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Alchornea triplinervia (Spreng.) Müll. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) is a tree which occurs in a broad range of habitats in Brazil. In the State of Rio de Janeiro, it occurs from montane forests to swamplands at sea level. A quantitative approach was used to examine the role of light and soil water regime on the variations found in anatomical traits of the palisade and spongy parenchyma, outer epidermal cell wall of the abaxial and adaxial surfaces, the percentage of sclerenchymatous area in relation to the total midrib area and the ratio of palisade to spongy parenchyma for five distinct ecological populations: M—late secondary montane forest (shaded, unflooded); M2—early secondary montane forest (semi-exposed, unflooded); SI—primary swamp forest (semi-exposed, flooded); S2—secondary swamp forest (exposed, flooded); and D—deforestation area (exposed, unflooded). Tukey tests were carried out for multiple comparisons, while one-way factor variance analysis was used to test for differences among ecological populations. A principal component analysis was used to order the populations as well as to find the higher variance component. These populations developed different response levels to the environmental factors studied, namely light and soil water regime. Light accounted for the variations found in palisade and spongy parenchyma while the combination of light and soil water determined the variations found regarding the outer epidermal cell wall of the abaxial surface, the percentage of sclerenchymatous area in relation to the total midrib area and the compaction of the spongy parenchyma. The separation of S1/M2 and S2/D populations into two groups was due to similar light regimes, which suggested that light was affecting the leaf anatomical variation of A. triplinervia more than the interaction of light and soil water regime.  相似文献   
1. Salinity is a strong selective force for many aquatic organisms, affecting both ecological and evolutionary processes. Most of our knowledge on the effects of salinity on rotifers in the Brachionus plicatilis species complex is based mainly on populations from waterbodies that experience broad environmental changes both seasonally and annually. We tested the hypothesis that, despite the supposedly high potential for gene flow among rotifers inhabiting neighbouring environments, constant salinity has promoted local adaptation, genetic population divergence and even cryptic speciation in B. plicatilis complex populations from three deep maar lakes of distinct salinities [1.1, 6.5 and 9.0 g L?1 total dissolved solids (TDS)] in Central Mexico. 2. To look for local adaptation, we performed common garden experiments to test the effect of different salinities on population density and intrinsic growth rate (r). Then, we evaluated the genetic divergence by sequencing the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and performed reproductive trials to assess the potential gene flow among the three populations and with other closely related B. plicatilis complex species. 3. We confirmed that the rotifer populations have phenotypic plasticity in tolerance of salinity, but only rotifers from the least saline lake are adapted to low salinity. Among the populations, sequence divergence at COI was very low (just a single haplotype was found), suggesting a persistent founder effect from a relatively recent single colonisation event and a subsequent dispersal from one lake to the others, and a very restricted immigration rate. In the phylogenetic analysis, rotifers from this area of Mexico clustered in the same clade with the middle‐sized species Brachionus ibericus and B. sp. ‘Almenara’. Mexican rotifers showed successful recognition, copulation and formation of hybrids among them, but interpopulation breeding with the Spanish B. ibericus and B. sp. ‘Almenara’ was unsuccessful. 4. We conclude that the B. plicatilis complex populations from these three lakes belong to a new biological species not yet described (presently named B. sp. ‘Mexico’). To our knowledge, this is the first report of local adaptation of a natural B. plicatilis complex population living in freshwater conditions (1.1 g L?1 TDS).  相似文献   


Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a vaccine-preventable respiratory disease caused by Bordetella pertussis infection, against which Senegalese children are immunized with the diphtheria-tetanus-whole cell pertussis vaccine (DTwP). Seroepidemiology of pertussis has been widely described in industrialized countries, but rare are the studies referring to it in developing countries.


We conducted a longitudinal survey in Northern Senegal to investigate the epidemiology of B. pertussis by evaluating the IgG antibody (Ab) response against pertussis toxin (PT). A cohort of 410 children aged 1 to 9 from five villages in the Middle Senegal River Valley were followed-up for 18 months. During that period, five visits were made to assess the immunological status of the children.

Principal Findings

PT-specific IgG responses were significantly different according to age. Until the age of 3, there was a decrease in the Ab response, which then increased in the older groups. Assessment of IgG antibodies to PT (IgG-PT) suggested evidence of recent exposures to the pathogen. Surprisingly, in one of the five villages the average Ab response to PT was very low at all ages during the first 6 months of the study. At the third visit, IgG-PT concentrations peaked to very high levels, to slightly decline at the end of the survey. This indicates an outbreak of B. pertussis, whereas in the other villages a pertussis endemic profile could be observed.


Pertussis is endemic in Northern Senegal despite the introduction of vaccination. The circulation of the bacteria seems to differ between geographic locations and over time. A more complete understanding of the epidemiology of pertussis and its environmental determinants could provide information to adapt vaccination programs.  相似文献   
A major challenge in controlling overabundant wildlife is monitoring their populations, particularly as they decline to very low density. Camera traps and wildlife detector dogs are increasingly being used for this purpose. We compared the cost-effectiveness of these two approaches for detecting feral cats (Felis catus) on two pastoral properties in Hawke's Bay, North Island, New Zealand. One property was subject to intensive pest removal, while the other had no recent history of pest control. Camera traps and wildlife detector dogs detected cats at similar rates at both sites. The operating costs of each method were also comparable. We identify a number of advantages and disadvantages of each technique, and suggest priorities for further research.  相似文献   
Higher plant plasma membranes carry receptors of different affinity for the phytotoxin fusicoccin. Reception of fusicoccin involves proteins belonging to the highly conserved 14-3-3 family, but the complete structure of the fusicoccin receptor (FCR) is unknown. Using radiation inactivation analysis, we estimated the molecular masses of low-affinity and high-affinity FCR at 63 +/- 7 and 130 +/- 15 kD, respectively. The dose dependences of receptor inactivation indicate that microsomal specimens contain "silent" FCRs of 420 +/- 90 kD in amounts commensurate with that of the active FCRs. Both low- and high-affinity FCRs are inactivated by hydrolytic enzymes from the outer surface of the plasma membrane, and impairment of protoplast integrity causes an irreversible transition of the low-affinity binding site into the high-affinity one. A scheme is proposed for the organization of different types of FCR in the plasma membrane, implying that the membrane affinity for fusicoccin reflects the interaction between proteins in the FCR complex.  相似文献   
Cadmium toxicity in Nostoc UAM208: protection by calcium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


The regenerative and immunomodulatory properties of human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) have raised great hope for their use in cell therapy. However, when intravenously infused, hMSCs fail to reach sites of tissue injury. Fucose addition in α(1,3)-linkage to terminal sialyllactosamines on CD44 creates the molecule known as hematopoietic cell E-/L-selectin ligand (HCELL), programming hMSC binding to E-selectin that is expressed on microvascular endothelial cells of bone marrow (BM), skin and at all sites of inflammation. Here we describe how this modification on BM-derived hMSCs (BM-hMSCs) can be adapted to good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards.


BM-hMSCs were expanded using xenogenic-free media and exofucosylated using α(1,3)-fucosyltransferases VI (FTVI) or VII (FTVII). Enforced fucosylation converted CD44 into HCELL, and HCELL formation was assessed using Western blot, flow cytometry and cell-binding assays. Untreated (unfucosylated), buffer-treated and exofucosylated BM-hMSCs were each analyzed for cell viability, immunophenotype and differentiation potential, and E-selectin binding stability was assessed at room temperature, at 4°C, and after cryopreservation. Cell product safety was evaluated using microbiological testing, karyotype analysis, and c-Myc messenger RNA (mRNA) expression, and potential effects on genetic reprogramming and in cell signaling were analyzed using gene expression microarrays and receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) phosphorylation arrays.


Our protocol efficiently generates HCELL on clinical-scale batches of BM-hMSCs. Exofucosylation yields stable HCELL expression for 48 h at 4°C, with retained expression after cell cryopreservation. Cell viability and identity are unaffected by exofucosylation, without changes in gene expression or RTK phosphorylation.


The described exofucosylation protocol using xenogenic-free reagents enforces HCELL expression on hMSCs endowing potent E-selectin binding without affecting cell viability or native phenotype. This described protocol is readily scalable for GMP-compliant clinical production.  相似文献   
Laser used to stimulate acupoints is called laser acupuncture (LA). It is generally believed that similar clinical responses to manual acupuncture can be achieved. Here we analysed the effects of the laser (904 nm) at the ‘Zusanli’ acupoint (ST.36) of the stomach meridian on the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical Na99mTcO4. Wistar rats were divided into control (CG) and experimental groups (EG). The EG were exposed daily to the laser (904 nm) at ST.36 with 1 joule/min (40 mW/cm2) for 1 min. The animals of the CG were not exposed to laser at all. On the 8th day after LA, the animals were sedated and Na99mTcO4 was administered. After 10 min, the animals were all sacrificed and the organs removed. The radioactivity was counted in each organ to calculate the percentage of radioactivity of the injected dose per gram (%ATI/g). Comparison of the %ATI/g in EG and CG was performed by Mann-Whitney test. The %ATI/g was significantly increased in the thyroid due to the stimulation of the ST.36 by laser. It is possible to conclude that the stimulation of ST.36 does lead to biological phenomena that interfere with the metabolism of the thyroid.  相似文献   
Hominins are smaller, slower, and weaker than most large mammals, yet they have been eating meat from freshly killed large mammals since before the invention of sophisticated weaponry. It is thought that they could have achieved this seemingly impossible feat through persistence hunting, a practice powered by endurance running. Essentially, one or more hunters pursue a prey animal in the heat of the day until it reaches the point of hyperthermia. This allows a hunter to safely kill the weakened animal at close range using methods such as beating, strangling, or spearing. The energy balance of this approach to getting food is controversial and has not been calculated previously. We examined the energy costs and gains of persistence hunting through several energy returned on investment (EROI) calculations based on synthesizing available field and laboratory data on the energy used by the hunters and the energy returned from the greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros). We estimate that the EROI of these hunter-gatherers hunting a kudu ranged from 26:1 to 69:1. The net energy gained from such an effort would sustain an average sized !Kung family for 6.7 to 11.2 days. The “profit” energy within these ranges would have supported the early human societies that practiced persistence hunting, contributing to the often-noted “leisure” characterizing many foraging societies (Sahlins 1974).  相似文献   
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