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In this paper we present a new method for evaluating soil and plant tests for phosphate (P). We apply it to field experiments conducted over 2 years in four widely separated tea gardens of the Terai and the Dooars regions at the Himalayan foothills of India. We applied 5 levels of P to each site and measured yield, P concentration in the leaves, and Bray P values through time. Leaf P concentrations were closely described by a 3-dimensional Mitscherlich equation in which one of the independent variables was the amount of P applied and the other was the initial Bray P value. From this, we calculated the relative effectiveness of the applied P and the Bray P. The effectiveness of the applied P relative to that measured by Bray P, ranged from 0.87 down to 0.55. We added values for applied P and Bray P, with appropriate weighting for relative effectiveness, to calculate an effective level of P for each treatment. The relation between yield and effective P was then closely described by a Mitscherlich equation modified to permit a different maximum for each site. These relationships were used to show that P requirement was greatest on the most productive sites and in the middle of the growing season when growth rates were largest. We also tested the relation between leaf P concentration and yield. Yield was linearly related to leaf P over a concentration range of about 3 to about 4 g P kg?1. The regression lines for different yield levels were close to parallel but with different intercepts. We propose that leaf P analysis could be used to monitor P status and that soil tests plus the values for relative effectiveness of applied P be used to estimate fertilizer requirement.  相似文献   

The three dimensional model of cold-adapted Alaskan psychrotroph Pseudomonas species (Strain B11-1) lipase has been constructed by homology modeling based on the crystal structure of acetyl esterase from Rhodococcus species and refined by molecular dynamics methods. Our model locates the substrate-binding cavity and further suggests that Ser-155, Asp-250, and His-280 are the members of the catalytic triad. Substrate specificity of the modeled lipase has been examined by docking experiments, which indicates that the ester of C6 fatty acid has the highest affinity for the enzyme. Our model also identifies the oxyanion hole that plays an important role in the stabilization of the tetrahedral intermediate during catalysis. Comparison of this cold-adapted lipase with the crystal structure of a thermophilic Bacillus stearothermophilus P1 lipase supported the assumption that cold-adapted enzymes have a more flexible three-dimensional structure than their thermophilic counterparts. The conformational flexibility of this modeled cold-adapted lipase at low temperature probably originates from a combination of factors compared to its thermophilic counterpart, i.e., lower number of salt bridges and cation-π interactions, increase in the non-polar surface area exposed to solvent. Our study may help in understanding the structural features of a cold- adapted lipase and can further be used in engineering lipase that can function at or near extreme temperatures with considerable biotechnological potential.  相似文献   


Parkinson''s Disease (PD) is one of the most prevailing neurodegenerative diseases. Improving diagnoses and treatments of this disease is essential, as currently there exists no cure for this disease. Microarray and proteomics data have revealed abnormal expression of several genes and proteins responsible for PD. Nevertheless, few studies have been reported involving PD-specific protein-protein interactions.


Microarray based gene expression data and protein-protein interaction (PPI) databases were combined to construct the PPI networks of differentially expressed (DE) genes in post mortem brain tissue samples of patients with Parkinson''s disease. Samples were collected from the substantia nigra and the frontal cerebral cortex. From the microarray data, two sets of DE genes were selected by 2-tailed t-tests and Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM), run separately to construct two Query-Query PPI (QQPPI) networks. Several topological properties of these networks were studied. Nodes with High Connectivity (hubs) and High Betweenness Low Connectivity (bottlenecks) were identified to be the most significant nodes of the networks. Three and four-cliques were identified in the QQPPI networks. These cliques contain most of the topologically significant nodes of the networks which form core functional modules consisting of tightly knitted sub-networks. Hitherto unreported 37 PD disease markers were identified based on their topological significance in the networks. Of these 37 markers, eight were significantly involved in the core functional modules and showed significant change in co-expression levels. Four (ARRB2, STX1A, TFRC and MARCKS) out of the 37 markers were found to be associated with several neurotransmitters including dopamine.


This study represents a novel investigation of the PPI networks for PD, a complex disease. 37 proteins identified in our study can be considered as PD network biomarkers. These network biomarkers may provide as potential therapeutic targets for PD applications development.  相似文献   
Das D  Cherbuin N  Tan X  Anstey KJ  Easteal S 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20177
Most individuals successfully maintain psychological well-being even when exposed to trauma or adversity. Emotional resilience or the ability to thrive in the face of adversity is determined by complex interactions between genetic makeup, previous exposure to stress, personality, coping style, availability of social support, etc. Recent studies have demonstrated that childhood trauma diminishes resilience in adults and affects mental health. The Dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) exon III variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism was reported to moderate the impact of adverse childhood environment on behaviour, mood and other health-related outcomes. In this study we investigated whether DRD4-exIII-VNTR genotype moderates the effect of childhood adversities (CA) on resilience. In a representative population sample (n = 1148) aged 30–34 years, we observed an interactive effect of DRD4 genotype and CA (β = 0.132; p = 0.003) on resilience despite no main effect of the genotype when effects of age, gender and education were controlled for. The 7-repeat allele appears to protect against the adverse effect of CA since the decline in resilience associated with increased adversity was evident only in individuals without the 7-repeat allele. Resilience was also significantly associated with approach-/avoidance-related personality measures (behavioural inhibition/activation system; BIS/BAS) measures and an interactive effect of DRD4-exIII-VNTR genotype and CA on BAS was observed. Hence it is possible that approach-related personality traits could be mediating the effect of the DRD4 gene and childhood environment interaction on resilience such that when stressors are present, the 7-repeat allele influences the development of personality in a way that provides protection against adverse outcomes.  相似文献   
Kundu S  Roy D 《Bioinformation》2010,4(7):326-330
The major birch pollen allergen, Betv1 of Betula verrucosa is the main causative agent of birch pollen allergy in humans. Betv1 is capable of binding several physiological ligands including fatty acids, flavones, cytokinins and sterols. Until now, no structural information from crystallography or NMR is available regarding binding mode of any of these ligands into the binding pocket of Betv1. In the present study thirteen ligands have been successfully docked into the hydrophobic cavity of Betv1 and binding free energies of the complexes have been calculated using AutoDock 3.0.5. A linear relationship with correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.6 is obtained between ΔG(b)s values plotted against their corresponding IC50 values. The complex formed between Betv1 and the best docking pose for each ligand has been optimized by molecular dynamics simulation. Here, we describe the ligand binding of Betv1, which provides insight into the biological function of this protein. This knowledge is required for structural alteration or inhibition of some of these ligands in order to modify the allergenic properties of this protein.  相似文献   
Despite discovery of the pathogen more than 100 years ago, tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a major killer disease worldwide. Currently a third of world population is infected and multiple-drug-resistant (mdr) TB registers maximum mortality by a single pathogen. Nanomedicine provides enormous opportunity for developing novel drugs. We have recently demonstrated surface-modified-lipophilic-nanosilica as drug to combat malaria and 100% lethal virus, BmNPV. Nanosilver possesses inherent antibacterial properties, but toxicity is a major concern. We hypothesized that capping with nature-inspired biomolecules, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and Poly-n-vinyl-pyrrolidone (PVP) used as blood volume extender, might insure biosafety. BSA-nano-Ag was found to be more stable than PVP-nano-Ag at physiological pH. In this first ever study on clinical isolates collected from TB endemic areas, we report, BSA-nano-Ag act as potent anti-TB drug. Further study with (human serum albumin)-nano-Ag and core-shell-nano-Ag could increase the biocompatibility of oral TB drug formulations without compromising on the efficacy of the drug.  相似文献   
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of the pathogenic protozoa Entamoeba histolytica (Eh) is a major glycolytic enzyme and an attractive drug target since this parasite lacks a functional citric acid cycle and is dependent solely on glycolysis for its energy requirements. The three-dimensional structure of dimeric EhGAPDH in complex with cofactor NAD(+) has been generated by homology modeling based on the crystal structure of human liver GAPDH. Our refined model indicates the presence of a parasite specific disulfide bond between two cysteine residues of adjacent monomers in the EhGAPDH dimer, which may be an important target for future drug design. Flexible docking with the substrate glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) shows that Cys151, His178, Thr210, and Arg233 are important residues in G3P binding. The inorganic phosphate-binding site of EhGAPDH has been determined by docking study. The binding mode of a natural GAPDH inhibitor, chalepin to EhGAPDH has also been predicted. In search for a better inhibitor for EhGADPH, in silico modification of chalepin has been carried out to form an additional specific polar interaction with Asp194 of EhGAPDH whose equivalent is Leu195 in human GAPDH. In the absence of a crystal structure, our study provides an early insight into the structure of major drug target EhGAPDH, thus, facilitating the inhibitor design.  相似文献   
Since 1976 many studies have been reported on the occurrence and functional significance of ecto-protein kinases in a variety of cell types although their precise biochemical identity is largely unknown. This study reports for the first time purification to apparent homogeneity of an ecto-protein kinase (ecto-CIK) and some of its characteristics using caprine sperm as the cell model. The ecto-CIK is a unique membrane-specific serine/threonine protein kinase. It is a strongly basic 115 kDa protein made up of two subunits: 63 and 55 kDa. The ecto-kinase undergoes a remarkable lateral movement on the outer cell surface culminating in capping on the sperm acrosomal tip. MPS, its major protein substrate is also located on the acrosomal tip. Both ecto CIK and MPS serve as potential regulators of flagellar motility. This novel enzyme appears to be major kinase responsible for the reported regulation of mammalian cellular functions by modulating phosphorylation of the membrane-bound proteins.  相似文献   
The Drosophila heart is composed of two cell types: cardioblasts (CB) and pericardial cells (PC). Whereas CBs act to maintain rhythmic contractions, the functions of accessory PCs are not clear. The close association between these two cell types has led to speculation of a cardio-regulatory role for PCs. However, we find that viability and cardiac function are normal in larvae following post-embryonic ablation of PCs by induced cell death. Removal of PCs during the larval instars or before metamorphosis results in viable and fertile adults. Interestingly, such animals have a reduced lifespan and increased sensitivity to toxic chemicals. Thus, although PCs may have an embryonic role in cardiogenesis, they do not appear to play a part later in cardiac function as suggested. However, the role of PCs in the uptake and sequestering of toxins, their sensitivity to toxic stress and the decreased lifespan of animals without PCs indicate the importance of PCs in organismal homeostasis. D.D. is supported by a CSIR-SPM fellowship. This work was funded by the JNCASR, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, and the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.  相似文献   
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