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Summary Protein fragments containing the RNA-binding domain of Escherichia coli rho protein have been over-expressed in E. coli. NMR spectra of the fragment containing residues 1–116 of rho protein (Rho116) show that a region of this protein is unfolded in solution. Addition of (dC)10 to this fragment stabilizes the folded form of the protein. The fragment comprising residues 1–130 of rho protein (Rho130) is found to be stably folded, both in the absence and presence of nucleic acid. NMR studies of the complex of Rho 130 with RNA and DNA oligonucleotides indicate that the binding-site size, affinity, and specificity of Rho 130 are similar to those of intact rho protein; therefore, Rho 130 is a suitable model of the RNA-binding domain of rho protein. NMR line widths as well as titration experiments of Rho130 complexed with oligonucleotides of various lengths suggest that Rho130 forms oligomers in the presence of longer oligonucleotides. 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments were facilitated by the utilization of two pulse sequences, CN-NOESY and CCH-TOCSY. The secondary structure of unliganded Rho130 has been determined by NMR techniques, and it is clear that the RNA-binding domain of rho is more structurally similar to the cold shock domain than to the RNA recognition motif.Abbreviations Rho116, Rho130 protein containing the first 116 (130) residues of rho - CSD cold shock domain - RRM RNA recognition motif - RBD RNA-binding domain - IPTG isopropyl -D-thiogalactopyranoside - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement  相似文献   
The levels of individual photosynthetic proteins can be independently decreased by theAgrobacterium-mediated transformation of plants with antisens RNA constructs. Protocols for the introduction of such constructs intoAgrobacterium, theAgrobacterium-mediated transformation of tobacco leaf disks, and the screening and analysis of the transgenic plants produced are described.  相似文献   
When monoclonal gammopathies arise in persons without evidence of plasma cell malignancy or lymphoproliferative disease, the term monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) can be used. MGUS is believed to be the preneoplastic phase of lymphoproliferative diseases because many of these patients eventually develop malignant disease, mainly multiple myeloma. We have previously identified human papillomavirus (HPV) in a chronic benign plasma cell tumor of the cervix and in the bone marrow of multiple-myeloma patients. In the following study, we expanded upon our initial observation by analyzing 14 patients with MGUS. Bone marrow biopsies of the patients were analyzed for HPV sequences using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in situ hybridization. Normal controls included 26 bone marrow specimens, 24 analyzed by PCR and two by in situ hybridization. A significant association was found to exist between HPV and MGUS (p=0.001). Among 14 patients iwth MGUS, HPV sequences have been identified in 10 of the bone marrow biopsies. These results suggest that HPV can reside in the bone marrow of a premalignant lymphoproliferative disease.  相似文献   
Binding protein (BiP) is a widely distributed and highly conserved endoplasmic-reticulum luminal protein that has been implicated in cotranslational folding of nascent polypeptides, and in the recognition and disposal of misfolded polypeptides. Analysis of cDNA sequences and genomic blots indicates that soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr.) possess a small gene family encoding BiP. The deduced sequence of BiP is very similar to that of other plant BiPs. We have examined the expression of BiP in several different terminally differentiated soybean organs including leaves, pods and seed cotyledons. Expression of BiP mRNA increases during leaf expansion while levels of BiP protein decrease. Leaf BiP mRNA is subject to temporal control, exhibiting a large difference in expression in a few hours between dusk and night. The expression of BiP mRNA varies in direct correlation with accumulation of seed storage proteins. The hybridization suggests that maturing-seed BiP is likely to be a different isoform from vegetative BiPs. Levels of BiP protein in maturing seeds vary with BiP mRNA. High levels of BiP mRNA are detected after 3 d of seedling growth. Little change in either BiP mRNA or protein levels was detected in maturing soybean pods, although BiP-protein levels decrease in fully mature pods. Persistent wounding of leaves by whiteflies induces massive overexpression of BiP mRNA while only slightly increasing BiP-protein levels. In contrast single-event puncture wounding only slightly induces additional BiP expression above the temporal variations. These observations indicate that BiP is not constitutively expressed in terminally differentiated plant organs. Expression of BiP is highest during the developmental stages of leaves, pods and seeds when their constituent cells are producing seed or vegetative storage proteins, and appears to be subject to complex regulation, including developmental, temporal and wounding.The mention of vendor or product does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over vendors of similar products not mentioned.Abbreviations BiP binding protein The sequences reported in this paper have been submitted to Gen-Bank and are identified with the accession numbers BiP-A (U08384), BiP-B (U08383), BiP-C (U08382) and -1,3 glucanase (U08405).  相似文献   
Terpenoid phytoalexins and other defense compounds play an important role in disease resistance in a variety of plant families but have been most widely studied in solanaceous species. The rate-limiting step in terpenoid phytoalexin production is mediated by 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR), which catalyzes mevalonic acid synthesis. HMGRs are involved in the biosynthesis of a broad array of terpenoid compounds, and distinct isoforms of HMGR may be critical in directing the flux of pathway intermediates into specific end products. Plant HMGRs are encoded by a small gene family, and genomic or cDNA sequences encoding HMGR have been isolated from several plant species. In tomato, four genes encode HMGR; these genes are differentially activated during development and stress responses. One gene, hmg 2 , is activated in response to wounding and a variety of pathogenic agents suggesting a role in sesquiterpene phytoalexin biosynthesis. In contrast, expression patterns of tomato hmg l suggest a role in sterol biosynthesis and cell growth. Other plant species show an analogous separation of specific HMGR isoforms involved in growth and/or housekeeping function and inducible isoforms associated with biosynthesis of phytoalexins or other specialized "natural products". We are applying a variety of cell and molecular techniques to address whether subcellular localization and/or differential expression of these isoforms are key factors in determining end product accumulation during development and defense.  相似文献   
Dinitrogen-fixing legumes are frequently assumed to be less water-use efficient than plants utilizing soil mineral N, because of the high respiratory requirements for driving N2 fixation. However, since respiration is assumed not to discriminate against 13C, any differences in water-use efficiency exclusively due to respiration should not be apparent in carbon isotope discrimination () values. Our objective was to determine if the source of N (N2 fixation versus soil N) had any effect on of field-grown grain legumes grown at different elevations. Four legume species, Glycine max, Phaseolus lunatus, P. vulgaris, and Vigna unguiculata, were grown on five field sites spanning a 633 m elevational gradient on the island of Maui, Hawaii. The legumes were either inoculated with a mixture of three effective strains of rhizobia or fertilized weekly with urea at 100 kg N ha-1 in an attempt to completely suppress symbiotic N2-fixing activity. In 14 of 20 analyses of stover and 12 of 15 analyses of seed values were significantly higher (p=0.10) in the inoculated plants than the N-fertilized plants. Nitrogen concentrations were generally higher in the fertilized treatments than the inoculated treatments. The different values obtained depending on N-source may have implications in using as an indicator of water-use efficiency or yield potential of legumes.  相似文献   
Whole nematode communities, extracted from soil samples taken from agricultural fields, were enumerated by taxonomic family and trophic group (i.e., bacterivores, fungivores, omnivores, plant-parasites, and predators) to evaluate nematode community structure as an indicator for monitoring ecological condition of soil. No differences were found in mixing treatments or methods of packing or shipping samples. However, extraction using Cobb's sifting and gravity method, followed by sucrose centrifugation, gave greater recovery of free-living nematodes than elutriation followed by sucrose centrifugation. Population means and variance of the sampled area were similar when sampled using different strategies for collecting soil samples within fieds, including several patterns, directions and repetitions of transects. Components of variation associated with ratios among the five trophic groups of nematodes and selected indices of community structure were quantified as variation among regions, among counties, among agricultural fields (2-ha area), among transects within agricultural fields, and within composite soil samples. The variance component for'within composite soil samples' was relatively large compared to the other components of variance. Variation within composite soil samples was less for maturity indices (based on life-history strategy characteristics), ratio of bacterivores to plant-parasites, sum of bacterivores and fungivores, populations of plant-parasites, and populations of bacterivores than for trophic diversity indices, populations of fungivores, populations of omnivores, populations of predators, or the ratio of fungivores to bacterivores. With a single composite sample per field, the ability to differentiate ecological condition of soils among fields within a region improved if the variance among and within fields exceeded the variance within composite samples. Given the variance components, power curves indicated that detection of a 10% change (with 0.8 power) in the ecological condition of soils within a region between two time periods would require sampling a minimum of 25 and 50 fields with one composite soil sample analyzed per field for the maturity and trophic diversity index, respectively. More than 100 fieldsper region would be required to detect temporal change in populations of individual trophic groups. Biplots of maturity indices, but not of trophic diversity or populations of individual trophic groups, identified clear differences among fields. Thus, maturity indices, which differentiated among sampling sites better and more efficiently than trophic diversity indices or measures based on populations of individual trophic groups, may be appropriate for use in a regional and/or national monitoring program.  相似文献   
The power of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy to study macromoleculesand their complexes has been amply demonstrated over the last decade. Theobstacle to routinely applying these techniques to the study of DNA has beenthe synthesis of 13C,15N-labeled DNA. Here wepresent a simple and efficient method to generate isotope-labeled DNA forNMR studies that is as easy as that for isotope labeling of RNA. The methodwas used to synthesize a uniformly13 C,15N-labeled 32-nucleotide DNA that binds tohuman basic fibroblast growth factor with high affinity and specificity.Isotope-edited experiments were applied to the13 C,15N-labeled DNA bound to unlabeled protein,and the 13 C,15N-labeled DNA was also examined incomplex with 15N-labeled protein. The NMR experiments showthat the DNA adopts a well-defined stable structure when bound to theprotein, and illustrate the potential of13 C,15N-labeled DNA for structural studies ofDNA–protein complexes.  相似文献   
Previous mutational analysis of the L1 region of the RecA protein suggested that Gly-157 and Glu-158 are 'hot-spots' for the occurrence of constitutive LexA co-protease mutants (coprtc). In the present study, we clearly establish that position 157 is a hot-spot for the occurrence of such mutants, as 12 of 14 and 10 of 14 substitutions result in this phenotype for UmuD and LexA cleavage respectively. The frequency of such mutations at position 158 is somewhat lower, 8 of 13 and 5 of 13 for UmuD and LexA respectively. Comparison of the UmuD vs. LexA co-protease activity for all single mutants with substitutions at positions 154, 155, 156, 157 and 158 (47 in total) reveals that, although there is good agreement among most mutants regarding their ability to cleave both LexA and UmuD, there are two in particular (Glu-154→Asp and Glu-154→Gln) that show a clear preference for cleavage of UmuD. We also show that three second-site mutations that completely suppress coprtc activity toward LexA have little or no effect on the coprtc activity of the primary mutant toward UmuD. In addition, we observe a high frequency of second-site suppressor mutations, suggesting a functional interaction among side-chains in this region. Together, these results support the idea that the L1 region of RecA makes up part of the co-protease substrate-binding site.  相似文献   
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