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J.E. Deacon 《CMAJ》1982,126(4):360
Five alternative cDNA clones were isolated for CD46, also known as the membrane cofactor protein (MCP) for the factor I-mediated cleavage of the complement convertases. One of these cDNA clones (a) was identical to an earlier MCP clone. The other four CD46 clones 3ontained the four NH2-terminanl short consensus repeat (SCR) units of MCP, but differed at the region encoding the carboxyl-terminal of the protein which includes an extracellular segment rich in Ser, Thr, and Pro residues, a hydrophobic membrane-spanning domain, and a 33 amino acid cytoplasmic tail. The different CD46 cDNAs have variously: (b) inserted a 93 base pair (bp) exon resulting in a new cytoplasmic tail of 26 amino acids; (c) deleted a 42 bp exon from the extracellular Ser/Thr rich region; (d) used a cryptic splice acceptor sequence to delete 37 bp from an exon encoding transmembrane sequence; or (e) failed to splice the intron after the four SCR units. These were shown by northern blot and polymerase chain reaction to arise by alternative splicing of CD46 RNA. Forms (a), (b), and (c) of CD46 RNA are common in placental RNA, but (d) was rare, and (e) was incompletely processed and therefore aberrant. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to map the sites of the intron/exon junctions and demonstrate further possible splice variants of CD46. The alternative RNAs for CD46 may correlate to the different isoforms of CD46 found in different tissues, tumors, and in serum.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M58050. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: D. F. J. Purcell.  相似文献   
Summary In comparative tests in a glasshouse, the cortex of oat and rye roots senesced more slowly than the cortex of wheat and barley roots. Of the cereals tested, wheat showed the most rapid rate of root cortical senescence, and the rate was unaffected by inoculation of leaves withErysiphe graminis. The results are discussed in relation to infection by root pathogens.  相似文献   
CD46, until recently known as HuLy-m5, is a non-lineage restricted surface antigen ubiquitously expressed by almost all human cells except erythrocytes. The CD46 antigen is identified by the E4.3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) and exists at the surface of human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) as two acidic, non-disulfide bonded chains, and , ofM r 66 000 and 56 000. Receptor density analysis showed that CD46 was of moderately low abundance on PBLs with 7.5×103 molecules present on each cell. The two chains of CD46 were purified (144 000-fold) by immunoaffinity-chromatography with E4.3 mAb from the plasma membranes of a human spleen infiltrated with chronic myelogenous leukemia cells. Amino acid sequence analysis of the NH2-terminal of both and chains yielded the same sequence; XEEPPQ/TFEAMELIGKPKPYYEIGE. Peptide mapping studies confirmed that both CD46 chains were closely related, except for one peptide fragment. This amino acid sequence is identical to that of the NH2-terminal of the recently cloned membrane co-factor protein (MCP), a membrane protein that binds the C3b and C4b fragments of complement and acts as a co-factor for I protein-mediated decay of the complement convertases. CD46 shares a cross-reactive epitope with some primate retroviruses, and this may indicate that some retroviruses mimic the mechanisms used by autologous human cells to evade complement-mediated immune clearance. Offprint requests to: I. F. C. McKenzie.  相似文献   
It has been reported recently that parts of the nucleotide sequences present in the 5′- and 3′-terminal regions of cytoplasmic mRNA are derived from double-stranded hairpin structures of heterogeneous nuclear RNA—a putative mRNA precursor (Naora, 1979). In order to explore the nature of double-stranded hairpin structures, using the sequencing data of human and rabbit globin mRNA and hen ovalbumin mRNA, we examined the following possibility: that certain regions of both the 5′- and 3′-terminal nucleotide sequences of mature mRNA were present in double-stranded hairpin structures covalently linked to both sides of the message sequence in the precursor mRNA molecule and that these double-stranded hairpin structures are similar to each other. The results support the above possibility by showing substantial similarity of nucleotide sequences between the 5′- and 3′-terminal regions of these mRNAs in terms of the formation of similar double-stranded hairpin structures.  相似文献   
Flavodoxins in combination with the flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactor play important roles for electron transport in prokaryotes. Here, novel insights into the FMN‐binding mechanism to flavodoxins‐4 were obtained from the NMR structures of the apo‐protein from Lactobacillus acidophilus (YP_193882.1) and comparison of its complex with FMN. Extensive reversible conformational changes were observed upon FMN binding and release. The NMR structure of the FMN complex is in agreement with the crystal structure (PDB ID: 3EDO ) and exhibits the characteristic flavodoxin fold, with a central five‐stranded parallel β–sheet and five α‐helices forming an α/β‐sandwich architecture. The structure differs from other flavoproteins in that helix α2 is oriented perpendicular to the β‐sheet and covers the FMN‐binding site. This helix reversibly unfolds upon removal of the FMN ligand, which represents a unique structural rearrangement among flavodoxins.  相似文献   
Mice are increasingly being used in behavioral neuroscience, largely replacing rats as the behaviorist''s animal of choice. Before aspects of behavior such as emotionality or cognition can be assessed, however, it is vital to determine whether the motor capabilities of e.g. a mutant or lesioned mouse allow such an assessment. Performance on a maze task requiring strength and coordination, such as the Morris water maze, might well be impaired in a mouse by motor, rather than cognitive, impairments, so it is essential to selectively dissect the latter from the former. For example, sensorimotor impairments caused by NMDA antagonists have been shown to impair water maze performance2. Motor coordination has traditionally been assessed in mice and rats by the rotarod test, in which the animal is placed on a horizontal rod that rotates about its long axis; the animal must walk forwards to remain upright and not fall off. Both set speed and accelerating versions of the rotarod are available.The other three tests described in this article (horizontal bar, static rods and parallel bars) all measure coordination on static apparatus. The horizontal bar also requires strength for adequate performance, particularly of the forelimbs as the mouse initially grips the bar just with the front paws. Adult rats do not perform well on tests such as the static rods and parallel bars (personal observations); they appear less well coordinated than mice. I have only tested male rats, however, and male mice seem generally less well coordinated than females. Mice appear to have a higher strength:weight ratio than rats; the Latin name, Mus musculus, seems entirely appropriate. The rotarod, the variations of the foot fault test12 or the Catwalk (Noldus)15 apparatus are generally used to assess motor coordination in rats.  相似文献   
Contemporary textbooks often define evolution in terms of the replication, mutation, and selective retention of DNA sequences, ignoring the contribution of the physical processes involved. In the closing line of The Origin of Species, however, Darwin recognized that natural selection depends on prior more basic living functions, which he merely described as life’s “several powers.” For Darwin these involved the organism’s capacity to maintain itself and to reproduce offspring that preserve its critical functional organization. In modern terms we have come to recognize that this involves the continual generation of complex organic molecules in complex configurations accomplished with the aid of persistent far-from-equilibrium chemical self-organizing and self-assembling processes. But reliable persistence and replication of these processes also requires constantly available constraints and boundary conditions. Organism autonomy further requires that these constraints and co-dependent dynamics are reciprocally produced, each by the other. In this paper I argue that the different constraint-amplifying dynamics of two or more self-organizing processes can be coupled so that they reciprocally generate each other’s critical supportive boundary conditions. This coupling is a higher-order constraint (which can be distributed among components or offloaded onto molecular structures) that effectively constitutes a sign vehicle “interpreted” by the synergistic dynamics of these co-dependent self-organizing process so that they reconstitute this same semiotic-dynamic relationship and its self-reconstituting potential in new substrates. This dynamical co-dependence constitutes Darwin’s “several powers” and is the basis of the biosemiosis that enables evolution.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic cells organize their cytoplasm by moving different organelles and macromolecular complexes along microtubules and actin filaments. These movements are powered by numerous motor proteins that must recognize their respective cargoes in order to function. Recently, several proteins that interact with motors have been identified by yeast two-hybrid and biochemical analyses, and their roles in transport are now being elucidated. In several cases, analysis of the binding partners helped to identify new transport pathways, new types of cargo, and transport regulated at the level of motor-cargo binding. We discuss here how different motors of the kinesin, dynein and myosin families recognize their cargo and how motor-cargo interactions are regulated.  相似文献   
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