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Summary The unprecedented rate of depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer will likely lead to appreciable increases in the amount of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280–320 nm) reaching the earth's surface. In plants, photosynthetic reactions and nucleic acids in the mesophyll of leaves are deleteriously affected by UV-B. We used a fiber-optic microprobe to make direct measurements of the amount of UV-B reaching these potential targets in the mesophyll of intact foliage. A comparison of foliage from a diverse group of Rocky Mountain plants enabled us to assess whether the foliage of some plant life forms appeared more effective at screening UV-B radiation. The leaf epidermis of herbaceous dicots was particularly ineffective at attenuating UV-B; epidermal transmittance ranged from 18–41% and UV-B reached 40–145 m into the mesophyll or photosynthetic tissue. In contrast to herbaceous dicots, the epidermis of 1-year old conifer needles attenuated essentially all incident UV-B and virtually none of this radiation reached the mesophyll. Although the epidermal layer was appreciably thinner in older needles (7 y) at high elevations (Krumholtz), essentially all incident UV-B was attenuated by the epidermis in these needles. The same epidermal screening effectiveness was observed after removal of epicuticular waxes with chloroform. Leaves of woody dicots and grasses appeared intermediate between herbaceous dicots and conifers in their UV-B screening abilities with 3–12% of the incident UV-B reaching the mesophyll. These large differences in UV-B screening effectiveness suggest that certain plant life forms may be more predisposed than others to meet the challenge of higher UV-B levels resulting from stratospheric ozone depletion.  相似文献   
Chronic energy (calorie) intake restriction (CEIR) prolonged life, inhibited autoimmune disease, and influenced immunologic and hematologic parameters in NZB mice. Abnormalities in numbers and proportions of T and B cells populations were corrected. Deficient responses to phytomitogens, mixed lymphocyte reactions, formation of plaque-forming cells to sheep red blood cells in vitro, production of cytotoxic T lymphocytes after in vitro stimulation, and interleukin 2 production were also corrected. CEIR prevented the extreme splenomegaly that normally occurs with age in NZB mice. This influence was associated with reduction of a greatly expanded non-T, non-B lymphoid cell population. Calorie restriction also prevented in NZB mice the rapid decrease in total numbers of colony-forming B cells in bone marrow that is also characteristic of mice of this strain. The influences of CEIR on immune parameters and hematopoiesis were generally less marked in non-autoimmune-prone DBA/2 mice than in autoimmune-prone NZB mice. CEIR has been shown to produce profound influences on several strains of autoimmune-prone mice (NZB x NZW)F1, MRL/lpr, BXSB, and NZB herein). In each of these strains, the pathogenesis and manifestations of autoimmune disease are dissimilar. Therefore, it seems likely that calorie restriction acts on an as yet elusive mechanism that operates to foster development of the diseases associated with aging common to each of these autoimmune strains as well as autoimmune-resistant mice and rats. Further investigation of the molecular and cellular bases of the benefits of CEIR seems urgent.  相似文献   
Consensus sequences based on plurality rule   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We apply concepts of social choice theory, in particular those concerning median and plurality rules, to investigate the problem of finding a consensus of aligned molecular sequences. Our model of consensus permits consensus elements at each aligned position to denote ambiguity codes if several alternatives are equally-preferred candidates for consensus. Our results concern plurality rules which are median rules are characterized by the Condorcet properties, and are efficient to calculate. Our approach is axiomatic.  相似文献   
Praziquantel: The enigmatic antiparasitic   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Praziquantel (PZQ), a pyrazinoisoquinoline, was introduced as a novel anthelmintic in 1975. PZQ is currently the drug of choice for the treatment of a wide range of both veterinary and human trematode and cestode infections, including human schistosomiasis. Current estimates suggest that 150 million humans are infected with schistosomes, and it is expected that PZQ will play the lead role in chemotherapeutic control of those infections. Despite the time that has passed since its introduction and its obvious importance in global health care, it is not yet understood why PZQ is so selective and effective. The target molecules for PZQ have not been defined, nor are the sites of its effects within the parasites known. Here, Tim Day, James Bennett and Ralph Pax summarize some of the progress that has been made toward reaching these objectives in recent years.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to identify the embryonic stage when the zygotic genome begins to direct development and to characterize protein synthesis in pig oocytes and embryos. Reproductive tracts of gilts were flushed to obtain unfertilized oocytes (UFO), zygotes (Z), 2-, 4-, and 8-cell embryos, compact morulae (M), initial blastocysts (IB), blastocysts (B), and hatched blastocysts (HB). Pig eggs and embryos were cultured in medium containing 1 microM L-[35S]methionine and evaluated for amino acid uptake, incorporation of the radiolabel into protein, and qualitative changes in protein profiles specific to each cleavage stage. Unfertilized oocytes sequestered 65.7 fmol methionine/4 h/embryo. Uptake of methionine decreased (p less than 0.05) from the Z (49.4), 2-cell (41.8), and 4-cell (37.6) embryonic stages to the M (8.97 fmol/4 h/embryo) stage. This downward trend was reversed at the IB, B, and HB stages when uptake increased to 37.3, 50.3, and 84.2 fmol/4 h/embryo, respectively. Incorporation of methionine into protein followed a similar pattern, being relatively higher in the UFO (21.0), Z (20.5), and 2-cell stages (16.0); decreased (p less than 0.05) at the 4-cell (6.67), 8-cell (6.84), and M (6.16) stages; and increased (p less than 0.05) at the IB (28.0), B (41.5), and HB (69.6 fmol/4 h/embryo) stages. Differences in protein profiles were observed for UFO, Z, 4-cell, and M stages using lysates of single embryos, one-dimensional SDS-PAGE, and fluorography.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Treacher Collins syndrome is an autosomal dominant condition of bilateral craniofacial abnormalities of structures derived from the first and second branchial arches. A patient with severe manifestations of Treacher Collins syndrome and a de novo chromosomal deletion in region 4p15.32----p14 was identified. Anonymous DNA sequences of loci D4S18, D4S19, D4S20, D4S22, and D4S23 were mapped to the deleted region. DNA probes previously mapped to loci on chromosome 4p (D4S10, D4S15, D4S16, D4S26, D4S35, D4S95, D4S144, RAF1P1, QDPR, and HOX7) were not deleted in this patient. Linkage analysis between the D4S18, D4S23, and QDPR loci and Treacher Collins syndrome in eight families excluded the Treacher Collins syndrome locus from the region of the deletion.  相似文献   
Some degree of wetland loss characterizes most coastal systems of the United States. This loss is generally reported as a decrease in wetland area, but most coastal land loss entails wetland submergence and conversion to open water. This concurrent increase in the area of aquatic habitat decreases the wetland:open water ratio, effectively diluting the area of remaining wetland relative to the aquatic system. The functional loss of intertidal wetlands to the ecosystem associated with this dilution effect may significantly alter ecological functions dependent on the interactive coupling of wetland and aquatic habitats. The magnitude of functional loss is strongly dependent on the wetland:water ratio of an estuary. In estuaries with open bay-type morphologies, the open water area is already large and functional loss of wetland by additional dilution may be only slightly greater than the areal wetland loss. Where estuaries are wetland-dominated, however, conversion of even a small percentage of wetland to water drastically alters the wetland:water ratio. In these cases, functional losses by dilution are much greater than the rate of areal wetland loss.In the Barataria Basin estuary, Louisiana, between 1967 and 1987, 15.4% of the salt marsh was lost (assuming a loss rate of 0.8% y–1 of the remaining marsh). We estimated that this 15% loss of salt marsh, by conversion to open water, may have resulted in a 27% reduction in the supply of inorganic nutrients and organic matter to the estuarine water column by the marsh, simply due to the dilution effects of the changed wetland:open water ratio. Functional losses of this magnitude may have serious implications to the estuarine ecosystem where intertidal wetlands support aquatic productivity by exporting nutrients and energy or where intertidal wetlands buffer aquatic eutrophication by importing excess nutrients and organic matter. It is conceivable that an estuary characterized by wetland loss may reach a point where, although some wetland remains, its functional value to the ecosystem is essentially gone.  相似文献   
The x-ray structure of the EcoRI endonuclease-DNA complex (3) suggests that hydrogen bonds between amino acids, glutamic acid 144, arginine 145, and arginine 200, and major groove base moieties are the molecular determinants of specificity. We have investigated residue 144 using aspartate and glutamine substitutions introduced by site-directed mutagenesis. Substitution with glutamine results in a null phenotype (at least a 2000-fold reduction in activity). On the other hand, the aspartic acid mutant (ED144) retained in vivo activity. Substrate binding and catalytic studies were done with purified ED144 enzyme. The affinity of the ED144 enzyme for the canonical sequence 5'-GAATTC-3' is about 340-fold less than the wild-type (WT) enzyme, while its affinity for nonspecific DNA is about 50 times greater. The ED144 enzyme cleaves one strand in the EcoRI site in plasmid pBR322 with a kcat/Km similar to WT. In contrast to the WT enzyme, the ED144 enzyme dissociates after the first strand cleavage. Partitioning between cleavage and dissociation at the first and second cleavage steps for the ED144 enzyme is extremely salt-sensitive. The altered partitioning results largely from a destabilization of the enzyme-DNA complex, particularly the enzyme-nicked DNA complex, with only small changes in the respective cleavage rates. The hydrogen bonds of Glu-144 are critical, they appear to act cooperatively with other specificity contacts to stabilize the enzyme-DNA complex.  相似文献   
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