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The nocturnal stimulation of pineal melatonin synthesis and elevation of serum melatonin is known to be reduced in old age in several species. In Wistar rats the capacity of the beta-adrenoceptor to develop supersensitivity (increase in Bmax) during the light period of the diurnal light/dark cycle is lost during maturation (3-6 months) rather than old age. Further, the present study shows that neither the alpha 1- nor beta-adrenoceptor density of the pineal declines as rats age. Pineal hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activity does fall (17-55%) in rats after 18 months of age, but nocturnal pineal arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase activity is not significantly altered. Thus, from examination of these parameters across the life span of the rat, it seems likely that the reported reduction in serum melatonin in old animals is related to a reduced capacity of the pineal to synthesize melatonin, rather than an altered responsiveness of the gland to neural stimulation.  相似文献   
Erythropoietin is the major regulator of the proliferation and differentiation of erythroid precursors, but little is known about its molecular mechanism of action. Using a human erythroleukemic cell line (HEL), we investigated whether p21ras is involved in erythropoietin signal transduction. We found that stimulation of HEL cells with erythropoietin induces a 5-fold increase in the amount of GTP bound to the endogenous p21ras. This effect is dose-dependent and occurs very rapidly. We also observed that erythropoietin causes tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins in a time-dependent manner that correlates with the p21ras activation. Moreover, inhibition of tyrosine kinases by genistein totally prevents the erythropoietin-induced accumulation of a p21ras.GTP complex. By using an antiserum against the GTPase-activating protein, we found that p120GAP is rapidly phosphorylated in tyrosine in response to erythropoietin. Furthermore, the ability of a lysate from erythropoietin-stimulated HEL cells to induce in vitro hydrolysis of GTP bound to p21ras was strongly reduced. These results demonstrate that activation of p21ras is an early event in the erythropoietin signal transduction pathway, and they suggest that accumulation of the p21ras.GTP complex may be triggered by inhibition of GTPase-activating protein activity.  相似文献   
AnAdh duplication is described in the medflyCeratitis capitata. Evidence is presented for two separateAdh 1 andAdh 2 structural loci mapping at a distance of 0.49 recombination unit from each other. By deletion mapping theAdh region has been cytologically located near the free end of the left arm of the second chromosome within an area between 2C;3A segments of the polytene chromosome. The genetic analysis of the region aroundAdh has identified seven neighboring genes (Acon 1,Mpi, Est 6,Aox, Xdh, Mdh 2,Lsp I) which identify the linkage group D. The orientation of loci with regard to the centromere sets the origin of the map of the left arm of the second chromosome close to the twoAdh loci.Research supported by National Research Council of Italy, Special Project RAISA, Subproject N.2, Paper N.200. Grants from I.A.E.A. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria) and from European Communities Commission, Second R&D Programme Science and Technology for Development also contributed to this work.  相似文献   
Platelet membrane glycoprotein IIb-IIIa has been widely studied in the last years because of its role as an activation-dependent, adhesive protein receptor. Recently we demonstrated that occupancy of glycoprotein IIb-IIIa-receptor sites by specific ligands exerts an inhibitory effect on platelet responses induced by mild stimulation, leading us to suppose that this event may interact with activation pathways. Although the mechanisms of signal transduction in human platelets are not completely elucidated, the hypothesis that GTP-binding proteins are involved is generally accepted. Our results demonstrate that platelet ConA receptors, known to be located mainly on GP IIb-IIIa, are able to bind [35S]GTP gamma S; the GTP-binding activity is specific and is due to the association with the receptors of two G-proteins, with apparent molecular masses of 25 and 21 kDa, respectively. After the purification of GP IIb-IIIa, a glycoprotein complex electrophoretically pure was obtained that was still associated with a GTP-binding activity, migrating in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as a narrow band of about 21 kDa.  相似文献   
Evidence for two mechanisms by which tumor necrosis factor kills cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) can inhibit the differentiation of preadipocytes to adipocytes and will revert differentiated adipocytes to the preadipocyte state. TNF is not toxic to either adipocytes or preadipocytes when used alone but is highly toxic to these cells when used in conjunction with cycloheximide, yielding virtually 100% killing within 4-6 h of treatment. A cell line (TA1 R-6) was isolated which is resistant to the combined toxic effects of TNF and cycloheximide. This cell line is stable and, unlike the parental cell line, does not morphologically differentiate to adipocytes or express adipocyte-specific mRNAs. It has a more transformed appearance and growth pattern and, while resistant to the toxic effects of TNF and cycloheximide in a 6-h assay, has become sensitive to cytotoxicity induced by TNF used alone in a 3-day assay. The adipocyte differentiation-inducing agents, dexamethasone and indomethacin, block the cytotoxicity induced by TNF alone in the TA1 R-6 line but do not block the rapid cytotoxicity of TNF and cycloheximide in the parental line. These results provide both genetic and pharmacologic evidence that there are at least two distinct or overlapping pathways by which TNF mediates its effects.  相似文献   
Stimulation of human platelets with von Willebrand factor (vWF) induced the translocation of the small GTPases Rap1B and Rap2B to the cytoskeleton. This effect was specifically prevented by an anti-glycoprotein Ib monoclonal antibody or by the omission of stirring, but was not affected by the peptide RGDS, which antagonizes binding of adhesive proteins to platelet integrins. Association of Rap2B with the cytoskeleton was very rapid, while translocation of Rap1B occurred in a later phase of platelet activation and was totally inhibited by cytochalasin D. vWF also induced the rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins that was prevented by the tyrosine kinases inhibitor genistein and by cAMP-increasing agents. Under these conditions, also the association of Rap1B and Rap2B with the cytoskeleton was prevented. Translocation of Rap proteins to the cytoskeleton induced by vWF, but not by thrombin, was inhibited by a monoclonal antibody against the FcgammaII receptor. The same antibody inhibited vWF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of selected substrates with molecular masses of about 75, 95, and 150 kDa. Three of these substrates were identified as the tyrosine kinase pp72(syk), the phospholipase Cgamma2, and the inositol 5-phosphatase SHIP. Our results indicate that translocation of Rap1B and Rap2B to the cytoskeleton is regulated by tyrosine kinases and suggest a novel role for the FcgammaII receptor in the mechanism of platelet activation by vWF.  相似文献   
The primary objective of antiretroviral therapy is to suppress viral replication as soon as possible, as much as possible and for as long as possible, a concept so clearly emphasized by David Ho in 1995: "Treat HIV early and hard!". That, however, seems an ideal objective by a number of reasons, recently recognized as fundamental: unavailability of treatments able to eradicate the infection, difficulty to reach compliance to HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy), emergence of drug resistance and cross-resistance. (Cross)-resistance in particular has the potential both to waste future therapeutic options and to be transmitted during HIV infection. Therefore, HIV pharmacoresistance has to be considered one of the most challenging focal point in research on antiretroviral therapy. Understanding of causes, evolutionary patterns and consequences of resistance in terms of viroimmunological and clinical response appears inescapable to strategically plan and monitor treatment. Rather than to eradicate the infection with regimens more and more hard but more and more difficult to comply with, the realistic approach is to construct a strategic therapeutic itinerary tailored to the bio-psycho-social patient conditions and to the saving of therapeutic options. The latter means the rational sequencing of the drug employment for a long-term therapy, potentially life-long.  相似文献   
This study examined the role of protein phosphorylation in TNF induction of apoptosis in several tumor cell lines by testing the effects of agents that either stimulate or inhibit protein phosphorylation. The serine-threonine phosphatase inhibitors, okadaic acid (OKA) and calyculin A (CLA), synergistically augmented TNF-induced apoptosis in several TNF-sensitive tumor cell lines including the U937 histiocytic lymphoma, the BT-20 mammary carcinoma, and the LNCap prostatic tumor cell line. Furthermore, the phosphatase inhibitors completely reversed the TNF resistance of a variant (U9-TR) derived from U937. CLA also inhibited phosphatase activity in cell-free extracts from both U937 and U9-TR at the same concentrations (0.4–2.0 nM) that it synergized with TNF. In contrast, TNF treatment of U937 cells did not result in inhibition of phosphatase activity mediated by protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and PP2A in cell extracts. Since the phosphatase inhibitors are known to increase the overall levels of protein phosphorylation in cells, this suggested that TNF may act by stimulating protein kinase (PK) activity. This hypothesis was supported by the results of testing a panel of relatively specific protein kinase inhibitors. TNF activation of DNA fragmentation was blocked by a potent inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) but was unaffected by inhibitors of cAMP or cGMP-dependent PKs. We postulate that a defect in the activation of MLCK or possibly some other as yet unknown PK may be responsible for the TNF resistance of U9-TR. Furthermore, this resistance may be circumvented by promoting protein phosphorylation with the serine-threonine-dependent phosphatase inhibitors.  相似文献   
Treatment of human platelets with the lectin Concanavalin A (Con A) resulted in the tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins with molecular masses 65, 80, 85, 95, 120, 135, and 150 kDa. These proteins were divided in two groups: the first group included the 65-, 85-, 95-, and 120-kDa bands, which were tyrosine phosphorylated also in thrombin-stimulated platelets; the second group (80-, 135-, and 150-kDa bands) included proteins whose tyrosine phosphorylation was exclusively promoted by Con A, but not by thrombin. Members of the second group were rapidly dephosphorylated when the lectin was displaced from the cell surface by methyl α-D -mannopyranoside. Pretreatment of intact platelets with the prostacyclin analog iloprost, inhibited Con A-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the first group of proteins, but had no effect on the tyrosine phosphorylation of the proteins of the second group. Succinyl-Con A, a dimeric derivative of the lectin, which binds to the platelet surface but does not promote clustering of the receptor, did not induce tyrosine phosphorylation of the second group of proteins, although phosphorylation of some members of the first group was observed. Our results demonstrate the presence of two different mechanisms leading to protein-tyrosine phosphorylation in Con A-stimulated platelets, and identify a new signal transduction pathway, promoted by the clustering of membrane glycoproteins, that produces tyrosine phosphorylation of specific substrates. This new pathway may be activated by platelet interaction with multivalent ligands, such as adhesive proteins, during adhesion, spreading, and aggregation.  相似文献   
In order to understand how a cancer cell is functionally different from a normal cell it is necessary to assess the complex network of pathways involving gene regulation, signaling, and cell metabolism, and the alterations in its dynamics caused by the several different types of mutations leading to malignancy. Since the network is typically complex, with multiple connections between pathways and important feedback loops, it is crucial to represent it in the form of a computational model that can be used for a rigorous analysis. This is the approach of systems biology, made possible by new -omics data generation technologies. The goal of this review is to illustrate this approach and its utility for our understanding of cancer. After a discussion of recent progress using a network-centric approach, three case studies related to diagnostics, therapy, and drug development are presented in detail. They focus on breast cancer, B-cell lymphomas, and colorectal cancer. The discussion is centered on key mathematical and computational tools common to a systems biology approach.  相似文献   
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