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Endocrine therapy is a major treatment modality for the systemic management of breast cancer. In comparison with alternatives such as chemotherapy, hormone manipulations have the advantage of lower toxicity but suffer from the disadvantages of producing responses in only 30-40% of patients with metastatic disease and seldom being curative. Nevertheless in recent years there have been significant advances in the endocrine treatment of breast cancer which have stemmed from a better understanding of the sources from which breast tumours may be supplied with hormones, the mechanism by which hormones regulate tumour proliferation and the more accurate identification of hormone sensitive tumours. As a result agents such as antioestrogens, aromatase inhibitors. LHRH agonists have largely superseded surgical and radiological ablation of endocrine organs. The major reduction in morbidity associated with these medical regimes means that they are much more acceptable to patients and may be used as adjuvants to local treatment of the breast in patients with "earlier" stages of the disease. At the same time patients can now be offered rational treatment selected on the basis of tumour biology rather than on more empirical criteria. The aims of this review are to provide details of the research which has led to this progress in endocrine treatment of breast cancer and to put into perspective the prospects for further advances.  相似文献   
A cDNA for rat liver beta-glucuronidase was isolated, its sequence determined and its expression after transfection into COS cells studied. The deduced amino acid sequence of the rat liver clone showed 77% homology with that from the cDNA for human placental beta-glucuronidase and 47% homology with that deduced from the cDNA for Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase. Several differences were found between the cDNA from rat liver and that previously reported from rat preputial gland. Only one change leads to an amino acid difference in the mature enzyme. A chimeric clone was constructed by using a fragment encoding the first 18 amino acid residues of the signal sequence from the human placental cDNA clone and a fragment from the rat clone encoding four amino acid residues of the signal sequence, all 626 amino acid residues of the mature rat enzyme, and all of the 3' untranslated region. After transfection into COS cells the chimeric clone expressed beta-glucuronidase activity that was specifically immunoprecipitated by antibody to rat beta-glucuronidase. The Mr value of 76,000 of the expressed gene product was characteristic of the glycosylated rat enzyme. It was proteolytically processed in COS cells to Mr 75,000 6 h after metabolic labelling. At least 50% of the expressed enzyme was secreted at 60 h post-transfection, but the secreted enzyme did not undergo proteolytic processing. These results provide evidence that the partial cDNA isolated from a rat liver library contains the complete coding sequence for the mature rat liver enzyme and that the chimeric signal sequence allows normal biosynthesis and processing of the transfected rat liver enzyme in COS cells.  相似文献   
The third and fourth AUG codons in GCN4 mRNA efficiently repress translation of the GCN4-coding sequences under normal growth conditions. The first AUG codon is approximately 30-fold less inhibitory and is required under amino acid starvation conditions to override the repressing effects of AUG codons 3 and 4. lacZ fusions constructed to functional, elongated versions of the first and fourth upstream open reading frames (URFs) were used to show that AUG codons 1 and 4 function similarly as efficient translational start sites in vivo, raising the possibility that steps following initiation distinguish the regulatory properties of URFs 1 and 4. In accord with this idea, we observed different consequences of changing the length and termination site of URF1 versus changing those of URFs 3 and 4. The latter were lengthened considerably, with little or no effect on regulation. In fact, the function of URFs 3 and 4 was partially reconstituted with a completely heterologous URF. By contrast, certain mutations that lengthen URF1 impaired its positive regulatory function nearly as much as removing its AUG codon did. The same mutations also made URF1 a much more inhibitory element when it was present alone in the mRNA leader. These results strongly suggest that URFs 1 and 4 both function in regulation as translated coding sequences. To account for the phenotypes of the URF1 mutations, we suggest the most ribosomes normally translate URF1 and that the mutations reduce the number of ribosomes that are able to complete URF1 translation and resume scanning downstream. This effect would impair URF1 positive regulatory function if ribosomes must first translate URF1 in order to overcome the strong translational block at the 3'-proximal URFs. Because URF1-lacZ fusions were translated at the same rate under repressing and derepressing conditions, it appears that modulating initiation at URF1 is not the means that is used to restrict the regulatory consequences of URF1 translation to starvation conditions.  相似文献   
Frederick Errington is Aaaociate Professor of Anthropology, at Keene State College, New Hampshire. Deborah Gewertz is Professor of Anthropology, at Amherst College, Massachusetts.  相似文献   
This study examined the hemodynamic effects of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) in chronically instrumented awake sheep, and the role of cyclooxygenase products in the sheep's response to LTB4. LTB4 (25 micrograms) was given as a bolus into the pulmonary artery. Six sheep were studied with LTB4, both before and after pretreatment with meclofenamate (5 mg/kg load, 3 mg/kg/hr maintenance infusion). LTB4 alone caused a rapid rise in pulmonary arterial pressure from 15 +/- 1 to 42 +/- 11 cm H2O. LTB4 had no effect on pulmonary arterial pressure following pretreatment with meclofenamate. LTB4 alone caused an increase in serum thromboxane B2 (TxB2) from 130 +/- 35 to 320 +/- 17 pg/ml 3 minutes after dosing but did not increase TxB2 following pre-treatment with meclofenamate. LTB4 caused a slight decrease in mean systemic arterial pressure and a transient fall in circulating white blood cells, both of which were unaffected by meclofenamate pre-treatment. The vasoactive effects of LTB4 in the pulmonary circulation appear to be mediated indirectly through the production of cyclooxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid.  相似文献   
Sequence comparison with concave weighting functions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We consider efficient methods for computing a difference metric between two sequences of symbols, where the cost of an operation to insert or delete a block of symbols is a concave function of the block's length. Alternatively, sequences can be optimally aligned when gap penalties are a concave function of the gap length. Two algorithms based on the ‘candidate list paradigm’ first used by Waterman (1984) are presented. The first computes significantly more parsimonious candidate lists than Waterman's method. The second method refines the first to the point of guaranteeingO(N 2 lgN) worst-case time complexity, and under certain conditionsO(N 2). Experimental data show how various properties of the comparison problem affect the methods' relative performance. A number of extensions are discussed, among them a technique for constructing optimal alignments inO(N) space in expectation. This variation gives a practical method for comparing long amino sequences on a small computer. This work was supported in part by NSF Grant DCR-8511455.  相似文献   
The opd (organophosphate-degrading) gene derived from a 43-kilobase-pair plasmid (pSM55) of a Flavobacterium sp. (ATCC 27551) has a sequence identical to that of the plasmid-borne gene of Pseudomonas diminuta. Hybridization studies with DNA fragments obtained by restriction endonuclease digestion of plasmid DNAs demonstrated that the identical opd sequences were encoded on dissimilar plasmids from the two sources.  相似文献   
Recent concern over the release of genetically engineered organisms has resulted in a need for information about the potential for gene transfer in the environment. In this study, the conjugal transfer in Pseudomonas aeruginosa of the plasmids R68.45 and FP5 was demonstrated in the freshwater environment of Fort Loudoun Resevoir, Knoxville, Tenn. When genetically well defined plasmid donor and recipient strains were introduced into test chambers suspended in Fort Loudoun Lake, transfer of both plasmids was observed. Conjugation occurred in both the presence and absence of the natural microbial community. The number of transconjugants recovered was lower when the natural community was present. Transfer of the broad-host-range plasmid R68.45 to organisms other than the introduced recipient was not observed in these chambers but was observed in laboratory simulations when an organism isolated from lakewater was used as the recipient strain. Although the plasmids transferred in laboratory studies were genetically and physically stable, a significant number of transconjugants recovered from the field trials contained deletions and other genetic rearrangements, suggesting that factors which increase gene instability are operating in the environment. The potential for conjugal transfer of genetic material must be considered in evaluating the release of any genetically engineered microorganism into a freshwater environment.  相似文献   
We used the yeast MEL1 gene for secreted alpha-galactosidase to construct cartridges for the regulated expression of foreign proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The gene for a Cellulomonas fimi beta-1,4-exoglucanase was inserted into one cartridge to create a fusion of the alpha-galactosidase signal peptide to the exoglucanase. Yeast transformed with plasmids containing this construction produced active extracellular exoglucanase when grown under conditions appropriate to MEL1 promoter function. The cells also produced active intracellular enzyme. The secreted exoglucanase was N-glycosylated and was produced continuously during culture growth. It hydrolyzed xylan, carboxymethyl cellulose, 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-d-cellobiose, and p-nitrophenyl-beta-d-cellobiose. A comparison of the recombinant S. cerevisiae enzyme with the native C. fimi enzyme showed the yeast version to have an identical K(m) and pH optimum but to be more thermostable.  相似文献   
Summary The specificity of action of a cellulase-free xylanase preparation on pulp fibers was revealed by the composition of the solubilized products after enzyme treatment. The neutral carbohydrates released by the treatment of two hardwood kraft pulps were composed exclusively of xylooligomers. A similar treatment of Solka Floc showed no detrimental effect on the degree of polymerization of the cellulose fibers, as determined by size exclusion chromatographic analysis.  相似文献   
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