pairs where only one animal laid were bigger than offspring from pairs where both animals laid. This surprising observation has to be confirmed and its mechanisms studied.  相似文献   
We have compared the in vitro and in vivo behaviors of a set of isogenic E1- and E1/E4-defective adenoviruses expressing the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli from the Rous sarcoma virus long terminal repeat. Infection of tumor-derived established cell lines of human origin with the doubly defective adenoviruses resulted in (i) a lower replication of the viral backbone that correlated with reduced levels of E2A-specific RNA and protein, (ii) a significant shutoff of late gene and protein expression, and (iii) no apparent virus-induced cytotoxicity. Independently of the extent of the deletion, the additional inactivation of E4 from the viral backbone therefore drastically disabled the virus in vitro, with no apparent effect on transgene expression. A lacZ-transgenic model was used to compare the different recombinant adenoviruses in the livers of C57BL/6 mice. The immune response to the virally encoded beta-galactosidase was minimal in this model, as infusion of the E1-defective adenovirus resulted in a time course of transgene expression that mimicked that in immunodeficient (nu/nu) mice, with very little inflammation and necrosis in the liver. Administration of a doubly defective adenovirus to the transgenic animals led to long-term extrachromosomal persistence of viral DNA in the liver, with no detectable methylation of CpG dinucleotides. However, transient transgene expression was observed independently of the extent of the E4 deletion, suggesting that the choice of the promoter may be critical to maintain transgene expression from these attenuated adenovirus vectors.  相似文献   
Coirault, Catherine, Denis Chemla, Jean-Claude Pourny,Francine Lambert, and Yves Lecarpentier. Instantaneousforce-velocity-length relationship in diaphragmatic sarcomere.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 404-412, 1997.The simultaneous analysis of muscle force, length, velocity, andtime has been shown to precisely characterize the mechanicalperformance of isolated striated muscle. We tested the hypothesis thatthe three-dimensional force-velocity-length relationship reflectsmechanical properties of sarcomeres. In hamster diaphragm strips,instantaneous sarcomere length (SL) and muscle length were simultaneously measured during afterloaded twitches. SL was measured by means of laser diffraction. Wealso studied the influence of initialSL, abrupt changes in total load, and2 × 107 M dantrolene.Baseline resting SL at the apex of thelength-active tension curve was 2.2 ± 0.1 µm, whereasSL at peak shortening was 1.6 ± 0.1 µm in the preloaded twitch and 2.1 ± 0.1 µm in the "isometric" twitch. Over the whole load continuum and at anygiven level of isotonic load, there was a unique relationship between instantaneous sarcomere velocity and instantaneousSL. Part of this relationship was timeindependent and initial SL independent and was markedly downshifted after dantrolene. When five different muscle regions were considered, there were no significant variations ofSL and sarcomere kinetics along themuscle. These results indicate that the time- and initiallength-independent part of the instantaneous force-velocity-lengthrelationship previously described in muscle strips reflects intrinsicsarcomere mechanical properties.

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