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Plant phenology—the timing of cyclic or recurrent biological events in plants—offers insight into the ecology, evolution, and seasonality of plant‐mediated ecosystem processes. Traditionally studied phenologies are readily apparent, such as flowering events, germination timing, and season‐initiating budbreak. However, a broad range of phenologies that are fundamental to the ecology and evolution of plants, and to global biogeochemical cycles and climate change predictions, have been neglected because they are “cryptic”—that is, hidden from view (e.g., root production) or difficult to distinguish and interpret based on common measurements at typical scales of examination (e.g., leaf turnover in evergreen forests). We illustrate how capturing cryptic phenology can advance scientific understanding with two case studies: wood phenology in a deciduous forest of the northeastern USA and leaf phenology in tropical evergreen forests of Amazonia. Drawing on these case studies and other literature, we argue that conceptualizing and characterizing cryptic plant phenology is needed for understanding and accurate prediction at many scales from organisms to ecosystems. We recommend avenues of empirical and modeling research to accelerate discovery of cryptic phenological patterns, to understand their causes and consequences, and to represent these processes in terrestrial biosphere models.  相似文献   
玉石  李娟  张晓楠 《生物磁学》2009,(14):2616-2618,2644
目的:探讨九节龙皂苷对胶质瘤SHG-44细胞潜在的治疗作用及其机制。方法:用四基偶唑蓝(MTT)法检测5、7.5、10、12.5、15、20、40、80mg/L九节龙皂苷作用6、12、24、72h对人胶质瘤SHG-44细胞活性的影响和细胞流式术检测SGH-44细胞调亡情况;Hoeehst33258荧光染色法观察细胞形态的变化;琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测SHG-44细胞DNA的完整性。结果:九节龙皂苷明显抑制SHG-44细胞生长活性呈浓度-时间依赖性,并诱导细胞发生明显的凋亡,细胞核发生浓聚边集,DNA呈凋亡特异性“梯状”分布。结论:九节龙皂苷明显抑制SHG-44细胞的生长活性,能引起胶质瘤细胞大量凋亡,具有显著的抗肿瘤作用。  相似文献   
施旭骏  赵超  牛辰  高谦 《微生物学报》2016,56(9):1496-1503
【目的】通过分离海分枝杆菌野生株和mkl突变株的全菌蛋白,并进行差异蛋白质组分析,以期为探索分枝杆菌重要毒力基因mkl的功能提供新思路。【方法】以海分枝杆菌野生株和mkl突变株为研究材料,提取全菌蛋白,i TRAQ试剂标记后进行质谱鉴定和定量分析,并利用Uni Prot数据库对差异蛋白进行生物信息学分析。【结果】共鉴定出在野生株和mkl突变株中差异表达蛋白566个,其中在突变株中上调表达蛋白232个(比值≥1.4),下调表达蛋白334个(比值≤0.7)。生物信息学预测这些蛋白主要参与细菌脂质代谢、细胞壁和细胞进程、中间代谢、呼吸作用等生物学功能。其中Des A3下调最显著,其功能为脂肪酸去饱和酶,与油酸合成相关,进一步验证发现mkl突变株在不含油酸的固体培养基中生长受限,提示mkl可能在油酸的生物合成通路中发挥功能。【结论】通过i TRAQ分析了海分枝杆菌mkl突变株和野生株的差异表达蛋白谱,发现可能影响分枝杆菌油酸、脂质等合成代谢通路,为进一步研究mkl基因在分枝杆菌致病中发挥作用的相关机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   
NO对植物生长发育的调控机制   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
一氧化氮(NO)是具有生物活性和信号转导作用的易扩散分子,它不仅对植物的许多生命活动如种子萌发、叶片扩展、根系生长、逆境生理以及细胞的程序性死亡等具有直接的生理调节功能,而且作为防御反应中的关键信使.参与了植物对外界环境胁迫的应答。近期研究表明,NO与激素在调节植物的生理活动与信号转导方面有明显的协同作用,通过激素起作用可能是植物内源NO作用的机理之一。本文主要通过对NO的产生及其对生理活动的调节机制和在代谢中的信号转导作用等方面来阐述NO在植物生长发育中的作用。  相似文献   
S R Brunnert  S Shi  B Chang 《Genomics》1999,59(1):105-107
Dystrophic cardiac calcinosis (DCC) occurs in certain inbred strains of mice, including DBA/2 and C3H/He, and is generally found as an incidental lesion in adult animals at necropsy. Preliminary genetic studies into the cause of DCC have been performed in DBA/2 mice and suggest that DCC is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait involving three or four unlinked genes. To investigate the genetics of DCC further, we produced myocardial cell death by freeze-thaw injury to induce DCC. Experiments were conducted with three F1 hybrids made using three inbred strains of mice (DBA/2J and C3H/HeJ, DCC-susceptible strains; C57BL/6J, DCC-resistant strain) to compare the genetic factors in the development of DCC. We found that DBA/2 and C3H/He mice share the same gene pattern(s) that is responsible for DCC. We determined by backcross linkage analysis in DBA/2 and C57BL/6 mice that at least one recessive locus is responsible for DCC. A haplotype analysis of the backcross data demonstrated that the recessive locus, designated dyscalc1, is located on Chromosome 7, 20.5 cM distal to the centromere. The likely candidate genes for dyscalc1 are discussed. Further understanding of the structure and function of these mutant genes will be beneficial in explaining the molecular pathogenesis of DCC.  相似文献   
PTSD促进大鼠中缝背核细胞色素c表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的研究创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)大鼠中缝背核神经元细胞色素C(Cyt-c)的表达变化。方法应用无连续单一刺激(SPS)方法建立PTSD大鼠模型,随机分为SPS刺激后1d、4d、7d和对照组,应用酶组织化学法和RT-PCR方法观察中缝背核神经元Cyt-c的表达变化。结果光镜酶细胞化学法和RT-PCR法显示中缝背核神经元Cyt-c染色阳性细胞于SPS刺激后1d明显高于对照组,4d逐渐增高,并于7d达到高峰。电镜下显示Cyt-c阳性反应产物主要分布在中缝背核神经元线粒体膜,SPS刺激后可见Cyt-c释放到胞浆中。结论 SPS刺激引起Cyt-c在PTSD大鼠中缝背核神经元呈过表达。  相似文献   
杂交水稻及其“三系”线粒体DNA的AP—PCR指纹图谱   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
为了研究水稻(Oryza sativa L.)细胞质雄性不育(CMS)与线粒体基因组的关系,应用AP-PCR 分析,用7 个任意单引物对6 种水稻品系线粒体DNA 进行了扩增。水稻线粒体DNA 的AP-PCR 产物可分为三种类型:(1)所有供试品系均能扩增的片段,它们代表了线粒体DNA 在进化上的保守性序列。有4 个引物检测到这类片段。(2)2 个以上水稻品系共同出现而在全部供试材料间存在差异的扩增片段,这类片段是检测水稻线粒体DNA多态性的主要来源。(3)一种细胞质类型所特有的扩增片段,从引物R2 和V5 的扩增产物中发现了这类片段,它们可能与CMS有关联。另外,WA型不育系珍汕97A 与其杂种之间在6 个引物的扩增图谱上均存在不同程度的差异,说明两者的线粒体DNA序列结构可能存在某种差别  相似文献   
As an Old World nonhuman primate, baboons have been extensively used for research on dyslipidemia and atherogenesis. With increasing knowledge about the endothelium's role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis, the value of the baboon model can be increased by developing it for research on the role of dysfunctional endothelium in atherogenesis. Toward that goal, we have established and validated methods of isolating and culturing baboon femoral artery endothelial cells (BFAECs) and compared baboon endothelial cellular characteristics with those of humans. Our results indicated that baboon and human endothelial cells share similar growth and culture behaviors. As was the case for human endothelial cells, BFAECs responded to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α stimulation with increased expression of adhesion molecules (maximum increase for intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM): 1.76±0.26-fold; vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM): 1.65±0.25-fold; E-selectin: 2.86±0.57-fold). However, BFAECs were hyporesponsive to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (range, 0.25–20 μg/mL) in adhesion molecule expression, whereas 1 μg/mL LPS induced 2.14- to 3.71-fold increases in human endothelial cells. The differential responses to LPS were not related to TLR-2 and toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 expression on the cell surface. And baboon microvascular endothelial cells had similar features as BFAECs. We observed constitutive expression of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 in both human and baboon endothelial cells, and these cytokines were further induced by TNF-α and LPS. We also demonstrated that the responses to TNF-α or LPS varied among baboons maintained under the same dietary and environmental conditions, suggesting that response may be controlled by genetic factors.  相似文献   
Fuzzy reasoning was applied to control both ethanol and glucose concentrations in fed-batch cultures of baker's yeast. This fuzzy controller consisted of three membership functions (concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO), ethanol and glucose) and 18 production rules. Fuzzy inference was carried out by IF {A is a and B is b,...#x007D;, THEN {C is c} from the on-line measured concentrations of DO, ethanol and glucose. When medium concentrations of ethanol and glucose in fed-batch culture of baker's yeast were set at 2 g/l and 0.2 g/l, both ethanol and glucose concentrations were controlled at 2.67±0.35 g/l and 0.27±0.25 g/l, respectively, ethanol production was reduced from 26 g/l to 34 g/l, cell yield increased from 0.38 to 0.53 g dry cell/g consumed glucose and ethanol yield decreased from 0.50 to 0.14 g ethanol/g consumed glucose, respectively, as compared with those of the glucose only control at 0.2 g/l.  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important factors limiting plant productivity, and N fixation by legume species is an important source of N input into ecosystems. Meanwhile, N resorption from senescent plant tissues conserves nutrients taken up in the current season, which may alleviate ecosystem N limitation. N fixation was assessed by the 15N dilution technique in four types of alpine grasslands along the precipitation and soil nutrient gradients. The N resorption efficiency (NRE) was also measured in these alpine grasslands. The aboveground biomass in the alpine meadow was 4–6 times higher than in the alpine meadow steppe, alpine steppe, and alpine desert steppe. However, the proportion of legume species to community biomass in the alpine steppe and the alpine desert steppe was significantly higher than the proportion in the alpine meadow. N fixation by the legume plants in the alpine meadow was 0.236 g N/m2, which was significantly higher than N fixation in other alpine grasslands (0.041 to 0.089 g N/m2). The NRE in the alpine meadows was lower than in the other three alpine grasslands. Both the aboveground biomass and N fixation of the legume plants showed decreasing trends with the decline of precipitation and soil N gradients from east to west, while the NRE of alpine plants showed increasing trends along the gradients, which indicates that alpine plants enhance the NRE to adapt to the increasing droughts and nutrient‐poor environments. The opposite trends of N fixation and NRE along the precipitation and soil nutrient gradients indicate that alpine plants adapt to precipitation and soil nutrient limitation by promoting NRE (conservative nutrient use by alpine plants) rather than biological N fixation (open sources by legume plants) on the north Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
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