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Intrarectal inoculation of rhesus monkeys with low doses of SIVmac led to a prolonged clinical and virological latency that was not observed for high intrarectal doses or for intravenous inoculation. Animals infected intrarectally with low virus doses remained negative for serum antibody responses to SIV for at least one year even though they readily transferred SIV to naive recipients via transfusion of whole blood.  相似文献   
The activity of -carboline-2-N-methyltransferase results in the formation of neurotoxic N-methylated -carbolinium compounds. We have hypothesized that these N-methylated -carbolinium cations may contribute to the development of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. This report describes experiments undertaken to optimize assay conditions for bovine brain -carboline-2-N-methyltransferase activity. The activity of -carboline-2-N-methyltransferase is primarily localized in the cytosol, has a pH optimum of 8.5–9, and obeys Michaelis-Menten kinetics with respect to its substrates, 9-methylnorharman (9-MeNH) and S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM). Kinetic constants, KM and Vmax, with respect to 9-MeNH, are 75 M and 48 pmol/h/mg protein, respectively. The KM for SAM is 81 M and the Vmax is 53 pmol/h/mg protein. In addition, enzyme activity is inhibited by S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (SAH) or zinc, and is increased 2-fold in the presence of iron or manganese. Enzyme characterization is a prerequisite to the purification of this N-methyltransferase from bovine brain as well as comparison of its activity in human brain from control and Parkinson's disease individuals.  相似文献   
With the recent introduction of neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors into clinical practice for the treatment of influenza virus infections, considerable attention has been focused on the potential for resistance development and cross-resistance between different agents from this class. A-315675 is a novel influenza virus NA inhibitor that has potent enzyme activity and is highly active in cell culture against a variety of strains of influenza A and B viruses. To further assess the therapeutic potential of this compound, in vitro resistance studies have been conducted and a comparative assessment has been made relative to oseltamivir carboxylate. The development of viral resistance to A-315675 was studied by in vitro serial passage of influenza A/N9 virus strains grown in MDCK cells in the presence of increasing concentrations of A-315675. Parallel passaging experiments were conducted with oseltamivir carboxylate, the active form of a currently marketed oral agent for the treatment of influenza virus infections. Passage experiments with A-315675 identified a variant at passage 8 that was 60-fold less susceptible to the compound. Sequencing of the viral population identified an E119D mutation in the NA gene, but no mutations were observed in the hemagglutinin (HA) gene. However, by passage 10 (2.56 microM A-315675), two mutations (R233K, S339P) in the HA gene appeared in addition to the E119D mutation in the NA gene, resulting in a 310-fold-lower susceptibility to A-315675. Further passaging at higher drug concentrations had no effect on the generation of further NA or HA mutations (20.5 microM A-315675). This P15 virus displayed 355-fold-lower susceptibility to A-315675 and >175-fold-lower susceptibility to zanamivir than did wild-type virus, but it retained a high degree of susceptibility to oseltamivir carboxylate. By comparison, virus variants recovered from passaging against oseltamivir carboxylate (passage 14) harbored an E119V mutation and displayed a 6,000-fold-lower susceptibility to oseltamivir carboxylate and a 175-fold-lower susceptibility to zanamivir than did wild-type virus. Interestingly, this mutant still retained susceptibility to A-315675 (42-fold loss). This suggests that cross-resistance between A-315675- and oseltamivir carboxylate-selected variants in vitro is minimal.  相似文献   
Summary Classical theory states that cover of annual plants should increase relative to perennials as disturbance frequency increases. However, it has been suggested that long-distance clonal spreading can allow some perennial plants to survive in highly disturbed areas by quickly spreading into disturbed patches. To evaluate these hypotheses, we analysed data of plant distributions in two different ecosystems, a barrier island and a short-grass steppe. The disturbances studied were sand deposition during storms (overwash) on the barrier island and grazing by cattle in the short-grass steppe. In each case the disturbance frequency varied over the ecosystem; we categorized different areas in terms of their disturbance frequencies. All plant species in each area were categorized as one of four plant life forms (1) annual or biennial, (2) herbaceous perennial without long-distance clonal spreading (3) herbaceous perennial with long-distance clonal spreading (i.e guerilla form) and (4) woody plant. Percentage cover of each plant life form in each disturbance frequency category was calculated. In both ecosystems, (1) there was an increase in the relative cover of annuals as one moved from areas of low to moderate disturbance frequencies, but then a decrease in cover of annuals as one moved into the areas of highest disturbance frequency and (2) the guerilla forms showed the greatest relative increase in cover from moderately to highly disturbed areas. The combination of two factors can explain this pattern: (1) long-distance clonal spreading effectively reduces the time to colonization of recently disturbed sites and (2) effects of the disturbances in these two systems are probably more severe for seeds than for stems. We illustrate these effects using a spatially explicit simulation model of the population dynamics of plants in a disturbed landscape.  相似文献   
Chronic innocuous aeroallergen exposure attenuates CD4(+) T cell-mediated airways hyperresponsiveness in mice; however, the mechanism(s) remain unclear. We examined the role of airway mucosal dendritic cell (AMDC) subsets in this process using a multi-OVA aerosol-induced tolerance model in sensitized BALB/c mice. Aeroallergen capture by both CD11b(lo) and CD11b(hi) AMDC and the delivery of OVA to airway draining lymph nodes by CD8α(-) migratory dendritic cells (DC) were decreased in vivo (but not in vitro) when compared with sensitized but nontolerant mice. This was functionally significant, because in vivo proliferation of OVA-specific CD4(+) T cells was suppressed in airway draining lymph nodes of tolerized mice and could be restored by intranasal transfer of OVA-pulsed and activated exogenous DC, indicating a deficiency in Ag presentation by endogenous DC arriving from the airway mucosa. Bone marrow-derived DC Ag-presenting function was suppressed in multi-OVA tolerized mice, and allergen availability to airway APC populations was limited after multi-OVA exposure, as indicated by reduced OVA and dextran uptake by airway interstitial macrophages, with diffusion rather than localization of OVA across the airway mucosal surface. These data indicate that inhalation tolerance limits aeroallergen capture by AMDC subsets through a mechanism of bone marrow suppression of DC precursor function coupled with reduced Ag availability in vivo at the airway mucosa, resulting in limited Ag delivery to lymph nodes and hypoproliferation of allergen-specific CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   
The unfolded protein response (UPR) contributes to chlamydial pathogenesis, as a source of lipids and ATP during replication, and for establishing the initial anti-apoptotic state of host cell that ensures successful inclusion development. The molecular mechanism(s) of UPR induction by Chlamydia is unknown. Chlamydia use type III secretion system (T3SS) effector proteins (e.g, the Translocated Actin-Recruiting Phosphoprotein (Tarp) to stimulate host cell's cytoskeletal reorganization that facilitates invasion and inclusion development. We investigated the hypothesis that T3SS effector-mediated assembly of myosin-II complex produces activated non-muscle myosin heavy chain II (NMMHC-II), which then binds the UPR master regulator (BiP) and/or transducers to induce UPR. Our results revealed the interaction of the chlamydial effector proteins (CT228 and Tarp) with components of the myosin II complex and UPR regulator and transducer during infection. These interactions caused the activation and binding of NMMHC-II to BiP and IRE1α leading to UPR induction. In addition, specific inhibitors of myosin light chain kinase, Tarp oligomerization and myosin ATPase significantly reduced UPR activation and Chlamydia replication. Thus, Chlamydia induce UPR through T3SS effector-mediated activation of NMMHC-II components of the myosin complex to facilitate infectivity. The finding provides greater insights into chlamydial pathogenesis with the potential to identify therapeutic targets and formulations.  相似文献   
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