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Insulin stimulates the translocation of the glucose transporter GLUT4 from intracellular locations to the plasma membrane in adipose and muscle cells. Prior studies have shown that Akt phosphorylation of the Rab GTPase-activating protein, AS160 (160-kDa Akt substrate; also known as TBC1D4), triggers GLUT4 translocation, most likely by suppressing its Rab GTPase-activating protein activity. However, the regulation of a very similar protein, TBC1D1 (TBC domain family, member 1), which is mainly found in muscle, in insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation has been unclear. In the present study, we have identified likely Akt sites of insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of TBC1D1 in C2C12 myotubes. We show that a mutant of TBC1D1, in which several Akt sites have been converted to alanine, is considerably more inhibitory to insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation than wild-type TBC1D1. This result thus indicates that similar to AS160, Akt phosphorylation of TBC1D1 enables GLUT4 translocation. We also show that in addition to Akt activation, activation of the AMP-dependent protein kinase partially relieves the inhibition of GLUT4 translocation by TBC1D1. Finally, we show that the R125W variant of TBC1D1, which has been genetically associated with obesity, is equally inhibitory to insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation, as is wild-type TBC1D1, and that healthy and type 2 diabetic individuals express approximately the same level of TBC1D1 in biopsies of vastus lateralis muscle. In conclusion, phosphorylation of TBC1D1 is required for GLUT4 translocation. Thus, the regulation of TBC1D1 resembles that of its paralog, AS160.Insulin stimulates glucose transport into adipose and muscle cells by increasing the amount of the GLUT4 glucose transporter at the cell surface by a process termed GLUT4 translocation (1, 2). Unstimulated adipocytes and myotubes sequester GLUT4 in intracellular compartments. Insulin activates signaling cascades that lead to the trafficking of specialized GLUT4 vesicles to the cell membrane and fusion of the vesicles therewith. A key signaling pathway for GLUT4 translocation proceeds from the insulin receptor through the activation of the protein kinase Akt. One Akt substrate that connects signaling to GLUT4 trafficking is the Rab GTPase-activating protein (GAP)3 known as AS160. There is now considerable evidence for the following scheme (2, 3): under basal conditions, AS160 acts as a brake on GLUT4 translocation by maintaining one or more Rab proteins required for translocation in their inactive GDP state; in response to insulin, Akt phosphorylates AS160 and thereby suppresses its GAP activity; as a consequence, the elevation of the GTP form of the Rab proteins occurs, leading to the increased docking and subsequent fusion of the GLUT4 vesicles at the plasma membrane.More recently, we and others have characterized a paralog of AS160 known as TBC1D1 (47). Overall, TBC1D1 is 47% identical to AS160, with the GAP domain being 79% identical (4). Its GAP domain has the same Rab specificity as the GAP domain of AS160 (4). TBC1D1 is predominantly expressed in skeletal muscle; its expression in adipocytes is very low (5, 6). Nevertheless, 3T3-L1 adipocytes are a convenient cell type in which to examine the role of proteins in GLUT4 translocation, because insulin causes an ∼10-fold increase in GLUT4 at the cell surface. Previously, we examined the role of TBC1D1 in GLUT4 translocation by overexpressing it in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Surprisingly, even though insulin led to phosphorylation of TBC1D1 on Akt site(s), ectopic TBC1D1 potently inhibited GLUT4 translocation (4, 5). By contrast, overexpression of AS160 did not inhibit GLUT4 translocation (8). This difference suggested that the regulation of TBC1D1 might be fundamentally different from that of AS160. In the present study, we show that this is not the case. By reducing the level of ectopic TBC1D1, we have obtained evidence that phosphorylation of TBC1D1 on several likely Akt sites relieves the inhibitory effect on GLUT4 translocation. In addition, we have examined the effect of a variant of TBC1D1 genetically associated with obesity on GLUT4 translocation and determined the relative levels of TBC1D1 in muscle biopsies from healthy and type 2 diabetic individuals.  相似文献   
The HIV-1 integrase enzyme (IN) catalyzes integration of viral DNA into the host genome. We previously developed peptides that inhibit IN in vitro and HIV-1 replication in cells. Here we present the design, synthesis and evaluation of several derivatives of one of these inhibitory peptides, the 20-mer IN1. The peptide corresponding to the N-terminal half of IN1 (IN1 1–10) was easier to synthesize and much more soluble than the 20-mer IN1. IN1 1–10 bound IN with improved affinity and inhibited IN activity as well as HIV replication and integration in infected cells. While IN1 bound the IN tetramer, its shorter derivatives bound dimeric IN. Mapping the peptide binding sites in IN provided a model that explains this difference. We conclude that IN1 1–10 is an improved lead compound for further development of IN inhibitors.  相似文献   
HspBP1 is a co-chaperone that binds to and regulates the chaperone Hsp70 (Hsp70 is used to refer to HSPA1A and HSPA1B). Hsp70 is known to be elevated in breast tumor tissue, therefore the purpose of these studies was to quantify the expression of HspBP1 in primary breast tumors and in serum of these patients with a follow-up analysis after 6 to 7 years. Levels of HspBP1, Hsp70, and anti-HspBP1 antibodies in sera of breast cancer patients and healthy individuals were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Expression of HspBP1 was quantified from biopsies of tumor and normal breast tissue by Western blot analysis. The data obtained were analyzed for association with tumor aggressiveness markers and with patient outcome. The levels of HspBP1 and Hsp70 were significantly higher in sera of patients compared to sera of healthy individuals. HspBP1 antibodies did not differ significantly between groups. HspBP1 levels were significantly higher in tumor (14.46 ng/μg protein, n = 51) compared to normal adjacent tissue (3.17 ng/μg protein, n = 41, p < 0.001). Expression of HspBP1 was significantly lower in patients with lymph node metastasis and positive for estrogen receptors. HspBP1 levels were also significantly lower in patients with a higher incidence of metastasis and death following a 6 to 7-year follow-up. The HspBP1/Hsp70 molar ratio was not associated with the prognostic markers analyzed. Our results indicate that low HspBP1 expression could be a candidate tumor aggressiveness marker. This work was supported by FAPERGS, CNPq, and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences grant number GM072628-02 (V.G.) The expression of HspBP1 (an Hsp70 co-chaperone) was analyzed in tumor samples and sera from breast cancer patients. HspBP1 is over expressed in these tumors and a seven year follow-up analysis found an association with a poor prognosis. Chaperones have been shown to play important roles in tumor biology and immunology; therefore, we believe the data in this study will serve as a basis for the formulation of a new hypothesis on chaperone-co-chaperone interactions and their role in tumor growth.  相似文献   
Over recent years, many discoveries have renewed our knowledge about the oldest stone industries and also about the behaviour and lifestyle of the hominids that made them, not only in East Africa, but also in the Near East, in Trans Caucasia and in southern Europe. If the first tools making hominids appear in East Africa as early as 2.55 million years ago, they are present in the Levant a little over 2 million years ago, as early as 1.81 million years ago at the gates of Europe in Trans-Caucasia, and a little over 1.4 million years ago on the Mediterranean coasts of Europe.  相似文献   
ISG15 functions as a critical antiviral molecule against influenza virus, with infection inducing both the conjugation of ISG15 to target proteins and production of free ISG15. Here, we report that mice lacking the ISG15 E1 enzyme UbE1L fail to form ISG15 conjugates. Both UbE1L−/− and ISG15−/− mice display increased susceptibility to influenza B virus infection, including non-mouse-adapted strains. Finally, we demonstrate that ISG15 controls influenza B virus infection through its action within radioresistant stromal cells and not bone marrow-derived cells. Thus, the conjugation of ISG15 to target proteins within stromal cells is critical to its activity against influenza virus.  相似文献   
Flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1) proteins, which are present in all kingdoms of life, catalyze the sequence-independent hydrolysis of the bifurcated nucleic acid intermediates formed during DNA replication and repair. How FEN1s have evolved to preferentially cleave flap structures is of great interest especially in light of studies wherein mice carrying a catalytically deficient FEN1 were predisposed to cancer. Structural studies of FEN1s from phage to human have shown that, although they share similar folds, the FEN1s of higher organisms contain a 3′-extrahelical nucleotide (3′-flap) binding pocket. When presented with 5′-flap substrates having a 3′-flap, archaeal and eukaryotic FEN1s display enhanced reaction rates and cleavage site specificity. To investigate the role of this interaction, a kinetic study of human FEN1 (hFEN1) employing well defined DNA substrates was conducted. The presence of a 3′-flap on substrates reduced Km and increased multiple- and single turnover rates of endonucleolytic hydrolysis at near physiological salt concentrations. Exonucleolytic and fork-gap-endonucleolytic reactions were also stimulated by the presence of a 3′-flap, and the absence of a 3′-flap from a 5′-flap substrate was more detrimental to hFEN1 activity than removal of the 5′-flap or introduction of a hairpin into the 5′-flap structure. hFEN1 reactions were predominantly rate-limited by product release regardless of the presence or absence of a 3′-flap. Furthermore, the identity of the stable enzyme product species was deduced from inhibition studies to be the 5′-phosphorylated product. Together the results indicate that the presence of a 3′-flap is the critical feature for efficient hFEN1 substrate recognition and catalysis.In eukaryotic DNA replication and repair, various bifurcated nucleic acid structure intermediates are formed and must be processed by the appropriate nuclease. Two examples of biological processes that create bifurcated DNA intermediates are Okazaki fragment maturation (1, 2) and long patch excision repair (3). In both models, a polymerase executes strand-displacement synthesis to create a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA)6 two-way junction from which a 5′-flap structure protrudes. The penultimate step of both pathways is the cleavage of this flap structure to create a nicked DNA that is then ligated. Because the bifurcated DNA structures that are formed in the aforementioned processes can theoretically occur anywhere in the genome, the nuclease associated with the cleavage of 5′-flap structures in eukaryotic cells, which is called flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1), must be capable of cleavage regardless of sequence. Therefore, FEN1 nucleases, which are found in all kingdoms of life (4), have evolved to recognize substrates based upon nucleic acid structure and strand polarity (5, 6).The Okazaki fragment maturation pathway of yeast has become a paradigm of eukaryotic lagging strand DNA synthesis. In the yeast model, bifurcated intermediates with large single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) 5′-flap structures are imprecisely cleaved by DNA2 in a replication protein A -dependent manner (7). Subsequent to the DNA2 cleavage, Rad27 (yeast homologue of FEN1) cleaves precisely to generate an intermediate suitable for ligation (2). The recent discovery that human DNA2 is predominantly located in mitochondria in various human cell lines (8, 9) suggests that hFEN1 is the paramount 5′-flap endonuclease in the nuclei of human cells. This observation potentially provides a plausible rationale for why deletion of RAD27 (yeast FEN1 homologue) is tolerated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (10), whereas deletion of FEN1 in mammals is embryonically lethal (11). Recent models wherein mice carrying a mutation (E160D) in the FEN1 gene, which was shown in vitro to alter enzymatic properties (12), have demonstrated that FEN1 functional deficiency in mice (S129 and Black 6) increases the incidence of cancer, albeit different types presumably due to genetic background (13, 14). Thus, the function of mammalian FEN1 in vivo is vital to the prevention of genomic instability. In addition to its importance in the nucleus, hFEN1 has recently been detected in mitochondrial extracts (15, 16) and implicated in mitochondrial long patch base excision repair (15). Considering the pivotal roles of hFEN1 in DNA replication and repair, it is of interest to understand how hFEN1 and homologues achieve substrate and scissile phosphate selectivity in the absence of sequence information.Since its initial discovery as a nuclease that completes reconstituted Okazaki fragment maturation (17) and subsequent rediscovery as a 5′-flap-specific nuclease (DNaseIV) from bacteria (18), mouse (19), and HeLa cells (20), FEN1 proteins ranging from phage to human have been studied biochemically, computationally, and structurally (5, 6, 21). Biochemical characterizations of FEN1 proteins from various organisms have shown that this family of nucleases can perform phosphodiesterase activity on a wide variety of substrates; however, the efficiency of catalysis on various substrates differs among the species. For instance, phage FEN1s prefer pseudo-Y substrates (22, 23), whereas the archaeal and eukaryotic FEN1s prefer 5′-flap substrates (21, 24, 25), which have two dsDNA domains, one upstream and downstream of the site of cleavage, and a 5′-ssDNA protrusion (Fig. 1A). Primary sequence analysis indicates that FEN1 proteins share characteristic N-terminal (N) and Intermediate (I) “domains,” which harbor the highly conserved carboxylate residues that bind the requisite divalent metal ions (2628). Structural studies of FEN1 nucleases from phage to humans (22, 2936), have shown that the N and I domains comprise a single nuclease core domain consisting of a mixed, six- or seven-stranded β-sheet packed against an α-helical structure on both sides. The α-helices on either side of the β-sheet are “bridged” by a helical arch that spans the active site groove (supplemental Fig. S1). On one side of the β-sheet, the α-helical bundle (αb1) creates the floor of the active site and a DNA binding motif (helix-3-turn-helix) (32). Similarly, the opposite α-helical bundle (αb2) has also been observed to interact with DNA (35). Based on site-directed mutagenesis studies with T5 phage FEN1 (T5FEN1) (37) and hFEN1 (38, 39), and crystallographic studies of T4 phage FEN1 (T4FEN1) (22) and Archaeoglobus fulgidus FEN1 (aFEN1) (35) in complex with DNA, a general model for how FEN1 proteins recognize flap DNA has emerged. The helix-3-turn-helix motif is involved in downstream dsDNA binding, whereas the upstream dsDNA domain is bound by αb2. The helical arch is likely involved in 5′-flap binding (22).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Secondary structure schematics of hFEN1 substrates. A, illustration of a general flap substrate created using a bimolecular approach whereby a template strand (T-strand), which partially folds into a hairpin, anneals with the duplex strand (d-strand). The T-strand hairpin creates the upstream dsDNA domain, whereas the d-strand base pairs with the T-strand to create the downstream dsDNA domain. The flap or any other structure is created by addition of nucleotides to the 5′-end of the d-strand. The interface between the upstream and downstream dsDNA domains may be viewed as a derivative of a two-way junction (74). Annealing of either the F(5), E, or G(15) d-strands with the T3F T-strand results in the formation of a (B) double flap substrate (Flap of 5-nt d-strand paired with a Template with a 3′-Flap, F(5)·T3F), C, exonuclease substrate with a 3′-extrahelical nucleotide (EXO d-strand paired with a Template with a 3′-Flap, E·T3F), and a D, fork-GEN substrate with a 3′-extrahelical nucleotide and a 15-nt ssDNA gap capped by a 23-nt hairpin structure (fork-Gap of 15-nt d-strand paired with a Template with a 3′-Flap, G(15)·T3F). E, annealing the F(5) d-strand with the T oligonucleotide creates a single flap (Flap of 5-nt d-strand paired with a Template, F(5)·T).Unlike phage FEN1s, studies of FEN1s from eubacterial (40), archaeal (21), and eukaryotic origins (41) have shown that the addition of a 3′-extrahelical nucleotide (3′-flap) to the upstream duplex of a 5′-flap substrate results in a rate enhancement and an increase in cleavage site specificity. Moreover, substrates possessing a 3′-flap, which mimic physiological “equilibrating flaps,” were cleaved exactly one nucleotide into the downstream duplex, thereby resulting in 5′-phosphorylated dsDNA product that was a suitable substrate for DNA ligase I (21, 41). As postulated by Kaiser et al. (21), the structure of an archaeal FEN1 in complex with dsDNA with a 3′-overhang showed that the protein contains a cleft adjacent to the upstream dsDNA binding site that binds the 3′-flap by means of van der Waals and hydrogen bonding interactions with the sugar moiety (35). Once the residues associated with 3′-flap binding were identified, sequence alignment analyses showed that the amino acid residues in the 3′-flap binding pocket are highly conserved from archaea to human. Furthermore, mutation of the conserved amino acid residues in the 3′-flap binding pocket of hFEN1 resulted in reduced affinity for and cleavage specificity on double flap substrates (42). Although the effects of the addition of a 3′-flap to substrates on hFEN1 catalysis are known qualitatively, a detailed understanding of the relationship between changes in catalytic parameters and rate enhancement by the presence of a 3′-flap is unknown. Here, we describe a detailed kinetic analysis of hFEN1 using four well characterized DNA substrates and show that the presence of a 3′-flap on a substrate not only contributes to substrate binding (42), but also increases multiple and single turnover rates of reaction in the presence of near physiological monovalent salt concentrations. We also demonstrate that, like T5FEN1, hFEN1 is rate-limited by product release, and thus multiple turnover rates at saturating concentrations of substrate are predominantly a reflection of product release and not catalysis as was previously concluded (39). Furthermore, this study provides insight into the mechanism of hFEN1 substrate recognition.  相似文献   
To understand the mechanism for ion transport through the sodium/bicarbonate transporter SLC4A4 (NBCe1), we examined amino acid residues, within transmembrane domains, that are conserved among electrogenic Na/HCO3 transporters but are substituted with residues at the corresponding site of all electroneutral Na/HCO3 transporters. Point mutants were constructed and expressed in Xenopus oocytes to assess function using two-electrode voltage clamp. Among the mutants, D555E (charge-conserved substitution of the aspartate at position 555 with a glutamate) produced decreasing HCO3 currents at more positive membrane voltages. Immunohistochemistry showed D555E protein expression in oocyte membranes. D555E induced Na/HCO3-dependent pH recovery from a CO2-induced acidification. Current-voltage relationships revealed that D555E produced an outwardly rectifying current in the nominally CO2/HCO3-free solution that was abolished by Cl removal from the bath. In the presence of CO2/HCO3, however, the outward current produced by D555E decreased only slightly after Cl removal. Starting from a Cl-free condition, D555E produced dose-dependent outward currents in response to a series of chloride additions. The D555E-mediated chloride current decreased by 70% in the presence of CO2/HCO3. The substitution of Asp555 with an asparagine also produced a Cl current. Anion selectivity experiments revealed that D555E was broadly permissive to other anions including NO3. Fluorescence measurements of chloride transport were done with human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cells expressing NBCe1 and D555E. A marked increase in chloride transport was detected in cells expressing D555E. We conclude that Asp555 plays a role in HCO3 selectivity.The electrogenic Na/HCO3 cotransporter NBCe1 (SLC4A4) is one of the SLC4A gene family members transporting HCO3 across the plasma membrane (13). NBCe1 plays a role in transepithelial HCO3 movement and pHi regulation in many tissues (46). NBCe1 is responsible for HCO3 reabsorption in the proximal tubules of the kidney (7). The proximal tubule cells reclaim HCO3 from the lumen through a series of reactions involving titration of HCO3 by H+ secretion via the apical Na/H exchanger, production of CO2, and regeneration of HCO3 and H+ in the tubule cells. HCO3 then moves to the interstitium via the basolateral NBCe1. The essential feature driving this basolateral Na+/HCO3 exit is the stoichiometry of 1:3 Na+:HCO3, which makes the equilibrium potential for NBCe1 more positive than the resting membrane potential of the proximal tubule cells (8). The stoichiometry of 1Na+:1HCO3 or 1Na+:2HCO3 causes both ions to move into cells in other tissues such as pancreas, brain, and cardiovascular tissues (9, 10).Despite the importance of NBCe1 for basolateral HCO3 reabsorption in the proximal tubules, the mechanism of electrogenic Na/HCO3 transport via the transporter is not well understood. Ion movement depends on loading ions at their translocation or binding sites that likely reside within the membrane field at some distance from the bath solution (11). This implies that the transmembrane domains (TMs)2 of NBCe1 and amino acid residues within TMs play critical roles in ion transport.Sequence analysis of different SLC4A proteins shows similar hydropathy plots, predicting that these proteins share structural elements of transport function (12). Such similarities have facilitated structure/function studies to define molecular domains or motifs responsible for conferring Na/HCO3 transport of NBCe1. Abuladze et al. (13) performed a large scale mutagenesis on acidic and basic amino acids in non-TMs and found many residues affecting Na+-dependent base flux. McAlear et al. (14) identified amino acids in TM8 involving ion translocation. By a systematic approach of chimeric transporters between NBCe1 and the electroneutral Na/HCO3 cotransporter NBCn1 (SLC4A7) (15), we and our colleagues (16) demonstrated that electrogenic Na/HCO3 transport of NBCe1 requires interactions between the regions TM1–5 and TM6–13 of the protein. Zhu et al. (17) recently proposed TM1 as a domain lining the ion translocation pathway. On the other hand, Chang et al. (18) reported that the cytoplasmic N-terminal domain might contribute to HCO3 permeation.In the present study, we searched amino acid residues that are highly conserved among electrogenic Na/HCO3 transporters but not among electroneutral Na/HCO3 transporters and examined their role in electrogenic Na/HCO3 transport. Nine candidate residues in human renal NBCe1-A (5, 19) were selected and mutated by replacement with the amino acids at the corresponding sites of NBCn1. Mutant transporters were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and assessed via two-electrode voltage clamp. Our data show that Asp555 of NBCe1 plays an important role in HCO3 selectivity.  相似文献   
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