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Immobilized Mucor miehei lipase catalyzes synthesis reactions between glycerol and oleic acid. No organic solvent is necessary to solubilize the substrates, which allows for the use of a reaction medium solely composed of the necessary substrates. Water produced in the reaction evaporates due to the high temperature used for the process. A conversion of 86% of oleic acid into triolein is obtained when using the substrates in stoichiometric amounts. Varying the ratio of glycerol over oleic acid allows for the preferential synthesis of one of the glycerides. Some batch reactors have been set up using different means of removing the water: spontaneous evaporation, molecular sieves, vacuum, and dry air bubbling.  相似文献   
The metabolism of m-cresol by methanogenic cultures enriched from domestic sewage sludge was investigated. In the initial studies, bromoethanesulfonic acid was used to inhibit methane production. This led to the accumulation of 4.0 ± 0.8 mol of acetate per mol of m-cresol metabolized. These results suggested that CO2 incorporation occurred because each molecule of m-cresol contained seven carbon atoms, whereas four molecules of acetate product contained a total of eight carbon atoms. To verify this, [14C]bicarbonate was added to bromoethanesulfonic acid-inhibited cultures, and those cultures yielded [14C]acetate. Of the label recovered as acetate, 89% was found in the carboxyl position. Similar cultures fed [methyl-14C]m-cresol yielded methyl-labeled acetate. A 14C-labeled transient intermediate was detected in cultures given either m-cresol and [14C]bicarbonate or bicarbonate and [methyl-14C]m-cresol. The intermediate was identified as 4-hydroxy-2-methylbenzoic acid. In addition, another metabolite was detected and identified as 2-methylbenzoic acid. This compound appeared to be produced only sporadically, and it accumulated in the medium, suggesting that the dehydroxylation of 4-hydroxy-2-methylbenzoic acid led to an apparent dead-end product.  相似文献   
A latent RNAase activity stimulated by nucleoside triphosphates has been isolated from a yeast chromatin extract, by filtration on Sepharose 6B and hydroxyapatite chromatography. The RNAase was separated from a thermolabile proteic inhibitor on phosphocellulose. When separated from the inhibitor, the RNAase hydrolyses RNA to 5′-mononucleotides. Its activity is retained in the presence of EDTA, and 50% inhibited by 1 mM ATP or CTP. The RNAase is inhibited by the thermolabile component only in the presence of divalent cations. The activity is recovered upon addition of 0.01 mM ATP to the mixture. The Km for ATP is 10 μM. ATP can be replaced by other ribo- or deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates with varying efficiency but not by ADP, AMP or cAMP. These results suggest multiple interactions between the RNAase, a regulatory component, divalent cations and nucleoside triphosphates.  相似文献   
We have previously observed that the phagocytosis of zymosan particles coated with complement by human polymorphonuclear leucocytes is accompanied by a time- and dose-dependent inhibition of phosphatidylcholine synthesis by transmethylation [García Gil, Alonso, Sánchez Crespo & Mato (1981) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 101, 740–748]. The present studies show that phosphatidylcholine synthesis by a cholinephosphotransferase reaction is enhanced, up to 3-fold, during phagocytosis by polymorphonuclear cells. This effect was tested by both measuring the incorporation of radioactivity into phosphatidylcholine in cells labelled with [Me-14C]choline, and by assaying the activity of CDP-choline:diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase. The time course of CDP-choline:diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase activation by zymosan mirrors the inhibition of phospholipid methyltransferase activity previously reported. The extent of incorporation of radioactivity into phosphatidylcholine induced by various doses of zymosan correlates with the physiological response of the cells to this stimulus. This effect was specific for phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidyl-ethanolamine turnover was not affected by zymosan. The purpose of this enhanced phosphatidylcholine synthesis is not to provide phospholipid molecules rich in arachidonic acid. The present studies show that about 80% of the arachidonic acid generated in response to zymosan derives from phosphatidylinositol. A transient accumulation of arachidonoyldiacylglycerol has also been observed, which indicates that a phospholipase C is responsible, at least in part, for the generation of arachidonic acid. Finally, isobutylmethylxanthine and quinacrine, inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol turnover, inhibit both arachidonic acid generation and phagocytosis, indicating a function for this pathway during this process.  相似文献   
Summary Mannose is incorporated in monkey liver chromatin by the means of a nuclear membrane mannosyl-transferase.14C-labelled chromatin is dissociated either by sulfuric acid or 6 M urea and 0.4 M GuCl. The fractions then enriched in non-histone14C-labelled proteins are excluded from Ultro-gel AcA 202, their analysis in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that radioactivity fits with one major protein band, confirming the presence of at least a non-histone protein labelled with mannose in monkey liver chromatin, with an apparent molecular weight of 13 000.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the general methodological controversy between individual and group research approaches by comparing the main characteristics of these two methods as applied to the specific context of basic research on voluntary heart rate control. A review of the literature published over the past 19 years in this area of study shows an imbalance in the frequency of utilization of these two methods that strongly favors short-term group designs. Implications of this research tendency are discussed. The relevance and the advantages of applying the individual approach to voluntary autonomic control research are outlined. This area is particularly amenable to the individual approach because the phenomena under study seem to be characterized by, among other things, a smaller intrasubject than intersubject variability. It is suggested that the present imbalanced tendency in the choice of a research method be corrected and that researchers adopt a more flexible attitude in the choice of the best method for studying each specific problem.  相似文献   
This communication describes a new savanna-like community, theBletio purpureae-Andropogonetum gracilis Balátová-Tulá?ková etR. Capote ass. nov., found in the woodless eastern part of the Sierra del Rosario Mountains (western part of Cuba). From the phytosociological point of view, it belongs to the allianceAchlaenion piptostachyae Balátová-Tulá?ková all. nov., the orderAchlaenetalia piptostachyae Balátová-Tulá?ková ord. nov., and the classSclerio baldwinii-Andropogonetea gracilis Balátová-Tulá?ková cl. nov. In the area under study four subassociations were distinguished: theBletio-Andropogonetum typicum Balátová-Tulá?ková et.R. Capote subass. nov., theB.-A. rhynchosporetosum fascicularis Balátová-Tulá?ková etR. Capote subass. nov., theB.-A. cassietosum aeschynomenes Balátová-Tulá?ková etR. Capote subass. nov., and theB.-A. stenandrietosum droseroidis Balátová-Tulá?ková etR. Capote subass. nov.  相似文献   
The poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase was active on synthetic homopolymeric RNA templates as well as on every natural RNA tested. The polymerase copied polyadenylate. oligouridylate [oligo(U)], polycytidylate . oligoinosinate, and polyinosinate. oligocytidylate templates to about the same extent. The observed activity on polyuridylate. oligoadenylate was about fourfold less. Full-length copies of both poliovirion RNA and a wide variety of other polyadenylated RNAs were synthesized by the polymerase in the presence of oligo(U). Polymerase elongation rates on poliovirion RNA and a heterologous RNA (squash mosaic virus RNA) were about the same. Changes in the Mg(2+) concentration affected the elongation rates on both RNAs to the same extent. With two non-polyadenylated RNAs (tobacco mosaic virus RNA and brome mosaic virus RNA3), the results were different. The purified polymerase synthesized a subgenomic-sized product RNA on brome mosaic virus RNA3 in the presence of oligo(U). This product RNA appeared to initiate on oligo(U) hybridized to an internal oligoadenylate sequence in brome mosaic virus RNA3. No oligo(U)-primed product was synthesized on tobacco mosaic virus RNA. When partially purified polymerase was used in place of the completely purified enzyme, some oligo(U)-independent activity was observed on the brome mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus RNAs. The size of the product RNA from these reactions suggested that at least some of the product RNA was full-sized and covalently linked to the template RNA. Thus, the polymerase was found to copy many different types of RNA and to make full-length copies of the RNAs tested.  相似文献   
Primary cultures of parenchymal cells isolated from adult rat liver by a collagenase perfusion procedure and maintained as a monolayer in a serum-free culture medium were used to study glucoeogenesis and the role that the glucocorticoids play in the control of this pathway. These cells carried out gluconeogenesis from three-carbon precursors (alanine and lactate) in response to glucagon and dexamethasone added alone or in combination. Maximum glucose production was observed with cells pretreated for several hours with dexamethasone and glucagon prior to addition of substrate and glucagon (8- to 12-fold increase over basal glucose production). Half-maximum stimulation of gluconeogenesis was seen with 3.6 × 10?10 M glucagon and 3.6 × 10?8 M dexamethasone. Maximum stimulation was oberved with 10?7 M glucagon and 10?6 M dexamethasone. The length of time of dexamethasone pretreatment was found to be important in demonstrating the effect of glucocorticoids on glucagon-stimulated gluconeogenesis. Treeatment of cells with dexamethasone for 2 hours did not result in an increase in glucose production over identical experimental conditions in the absence of dexamethasone, wherease pretreatment for 5 hours (1.2-fold increase) or 15 hours (1.7-fold increase) did result in an increase in glucose production. The results establish that the adult rat liver parenchymal cells in primary culture are a valid model system to study hepatic gluconeogenesis. In addition, we have established directly that the glucocorticoids amplify the glucagon stimulation of gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   
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