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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3K) participate in numerous signaling pathways, and control distinct biological functions. Studies using pan-PI3K inhibitors suggest roles for PI3K in osteoclasts, but little is known about specific PI3K isoforms in these cells. Our objective was to determine effects of isoform-selective PI3K inhibitors on osteoclasts. The following inhibitors were investigated (targets in parentheses): wortmannin and LY294002 (pan-p110), PIK75 (α), GDC0941 (α, δ), TGX221 (β), AS252424 (γ), and IC87114 (δ). In addition, we characterized a new potent and selective PI3Kδ inhibitor, GS-9820, and explored roles of PI3K isoforms in regulating osteoclast function. Osteoclasts were isolated from long bones of neonatal rats and rabbits. Wortmannin, LY294002, GDC0941, IC87114, and GS-9820 induced a dramatic retraction of osteoclasts within 15–20 min to 65–75% of the initial area. In contrast, there was no significant retraction in response to vehicle, PIK75, TGX221, or AS252424. Moreover, wortmannin and GS-9820, but not PIK75 or TGX221, disrupted actin belts. We examined effects of PI3K inhibitors on osteoclast survival. Whereas PIK75, TGX221, and GS-9820 had no significant effect on basal survival, all blocked RANKL-stimulated survival. When studied on resorbable substrates, osteoclastic resorption was suppressed by wortmannin and inhibitors of PI3Kβ and PI3Kδ, but not other isoforms. These data are consistent with a critical role for PI3Kδ in regulating osteoclast cytoskeleton and resorptive activity. In contrast, multiple PI3K isoforms contribute to the control of osteoclast survival. Thus, the PI3Kδ isoform, which is predominantly expressed in cells of hematopoietic origin, is an attractive target for anti-resorptive therapeutics.  相似文献   
During lung development, proper epithelial cell arrangements are critical for the formation of an arborized network of tubes. Each tube requires a lumen, the diameter of which must be tightly regulated to enable optimal lung function. Lung branching and lumen morphogenesis require close epithelial cell–cell contacts that are maintained as a result of adherens junctions, tight junctions and by intact apical–basal (A/B) polarity. However, the molecular mechanisms that maintain epithelial cohesion and lumen diameter in the mammalian lung are unknown. Here we show that Scribble, a protein implicated in planar cell polarity (PCP) signalling, is necessary for normal lung morphogenesis. Lungs of the Scrib mouse mutant Circletail (Crc) are abnormally shaped with fewer airways, and these airways often lack a visible, ‘open’ lumen. Mechanistically we show that Scrib genetically interacts with the core PCP gene Vangl2 in the developing lung and that the distribution of PCP pathway proteins and Rho mediated cytoskeletal modification is perturbed in ScribCrc/Crc lungs. However A/B polarity, which is disrupted in Drosophila Scrib mutants, is largely unaffected. Notably, we find that Scrib mediates functions not attributed to other PCP proteins in the lung. Specifically, Scrib localises to both adherens and tight junctions of lung epithelia and knockdown of Scrib in lung explants and organotypic cultures leads to reduced cohesion of lung epithelial cells. Live imaging of Scrib knockdown lungs shows that Scrib does not affect bud bifurcation, as previously shown for the PCP protein Celsr1, but is required to maintain epithelial cohesion. To understand the mechanism leading to reduced cell–cell association, we show that Scrib associates with β-catenin in embryonic lung and the sub-cellular distribution of adherens and tight junction proteins is perturbed in mutant lung epithelia. Our data reveal that Scrib is required for normal lung epithelial organisation and lumen morphogenesis by maintaining cell–cell contacts. Thus we reveal novel and important roles for Scrib in lung development operating via the PCP pathway, and in regulating junctional complexes and cell cohesion.  相似文献   
Insect predators are exposed to the Cry1Ac toxin in Bt cotton fields through several pathways. In this study, we investigated the effects of activated Cry1Ac added to a diet on Cycloneda sanguinea (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), which is one of the main predators of non‐target pests in Brazilian cotton. Direct bitrophic exposure of C. sanguinea to Cry1Ac was done by feeding beetles with Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Hemiptera: Aphidae) sprayed with 500 μg per ml Cry1Ac solution. Larval and pupal survival, development time, aphid consumption, and adult longevity were recorded daily. Couples within the same experimental treatment were paired and numbers of eggs laid and hatched per female were recorded daily. Net replacement rate was calculated for each female. During development, a C. sanguinea larva consumed on average 1.8 μg of activated Cry1Ac. No significant differences due to Cry1Ac were observed for any of the response variables, except aphid consumption. Larvae receiving Cry1Ac consumed more aphids than larvae receiving distilled water alone. Additional statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate independence of responses, and for the independent responses, a simple meta‐analysis was conducted to test the null hypothesis that all responses were zero. Nearly all of the response variables were statistically independent. Two pairs of responses were not independent, but the associated multivariate tests were not significant. The meta‐analysis suggested that all effects were not different from random variation around zero and no cumulative effects could be detected. Our results indicated that bitrophic exposure to activated Cry1Ac is likely to have little or no adverse ecological effect on C. sanguinea.  相似文献   
To fulfill existing guidelines, applicants that aim to place their genetically modified (GM) insect‐resistant crop plants on the market are required to provide data from field experiments that address the potential impacts of the GM plants on nontarget organisms (NTO's). Such data may be based on varied experimental designs. The recent EFSA guidance document for environmental risk assessment (2010) does not provide clear and structured suggestions that address the statistics of field trials on effects on NTO's. This review examines existing practices in GM plant field testing such as the way of randomization, replication, and pseudoreplication. Emphasis is placed on the importance of design features used for the field trials in which effects on NTO's are assessed. The importance of statistical power and the positive and negative aspects of various statistical models are discussed. Equivalence and difference testing are compared, and the importance of checking the distribution of experimental data is stressed to decide on the selection of the proper statistical model. While for continuous data (e.g., pH and temperature) classical statistical approaches – for example, analysis of variance (ANOVA) – are appropriate, for discontinuous data (counts) only generalized linear models (GLM) are shown to be efficient. There is no golden rule as to which statistical test is the most appropriate for any experimental situation. In particular, in experiments in which block designs are used and covariates play a role GLMs should be used. Generic advice is offered that will help in both the setting up of field testing and the interpretation and data analysis of the data obtained in this testing. The combination of decision trees and a checklist for field trials, which are provided, will help in the interpretation of the statistical analyses of field trials and to assess whether such analyses were correctly applied.  相似文献   


The high affinity tyrosine kinase receptor, TrkB, is the primary receptor for brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and plays an important role in development, maintenance and plasticity of the striatal output medium size spiny neuron. The striatal BDNF/TrkB system is thereby implicated in many physiologic and pathophysiologic processes, the latter including mood disorders, addiction, and Huntington’s disease. We crossed a mouse harboring a transgene directing cre-recombinase expression primarily to postnatal, dorsal striatal medium spiny neurons, to a mouse containing a floxed TrkB allele (fB) mouse designed for deletion of TrkB to determine its role in the adult striatum.


We found that there were sexually dimorphic alterations in behaviors in response to stressful situations and drugs of abuse. Significant sex and/or genotype differences were found in the forced swim test of depression-like behaviors, anxiety-like behaviors on the elevated plus maze, and cocaine conditioned reward. Microarray analysis of dorsal striatum revealed significant dysregulation in individual and groups of genes that may contribute to the observed behavioral responses and in some cases, represent previously unidentified downstream targets of TrkB.


The data point to a set of behaviors and changes in gene expression following postnatal deletion of TrkB in the dorsal striatum distinct from those in other brain regions.
Recent debate about the role of food deserts in the United States (i.e., places that lack access to healthy foods) has prompted discussion on policies being enacted, including efforts that encourage the placement of full‐service supermarkets into food deserts. Other initiatives to address obesogenic neighborhood features include land use zoning and parks renovations. Yet, there is little evidence to demonstrate that such policies effect change. While we suspect most researchers and policymakers would agree that effective neighborhood change could be a powerful tool in combating obesity, we desperately need strong and sound evidence to guide decisions about where and how to invest.  相似文献   
IntroductionThe aim of the study was to analyse genetic architecture of RA by utilizing multiparametric statistical methods such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and redundancy analysis (RDA).MethodsA total of 1393 volunteers, 499 patients with RA and 894 healthy controls were included in the study. The presence of shared epitope (SE) in HLA-DRB1 and 11 SNPs (PTPN22 C/T (rs2476601), STAT4 G/T (rs7574865), CTLA4 A/G (rs3087243), TRAF1/C5 A/G (rs3761847), IRF5 T/C (rs10488631), TNFAIP3 C/T (rs5029937), AFF3 A/T (rs11676922), PADI4 C/T (rs2240340), CD28 T/C (rs1980422), CSK G/A (rs34933034) and FCGR3A A/C (rs396991), rheumatoid factor (RF), anti–citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) and clinical status was analysed using the LDA and RDA.ResultsHLA-DRB1, PTPN22, STAT4, IRF5 and PADI4 significantly discriminated between RA patients and healthy controls in LDA. The correlation between RA diagnosis and the explanatory variables in the model was 0.328 (Trace = 0.107; F = 13.715; P = 0.0002). The risk variants of IRF5 and CD28 genes were found to be common determinants for seropositivity in RDA, while positivity of RF alone was associated with the CTLA4 risk variant in heterozygous form. The correlation between serologic status and genetic determinants on the 1st ordinal axis was 0.468, and 0.145 on the 2nd one (Trace = 0.179; F = 6.135; P = 0.001). The risk alleles in AFF3 gene together with the presence of ACPA were associated with higher clinical severity of RA.ConclusionsThe association among multiple risk variants related to T cell receptor signalling with seropositivity may play an important role in distinct clinical phenotypes of RA. Our study demonstrates that multiparametric analyses represent a powerful tool for investigation of mutual relationships of potential risk factors in complex diseases such as RA.  相似文献   
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating disease causing indefinite fatigue. ME/CFS has long been hypothesised to have an infectious cause; however, no specific infectious agent has been identified. We used metagenomics to analyse the RNA from plasma samples from 25 individuals with ME/CFS and compare their microbial content to technical controls as well as three control groups: individuals with alternatively diagnosed chronic Lyme syndrome (N = 13), systemic lupus erythematosus (N = 11), and healthy controls (N = 25). We found that the majority of sequencing reads were removed during host subtraction, thus there was very low microbial RNA content in the plasma. The effects of sample batching and contamination during sample processing proved to outweigh the effects of study group on microbial RNA content, as the few differences in bacterial or viral RNA abundance we did observe between study groups were most likely caused by contamination and batch effects. Our results highlight the importance of including negative controls in all metagenomic analyses, since there was considerable overlap between bacterial content identified in study samples and control samples. For example, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteriodes were found in both study samples and plasma-free negative controls. Many of the taxonomic groups we saw in our plasma-free negative control samples have previously been associated with diseases, including ME/CFS, demonstrating how incorrect conclusions may arise if controls are not used and batch effects not accounted for.  相似文献   
Nurses account for approximately 50 % of total hospital budgets and their allocation to medical units and shifts can significantly affect the quality of care provided to patients. The adoption of flexible shift schedules and the assessment of actual nursing time can enable sensible resource planning, balancing the quality of care with efficiency in resource use. Starting from the concept that nurse requirements are triggered by patient needs, which are stochastic in nature both for clinical activities and their duration, this paper proposes an innovative Nurse Requirement Planning model grounded on the concept of the clinical pathway (the “standard” sequence of diagnostic, therapeutic and care activities a patient with certain pathology should undertake over time) with its inner routing probability and patient dependence on nurses, which can be correlated to the time needed to perform nursing tasks. In merging and modelling these two aspects, the method summarizes the best features of acuity-quality and timed-task/activity techniques, well known although not usually applied for reasons of demands on clinicians’ time. Instead, in this paper, for each shift of the day, hospital management is enabled to choose the optimal number of nurses to meet actual requirements according to a desired service level and personnel saturation by means of a tool that simulates the patient flow in a medical unit based on automatic data retrieval from hospital databases. The validation and verification of the proposal were undertaken in a stroke unit.  相似文献   
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