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Mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy have been linked to cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we demonstrate that the mitochondrial division dynamin Drp1 and the Parkinson's disease‐associated E3 ubiquitin ligase parkin synergistically maintain the integrity of mitochondrial structure and function in mouse heart and brain. Mice lacking cardiac Drp1 exhibited lethal heart defects. In Drp1KO cardiomyocytes, mitochondria increased their connectivity, accumulated ubiquitinated proteins, and decreased their respiration. In contrast to the current views of the role of parkin in ubiquitination of mitochondrial proteins, mitochondrial ubiquitination was independent of parkin in Drp1KO hearts, and simultaneous loss of Drp1 and parkin worsened cardiac defects. Drp1 and parkin also play synergistic roles in neuronal mitochondrial homeostasis and survival. Mitochondrial degradation was further decreased by combination of Drp1 and parkin deficiency, compared with their single loss. Thus, the physiological importance of parkin in mitochondrial homeostasis is revealed in the absence of mitochondrial division in mammals.  相似文献   
The transmembrane (TM) domain of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-associated invariant chain (Ii) has long been implicated in both correct folding and function of the MHC class II complex. To function correctly, Ii must form a trimer, and the TM domain is one of the domains thought to stabilize the trimeric state. Specific mutations in the TM domain have been shown previously to disrupt MHC class II functions such as mature complex formation and antigen presentation, possibly due to disruption of Ii TM helix-helix interactions. Although this hypothesis has been reported several times in the literature, thus far no experimental measurements have been made to explore the relationship between TM domain structure and TM mutations that affect Ii function. We have applied biophysical and computational methods to study the folding and assembly of the Ii TM domain in isolation and find that the TM domain strongly self-associates. According to analytical ultracentrifugation analyses, the primary oligomeric state for this TM domain is a strongly associated trimer with a dissociation constant of approximately 120 nM in DPC micelles. We have also examined the effect of functionally important mutations of glutamine and threonine residues in the TM domain on its structure, providing results that now link the disruption of TM helix interactions to previously reported losses of Ii function.  相似文献   
For either clinical or research purposes, the timing of the nocturnal onset in production of the urinary melatonin metabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (UaMT6s-onset), has been proposed as a reliable and robust marker of circa-dian phase. However, given that most circadian rhythms show cycle-to-cycle variability, the statistical reliability of phase estimates obtained from a single study using UaMT6s-onset remains to be determined. Following 2 weeks of sleep diary and wrist actigraphy, 15 young, healthy good sleepers participated in four UaMT6s sampling sessions spaced 1 day apart. During the sampling sessions subjects remained indoors under low light conditions and hourly urine samples were collected from 19:00 to 02:00 h. Samples were subsequently assayed for UaMT6s using standard radioimmunographic techniques. UaMT6s-onset was determined by the time at which melatonin production exceeded the average of three proceeding trials by 100%. Sleep onset times were derived from sleep diary and actigraphic measures taken before the melatonin collection nights. We found that there was no significant variation between nights in group mean UaMT6s-onset times, and intraindividual variability was small. In addition, UaMT6s-onset times were highly and significantly correlated between nights (grand mean r = 0.804). Our results suggest that within 95% confidence interval limits, individual UaMT6s-onset estimates obtained from a single night UaMT6s-onset study can be used to predict subsequent UaMT6s-onset times within ±97 min. A close temporal relationship was also found between the timing of UaMT6s-onset and sleep onset. Overall, our results suggest that under entrained conditions single-session UaMT6s-onset studies can provide reliable individual UaMT6s-onset phase estimates and that the protocol described in this study is a practical and noninvasive methodology. (Chronobiology International, 13(6), 411-421, 1996)  相似文献   
Ligneous membranitis (LM) is a rare chronic inflammatory condition of the mucous membranes associated with plasminogen (encoded by PLG) deficiency in affected humans and dogs. In human, the condition is genetic in nature with numerous mutations and polymorphisms in PLG identified in affected individuals and related family members. The condition is uncommonly reported in dogs and, to date, no genetic studies have been performed. We identified related Scottish Terriers (littermates) with severe LM and unaffected relatives (sire, dam and a sibling from a previous litter). Plasma plasminogen activity was below normal in one affected dog but within normal reference intervals for the other. Sequencing of PLG from the affected dogs revealed a homozygous A>T single nucleotide polymorphism in an intron donor site (c.1256+2T>A). The related, unaffected dogs displayed heterozygous alleles at this position (c.1256+2T/A), whereas no mutation was detected in unaffected, non‐related control dogs. This is the first report to identify gene polymorphisms associated with LM in dogs.  相似文献   
Superinfection exclusion or homologous interference, a phenomenon in which a primary viral infection prevents a secondary infection with the same or closely related virus, has been observed commonly for viruses in various systems, including viruses of bacteria, plants, and animals. With plant viruses, homologous interference initially was used as a test of virus relatedness to define whether two virus isolates were “strains” of the same virus or represented different viruses, and subsequently purposeful infection with a mild isolate was implemented as a protective measure against isolates of the virus causing severe disease. In this study we examined superinfection exclusion of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), a positive-sense RNA closterovirus. Thirteen naturally occurring isolates of CTV representing five different virus strains and a set of isolates originated from virus constructs engineered based on an infectious cDNA clone of T36 isolate of CTV, including hybrids containing sequences from different isolates, were examined for their ability to prevent superinfection by another isolate of the virus. We show that superinfection exclusion occurred only between isolates of the same strain and not between isolates of different strains. When isolates of the same strain were used for sequential plant inoculation, the primary infection provided complete exclusion of the challenge isolate, whereas isolates from heterologous strains appeared to have no effect on replication, movement or systemic infection by the challenge virus. Surprisingly, substitution of extended cognate sequences from isolates of the T68 or T30 strains into T36 did not confer the ability of resulting hybrid viruses to exclude superinfection by those donor strains. Overall, these results do not appear to be explained by mechanisms proposed previously for other viruses. Moreover, these observations bring an understanding of some previously unexplained fundamental features of CTV biology and, most importantly, build a foundation for the strategy of selecting mild isolates that would efficiently exclude severe virus isolates as a practical means to control CTV diseases.Superinfection exclusion or homologous interference is a phenomenon in which a preexisting viral infection prevents a secondary infection with the same or a closely related virus, whereas infection by unrelated viruses can be unaffected. The phenomenon was first observed by McKinney (57, 58) between two genotypes of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and later with bacteriophages (21, 94). Since that time, the phenomenon has been observed often for viruses of animals (1, 13, 18, 34, 43, 47, 50, 85, 86-88, 102, 103) and plants (11, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 49, 77, 99, 100). In plant virology, homologous interference initially was used as a test of virus relatedness to define whether two virus isolates were “strains” of the same virus or represented different viruses (58, 77). Subsequently, it was developed into a management tool to reduce crop losses by purposely infecting plants with mild isolates of a virus to reduce infection and losses due to more severe isolates, which is referred to as “cross-protection” (reviewed in references 32 and 40).Homologous superinfection exclusion of animal viruses has been related to several mechanisms acting at various stages of the viral life cycle, including prevention of the incoming virus entry into cells (50, 86, 87), or inhibition of translation or interference with replication (1, 47, 50, 83). Several mechanisms have been postulated for homologous interference of plant viruses, including prevention of the disassembly of the challenge virus as it enters the cell resulting from the expression of the coat protein of the protector virus (67, 84; reviewed in reference 10) and induction of RNA silencing by the protector virus that leads to sequence-specific degradation of the challenge virus RNA (24, 69, 70). However, common mechanisms of superinfection exclusion, expected to be associated with the viruses of plants and animals, have not been elucidated.Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is the largest and most complex member of the Closteroviridae family, which contains viruses with mono-, bi-, and tripartite genomes transmitted by a range of insect vectors, including aphids, whiteflies, and mealybugs (3, 6, 19, 20, 46). CTV has long flexuous virions (2,000 nm by 10 to 12 nm) encapsidated by two coat proteins and a single-stranded RNA genome of ∼19.3 kb. The major coat protein (CP) covers ca. 97% of the genomic RNA, and the minor coat protein (CPm) completes encapsidation of the genome at its 5′ end (25, 81). The RNA genome of CTV encodes 12 open reading frames (ORFs) (44, 64) (Fig. (Fig.1).1). ORFs 1a and 1b are expressed from the genomic RNA and encode polyproteins required for virus replication. ORF 1a encodes a 349-kDa polyprotein containing two papainlike protease domains plus methyltransferaselike and helicaselike domains. Translation of the polyprotein is thought to occasionally continue through the polymerase-like domain (ORF 1b) by a +1 frameshift. Ten 3′-end ORFs are expressed by 3′-coterminal subgenomic RNAs (sgRNAs) (37, 45) and encode the following proteins: major (CP) and minor (CPm) coat proteins, p65 (HSP70 homolog), and p61 that are involved in assembly of virions (79); a hydrophobic p6 protein with a proposed role in virus movement (20, 89); p20 and p23, which along with CP are suppressors of RNA silencing (54); and p33, p13, and p18, whose functions remain unknown. Remarkably, citrus trees can be infected with mutants with three genes deleted: p33, p18, and p13 (89).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.(A) Schematic diagram of the genome organization of wild-type CTV (CTV9R) and its derivative CTV-BC5/GFP encoding GFP. The open boxes represent ORFs and their translation products. PRO, papainlike protease domain; MT, methyltransferase; HEL, helicase; RdRp, an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; HSP70h, HSP70 homolog; CPm, minor coat protein; CP, major coat protein; GFP, green fluorescent protein. Bent arrows indicate positions of BYV (BCP) or CTV CP (CCP) sgRNA controller elements. Inserted elements are shown in gray. (B) Scheme of the “superinfection exclusion assay.” Young Madam Vinous sweet orange trees were initially inoculated with one of 13 tested CTV isolates. When primary infections were established, the trees were subsequently challenged with CTV-BC5/GFP. All inoculations were done by grafting of the infected tissue into the stem of a tree. The positions of primary (Pri) and challenge (Chl) graft inoculations are shown. The ability of the challenge virus to superinfect trees was determined by visual observation of GFP fluorescence in phloem-associated cells on the internal surface of bark from a young flash starting at about 2 months upon challenge inoculation. Scale bar, 0.4 mm.The host range of CTV is limited to citrus in which the virus infects only phloem-associated cells. CTV consists of numerous isolates that have distinctive biological and genetic characteristics (38, 48, 56, 72, 74, 75, 95). Recently, a classification strategy for CTV isolates was proposed based on sequence similarity. Analysis of nearly 400 isolates in an international collection revealed five major CTV genotype groups with some isolates undefined (38). For the purposes of the present study, strains are defined as phylogenetically distinct lineages of CTV based upon analysis of nucleotide sequences of the 1a ORF (38). This region of the genome shows high genetic diversity between CTV variants, with levels of sequence identity ranging between 72.3 to 90.3% (38, 48, 52, 74, 75; M. Hilf, unpublished data). Using this definition, T3, T30, T36, VT, and T68 are designated as strains. Individual virus samples are designated as isolates of one of these strains. The ORF 1a nucleotide sequences of isolates of the T36 and T68 strains are equally dissimilar to isolates of the T3, T30, and VT strains, with identities of 72.9, 73, and 72.4% and 77.6, 77.9, and 76.8%, respectively. Identities of ORF 1a range from 89.4 to 90.3% between isolates of the T3, T30, and VT strains. Sequences of ORF1a of isolates belonging to the T36 strain and those from the T68 strain show 72.3% identity. This compares to a range of 89 to 94.8% identity found in the more conserved 3′-half regions of the genomes of isolates from different CTV strains. Each strain is named after a “type isolate” and is composed of isolates with minor sequence divergence (generally less than 5% throughout genome) from the type member. However, isolates of a strain may have significant variations in symptoms and symptoms severity. Remarkably, field trees harbor complex populations of CTV, which are often composed of mixtures of different strains and recombinants between these strains (36, 48, 52, 68, 75, 96, 101). The genetic basis of such frequent coexistence of different strains within the same tree is unknown.CTV causes economically important diseases of citrus worldwide. One of the most effective management tools has been cross-protection when effective protecting isolates could be found. Preinfection with mild isolates allows commercial production of sweet oranges and limes in Brazil (16) and Peru (9) and grapefruit in South Africa (92). However, identification of protecting isolates has been empirical, difficult, and rare. Cross-protection usually has worked only in certain varieties, and the lack of effective protecting isolates has prevented its use in many varieties and citrus growing areas (15, 41, 61, 73). In general, there has been no understanding why some mild isolates were effective and others failed to protect. Because CTV diseases prevail in citrus growing areas worldwide, elucidation of the mechanisms of exclusion of one CTV variant by another one is an important goal.In the present study we examined relationships between different genotypes of CTV in terms of their ability to prevent superinfection by another isolate of the virus. We show that superinfection exclusion occurred only between minor genetic variants of the same strain (sequence group) and not between isolates of different strains. When isolates of the same strain were used for sequential plant inoculation, the primary infection provided full exclusion of the challenge isolate. In all combinations of virus isolates belonging to different strains, the primary infection of plants with one strain had no noticeable effect on the establishment of the secondary infection. The results obtained here help elucidate some previously unexplained fundamental features of CTV biology and pose the possibility of an existence of a novel mechanism for superinfection exclusion between virus variants.  相似文献   
New strains with enhanced resistance to monensin were developed from Prevotella (Bacteroides) ruminicola subsp. ruminicola 23 and P. ruminicola subsp. brevis GA33 by stepwise exposure to increasing concentrations of monensin. The resulting resistant strains (23MR2 and GA33MR) could initiate growth in concentrations of monensin which were 4 to 40 times greater than those which inhibited the parental strains. Resistant strains also showed enhanced resistance to nigericin and combinations of monensin and nigericin but retained sensitivity to lasalocid. Glucose utilization in cultures of the monensin-sensitive strains (23 and GA33) and one monensin-resistant strain (23MR2) was retarded but not completely inhibited when logarithmic cultures were challenged with monensin (10 mg/liter). Monensin challenge of cultures of the two monensin-sensitive strains (23 and GA33) was characterized by 78 and 51% decreases in protein yield (milligrams of protein per mole of glucose utilized), respectively. Protein yields in cultures of resistant strain 23MR2 were decreased by only 21% following monensin challenge. Cell yields and rates of glucose utilization by resistant strains GA33MR were not decreased by challenge with 10 mg of monensin per liter. Resistant strains produced greater relative proportions of propionate and less acetate than the corresponding sensitive strains. The relative amounts of succinate produced were greater in cultures of strains 23, GA33, and 23MR2 following monensin challenge. However, only minor changes in end product formation were associate with monensin challenge of resistant strain GA33MR. These results suggest that monensin has significant effects on both the growth characteristics and metabolic activities of these predominant, gram-negative ruminal bacteria.  相似文献   
Tree Genetics & Genomes - Forest and woodland landscape restoration is a key undertaking of renewed interest for forestry and conservation practitioners, but is hampered by the lack of...  相似文献   
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