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Cyclic stretch of alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) can alter normal lung barrier function. Fibroblast growth factor-10 (FGF-10), an alveolar type II cell mitogen that is critical for lung development, may have a role in promoting AEC repair. We studied whether cyclic stretch induces AEC DNA damage and whether FGF-10 would be protective. Cyclic stretch (30 min of 30% strain amplitude and 30 cycles/min) caused AEC DNA strand break formation, as assessed by alkaline unwinding technique and DNA nucleosomal fragmentation. Pretreatment of AEC with FGF-10 (10 ng/ml) blocked stretch-induced DNA strand break formation and DNA fragmentation. FGF-10 activated AEC mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and MAPK inhibitors prevented FGF-10-induced AEC MAPK activation and abolished the protective effects of FGF-10 against stretch-induced DNA damage. In addition, a Grb2-SOS inhibitor (SH(3)b-p peptide), a RAS inhibitor (farnesyl transferase inhibitor 277), and a RAF-1 inhibitor (forskolin) each prevented FGF-10-induced extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 phosphorylation in AEC. Moreover, N17-A549 cells that express a RAS dominant/negative protein prevented the FGF-10-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation and RAS activation in AEC. We conclude that cyclic stretch causes AEC DNA damage and that FGF-10 attenuates these effects by mechanisms involving MAPK activation via the Grb2-SOS/Ras/RAF-1/ERK1/2 pathway.  相似文献   
The properties due to the location of neurons, synapses, and possibly even synaptic channels, in neuron networks are still unknown. Our preliminary results suggest that not only the interconnections but also the relative positions of the different elements in the network are of importance in the learning process in the cerebellar cortex. We have used neural field equations to investigate the mechanisms of learning in the hierarchical neural network. The numerical resolution of these equations reveals two important properties: (i) The hierarchical structure of this network has the expected effect on learning because the flow of information at the neuronal level is controlled by the heterosynaptic effect through the synaptic density-connectivity function, i.e. the action potential field variable is controlled by the synaptic efficacy field variable at different points of the neuron. (ii) The geometry of the system involves different velocities of propagation along different fibers, i.e. different delays between cells, and thus has a stabilizing effect on the dynamics, allowing the Purkinje output to reach a given value. The field model proposed should be useful in the study of the spatial properties of hierarchical biological systems.  相似文献   
Both proteolipid proteins (PLP) and DM-20 were found to be present by the immunoblot technique in myelin isolated from quaking mouse brain; however, the relative concentration of these proteins in myelin from quaking brain was substantially reduced when compared to the control. Brain slices from littermate control and quaking mice were incubated with [3H]palmitic acid to determine the incorporation of fatty acid into myelin proteolipid proteins. Fluorography of gels containing myelin proteins from control and quaking mice brain revealed that both PLP and DM-20 were acylated. The incorporation of [3H]palmitic acid into quaking myelin PLP and DM-20 was reduced by 75% and 20% respectively of those in control brain. The significance of differential acylation of quaking myelin PLP and DM-20 is discussed with respect to availability of non-acylated pools of proteolipid proteins and the activities of acylating enzymes.  相似文献   
Streptococcus suis is an important pig pathogen which is associated with respiratory problems, meningitis and less fre-quently with a variety of other conditions(Hommez et al. 1986). S. suis type 1 causes disease mainly in 1–2 week old pigs while serotype 2 is found commoaily in 2–22 week old pigs, S. suis type 2 is a zoonosis. It can cause meningitis and septicaemia in man (Christensen & Kronvall 1985). Several other serotypes of S. suis have also been identified on the basis of the capsular poly-saccharide (Perch et al. 1983, Hommez et al. 1986). We present a case where we isolated S. suis types 1 and 2 from the brain and lungs respectively of the same diseased suckling piglet. This i/s the first reported case of S. suis types 1 and 2 in Finland.  相似文献   
The immunoblot technique permits the visualization of proteins following their separation on acrylamide gels, transfer to cellulose nitrate sheets and subsequent staining with antiserum. We have utilized this technique to demonstrate the presence of four basic proteins in rat PNS myelin with molecular weights of 21K, 18K, 17K, and 14K. Similarly, we demonstrated the presence of two basic proteins in rabbit PNS myelin (molecular weights of 21K and 18K). Exposure of the immunostained cellulose nitrate strips to X-ray film revealed the phosphorylation of four and two basic proteins in rat and rabbit PNS myelin, respectively. These basic proteins were present in the CNS myelin of the two species and were also phosphorylated. Because of the sensitivity of the immunoblot technique, it was also possible for us to visualize the P2 protein in both rat and rabbit PNS myelin.  相似文献   
Summary The pineal gland in the possum is represented by a thickening in the wall of the pineal recess. A superficial pineal body and a pineal stalk are characteristically lacking.The ependyma related to the gland is specialized but differs markedly from the lining in other circumventricular organs in form and in surface morphology. Two distinct topographic zones have been recognized. In the middle is a mass of cells which form a prominent knobby-surfaced central zone. These cells are characterized by the absence of cilia, the paucity of microvilli and blebs and the presence of processes which overlap adjacent cells. A surface pattern formed of cell outlines was lacking. It is suggested that the central zone is lined by pinealocytes, supporting cells and the processes of both cell types. Most of the central zone is surrounded by an intermediate zone of variable width. The latter region has been observed to possess a circumventricular organ-type surface morphology. It is sparsely ciliated, almost totally covered by a carpet of microvilli and it exhibits a variety of surface specializations. Supraependymal cells and various transitory supraependymal cell processes are also present.Outside the specialized ependyma is the peripheral zone which like the regular ventricular lining is densely ciliated. Supraependymal processes are found among the clusters of cilia, or rarely, on the surface of the ciliary bed.Season and sex related differences in surface ultrastructure were not observed.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) generated in response to receptor stimulation play an important role in mediating cellular responses. We have examined the importance of reversible cysteine sulfenic acid formation in naive CD8(+) T cell activation and proliferation. We observed that, within minutes of T cell activation, naive CD8(+) T cells increased ROI levels in a manner dependent upon Ag concentration. Increased ROI resulted in elevated levels of cysteine sulfenic acid in the total proteome. Analysis of specific proteins revealed that the protein tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2, as well as actin, underwent increased sulfenic acid modification following stimulation. To examine the contribution of reversible cysteine sulfenic acid formation to T cell activation, increasing concentrations of 5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexanedione (dimedone), which covalently binds to cysteine sulfenic acid, were added to cultures. Subsequent experiments demonstrated that the reversible formation of cysteine sulfenic acid was critical for ERK1/2 phosphorylation, calcium flux, cell growth, and proliferation of naive CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells. We also found that TNF-alpha production by effector and memory CD8(+) T cells was more sensitive to the inhibition of reversible cysteine sulfenic acid formation than IFN-gamma. Together, these results demonstrate that reversible cysteine sulfenic acid formation is an important regulatory mechanism by which CD8(+) T cells are able to modulate signaling, proliferation, and function.  相似文献   
The concentration of the endogenous neurotoxin quinolinic acid (QA) is increased in the central nervous system of mice with herpes simplex encephalitis. We have previously shown that the antiherpetic agent acyclovir (AC) has the ability to reduce QA-induced neuronal damage in rat brain, by attenuating lipid peroxidation. The mechanism by which QA induces lipid peroxidation includes the enhancement of the iron (Fe)-mediated Fenton reaction and the generation of free radicals, such as the superoxide anion (O(2)(-)). Thus, the present study determined whether AC has the ability to reduce Fe(2+)-induced lipid peroxidation, O(2)(-) generation and QA-induced superoxide anion generation, and to bind free Fe. O(2)(-) and Fe(2+) are also cofactors of the enzymes, indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and 3-hydroxyanthranilate-3,4-dioxygenase (3-HAO) respectively. These enzymes catalyse steps in the biosynthesis of QA; thus, the effect of AC on their activity was also investigated. AC significantly attenuates Fe(2+)-induced lipid peroxidation and O(2)(-) generation. AC reduces O(2)(-) generation in the presence of QA and strongly binds Fe(2+) and Fe(3+). It also reduces the activity of both IDO and 3-HAO, which could be attributed to the superoxide anion scavenging and iron binding properties, respectively, of this drug.  相似文献   
Adipogenesis is a complex process that involves the differentiation of preadipocytes into mature adipocytes. We have developed two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems for the purpose of culturing and differentiating primary preadipocytes in vitro. Differentiating preadipocytes show multiple lipid droplet accumulation and comparable protein expression patterns to mature adipocytes in vivo. We report that in both in vitro systems terminally differentiated adipocytes show characteristics similar to those of mature adipocytes in vivo, assessed by the expression of the S100alpha/beta protein, insulin receptor and caveolin-1, and receptors for inflammatory mediators, namely tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptors I and II (TNFRI and TNFRII) and chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5). Our results demonstrate that the S100 protein, caveolin-1, and insulin receptor are expressed and up-regulated in differentiating and terminally differentiated cells. In addition, the receptors for TNFalpha are not present in preadipocytes but are expressed in differentiating preadipocytes and in differentiated adipocytes. Similarly, CCR5 was exclusively expressed in differentiating preadipocytes and terminally differentiated adipocytes, but not in preadipocytes. Both 2D and 3D culture models are highly robust and reproducible and offer the potential to study adipogenesis and cellular interactions closely resembling and comparable to those in vivo. Our 3D collagen system offers a distinct advantage over the 2D system in that the adipocytes remain confined within the matrix and remain intact during biochemical analysis. Moreover, the collagen matrix allows adipocytes to closely simulate morphological characteristics and behavior as in vivo whilst permitting manipulation of the microenvironment in vitro to study adipogenesis.  相似文献   
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